View Full Version : Server wide Entertainer's Conference

02-24-2013, 07:27 PM
Server Wide Entertainer's Conference

The SWGEmu Events Team


There will be a server-wide entertainers' conference on March 9.
Entertainers all across the galaxy are invited to attend.

Time & Date: 3/9/13 @ 7:30 pm EST ( check your time zone
here (http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/))

Place: Theed Theater (/way -5793 4213)

Purpose: To gather and discuss the current state of entertaining. This
includes current mechanics, entertainer distribution in cantinas across the
galaxy, and how to revitalize under-utilized cantinas. This means we will
discuss ideas on how to get the deserted cantinas up and running again-
possibly even a shift in the popular cities :O. We may also discuss the big
issue of AFK buffing.

We ask that at the conference you be respectful of others by:
a) Allowing others to speak without a sea of text.
b) Respecting the opinions of others. No name-calling or "creative"
comments (play nice).

Near the end -because we are after all entertainers- we'll be playing music
and dancing (the conference will turn to a party :) )

Also, though it may not be particularly entertaining (no pun intended)
other professions are welcome to join and contribute. No streaking "Nova
Style" please.*

02-24-2013, 08:20 PM
Let "Ent'Con" begin! Would be so nice for Ents to travel to towns outside the major cities for convenience of the folks grinding. Such as FTC HQ right outside of Theed. Maybe if people would offer generous tips to the commuter Ents there would be a push for them to go beyond the reaches of the major cities.

02-25-2013, 07:22 PM

I'll be there! Thanks for planning this.

02-25-2013, 09:06 PM
I hope to make this, but it depends on my work schedule :P

02-26-2013, 10:58 PM
Fantastic event. Definitely looking forward to it!

02-27-2013, 10:36 PM
If I'm free then I'll show up. Edit: Haha, I just realized the picture on this thread is a picture of Mustafar. Why is a NGE picture being used for an Emu event?

03-08-2013, 12:58 PM
Wow. That's in the middle of the night for me, but I'll try my best!

03-09-2013, 11:56 PM
we are waiting do we start without amber?

03-10-2013, 09:36 AM
I attended this conference, and though there was some streaking by a <CLAN> member, and though it started a little late, I actually enjoyed it. I think there were many positive comments with creative and worthwhile ideas.

03-10-2013, 10:03 AM
It was very neat to see all of the entertainers get together even though I didn't stay very long ^_^

Somebody should post a few screens of the party at the end...I totally forgot about that part

03-10-2013, 10:20 AM

Was pretty fun even though I missed the middle of it.

03-10-2013, 10:43 AM
Somebody should post a few screens of the party at the end...I totally forgot about that part



03-10-2013, 10:50 AM
so... minutes?

03-10-2013, 09:13 PM

03-10-2013, 09:19 PM
Hopefully more happened than just a lot of sitting.

03-11-2013, 12:46 AM
Hopefully more happened than just a lot of sitting.
People sitting on people.

03-11-2013, 05:18 PM
Missed the meeting..

Whats going to happen to AFK buffers?

03-11-2013, 05:20 PM
I was at the meeting and still waiting for someone to post the minutes. The chat was a bit hard to follow.

03-12-2013, 07:06 PM
Missed it due to unforseen circumstances here as well, did anyone take notes?

03-12-2013, 07:38 PM
I too was wondering if anyone took notes or they can brief the ones (like me) that were not present on what was discussed, etc.

03-12-2013, 11:45 PM
Essentially we spoke in panels on 6 different issues facing entertainers today. These include:
Cantina Populations- Brainstorming ideas for spreading out and addressing the empty NPC and Player Cantinas
AFK Buffing- Talking about the ethics of AFK buffing and understanding other people's opinions. As was probably expected, there were no breakthroughs on this front but at least we got our ideas out in the open.
Entertainers' Wishlist- Discussed current bugs that we'd like to see fixed and future entertaining ideas. (Amber offered to take down some bugs and report them to the devs. Thanks Amber!)
Tips- This one kind of got out of control. We talked about what a fair tip was and whether or not they should be required.
Advice to Aspiring Entertainers- Had a panel of skilled and mastered entertainers share advice on how to best get through the grind and be a successful entertainer.
The State of Entertaining- (Very brief) Gave opinions of the "state of entertaining" in the EMU.

