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Thread: Clone Wars, The Exploit... Continuation

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  1. #1
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Clone Wars, The Exploit... Continuation

    Clone Wars, The Exploit... Update 1 - August 1, 2020

    August 2020
    The SWGEmu Team

    Clone Wars, The Exploit... Update 1 - August 1, 2020

    After the first announcement of this exploit, we’ve heard concerns from players about their items and resources. After internal discussions on how to proceed without harming our community even more than it already has been, we have decided to continue to follow our policy of deleting all duplicated (duped) items. We apologize for the time it took to let you know about this decision, but in implementing the fix we kept running into obstacles.

    Primarily we decided on this course of action because the way the objects were duped would cause server instability over the long term if left in-game.

    The second reason is when reviewing the duped objects themselves, we found very high concentrations of items in just a handful of accounts, those accounts are being investigated in more detail as we progress through the cleanup process.

    We have decided we will mark these items no-trade for 14 days before we delete them so players can review the items and potentially resolve issues with sellers of those items. Each character possessing a duped item has received an in-game email that lists what duped item(s) that character has, and therefore no longer can be traded and will be deleted in 14 days.

    Duped items we have identified from this exploit have been made No-Trade for 14 days before deletion.
    These items can't be moved off your character, not even to other characters on the same account.
    • If the item itself has been duped or crafted using duped components, it will be noted in the item description with the following, in red: "Staff have blocked this item from being traded."
    • If a duped ADK is applied to an item, the item will be marked as No Trade with the following description: "Staff have blocked the Anti Decay kit on this item from being traded." At the end of the 14 days, the ADK will be deleted leaving behind your item.
    The reason we have made two different notes is to differentiate them for players;
    • if only the item is blocked, you can delete the item and still trade your ADK afterwards.
    • If your ADK is blocked from trading, deleting the item it's attached to will still not let you trade the ADK.
    The investigation is on-going and we will ban more accounts as we identify them, if you have information that can help us identify players involved in real money transactions please contact our support team so we can continue cleaning up Basilisk and improving our tools for the 1.0 server.

    Again we would remind you that real money transactions for items or credits in game are a bannable offense according to our Terms of Service. However, if you did participate in a real money transaction we recommend you report the seller as having defrauded you via whatever payment method you used or through whatever way you found them. We will continue to investigate and if we identify your account as having participated in real money transactions before you come forward to us we will permanently ban your account.

    Thank you for your continued support and patience.

    ~The SWGEmu Team
    SWGEmu Admin

    SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.
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  2. #2
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    In the list below you can see all the duped items. What is on the banned accounts and what is on accounts that have not been banned. People has also been deleting items, therefor you will see some discrepancy between banned and active accounts.

    We are aware that there are edge cases that will create some issues in 14 days when we plan to delete the duped items. Like duped buildings and containers. We are looking into what we can do about issues like that. As stated, we don't wish to harm our community more than it already has been.

