SWGEmu Launchpad Install Guide
Posted: November 2013, Updated: February 2020
SWGEmu Staff
Posted: November 2013, Updated: February 2020
SWGEmu Staff
Table of contents:
- Step 1 - Acquiring Sony's Star Wars Galaxies Installation Media
- Step 2 - Installing Star Wars Galaxies
- Step 3 - Download and install SWGEmu Launchpad
- Step 4 - SWGEmu Launchpad installing your SWGEmu game client
- Step 5 - SWGEmu game client installed, time for settings
- Step 6 - Running the SWGEmu game client from SWGEmu Launchpad
- Step 7 - Allowing Multiple Instances (this does not mean multiple accounts) for multiple accounts please see this thread
- Step 8 - SWGEmu Launchpad buttons and options
SWGEmu Launchpad install guide
Step 1 - Acquiring Sony's Star Wars Galaxies Installation Media
To setup SWGEmu, you will need an ORIGINAL Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) client, yes ORIGINAL Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) client. You can not use 14 day trial client or any other trial client, you can not use client obtained through torrent or warez sites. So if you don't own an original client, SOE's digital copy or original CD's, get yourself one. You can buy original CD's cheap on e-bay or amazon.com. There are quite a few versions that have been released over the years and any version of SWG will work.

Now that you have your ORIGINAL Star Wars Galaxies client you can begin your SWGEmu setup.
Step 2 - Installing Star Wars Galaxies
Install the SWG game client onto your computer following the installation wizard instructions (default location is usually C:\Program Files\StarWarsGalaxies).

Look of the Setup wizard may vary, but installation process is still the same.

Since the original SWG game no longer exists, there is no need to start the SWG game client when the install process is finished.
Step 3 - Download and install SWGEmu Launchpad
You can download our SWGEmu launchpad installer here.
For linux: https://launchpad2.net/SWGEmuLaunchpa..._x86_64.tar.gz
You need the qt 5.1.1 libs for gcc, download them from: http://qtmirror.ics.com/pub/qtprojec..._64-online.run
NOTE: this is a native ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 compiled binary, don't run it under wine.

Setup.exe is downloaded and now it is time to install SWGEmu Launchpad. Run Setup.exe.
PLEASE NOTE: SWGEmu Launchpad requires Visual C++ 2010 to be installed. Most new operating systems already have it instilled, but if you get a:
"This program can't start because MSVCP 100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
error i means that you don't have Visual C++ 2010 installed and you need to install it before you can proceed with SWGEmu launchpad install.
You can download The latest supported Visual C++ download here.
Remember, you should do this step only if you get that error.

When the install process is near the end, it will give you the option to run the SWGEmu Launchpad or you can uncheck that option, close the installer and run SWGEmu Launchpad using the shortcut that was placed on your desktop.

Step 4 - SWGEmu Launchpad installing your SWGEmu game client
The first time the SWGEmu launchpad starts it will ask you to direct to your original SWG game client location (default location is in Program Files for x86 systems or in Program Files (x86) for x64 systems).
NOTE: If this doesn't happen and Launchpad just starts and nothing else you will have to go to Settings

If this is a "fresh" install and you don't have an existing SWGEmu folder, chose Install from SWG option

After that is complete you will then be asked to select where you want your new SWGEmu game client installed...

Then SWGEmu launchpad will create a new SWGEmu folder and then copy the necessary files form the original SWG game client and download missing ones (best to put that in a folder separate from Launchpad and/or Original SWG. Example C:\Program Files x86\SWGEmu\SWGEmu Game Client).

When SWGEmu game client install process is done, SWGEmu Launcher will scan the client for missing or corrupt files.

If for some reason you need to reinstall Launchpad or fix your SWGEmu game client, go to Settings and instead of Install from SWG, chose Options

And then locate your SWGEmu Game Client folder.

Step 5[/B] - SWGEmu game client installed, time for settings[/COLOR]
Once everything is installed and scanned, SWGEmu Launchpad will run Game settings.

