View Full Version : Bestine vs Anchorhead | PvP Event (Friday Night Fights) - 18th January

01-12-2013, 02:03 AM
Footage from the event, thanks for coming.



Bestine vs Anchorhead
Imperials vs Rebels

Anyone who wants to join is welcome, and it's encouraged. Even if you aren't full template or geared.

If one of the city owners protests, please post here or send me a forum PM (both cities, Med Center and Cantina are public).

Where is this event?
- The event will take place in Bestine & Achorhead on Tatooine.

Where am i going to get buffs?
- 'Bestine' is where the Imperials meet. (-1204, -3692) - Tatooine
- 'Rue des Diables' is where the Rebels meet. (-683, 1011) - Tatooine (can't buff on Anchorhead bugged)

Where am i going to go overt?
- An event coordinator will plant them in the city your buffing up at.

- This event will take place Friday, January 18th.
- Time, 9pm EST


The Concept for this event is "City Take Over", and each the Imperials and Rebels will attempt to each takeover Bestine and Anchorhead.
Depending on how the event is going, well see if we have any more than 3 rounds.
It will be announced when each the Imperials and Rebels should head out to either Bestine or Anchorhead.
After each faction is on either Bestine or Anchorhead, it's simple FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!!

- First round, the Rebels will attempt to takeover Bestine from the Imperials.

- Second round, the Imperials will attempt to takeover Anchorhead from the Rebels.

- Third round, both Imperials and Rebels will meet in the middle to battle it out.

The event will end when one side has crushed the other and the losing side stops fighting.

Side Notes/Rules
- No outside Heals,
- No outside Rezzes,
If people are seen doing that, you will be ported somewhere. :P

Zerging is allowed!



Post in this thread, on what side you plan to fight on.


Side - Imperial
Toon - Cem


Contact Cem / CemCanatar / Clutch for Imperial invites (on that date).

- Need Doctors / Entertainers that are willing to volunteer to buff for the Imperials, *Post in this thread, if your interested*.


Contact TBH for Rebel invites (on that date).

- Need Doctors / Entertainers that are willing to volunteer to buff for the Rebels, *Post in this thread, if your interested*.

*Questions? Ideas? Post them up, and I'll try to respond ASAP.*

*I'll Keep This Thread Up-To-Date*

01-12-2013, 02:17 AM
Hur de dur here to make sure people don't do illegal stuff.


01-12-2013, 09:28 AM
I hope to be back from my holiday in time for this. Pew Pew Pew!

01-13-2013, 09:53 PM
Everyone in Ez-Co pretty jazzed about it.

Rue Des Diables checking in!

One catch is that we hadn't dropped a cloner yet, so if you store clone data in Rue Des Diables you'll have to wait until Friday, when Brico will be on to drop one.

01-14-2013, 11:25 PM
I will be there
EDIT:will be there for sure!!
Idea on duration of event?

01-15-2013, 06:04 PM
will do my best to make it

Jax Nova
01-15-2013, 07:52 PM
Sounds like fun I will try and make it if I am able. I am central time so I am behind an houre or ahead?
Sorry I'm always bad at remembering that'

01-16-2013, 06:53 PM
Im a imperial that played pre cu pre emu and post cu in other star wars galaxies was a huge pvper looking for a imperial guild that pvps on this Emu, Please send me a mail in game Phyxsius Scarface

01-17-2013, 06:34 AM
Everyone in Ez-Co pretty jazzed about it.

Rue Des Diables checking in!

One catch is that we hadn't dropped a cloner yet, so if you store clone data in Rue Des Diables you'll have to wait until Friday, when Brico will be on to drop one.

Not so much me Haleigh!!! I half to work and i all know damn well you will probably be the leader of the reb's since you did a damn good job back on Sunrunner!!!
And as we all know if STORM comes they will end up winning for the Imperials, cause that guild is just n/m won't say it!

01-17-2013, 04:54 PM
storm is good no denying that, but its because of their perfect cordination and gear, and last pvp event was talus base i believe and iazan was one of main leaders, but the rebels can win if we just work together
EDIT:teamwork coordination And a cluster**** of rebs is what we need!!!ftw lol

01-17-2013, 08:11 PM
Not so much me Haleigh!!! I half to work and i all know damn well you will probably be the leader of the reb's since you did a damn good job back on Sunrunner!!!
I always used to say, rebs don't need a "leader", we're Rebels, that's Imperial stuffz. We have issues with authority (I know I do!)

All I did in Sunrunner was find imps and irrationally attack them for a few years without a rest lol.

When other rebs sent me tells wanting to know where the party was, I'd tell them.

And sometimes I got bored and just threw my own "party". :p

Party in Rue Des Diables, Friday night at 9 EST!

The event will end when one side has crushed the other and the losing side stops fighting.

Zerging is allowed!

lol, I love these imps. Can I keep them? http://www.kissmybuns.net/smileys/star-heart.gif

01-18-2013, 01:02 AM
8pm central time I believe

01-18-2013, 03:52 AM
wow its amazing footage,nice.

01-19-2013, 03:40 AM
Good fight

Rise Of Cpu
01-19-2013, 12:10 PM
couldn't even play, lag was terrible. server was loading 10mins behind for me

01-19-2013, 02:28 PM
Lol we got rolled


01-19-2013, 02:35 PM
I enjoyed the spirit, except for... the triple incaps. That's when I left... **you know who you are**

But I was pleased anyway, if he was targeting me, he was wasting his shots :P I was on my Pistoleer/Merchant

01-19-2013, 07:07 PM
[QUOTE=ksam;561249]Lol we got rolled
Actually we won the last one you shoulda stayed

01-19-2013, 07:09 PM
Footage from the event, thanks for coming.


01-19-2013, 08:58 PM
[QUOTE=ksam;561249]Lol we got rolled
Actually we won the last one you shoulda stayed

I only had 2k and lost my buff

01-19-2013, 11:42 PM

I only had 2k and lost my buff
Sucks the last straggler was mastajag and he was killed:)

01-23-2013, 05:01 AM
Lol we got rolled


Hahaha "how has that guy shadao not been deathblowed yet" - man i was in a world of pain, excellent commentary!
- Shadao

01-31-2013, 05:51 PM
Looks like a lot of fun. Is this every Friday?