    Item Total Items Items on Banned Accounts Items on Active Accounts
    TOTALS ITEMS 60,129 54,004 6,125
    Nightsister Armor Shard 4,628 4,627 1
    Janta Blood 4,241 4,241 0
    Nightsister Armor Layer 4,044 4,014 30
    Travel Pack 3,148 3,086 62
    Anti Decay Kit 2,598 2,443 155
    Advanced Blaster Power Handler 2,513 2,510 3
    Minerals 1,831 1,823 8
    Geonosian Power Cube (Yellow) 1,498 1,498 0
    Precision Tuned Weapon Scope 1,346 1,339 7
    A Crate Of Free Resources 1,346 1,346 0
    Small Stimpack - E 1,318 1,122 196
    Clothing Attachment 1,271 1,269 2
    Advanced Composite Armor Segment 1,235 1,234 1
    Acklay Bones 1,108 1,108 0
    Nightsister Vibro Blade Unit 908 908 0
    Vasarian Brandy 647 403 244
    Armor Attachment 620 619 1
    Cure Poison Medpack Area - B 610 605 5
    Muzzle 593 551 42
    an Aurilian fruit 558 556 2
    Edible materials 535 535 0
    Generic Melee Weapon Kit 501 461 40
    Formfitting Undershirt 465 134 331
    Armor Upgrade Kit 367 361 6
    Geonosian Sword Core 358 357 1
    Garrmorl 349 221 128
    Rancor Tooth 345 345 0
    Advanced Blaster Rifle Barrel 339 339 0
    Advanced Weapon Stock 339 338 1
    Paramilitary Camos 337 52 285
    Form-fitted Weapon Stock 333 333 0
    T21 Rifle 311 203 108
    Cure Poison Medpack - B 310 261 49
    Blaster-rifle Barrel 303 303 0
    Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle 272 175 97
    Flame Suppression Blanket 265 231 34
    Protective Liquid Coating 249 245 4
    Binary Liquid 249 245 4
    Stone Knife 247 218 29
    Krayt Dragon Tissue 247 246 1
    Cure Disease Medpack Area - B 246 244 2
    Composite Armor Chest Plate 236 207 29
    Pantaloons 236 140 96
    Enhance Action Medpack - D 235 190 45
    High Caliber Projectile Pistol Barrel 234 234 0
    Enhance Health Medpack - D 228 190 38
    Composite Armor Boots 227 198 29
    Mandalorian Armor Helmet 226 223 3
    Enhance Quickness Medpack - D 220 193 27
    Enhance Constitution Medpack - D 219 189 30
    Enhance Strength Medpack - D 217 191 26
    Enhance Stamina Medpack - D 216 189 27
    Vagnerian Canape 216 194 22
    Spider Venom 210 210 0
    Leather Work Gloves 207 52 155
    Composite Armor Helmet 205 168 37
    Composite Armor Left Bracer 199 188 11
    Power Hammer 199 170 29
    Bounty Hunter Helmet 179 177 2
    Curved Sword 177 165 12
    DH17 Carbine 172 119 53
    Geonosian Power Cube (Red) 169 169 0
    Bivoli Tempari 167 125 42
    Deed for: Generic Planet Guild Hall 164 138 26
    Crafter's Pants 163 74 89
    Scatter Pistol 161 120 41
    Bounty Hunter Bicep Armor 155 155 0
    Padded Workpants 154 26 128
    Rancor Bile 152 151 1
    Enhance Poison Resist Medpack - C 149 142 7
    Enhance Disease Resist Medpack - C 148 142 6
    Havla 148 131 17
    Janta Hide 141 141 0
    Padded Armor Belt 140 13 127
    Deed for: Merchant Tent 140 28 112
    Inert chemicals 138 136 2
    Lawn Chair 136 136 0
    Reactive gases 136 136 0
    Personal Shield Generator Imperial Test Prototype 134 123 11