First thing you have to do is select a desired game screen resolution.
(Those that still use nVidia 8800GT/GTX, 9600GT/GTX and 9800GT/GTX video cards please remember to change your Vertex/Pixel Shader Version to 1.4)

You can also select to play in windowed mode. Windowed mode can be borderless.

There are also few other useful options and optimizations you can use or change in there, they can decrease your loading times and speed up your game client a bit.

Make sure that audio is not disabled.

Step 6 - Running the SWGEmu game client from SWGEmu Launchpad
You can run the SWGEmu game client by pressing simply pressing the Start button.

Step 7 - Allowing Multiple Instances

All you have to do is check the box and Multiple instances will be enabled. Next time just press the Start button to run the second instance of your SWGEmu game client.

Step 8 - SWGEmu Launchpad buttons and options
♦ News button will open a window at the bottom of the launcher which will enable you to logon and browse our forums from there.

♦ You can check our Server Status

♦ And update it by simply pressing a button

♦ In some cases characters get bugged and it is necessary to delete your profiles folder, you can do it by clicking on a "Delete game Profiles" button.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that your UI settings, macros and notes are stored in your Profiles folder so it would be wise to back them up before attempting to delete it.

♦ You can also check for SWGEmu Launchpad updates without closing it, though every time you run SWGEmu Launchpad it will automatically check for updates and ask to install them if there are any.

♦ Pressing the Setting button in the Menu bar will open a drop down menu with three options

♠ First is Options which will open a new window. The options on left determine launchpad behavior when the game is launched.
♣ Enable debug output will open a 'Process' tab in the launcher that can assist in trouble shooting issues and bugs.
♣ Multi-threaded full scan is a robust scan that can also help resolve issues.
♣ Developers, Support staff, and/or QA may ask you to use these options when needed.

♠ Second will allow you to add custom servers and run their clients with our SWGEmu Launcher
(please keep in mind that they have to be SWGEmu based servers, you wont be able to connect to post Pre-CU emulator servers)
SWGEMU SERVER INFO: (Name) <Whatever you wish> (Host) login.swgemu.com (port) 44453

♠ Third option will allow you to reinstall your SWGEmu game client by directing it to the original SWG game client installed on your computer.

♦ You can check your SWGEmu game client for errors by pressing the Full Scan button.

♦ If you have custom servers added, you can use the slider at the bottom to select them from the server list

For additional help please come to our live support: https://support.swgemu.com.
~The SWGEmu Team
Step 1 - Acquiring Sony's Star Wars Galaxies Installation Media
To setup SWGEmu, you will need an ORIGINAL Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) client, yes ORIGINAL Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) client. You can not use 14 day trial client or any other trial client, you can not use client obtained through torrent or warez sites. So if you don't own an original client, SOE's digital copy or original CD's, get yourself one. You can buy original CD's cheap on e-bay or amazon.com. There are quite a few versions that have been released over the years and any version of SWG will work.

Now that you have your ORIGINAL Star Wars Galaxies client you can begin your SWGEmu setup.
Step 2 - Installing Star Wars Galaxies
Install the SWG game client onto your computer following the installation wizard instructions (default location is usually C:\Program Files\StarWarsGalaxies).

Look of the Setup wizard may vary, but installation process is still the same.

Since the original SWG game no longer exists, there is no need to start the SWG game client when the install process is finished.
Step 3 - Download and install SWGEmu Launchpad
You can download our SWGEmu launchpad installer here.
For linux: https://launchpad2.net/SWGEmuLaunchpa..._x86_64.tar.gz
You need the qt 5.1.1 libs for gcc, download them from: http://qtmirror.ics.com/pub/qtprojec..._64-online.run
NOTE: this is a native ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 compiled binary, don't run it under wine.

Setup.exe is downloaded and now it is time to install SWGEmu Launchpad. Run Setup.exe.
PLEASE NOTE: SWGEmu Launchpad requires Visual C++ 2010 to be installed. Most new operating systems already have it instilled, but if you get a:
"This program can't start because MSVCP 100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
error i means that you don't have Visual C++ 2010 installed and you need to install it before you can proceed with SWGEmu launchpad install.
You can download The latest supported Visual C++ download here.
Remember, you should do this step only if you get that error.

