Quote Originally Posted by lordkator View Post
One of my concerns is that the people on the forums are not the bulk of people in the game.
Lots of people in the game, login, play, have fun, logout, live their lives, come back again later.
Only a small percent actually make it the forums. And we also have a lot of people in the forums who never play the game.
This imbalance makes communication here biased in a way that is not easy to correct for.

All this said as you may have noticed I've been trying to carve out more time for the community. All of us on staff know its important, however it is incredibly time consuming and challenging.

Perhaps we could start with the community voting on a couple questions (NOT IN THIS THREAD) and we can try to have a thoughtful answer to the top couple of questions on a weekly basis.
That's true, it does seem that individuals whom are more 'vocal' on the forum don't make up the entirety of the population playing/testing on SWGEmu servers... Even though there's a requirement to read forum threads before proceeding, someone can create an account and not even use the forums before logging in.

I think account creation/management systems definitely need a revamp since cRush initially wrote them, but of course just more work to detract from the end goal of a 14.1 SWG emulation. I know it's a lot to consider in all points fully, but Bas has been up for many years now, but it's kind of a decision on revamping registration processes to make things more uniform/concise with the user experience, or focus all efforts into making 1.0. Perhaps some sort of systems could be brainstormed on how to keep players more engaged with the forums and ask for their opinions on things. I feel like there's some kind of correlation between players that are swayed away from wanting to playtest on SWGEmu servers and what could be done about account management, such as further systems to help prevent multiple accounts, but that's another issue for another time.

I do want to say I appreciate all the outside answers you and other SWGEmu team members give on a constant basis about advanced questions on what you all have learned, such as compiling opinions. I think a rift between dev/team members of a project and a community, in a scope similar to what SWGEmu does is detrimental to the project as a whole, but of course you can only do so much for a community on what each member has on their plate inside and outside of SWG-related matters.

I feel that a weekly basis Q&A could be ideal, but maybe make it monthly instead, and pick & chose a few questions a team member could issue a response to in a monthly update based off questions submitted/screened due to time restraints (instead of weekly as suggested.)