    Advanced Weapon Scope 131 131 0
    Spiced Tea 129 123 6
    Reinforced Combat Staff 128 126 2
    Hide 124 122 2
    Synthetic Cloth 123 66 57
    Laser Carbine 122 61 61
    Geonosian Tenloss DXR-6 Schematic 114 114 0
    Link-Steel Reinforced Gloves 111 43 68
    Vegeparsine 109 79 30
    Reinforced Fiber Panel 108 67 41
    Pikatta Pie 107 82 25
    Vibro Knuckler 106 97 9
    Citros Snow Cake 106 67 39
    Striped Slacks 106 35 71
    Power Core Unit 106 7 99
    Small Stimpack - B 106 53 53
    Deed for: Food Factory 106 33 73
    Flame Thrower 105 58 47
    D18 Pistol 103 56 47
    Weapon Upgrade Kit 102 92 10
    Smuggler's Delight 101 71 30
    DLT20 Rifle 99 48 51
    Advanced Blaster Pistol Barrel 99 99 0
    Bounty Hunter Boots 93 93 0
    Bounty Hunter Leg Armor 93 93 0
    Arakyd Probe Droid 93 88 5
    Precision Laser Knife 93 87 6
    Seeker Droid 92 88 4
    Leather Gloves 84 34 50
    Deed for: Large Naboo House 84 32 52
    Sunguard 82 22 60
    Deed for: Structure Factory 82 40 42
    Deed for: Large Tatooine House 81 19 62
    Exo-Protein Wafers 77 60 17
    Aakuan Ring 75 73 2
    Deed for: Large Generic Planet House 75 55 20
    Deed for: Large Generic Planet House (Style 2) 73 59 14
    Survival Knife 70 63 7
    Dead Aurilian Plant 67 67 0
    Two-handed Curved Sword 66 62 4
    Ahrisa 65 53 12
    Accarragm 65 44 21
    Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud 63 52 11
    Bounty Hunter Chest Plate 62 62 0
    Bounty Hunter Bracer Armor 62 62 0
    Corellian Brandy 62 39 23
    Mind Area Poison Delivery Unit - C 61 57 4
    Synthsteak 61 49 12
    Jawa Ion Rifle 61 52 9
    Deed for: High Efficiency Moisture Vaporator 60 2 58
    Molecular Clamp 59 35 24
    Spec-Ops Duster 59 13 46
    Snow Boots 58 18 40
    Deed for: Wearables Factory 57 7 50
    R.I.S Armor Helmet 54 52 2
    Veronian Berry Wine 54 48 6
    Republic Blaster 51 2 49
    Muon Gold 50 31 19
    Light Lightning Cannon 50 5 45
    Hot Pants 48 20 28
    DX2 Pistol 46 16 30
    Player Association Hall 45 17 28
    Desert Command Jacket 44 14 30
    Neutron Pixie 43 30 13
    Advanced Liquid Suspension 42 42 0
    Ithorian Mist 42 33 9
    Advanced Chemical Release Duration Mechanism 42 42 0
    Mind Poison Delivery Unit - C 41 37 4
    Advanced Biological Effect Controller 40 39 1
    Scythe Blade 36 34 2
    DLT20a Rifle 36 29 7
    Gaderiffi Baton 35 34 1
    Deed for: Fusion Power Generator 35 8 27
    Food and Chemical Factory 35 3 32
    Geonosian Sonic Blaster 34 13 21
    Deed for: Small Generic Planet House (Style 2, Floorplan 2) 33 6 27
    Cargo Pocket 32 32 0
    Women's Shoes 32 13 19
    Bounty Hunter Belt 31 31 0
    DH17 Pistol 31 4 27
    Merchant Tent 31 0 31
    Janta Knife 30 29 1
    Composite Armor Gloves 30 23 7
    Deed for: Tatooine Guild Hall 30 13 17
    Ryyk Blade 28 26 2
    Heavy Reinforced Jacket 28 9 19
    Deed for: Medium Generic Planet House (Style 2) 28 15 13
    Lined Shorts 27 15 12
