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Thread: [GES] The Great Naboo Kaadu Race & After Party! First Place Prize: a Jetpack!

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  1. #1
    Dedicated Darksmyth's Avatar
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    Cool [GES] The Great Naboo Kaadu Race & After Party! First Place Prize: a Jetpack!

    The Galactic Entertainers Society Presents...

    The Great Naboo Kaadu Race!

    Get your kaadu mount and join us for a race across Naboo! The prize for First Place is a Jetpack!

    Date: Saturday, March 18th, 2017
    Tentative Start Time: 5:30 PM EDT (+/- 90 mins. The race will start at dawn on Naboo. Will update the actual starting time closer to the event.)
    Starting Location: North Kaadara Beach, Naboo (5600, 6900)
    Everyone is welcome to race! Spectators are welcome to come cheer on the start of the race along Kaadara Beach!

    Join the GES Chat Channel to keep up with all of the race action in real time!


    Race Distance: Just under 48 kilometers.
    Race Duration: Just under 2 hours.

    First Place: A Jetpack and a Race Winner's Trophy!
    Second Place: A 1m Credit Prize and a Second Place Trophy!
    Third Place: A 500k Credit Prize and a Third Place Trophy!
    Fourth Place: A 250k Credit Prize and a Fourth Place Trophy!
    Fifth Place: A 100k Credit Prize and a Fifth Place Trophy!

    - Buffs will be provided for all Racers in the front section of the Kaadara Theater ("Guild Hall" on the map) which is on the way to the beach from the starport.
    - Just before the start of the race, all Racers will line up, on their kaadu mounts, on the Naboo 5600 Lat line on North Kaadara Beach. There will be a brief overview of the rules, and the Race Waypoints will be sent to any Racer who needs them. Just after sunrise, there will be a short countdown followed by a fireworks display signaling the start of the race. Any Racer who jumps the start will be asked to go back and tag up at the Start Line before continuing on.
    - The race course is laid out using a series of waypoints. Race Waypoints will have indicators (< and >) to let Racers know which side to pass the Race Waypoint on. Some Race Waypoints will have special instructions to follow.
    - If a Race Waypoint does not appear on screen, use the Race Waypoint location on the overhead map (ctrl-m).
    - Racers must travel, by kaadu mount and ONLY kaadu mount, to each Race Waypoint, in order, pass them on the correct side, and follow any noted instructions.
    - There will be a volunteer riding on a swoop with the lead pack as well as volunteers stationed at various Race Waypoints to make sure the course is being followed correctly.
    - Using speeders of any kind to cover race distance is prohibited. Burst running to cover race distance is prohibited. Using shuttles to cover race distance is prohibited. Cutting the course is prohibited. Any Racer found to be breaking these rules will be disqualified immediately.
    - There is a /gallop command that will make kaadu mounts run faster for a 2 minute period. After that, Racers will have to wait 10 minutes to be able to use it again. Racers may use the /gallop command whenever they like.
    - Any racer caught pack herding will be disqualified! Racers may only have one kaadu out at a time.
    - It is advised that all Racers be On Leave while participating in the event.
    - There are aggressive mobs along the course. It is the Racer's responsibility to either attack or avoid them. Kiting mobs into the path of competitors is a perfectly legal tactic.
    - If a Racer is slain while competing: 1) Create a new waypoint at the corpse location, 2) Clone at the nearest cloner, 3) Travel back to the corpse waypoint (ok to use shuttles/speeders), 4) Continue on with the race.
    - If a Racer's kaadu is slain while competing: Simply close and reopen the kaadu mount and continue on.
    - If a Racer gets stuck on the course (can't move, running in place): First try dismounting and remounting the kaadu. If that doesn't work, try storing and reopening the kaadu. If that doesn't work, try the /unstick command. If all else fails, try relogging. Once able to continue on, do so.
    - Glitches, disconnects, server lag, hiccups, rubberbanding, blinking, ghosting, etc happen and are all beyond our control. Deal with it the best you can and continue along. If something does happen, don't give up! You never know what might happen to others in front of you.
    - If the server crashes or is shut down for any reason before the completion of the race, the race will be rerun at the same time the following day, and so on until it is completed.
    - The race winner will be the first Racer to complete 100% of the race distance, passing every checkpoint, in order, and to cross the finish line, all while riding a kaadu mount.
    - In the event of a tie... If the tie is for first place, the tying kaadus will engage in a fight to the death until there is a single winner (There is only one jetpack so there can only be one winner!). Keep this in mind when purchasing your kaadu! If there is a tie for second to fifth place, the winnings will be split among the tying Racers.
    - There may be more added to this section...

