• Farewell to a Friend

    Farwell to a Friend


    The SWGEmu Staff

    Farwell to a Friend

    It is with great sadness that we have to inform the community that one of our own has passed. Pyrrhus, Event Coordinator Intern, passed away in 2022 after a long battle with illness. He spent a lot of time enjoying the game, was passionate and a great source of ideas while facing the battle of his life. He will always be remembered, and we have honored him in our memorial amongst the other members of staff who have passed away.

    You can visit a remembrance of Pyrrhus, as well as many others at the SWGEmu Memorial.


    4120, 3210 Naboo

    May the force be with you Pyrrhus, always.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Farewell to a Friend started by Lolindir View original post
  • SWGEmu Server Status


    Status: Online

    Population: 110
    Online accounts last 30 days: 1,335

    Highest Population: 139 since reboot.

    Uptime: 1day 10hrs 17min 31sec

    Last updated 4sec


    Status: Destroyed by The Empire.

    Last updated 1yrs 8mon 2wks 4day 1hrs 10min 4sec


    Status: down

    Last updated 27min 5sec