    Deed for: Large Corellia House (Style 2) 26 8 18
    Mind Area Disease Delivery Unit - C 26 24 2
    DXR6 Carbine 26 3 23
    Pocketed Shorts 26 10 16
    Deed for: Tatooine City Hall 26 19 7
    DL44 Metal Pistol 26 4 22
    Advanced Solid Delivery Shell 25 25 0
    Large Headwrap 25 11 14
    Deed for: Equipment Factory 25 3 22
    Kiwik Clusjo Swirl 25 2 23
    Dagger 24 22 2
    Deed for: Large Corellia House 24 9 15
    Deed for: Corellia City Hall 24 16 8
    Deed for: Medium Corellia House 24 9 15
    Long Vibro Axe 23 21 2
    Quilted Pants 23 15 8
    Extremely Revealing Skirt 23 11 12
    Large General House 23 1 22
    E11 Rifle 22 10 12
    Launcher Pistol 22 3 19
    Deed for: Medium Generic Planet House 22 13 9
    Thin Striped Pants 22 3 19
    Stun Baton 21 19 2
    Nightsister Lance 21 20 1
    Kashyyykian Ceremonial Leggings 21 20 1
    Structure Storage Module 21 5 16
    Deed for: Medium Tatooine House 21 6 15
    Deed for: Small Tatooine House (Style 2) 20 12 8
    Wearables Factory 19 2 17
    Rugged Jacket 19 11 8
    Deed for: Naboo City Hall 19 14 5
    SG82 Rifle 18 14 4
    E11 Carbine 18 2 16
    Large Tatooine House 18 0 18
    Small General House 18 0 18
    Trim Lined Shirt 17 10 7
    Interwoven R. I. S. Armor Segment Schematic 16 16 0
    Large Naboo House 16 0 16
    Advanced Padded Armor Segment 15 15 0
    Warm Hat 15 10 5
    Reinforced Work Shirt 15 2 13
    Vibroblade 14 13 1
    Metal Staff 14 14 0
    Gurk King Hide 14 14 0
    Bespin Port 14 6 8
    Energy Distributor 14 4 10
    Tensile Resistance 14 8 6
    Ammo Bandolier 14 0 14
    Infiltrator Leggings 14 1 13
    Scout Blaster 14 2 12
    Two-handed Axe 13 13 0
    Giant Dune Kimogila Scales 13 13 0
    Spinner Blade 13 13 0
    Cask 13 13 0
    Alcohol 13 13 0
    Trim 13 13 0
    DH17 Short Carbine 13 1 12
    Mercenary Bandolier 13 8 5
    Rank Sash 13 0 13
    Medium Food Additive 12 12 0
    Deed for: Naboo Guild Hall 12 6 6
    Deed for: Medium Naboo House 12 6 6
    Ithorian Sentinel Helmet 12 4 8
    Structure Factory 12 0 12
    Woolamander Harrower Bone Fragment 11 11 0
    Broad-Spectrum Nutrients 11 11 0
    Wooly Jacket 11 8 3
    Deed for: Corellian Guild Hall 11 5 6
    Mandalorian Wine 11 4 7
    Large Corellian House 11 0 11
    Small Tatooine House 11 0 11
    Deed for: Small Naboo House (Style 2) 10 2 8
    Vibro Lance 9 9 0
    Alum Minerals 9 6 3
    Stun Protection Armor Layer 9 9 0
    Power Conditioner 9 4 5
    Laser Rifle 9 3 6
    Deed for: Tatooine Cantina 9 4 5
    Enhance Poison Resist Medpack - B 9 0 9
    Medium Corellian House 9 0 9
    Medium Tatooine House 9 0 9
    Small Naboo House 9 0 9
    CDEF Rifle 8 8 0
    Wood Staff 8 8 0
    Travel Ticket 8 4 4
    Advanced Resilience Compound 8 1 7
    Composite Armor Right Bicep 8 4 4
    Composite Armor Right Bracer 8 2 6
    Deed for: Corellia Cantina 8 2 6
    Deed for: Naboo Cantina 8 2 6
    Deed for: Heavy Mineral Mining Installation 8 1 7
    Enhance Disease Resist Medpack - B 8 0 8
