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Thread: [SWGEmu Event] First Galactic Home Showcase

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    [SWGEmu Event] First Galactic Home Showcase

    Finalizer - First Galactic Home Showcase


    The SWGEmu Events Division

    Decoration Event - First Galactic Home Showcase

    Starting Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 till Friday, June 23rd, 2023

    Winning Announcement: Friday June 30th, 2023

    Finalizer Server

    Come join the SWGEmu Staff for a fun event for those who make our homes shine with creativity.

    We are proud to announce the Galactic Home Showcase, a galaxy wide decoration contest where one and all can see, visit, and be amazed by the greatest and most creative homes across the galaxy! Our first instance of the Showcase will feature guest judge Mobyus1, as he will be assisting us in selecting the winners of this competition.

    The rules for this competition are the following:

    Entries must be submitted from the date of this message until Friday June 23rd , at which point the judges will evaluate the entries and announce the winners at Empire Day (06/26/2023)!

    Entries will be categorized by the size and style of the building. There will be three categories:
    -Small Tier, which includes all Small-style homes.
    -Mid Tier, which includes Medium- and Large-style homes.
    -Large Tier, which includes Cantinas, Hospitals, and Player Association Halls.

    Homes will be scoring by three judges through the following, Theming, Item Creativity, and Overall Aesthetic. Each judge will have awards 1-5 for each category for a total score from 3-15 per entries . Staff members are ineligible to enter.

    An award will be given for each category. We ask that you title your response with the designer or decorator who designed the interior of the home, a set of at least three screenshots, and the location of the structure (Planet and coordinates). Please make sure these houses are Public so that both the judges and other players can visit and enjoy your wonderful abodes.

    ~The SWGEmu Staff
    Last edited by Fastburn; 06-25-2023 at 04:29 AM.
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