Weekly Update
The SWGEmu Development Division
The SWGEmu Development Division
We are using Jenkins & Gerrit. You can find all commits to Test Center Nova here. You can still report all bugs you find on Test Center Nova to the Mantis Bug Tracker. A helpful guide to bug reporting can be found here.
Our current focus is the 2023 checklist. SWGEmu Roadmaps can be viewed here (outdated)
Non linked Mantis reports are in the dev/QA area and can not be viewed without dev/QA access.
Hakry (Developer)
- (unstable)[Added] Experience values to ship agent templates
- (unstable)[Added] Space filler static objects
- (unstable)[Disabled] Space active area debug messages
- (unstable)[Fixed] Typo for experience value on A-wing
- (unstable)[Added] lua ship AI agent
- (unstable)[Added] Additional ship flags for spawns
- (unstable)[Added] Ship agent template loading
- (unstable)[Added] Space agent templates
- (unstable)[Added] Gtest for ship agent lua templates
- (unstable)[Fixed] Stability issue during server load for region notifyExit
- (unstable)[Moved] Variables off of ship object template onto ship agent templates
- (unstable)[Added] Creation of ships using ship agent template
- (unstable)[Disabled] Temporary space spawns
- (unstable)[Updated] Ship agent templates with missing variables
- (unstable)[Fixed] Loading of information from object templates for ship agents
Halyn (Community Contributor)
- (unstable)[Added] Starship paint kits
~ The SWGEmu Development Division