    Heavy Axe 7 7 0
    Lance 7 7 0
    DL44 Pistol 7 5 2
    Deed for: Small Generic Planet House (Style 2) 7 5 2
    Deed for: Deep Crust Chemical Extractor 7 0 7
    Medium General House 7 0 7
    Cantina 7 0 7
    EE3 Carbine 6 0 6
    Lined Workshirt 6 0 6
    Health Poison Delivery Unit - C 5 5 0
    Interwoven R. I. S. Segment 5 5 0
    R.I.S. Armor Chest Plate 5 5 0
    CDEF Pistol 5 4 1
    Dough 5 5 0
    Heavy Food Additive 5 5 0
    Electronics GP Module 5 5 0
    Reinforced Pants 5 1 4
    Apron 5 1 4
    Deed for: Small Generic Planet House 5 3 2
    Ithorian Sentinel Boots 5 1 4
    City Hall 5 0 5
    Equipment Factory 5 0 5
    Fusion-Ion Generator 5 0 5
    Tantel Armor Segment 4 4 0
    Intelligent Nanonutrients 4 4 0
    Composite Armor Left Bicep 4 1 3
    Tantel Armor Helmet 4 2 2
    Deed for: Tatooine Hospital 4 2 2
    Deed for: Tatooine Cloning Facility 4 3 1
    Deed for: Small Naboo House 4 0 4
    Padded Armor Chest Plate 3 1 2
    Carbosyrup 3 3 0
    Micronutrient Supplement 3 3 0
    Wall Module 3 3 0
    Metal Fasteners 3 2 1
    Light Food Additive 3 3 0
    Advanced Projectile Pistol Barrel 3 1 2
    Grand Healer's Robe 3 0 3
    Composite Armor Pants 3 2 1
    Mabari Armorweave Chest Plate 3 0 3
    Ithorian Newsboy 3 0 3
    Deed for: Small Tatooine House 3 0 3
    Deed for: Naboo Hospital 3 0 3
    Mind Area Poison Delivery Unit - A 3 2 1
    Mind Area Poison Delivery Unit - B 3 2 1
    Ithorian Sentinel Guard (Right) 3 1 2
    Cure Poison Medpack - A 3 1 2
    Deed for: Corellia Bank 3 2 1
    Medium Naboo House 3 0 3
    Military Travel Pack 2 2 0
    Padded Armor Boots 2 2 0
    Padded Armor Left Bracer 2 2 0
    Generic Items Crate 2 2 0
    Bantha Butter 2 2 0
    Structural Module 2 2 0
    Soypro 2 2 0
    Generator Turbine 2 2 0
    Kinetic Protection Armor Layer 2 2 0
    Electronics Memory Module 2 2 0
    Deed for: Alliance Detachment HQ 2 2 0
    Doctor's Dress 2 0 2
    DE-10 Pistol 2 1 1
    Elite Carbine 2 0 2
    Deed for: Tatooine Bank 2 1 1
    Deed for: Tatooine Theater 2 2 0
    Deed for: Tatooine Garage 2 1 1
    Deed for: Corellia Cloning Facility 2 1 1
    Deed for: Corellia Garage 2 0 2
    Deed for: Corellia Hospital 2 1 1
    Deed for: Naboo Cloning Facility 2 0 2
    Deed for: Naboo Garage 2 1 1
    Deed for: Naboo Theater 2 1 1
    Sandals 2 0 2
    Tactical Skinsuit 2 1 1
    Tantel Armor Boots 2 0 2
    Tantel Armor Chest Plate 2 0 2
    Twi'lek Lekku Wrap 2 0 2
    Blinded State Medpack - A 2 2 0
    Sports Bustier 2 0 2
    Revealing Top 2 0 2
    Dress Slacks 2 0 2
    Ithorian Hemmed Skirt 2 0 2
    Ithorian Ceremonial Garb 2 0 2
    Grand Ball Gown 2 0 2
    Decorative Headdress 2 0 2
    Mind Poison Delivery Unit - B 2 2 0
    Willpower Area Disease Delivery Unit - C 2 0 2
    Health Area Poison Delivery Unit - C 2 0 2
    Action Area Poison Delivery Unit - C 2 0 2
    Deed for: Power Droid, Advanced Model 2 0 2
    Cure Disease Medpack - B 2 2 0
    Cure Disease Medpack - A 2 0 2
