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Thread: SWGEmu Publish 9 - "Secrets of the Force, Redux" loading screen competition

  1. #61
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    I dont know how to post pictures but this is cool art that makes me think of publish 9!

  2. #62
    Newbie Centrepoint's Avatar
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    Thank you Mobyus! The artwork is from the original concept work done by Ralph McQuarrie. I toyed around with some of the other stuff he did, but none of it really had much in the way of Jedi - other than Luke and Vader.
    Because we're supposed to be kind of inbetween Ep4 and 5 at this stage, it seemed the best match. If you can find something better suited, I'd be happy to slot it in and see how it looks, mate? Just let me know! If you have any in-game pics of a Force Sensitive in those learner robes, meditating near a shrine perhaps?
    Last edited by Centrepoint; 04-29-2017 at 08:25 AM.
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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Centrepoint View Post
    , but none of it really had much in the way of Jedi -

    If you can find something better suited, I'd be happy to slot it in and see how it looks,
    So, before i had noticed your post, i was sorta disappointed (i use that term loosely, not harshly) in this thread because i had really thought more people in our Community would've jumped at this contest. Then an *idea* occurred to me that i thought might spark a bit more creativity from everyone (an idea which You, Centrepoint, seemed to also be onto) ...

    Basically i was thinking: Why not mix the wonderous 'ancient' hand-drawn SW art of Mr. McQuarrie, with the still (imo) fascinating digital sights of SWG.

    And so, i started playing around with going in-game and trying to---pardon the pun---emulate a certain JEDI related drawing of Mr. McQuarrie's, thereby juxtaposing the past & the potential.

    Here was my first attempt, with overlay creds going to community-member Anach (since i'm terrible at modding and couldn't even figure out how to integrate my pic into the loadscreen template lol ) ...


    ....and, since i'm obviously NOT eligible for this contest, i was hoping to inspire a bit more creativity here.

    So, Centrepoint & anyone else: Feel free to copy the idea/concept or let it lead you to something different/better.

    regards, Nee

    p.s. I have a couple other attempts that might be pretty cool (and unique juxtapositions of Art & Game) but i'll wait until u guys start coming up with your own greater versions before i post mine again (if i do at all) . And if anyone needs any help on our TCNova in-game for your 'staging' or whatever, feel free to PM me.

    Remember: our COMMUNITY is still the BEST in history of MMO's, always & forever, no matter how long ago 2005 continues to be, nor how far away 1.0 "soon" might seem.

    btw Vlada: when you have a sec, can you plz make it so my IMAGE itself is actually posted in my post, rather than link (i can't remember how to do it, sorry)
    Last edited by Vlada; 05-01-2017 at 07:54 AM.

  4. #64
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    I tried to edit in the link you used, but get the messaged that its and invalid URL. Upload the picture to imgurl (or some other service that do the same), then just right click the picture and copy the image address, or copy it from the right side of the picture and place the link between [.img] [./img] (without the . though)

    Or, just use the

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  5. #65
    Newbie Centrepoint's Avatar
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    Really like what you did there, Nee. I'd be interested to see how that looks alongside the text/lore I wrote. Please don't consider this a criticism, but is there any chance you could change the FOV/Perspective to have the figures slightly closer to the "camera"?
    Again, I like the direction you took there
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  6. #66
    Newbie goldGalaxies's Avatar
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    I was planning to submit my entry once it was finished, but after reading nee2earth's post I figured I should post an in-progress pic to see what the community thinks.
    I am a trained artist but my painting skills are not up to par yet, so with the original posters as my inspiration I have been working on a picture that is more in the visual style
    that I have been working in lately. Obviously this art direction is vastly different from the typical SWG loader (and keep in mind mines not finished...), when done this would
    look more like a star wars comic cover than a screen-shot. If the community is interested I can respond to the pictures direction and symbolism.


    Let me know what you all think.

  7. #67
    Newbie Centrepoint's Avatar
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    Damn, Gold! You have some skills Looking forward to see the final product!

    (Is that a Luke's ROTJ-inspired sabre?)
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  8. #68
    Junior Member vayman's Avatar
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    Here is my entry. It was put together by me, using various Star Wars imagery. I wasn't sure the precise size, if any.

