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Thread: Coming Changes to BH/Jedi

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  1. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoUncool View Post
    Thanks for clarification. Is there any plan to *stop* the "gonna be logged in and AFK in my house forever" behavior? Even taking them off the terminals while they're in a private structure doesn't seem like that much of a great fix, tbh. It just rewards the behavior. Which, again, seems somewhat exploitative by using one game mechanic to bypass another.

    We definitely can see that perspective on that however there is no simple way around that. It is their private structure and part of SWG is players having their own housing they can make private. If some other potential alternative comes to light it could be something we look into. However all of these changes were really minimal on the dev side of things and lots of alternatives are not. We still need to maintain our current scope of development. I personally have put more time into this then I would have liked and it has taken away from other things I was working on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azkar View Post
    No I read the post pretty clearly...

    -The very beginning of the post mentions the removal/change of the anti-visibility policies.
    It states "We are going to remove and/or revise this policy". I am curious to see what it gets revised to. Since it could still benefit the Jedi heavily.

    -The end of the post says we are making so Jedi AFKing on Houses will not list on the terminals, so Bounty Hunters do not waste time hunting targets AFK in a house. They can log out and bleed visibility, they stay online in houses to troll Bounty Hunters.
    "So we are going to look to implement a method" to me this reads as "They will troll you until this gets implemented, which we do not know how long it will take to do so." I have no issues with the 2nd part, you are all volunteers and things take time. However if the fix for the afk doesn't go in at the same time as everything else, then it just is more time that Jedi troll BHs with the benefit of we can't even ignore the ones that we know are purposely trolls.

    -Jedi was not changed as it comes to group content? I am not sure where you have pulled that one from. They will still receive visibility from EVERY player and NPC that is not in their group.
    It states "With this change Jedi will not gain visibility from players that they are grouped with. However, they are still open to gain visibility from all other players and NPC's." So now it is just going to be full jedi groups doing end game content. I mean just being in a large party that isn't giving them Vis is just making them hone in on end game group content as the "correct" class to be. Sure they will get it from a NPC, but how much vis does a krayt dragon give? Or any number of other end game creatures.

    So your first point, you are irritated over speculation of something that has not happened yet. The not clearly states This has given Jedi an unbalanced amount of protection when it comes to their visibility.

    The second point, I do not know how long it will take but should be fairly simple. These are all simple changes or we would have not touched them at all. None of which are even live yet.

    Third point, without mathing it all out for you. Visibility will stack up really quickly if they are attacking a target and other players are around and last I knew the Krayt Graveyard has had various groups of players out there. Even if they stop attacking they will just die, cause healing and force run also give visibility.
    Last edited by Lolindir; 02-02-2022 at 03:30 PM. Reason: Double post
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