    Deed for: Tatooine Shaded Place (Garden) 2 0 2
    Cloning Facility 2 0 2
    Garden 2 0 2
    Hospital 2 0 2
    Deed for: Corellia Theater 1 1 0
    Deflector Shield Emitter Assembly 1 1 0
    Carbocaloric Eliminator 1 1 0
    Sweet Cake Mix 1 1 0
    Deflector Shield Generator - Particle 1 1 0
    Deflector Shield Projector Plate 1 1 0
    Deflector Shield Generator - Energy Ray 1 1 0
    Veghash 1 1 0
    Active Biosensors 1 1 0
    Padded Armor Left Bicep 1 1 0
    Padded Armor Right Bracer 1 1 0
    Padded Armor Gloves 1 1 0
    Action Poison Delivery Unit - C 1 1 0
    Padded Armor Right Bicep 1 1 0
    Sports Wrap 1 0 1
    Beam Rifle 1 0 1
    Enhanced E11 Carbine 1 0 1
    Decorative Vest 1 0 1
    Ithorian Technical Suit 1 0 1
    Wookiee Traveller's Helm 1 0 1
    Wookiee Sage's Hood 1 0 1
    Decorative Waist Wrap 1 0 1
    Sigiled Waist Wrap 1 0 1
    Deed for: Tatooine Shuttleport 1 1 0
    Deed for: Small Generic Planet House (Floorplan 2) 1 0 1
    Sturdy Boots 1 0 1
    Fighter Flightsuit 1 0 1
    Mabari Armorweave Helmet 1 0 1
    Mabari Armorweave Pants 1 0 1
    Intricate Dress 1 0 1
    Exquisite Gown 1 0 1
    Heavy Acid Rifle 1 1 0
    Transport Flightsuit 1 0 1
    Manufacturing Mechanism 1 1 0
    Dizzy State Stimpack - A 1 1 0
    Intimidated State Stimpack - A 1 1 0
    Ithorian Light Pullover 1 0 1
    Ithorian Fade Pattern Jacket 1 0 1
    Ithorian Camos 1 0 1
    Ithorian Fade Dyed Shirt 1 0 1
    Ithorian Knitted Shirt 1 0 1
    Strange Ithorian Pants 1 0 1
    Scout Jacket 1 0 1
    Wookiee Shoulder Pad 1 0 1
    Lekku Ys'rak 1 0 1
    Grand Twi'lek Headpiece 1 0 1
    Ithorian Racing Gear 1 1 0
    Dress Uniform Jacket 1 0 1
    Comfortable Slacks 1 0 1
    Longsleeve Shirt 1 0 1
    Cargo Vest 1 0 1
    Belted Jacket 1 0 1
    Ithorian Patterned Skirt 1 0 1
    Ithorian Fiery Shirt 1 0 1
    Ithorian Elder's Dress 1 0 1
    Ithorian Supported Shirt 1 0 1
    Ithorian Cargo Pants 1 0 1
    Mind Disease Delivery Unit - C 1 0 1
    Mind Poison Delivery Unit - A 1 1 0
    Constitution Area Disease Delivery Unit - C 1 0 1
    Focus Area Disease Delivery Unit - C 1 0 1
    Mind Area Disease Delivery Unit - B 1 0 1
    Quickness Area Disease Delivery Unit - C 1 0 1
    Stamina Area Disease Delivery Unit - C 1 0 1
    Strength Area Disease Delivery Unit - C 1 0 1
    Ithorian Sentinel Chest Plate 1 0 1
    Ithorian Sentinel Bracer (Left) 1 0 1
    Ithorian Nath-Nath Ball Outfit 1 1 0
    Ithorian Athletic Gear 1 1 0
    Infiltration Suit 1 1 0
    Multipocket Bandolier 1 0 1
    Cure Poison Medpack Area - A 1 1 0
    Deed for: Naboo Bank 1 0 1
    Deed for: Tatooine Arch Circle (Garden) 1 0 1
    Deed for: Tatooine Stones & Walls (Garden) 1 0 1
    Razor Cat 1 1 0
    Carrion Spat 1 0 1
    Padded Armor Leggings 1 0 1
    Kaadu 1 0 1
    Nightsister Energy Lance 1 0 1
    Deed for: MSE Droid 1 0 1
    Gurrcat 1 0 1
    Bol 1 1 0
    Deed for: Corellian Fountain Spire (Garden) 1 0 1
    Gurreck 1 0 1
    Bank 1 0 1
    Garage 1 0 1