When the install process is near the end, it will give you the option to run the SWGEmu Launchpad or you can uncheck that option, close the installer and run SWGEmu Launchpad using the shortcut that was placed on your desktop.

Step 4 - SWGEmu Launchpad installing your SWGEmu game client
The first time the SWGEmu launchpad starts it will ask you to direct to your original SWG game client location (default location is in Program Files for x86 systems or in Program Files (x86) for x64 systems).
NOTE: If this doesn't happen and Launchpad just starts and nothing else you will have to go to Settings

If this is a "fresh" install and you don't have an existing SWGEmu folder, chose Install from SWG option

After that is complete you will then be asked to select where you want your new SWGEmu game client installed...

Then SWGEmu launchpad will create a new SWGEmu folder and then copy the necessary files form the original SWG game client and download missing ones (best to put that in a folder separate from Launchpad and/or Original SWG. Example C:\Program Files x86\SWGEmu\SWGEmu Game Client).

When SWGEmu game client install process is done, SWGEmu Launcher will scan the client for missing or corrupt files.

If for some reason you need to reinstall Launchpad or fix your SWGEmu game client, go to Settings and instead of Install from SWG, chose Options

And then locate your SWGEmu Game Client folder.

Step 5[/B] - SWGEmu game client installed, time for settings[/COLOR]
Once everything is installed and scanned, SWGEmu Launchpad will run Game settings.

First thing you have to do is select a desired game screen resolution.
(Those that still use nVidia 8800GT/GTX, 9600GT/GTX and 9800GT/GTX video cards please remember to change your Vertex/Pixel Shader Version to 1.4)

You can also select to play in windowed mode. Windowed mode can be borderless.

There are also few other useful options and optimizations you can use or change in there, they can decrease your loading times and speed up your game client a bit.

Make sure that audio is not disabled.

Step 6 - Running the SWGEmu game client from SWGEmu Launchpad
You can run the SWGEmu game client by pressing simply pressing the Start button.

Step 7 - Allowing Multiple Instances

All you have to do is check the box and Multiple instances will be enabled. Next time just press the Start button to run the second instance of your SWGEmu game client.

Step 8 - SWGEmu Launchpad buttons and options
♦ News button will open a window at the bottom of the launcher which will enable you to logon and browse our forums from there.

♦ You can check our Server Status

♦ And update it by simply pressing a button

♦ In some cases characters get bugged and it is necessary to delete your profiles folder, you can do it by clicking on a "Delete game Profiles" button.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that your UI settings, macros and notes are stored in your Profiles folder so it would be wise to back them up before attempting to delete it.

♦ You can also check for SWGEmu Launchpad updates without closing it, though every time you run SWGEmu Launchpad it will automatically check for updates and ask to install them if there are any.

♦ Pressing the Setting button in the Menu bar will open a drop down menu with three options

♠ First is Options which will open a new window. The options on left determine launchpad behavior when the game is launched.
♣ Enable debug output will open a 'Process' tab in the launcher that can assist in trouble shooting issues and bugs.
♣ Multi-threaded full scan is a robust scan that can also help resolve issues.
♣ Developers, Support staff, and/or QA may ask you to use these options when needed.

♠ Second will allow you to add custom servers and run their clients with our SWGEmu Launcher
(please keep in mind that they have to be SWGEmu based servers, you wont be able to connect to post Pre-CU emulator servers)
SWGEMU SERVER INFO: (Name) <Whatever you wish> (Host) login.swgemu.com (port) 44453

♠ Third option will allow you to reinstall your SWGEmu game client by directing it to the original SWG game client installed on your computer.

♦ You can check your SWGEmu game client for errors by pressing the Full Scan button.

♦ If you have custom servers added, you can use the slider at the bottom to select them from the server list

For additional help please come to our live support: https://support.swgemu.com.
~The SWGEmu Team