Fun night to get together and talk out our problems, get our opinions out there, and most of all remember what entertaining is all about :)

03-13-2013, 08:03 AM
Essentially we spoke in panels on 6 different issues facing entertainers today. These include:
Cantina Populations- Brainstorming ideas for spreading out and addressing the empty NPC and Player Cantinas
AFK Buffing- Talking about the ethics of AFK buffing and understanding other people's opinions. As was probably expected, there were no breakthroughs on this front but at least we got our ideas out in the open.
Entertainers' Wishlist- Discussed current bugs that we'd like to see fixed and future entertaining ideas. (Amber offered to take down some bugs and report them to the devs. Thanks Amber!)
Tips- This one kind of got out of control. We talked about what a fair tip was and whether or not they should be required.
Advice to Aspiring Entertainers- Had a panel of skilled and mastered entertainers share advice on how to best get through the grind and be a successful entertainer.
The State of Entertaining- (Very brief) Gave opinions of the "state of entertaining" in the EMU.

Fun night to get together and talk out our problems, get our opinions out there, and most of all remember what entertaining is all about :)

Any Progress on the sheer amount of AFK Emote spam? Most of us know there is no auto-DC for AFKing, but a lot still put a lot of emotes together in a "AFK Macro" that is useless and only serves getting one /addignored

03-15-2013, 06:10 AM
out class band

03-15-2013, 06:02 PM
So no minutes? I missed this bc I was at work. :/

03-19-2013, 12:23 PM
Minutes would be nice. Pity the event started so much later due to Amber not showing up in time, I had to miss the last part. Anyway, very interesting event nonetheless!

03-20-2013, 05:07 PM
If some...

03-22-2013, 07:54 PM

04-24-2013, 05:58 PM
Essentially we spoke in panels on 6 different issues facing entertainers today. These include:
Cantina Populations- Brainstorming ideas for spreading out and addressing the empty NPC and Player Cantinas
AFK Buffing- Talking about the ethics of AFK buffing and understanding other people's opinions. As was probably expected, there were no breakthroughs on this front but at least we got our ideas out in the open.
Entertainers' Wishlist- Discussed current bugs that we'd like to see fixed and future entertaining ideas. (Amber offered to take down some bugs and report them to the devs. Thanks Amber!)
Tips- This one kind of got out of control. We talked about what a fair tip was and whether or not they should be required.
Advice to Aspiring Entertainers- Had a panel of skilled and mastered entertainers share advice on how to best get through the grind and be a successful entertainer.
The State of Entertaining- (Very brief) Gave opinions of the "state of entertaining" in the EMU.

Fun night to get together and talk out our problems, get our opinions out there, and most of all remember what entertaining is all about :)

Okay now i understand why this sudden meeting.

I find yes Cantina populations is a great topic to bring forward but also bear in mind that its the guild or player city leaders must often organize events, and i find if you are going to the event its more adequate to use the buffs from this house (control longer shuttle time) Like a good festival or any event getting to there and getting back that's always a hassle, if player feel at ease to go and come back as they please then meh everyone is going to buff somewhere close to home or so come back there is no use to even add facilities.

AFK buffing: so far any entertainer i go to talk back and being social, i'd understand if some of them are guys and are not really into talking but i go to the active players mostly.
So its up to the person going buffing you cant change that. i had a Entertainer on live and people choose me because am active and the tips also shows that appretiation people are entertained they feel they bought you for the time, some may forget but you will get tipped almost every time, i made over 2 mil only doing ent buffs.

ama leave the bug list out am not a master entertainer yet.

Tips: oo what i hate the most is people demanding tips, you cant demand tips, you can ban me that's fine i'll go to someone who will buff me, its not everyday i take a good 4500 credits and here take it although i do because i rememberd she was talking to me ah yes lemme atleast hit 2 missions before getting buffed, i got a business to run and i need to fix my main so credits is deffinitely a concern. I pay a doctor cause if i dont pay him i dont get buffed that is a simplefact.

04-25-2013, 06:19 AM
One of my only comments concerns the venues. I wish that hotels could be used more often for everything. But the furniture placement in the club portion of the hotels do not lend themselves for dancers or musicians well. I don't think anything could change this though because rearranging furniture in static structures would be a post Alpha issue, and even then probably low level. But I wish hotels could be used more, somehow.