    SWGEmu Admin

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolindir View Post
    In the list below you can see all the duped items. What is on the banned accounts and what is on accounts that have not been banned. People has also been deleting items, therefor you will see some discrepancy between banned and active accounts.
    original post from Lolindir...

  4. #4
    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Tyrson's Avatar
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    lol, I'm the only one with a duped garage! Haha, who the **** dupes a garage?

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrson View Post
    lol, I'm the only one with a duped garage! Haha, who the **** dupes a garage?
    I thought the same thing so I looked and it was components that were duped for that garage!

    Nothing like short-cutting your crafting to make an extra buck and to try and hide what you're doing.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Tyrson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordkator View Post
    I thought the same thing so I looked and it was components that were duped for that garage!

    Nothing like short-cutting your crafting to make an extra buck and to try and hide what you're doing.
    I've bought lots of other deeds from that guy though and none of those were duped. Also, why dupe components for a single garage, and not a factory run of garages? I'm sure you've considered this, but is it possible there are false positives?

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrson View Post
    I've bought lots of other deeds from that guy though and none of those were duped. Also, why dupe components for a single garage, and not a factory run of garages? I'm sure you've considered this, but is it possible there are false positives?
    I spent MONTHS on the code that identifies the dupes, it's 1300 lines of code and the overall system is 10,000 lines of code.

    I've checked it over and over, ran the code against TC-Prime and did literally 100's of spot checks.

    And yours particularly was interesting being 1 of all the other items so I looked at it, not a false positive, sorry.
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  9. #9
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    At some point I maybe I can do a video interview on this phase of the project.

    I know people are going to be very upset but to be clear the system found items that had been crafted from dupes too.

    The exploiters were duping components and then using those to craft or sucker others into crafting items. My guess is they assumed I couldn't join that data back to the items that were crafted. They were very wrong.

    If you have an item with an ADK on it when we delete the ADK the item WILL REMAIN please do not panic, that said it will no longer have an ADK!

    There are still many edge cases to action here, some people have cloned houses and other items that we need to carefully address.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordkator View Post
    I know people are going to be very upset but to be clear the system found items that had been crafted from dupes too.
    I hope not, personally I'm not upset; I lost 2 ADKs but I was expecting much worse to be honest. What I wasn't expecting was a message from someone letting me know that they got an email about a crate of Pikatta Pie I made for them a long time ago! I can't figure that out, maybe I bought duped milk or additives? Who know..

    Mostly I'm just confused looking at that list. If you sort it by the number of items on active accounts it's almost all clothes and food on the top of it!
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  11. #11
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    this list is hilarious to me

  12. #12
    Junior Member Tomahawk's Avatar
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    are all mails sent ? or do i have to check characters from time to time ?

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tomahawk View Post
    are all mails sent ? or do i have to check characters from time to time ?
    All emails for this phase are out.

    If you didn't get one then party on!
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  14. #14
    Junior Member Tomahawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordkator View Post
    All emails for this phase are out.

    If you didn't get one then party on!
    Thank you!

    So much code lol .. you should work for a gouverment

    **DUTY FREE SHOP** Mos Eisley 2600 -4530
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  15. #15
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    Sep 2011
    New York, NY
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tomahawk View Post
    Thank you!

    So much code lol .. you should work for a gouverment
    They can't pay me enough!
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