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  9. #69
    Member divlas's Avatar
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    I vote for CentrePoint!
    + the upper half of nee2earth inspirational picture.

  10. #70
    Addicted shilo's Avatar
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    I was hoping that we could have a writing competition, for the short blurb in the loading screen. I don't know how to use Photoshop, and I don't like copy and pasting existing images. My creativity flows best via writing, and I think you would have many more entries if you opened the competition up for creative writing also!

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  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by shilo View Post
    and I think you would have many more entries if you opened the competition up for creative writing also!
    As stated in Vlada's OP, the contest includes the text "lore" portion of the loadscreen as well.

    Perhaps, like divlas mentions above, some of you can team-up/pair-up and create an image + lore text combo entry.
    Last edited by nee2earth; 05-01-2017 at 04:33 PM.

  12. #72
    Junior Member vayman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nee2earth View Post
    As stated in Vlada's OP, the contest includes the text "lore" portion of the loadscreen as well.

    Perhaps, like divlas mentions above, some of you can team-up/pair-up and create an image + lore text combo entry.
    Ah, I knew I missed something. I'm missing on the lore. Is it supposed to also be in the format with the blue template?

    EDIT: So I quickly put it in the template. Just in case. And some quick lore. Just in case. I thought the image we submitted would just replace what was in the blue border. Ah well. Here you go:

    EDIT 2: Updated the colors and added Divlas' text. Modified the loading graphic area. I'm guessing that the loading pipes just float in over the graphic? I have my Photoshop file in case I'm wrong.

    EDIT 3: Updated the lore after getting the subtle hint about the time period. Now I'm thinking that even the imagery isn't good. I was really going for the Jedi vs. BH aspect.

    Last edited by vayman; 05-05-2017 at 02:22 PM.

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  13. #73
    Member divlas's Avatar
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    I like some parts of your text, but I feel it reveals too much at times.
    Concerning the picture, it feels out of phase and time. (/IPrefer CenterPoint + Nee2Earth)
    The picture there is too iconic, it reveals about everythings, it leaves no place to mystery on whats gonna happen. (there is a point to play with doubts in the textual part only if the picture does not clearly shows an answer)

    We are post Order 66. /agree
    The Emperor is a normal politician, just a bit old and freaky. /methink
    Most people never saw a Jedi, even during the time of the Old Republic. They were just a rumor outside of the Core Worlds. The Clone War brought an end to it, they became an old superstition.
    The Battle of Yavin took place, but the people are mostly ignorant to the way of the force. Educated people have crashed themselves on the propaganda. Few knows the complete Truth.

    Additional thoughts:
    We must mention the Guardian of the Wheels from Rogue One.
    We should take a lot of liberty from the live story ( the Dathomirian Old Man.)
    Last edited by divlas; 05-01-2017 at 09:42 PM.

  14. #74
    Member divlas's Avatar
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    Text: (inspiration from both wiki, Rogue 1 and Vayman, feel free to add or change things)

    "Who were they?"
    "The Guardians of the Whills. Protectors of the Temple of Kyber. But there’s nothing left to protect, so now they’re just causing trouble for everybody."
    Jyn Erso to Cassian Jeron Andor.

    Since Jedha was destroyed, people are gathering on the abandoned world of Dathomir where the secret of an old superstition have willed themselves to be discovered. Once more.
    Ever the Force permeated the Galaxy. Two sides, in constant struggle for dominance until the Empire rose and extinguished its fire.

  15. #75
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    As for the lore, maybe a text I wrote many years ago for my jedis bio could be used. Probably not, but worth a shot

    I'm walking in the shadows, a narrow path towards the light.
    It's hard to stay on the path... It's a maze!
    I'm left alone in this world. My master is gone, killed by the enemy.
    I feel the anger grow within me. I know it's wrong, but I can't help it!
    My mind is filled with..... Hate!
    I have a growing feeling inside of me... I feel... power! I feel the power growing.
    I can feel my hate and anger feeding it. The darker my mind is, the more powerful I feel.
    This isn't right! I know it's not right! I'm not in control anymore.
    The anger and hate controls me now...

    Master, I miss you, I need you in my darkest hour.
    I need your guidance and your wisdom....
    I'm in pain and lost. All I can feel, master, is revenge

    I'm sorry master, I have failed
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