Quote Originally Posted by flugel76 View Post
Well it doesn't really need a bunch of blind, gullible sycophants shilling for what appears to be a total failure of foresight and competence, either.

And you can't can't keep screaming "this is a free service", when this "free service" operates on donations made in good faith to maintain the hardware, and to prevent a catastrophic event such as a double hard drive failure from possibly happening. I mean, I could (and do) expect something like that from the smaller servers out there, but you can't deny that this one is a little (a lot) better funded than those.

Sure, it could be just an unhappy coincidence. But a wipe on the most competently-run and well-funded server within mere days of a wipe on not one, but two other of the biggest satellite EMU projects? Right on the very eve of the publish that everyone (including the thousands who haven't logged into Basilisk in years) has been eagerly awaiting? I'm sorry, but the odds of that being a coincidence are more than a trillion-to-one.

Like I said, I don't mind a wipe. But I do mind having smoke blown up my butt. And if it were just me feeling this right now, then yeah, I could understand being accused of being an entitled whiner. But it's not just me. Read all the comments, not just the ones that align with your narrative and argument. Something is fishy about this.

And as for the person who asked why I'm even commenting since I don't play on Basilisk, let me tell you something. I'm just as curious and interested about this project as you are, and just because you log in 2 toons and turn on /afk macros every day doesn't give you any more entitlement to post here than me or anyone else.
Go back and read your posts from the last 3 years and tell me why I should care about anything you have to say. Angry little man lol