Weekly Update
The SWGEmu Development Division
The SWGEmu Development Division
We are using Jenkins & Gerrit. You can find all commits to Test Center Nova here. You can still report all bugs you find on Test Center Nova to the Mantis Bug Tracker. A helpful guide to bug reporting can be found here.
Our current focus is the 2023 checklist. SWGEmu Roadmaps can be viewed here (outdated)
Non linked Mantis reports are in the dev/QA area and can not be viewed without dev/QA access.
Hakry (Developer)
- (unstable)[Added] Imperial pilot coordinators conversation and handler
- (unstable)[Added] JTL recruitment mails sent to newly created characters
- (unstable)[Removed] Auto creation of starter ships for new characters
- (unstable)[Added] Invulnerable flag to JTL coordinators
- (unstable)[Added] Missing imperial banners behind commander landau
- (unstable)[Added] Destruction observer triggering for ship agents
- (unstable)[Added] Basic XP awarding to players onboard ships
- (unstable)[Added] Faction awarding to players onboard ships
- (unstable)[Added] Pilot tier tracking and management to creature object
- (unstable)[Added] Special faction point multiplier for ship template
- (unstable)[Added] Basic calculation for faction award for space kills
- (unstable)[Fixed] Pilot bonus XP for masteries to be granted in separate award
- (unstable)[Fixed] Launch ship task to accept zone name for god mode zone selection launch
- (unstable)[Fixed] Mos Eisley JTL landing coordinates
Smoki (Dev intern)
- (unstable)[Added] Rebel pilot coordinator conversation and handler
- (unstable)[Fixed] Ship collision data index
~ The SWGEmu Development Division