07-05-2013, 07:05 PM
Join Staff - SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support and Moderator training program
Greetings SWGEmu Community!
As a volunteer project, SWGEmu is constantly looking for new community members to step up and assist and support the community. If you are interested in taking on the responsibility of an SWGEmu Staff member to further our goals, we encourage you to take the time to apply for our SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support and Moderator training program.
The SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program is designed to introduce community members to different aspects of the duties and responsibilities of the SWGEmu Staff, while giving them a chance to develop a close relationship and eventually join the SWGEmu Staff team.
The following are the minimal requirements to be accepted into to this program:
Excellent work ethic
Positive attitude
Ability to work and learn in a team environment
Sufficient free time
Knowledge of the SWGEmu Project is required
Program Details
Apply to the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program by submitting an application (see below).
After reviewing the application, an interview may be offered to accept or decline the volunteer.
Once accepted for SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program, the volunteer will be mentored by a member of the SWGEmu Staff for a period of 3 months.
During these 3 months, the intern will assist in IRC, on forums and on Live support.
After the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training period has ended, an evaluation will be completed by the SWGEmu Staff to determine if the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator trainee has met all duties and expectations expected of them.
The trainee may then remain as a support assistant or apply for an available position in the SWGEmu Staff.
If accepted, an apprenticeship period of 4-8 weeks will begin and the apprenticeship will work closely with the staff member of the department they applied for.
At the end of the apprenticeship, another evaluation will be completed to determine if the intern would be a good fit for the chosen SWGEmu Staff department.
If accepted, the apprentice will be offered the opportunity to join the SWGEmu Staff as a full-time member.
The new SWGEmu Staff member will perform their department's duties as well as continue assisting with Support.
Upon completion of the internship period, the following positions may be applied to for apprenticeship:
Support Staff (Community Support Representative)
Event Coordinator
Community Relations (Forum Moderator)
We are very excited to be offering this program to our community. It is our hope that it will bring forward community members that want to help SWGEmu succeed and provide our Community with the best experience possible.
Submitting Your Application
Please complete the application below and email it to application@swgemu.com with 'SWGEmu Internship Application' as the title and the application attached. If you are selected to participate, we will contact you by email informing you of such and provide information about the next step in the process.
What is your forum account name?
What is your in-game character name?
What is your Discord nickname?
What is your age?
What is your profession in real life? If you are a student, what are you studying?
What time zone do you live in? What times/days of the week will you usually be available to spend time assisting in Live Support?
Do you know any current or former staff members? If so, how?
How long have you been following this project?
Why do you want to become a member of the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program?
Please write a short paragraph detailing what Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies means to you.
If you are accepted into the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program and are looking at applying for a SWGEmu Staff position, what position would you apply for and why?
Greetings SWGEmu Community!
As a volunteer project, SWGEmu is constantly looking for new community members to step up and assist and support the community. If you are interested in taking on the responsibility of an SWGEmu Staff member to further our goals, we encourage you to take the time to apply for our SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support and Moderator training program.
The SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program is designed to introduce community members to different aspects of the duties and responsibilities of the SWGEmu Staff, while giving them a chance to develop a close relationship and eventually join the SWGEmu Staff team.
The following are the minimal requirements to be accepted into to this program:
Excellent work ethic
Positive attitude
Ability to work and learn in a team environment
Sufficient free time
Knowledge of the SWGEmu Project is required
Program Details
Apply to the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program by submitting an application (see below).
After reviewing the application, an interview may be offered to accept or decline the volunteer.
Once accepted for SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program, the volunteer will be mentored by a member of the SWGEmu Staff for a period of 3 months.
During these 3 months, the intern will assist in IRC, on forums and on Live support.
After the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training period has ended, an evaluation will be completed by the SWGEmu Staff to determine if the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator trainee has met all duties and expectations expected of them.
The trainee may then remain as a support assistant or apply for an available position in the SWGEmu Staff.
If accepted, an apprenticeship period of 4-8 weeks will begin and the apprenticeship will work closely with the staff member of the department they applied for.
At the end of the apprenticeship, another evaluation will be completed to determine if the intern would be a good fit for the chosen SWGEmu Staff department.
If accepted, the apprentice will be offered the opportunity to join the SWGEmu Staff as a full-time member.
The new SWGEmu Staff member will perform their department's duties as well as continue assisting with Support.
Upon completion of the internship period, the following positions may be applied to for apprenticeship:
Support Staff (Community Support Representative)
Event Coordinator
Community Relations (Forum Moderator)
We are very excited to be offering this program to our community. It is our hope that it will bring forward community members that want to help SWGEmu succeed and provide our Community with the best experience possible.
Submitting Your Application
Please complete the application below and email it to application@swgemu.com with 'SWGEmu Internship Application' as the title and the application attached. If you are selected to participate, we will contact you by email informing you of such and provide information about the next step in the process.
What is your forum account name?
What is your in-game character name?
What is your Discord nickname?
What is your age?
What is your profession in real life? If you are a student, what are you studying?
What time zone do you live in? What times/days of the week will you usually be available to spend time assisting in Live Support?
Do you know any current or former staff members? If so, how?
How long have you been following this project?
Why do you want to become a member of the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program?
Please write a short paragraph detailing what Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies means to you.
If you are accepted into the SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program and are looking at applying for a SWGEmu Staff position, what position would you apply for and why?