    You can get the Race Waypoints in the following ways:
    1) Email Xaeni ingame and request a copy. He'll send you an email with all of the waypoints.
    2) The day of the race, they will be mailed out to anyone who needs them.
    3) Head to Naboo (very important!), copy the following text, paste it into your ingame chat box and hit enter:
    /waypoint 5600, 6900 Start - Stay N & E of WP; /waypoint 4800, 6900 01>; /waypoint 4800, 2700 02< Stay out of the ocean; /waypoint 2050 2800 02B<; /waypoint -300, 2850 03> Stay on berm thru Keren; /waypoint 1215, -1250 04>; /waypoint 5300, -1585 05< Cross over bridge; /waypoint 4025, -7150 06<; /waypoint 2400, -3900 07>;
    Then do the same for the following:
    /waypoint -1950, -5425 08<; /waypoint -6550, -3300 09<; /waypoint -5850, -100 10>; /waypoint -6150, 4325 11<; /waypoint -5500, 4840 12< Stay uptop on grass; /waypoint -4625, 4200 13< Stay uptop N of buildings; /waypoint -4700, 4025 14< Cross over bridge; /waypoint -4800, 4100 Finish Line!;
    If you don't know how to copy/paste ingame, do a search for setting keymaps.

    Important Note!
    If you are planning on buying yourself a kaadu deed from a Bio-Engineer, know that they will take about a week or so to grow to full size, and you will need a Creature Handler to train your mount for you if you do not have the skills to do it yourself. Creature Handlers can supply you with full sized, fully trained kaadu mounts if they have any available. Don't forget your racing suits and helmets!


    Kaadu Race Finish, Awards Ceremony, and GES After Party!

    Come cheer on the finish of the race, and stay for the GES After Party!

    Date: Saturday, March 18th, 2017
    Tentative Start Time: 7:30 PM EDT (+/- 90 mins. Depends on the race start time. Will update the actual starting time closer to the event.)
    Location: Entertainer's Courtyard - Theed, Naboo (4825 -4075, Just across from the race finish line.)
    Everyone is welcome to attend!

    The Awards Ceremony will begin shortly after the finish of the race, when all Racers in the Theed area have crossed the finish line.
    The GES After Party will officially begin with a fireworks show immediately after that.

    The colors for this event are Any Shade of Green, Yellow, and White. Please find your favorite tailor and dress to impress!
    You can bring your favorite character(s) or you can roll yourself an Entertainer/Dancer/Musician or two and join in on the fun!
    Feel free to bring friends and spread the word to others.
    There will be groups for Master Dancers & Musicians.
    Please leave your weapons and armor at home. Please be On Leave.

    Thank you all, we look forward to seeing you there!


    Special thanks to Flourish <FLO> & Brotherhood of Steel <BoS>. Their help and generosity made this event possible!
    Last edited by Darksmyth; 03-17-2017 at 02:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Darksmyth's Avatar
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    If you are looking for a Racing Kaadu Mount...
    Last edited by Darksmyth; 03-06-2017 at 09:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member rojo8401's Avatar
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    Sounds fun!. I will be there.

  4. #4
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    This is neat and great prizes!!
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  5. #5
    Newbie XeoWolf's Avatar
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    Awesome Idea, and very well put together!

  6. #6
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    not nearly enough replies to this!

    WTB kaadu mount

    WTB yellow hot pants.

    it is on!

  7. #7
    Dedicated Questor Zarnac's Avatar
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    out there
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    1h last 30d
    Most daunting, 108 minutes my first run, it is attire optional ?

  8. #8
    Dedicated Darksmyth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Questor Zarnac View Post
    Most daunting, 108 minutes my first run, it is attire optional ?
    That's 2 mins quicker than my last run!
    You can wear whatever you like.

    (PS: Thanks for making such great guns, I love all of mine!)

  9. #9
    SWGEmu Retired Community Relations bigevil's Avatar
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    Jesus guys are gonna make me practice a two hour race.....................
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  10. #10
    Dedicated Darksmyth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigevil View Post
    Jesus guys are gonna make me practice a two hour race.....................
    I don't even want to talk about how many times I've done it! Had to get it timed just right so it would start at sunrise on the beach in Kaadara, and end in Theed with a glorious sunset. Plus all the little sights and POIs along the way, and getting trajectories correct, and... oh, it's fun, just give it a whirl! Send me a shout ingame if you like, I'll go and run it again with you.

  11. #11

  12. #12
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    Wish I could attend but I will be busy on this day . If anyone is in need of a Kaadu, lemme know. I hunt on Naboo a lot so I see them all the time and can grab as many as needed.

  13. #13
    Dedicated Darksmyth's Avatar
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    My most sincere apologies to anyone who tried to read this using the "default" forum skin. It should be much better now!

  14. #14
    Newbie seph's Avatar
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    If anyone wants to place bets, put them on the mohawked idiot riding ChickenDinner. I plan to take the jetpack and the trophy!
    Jephin :: Jephi :: Jephh <CaH>
    Jeph <-N->
    Seph <-SR-> :: Ahazi

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by seph View Post
    I plan to take the jetpack and the trophy!
    wait, wut?

    there's a trophy. this sh!t just got serious...

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