View Full Version : SWGEmu half-year financial report (second half of 2012)

01-27-2013, 01:53 PM
SWGEmu half-year financial report (second half of 2012)

January, 2013
The SWGEmu Team

SWGEmu half-year financial report

June had a final PayPal account balance of $5,993.09 + $2,500.00 (for Xavia)+ $1411.85 (old, now closed PayPal account) = $9,904.94

July had 231 donations that resulted in a net amount of $4,433.57 after PayPal fees.

July had the following expenses:

Accounting and NPO costs = $1,000.00
FDC for three dedicated servers = $689.00
Xavia's Medical bills = $2,421.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $4,110.00

July had a total excess of $323.57 with a final PayPal account balance of $10,228.51

August had 215 donations that resulted in a net amount of $3,226.91 after PayPal fees.

August had the following expenses:

Accounting and NPO costs = $1,300.00
FDC for three dedicated servers = $698.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $226.15
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,224.15

August had a total excess of $1,011.76 with a final PayPal account balance of $11,240.27

September had 142 donations that resulted in a net amount of $1969.67 after PayPal fees.

September had the following expenses:

for LPE hosting = $120.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $226.15

September had a total excess of $1,623.52 with a final PayPal account balance of $12,863.79

October had 136 donations that resulted in a net amount of $1,900.71 after PayPal fees.

October had the following expenses:

Accounting and NPO costs 1,100.00
FDC for a dedicated servers = $698.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $226.15
Lomag Internet Services, LLC for IRC virtual private server = $75.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,090.15

October had a total shortfall of $189.44 with a final PayPal account balance of $12,674.35

November had 110 donations that resulted in a net amount of $2,558.20 after PayPal fees.

November had the following expenses:

FDC for a dedicated servers = $698.00
SoftLayer Dutch Holdings BV for a dedicated server (Basilisk) = $1559.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $226.15
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,474.15

November had a total excess of $84.05 with a final PayPal account balance of $12.758.40

December had 167 donations that resulted in a net amount of $2,468.34 after PayPal fees.

December had the following expenses:

Accountant and NPO costs = $750.00
SoftLayer Dutch Holdings BV for a dedicated server (Basilisk) = $1670.00
Network Solutions, LLC for website and database server = $244.89
FDC for a dedicated server (TC: Nova) = $689.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $226.15
TOTAL EXPENSES = $3,580.04

December had a total shortfall of $1,111.70 with a final PayPal account balance of $11,646.70

~ The SWGEmu Team

01-27-2013, 02:12 PM
SoftLayer Dutch Holdings BV for a dedicated server (Basilisk) = $1559.00

that include the setup fees and such?

01-27-2013, 02:18 PM
SoftLayer Dutch Holdings BV for a dedicated server (Basilisk) = $1559.00

that include the setup fees and such?

I don't think there were any setup fees, but yeah that's pretty it.

01-28-2013, 11:48 AM
Maybe I am blind, but what is the Paypal account where I can donate to? Maybe it should be placed more prominently.

I am just onboard for a week now but loving the project so far.

01-28-2013, 12:33 PM

01-28-2013, 01:36 PM
Thanks vlada

Btw I've been meaning to ask for a while, what happened to the donation stats page?

01-28-2013, 01:45 PM
It was removed. Since we have over 10k on our account we considered just spending that on our bills instead of taking more donations, but since we switched hosts our monthly expenses have gone up. Now with 10k we wouldn't be able to last more than 3 months, so we kinda gave up on that. Ill see if we can bring that page back though.

01-30-2013, 02:51 PM
Reading on the blog you wrote regarding Tanya/Xavia..

Wouldn't it be possible to take some of they moneys from the SWGEmu account and help out, or is this already planned ?

01-30-2013, 03:02 PM
When we first collected money it was specifically for Tanya, we didnt collect it as a donation for us and just give part of the money to her family. What you are suggesting is a bit different and I'm not sure if we would be allowed, legally, to do that.

But its not a bad suggestion, ill talk it over with others and maybe we can consult a lawyer or something.