View Full Version : Regular Liberator back ONLINE - 11/20/2011

11-20-2011, 07:33 PM
Regular Liberator back ONLINE

November 20, 2011
The SWGEmu Team

Regular Liberator back ONLINE - 11/20/2011

Liberator Cloud test is over for now. We got some good data, but unfortunately we didn't have enough instances online for a proper stress test. We plan on running the test again in another week or two. We are looking into different possibilities to increase the number of players during the next Cloud test, so if any of you have any suggestions, feel free to post them in this thread.

We want to thank everyone who helped us by logging onto LiberatorTest this past week. We know it was hard to put an effort into playing while knowing that everything will be wiped in just a few days. We also want to apologize to all those that lost days of gameplay on regular Liberator because of this test.

~ The SWGEmu Team

11-20-2011, 07:38 PM
as i said before, let everyone be able to get jedi skills from bluefrogs and the server is going to explode

11-20-2011, 07:51 PM
as i said before, let everyone be able to get jedi skills from bluefrogs and the server is going to explode

that is brilliant!!!

11-20-2011, 07:54 PM
as i said before, let everyone be able to get jedi skills from bluefrogs and the server is going to explode

Or just get rid of the Mel mission part. To many thinking that they would get and play a jedi for a week. When it didn't happen for them, people left the test.

11-20-2011, 08:02 PM
As far as I am aware the way Bluefrog is coded in Pre-OR it doesn't set the jedi state correctly if you train jedi skills, so having a Bluefrog with jedi on it would be pointless.

I think a bluefrog SHOULD be put in, but give it only nonjedi professions, however resources and other items would be a tremendous help, I think. Holocrons should be given upon player creation like they should, maybe until the jedi state problem can be fixed.

Also as Malady stated, you can remove the mell mission from the trainer dialogue and when they talk to the trainer for the first time it goes from FS to padawan straight, I think that would be the best solution.

11-20-2011, 08:42 PM
Yeah jedi for a week without the Mel mission but also need:
1.Good Buffs (We wont have armor)
2.Descent resources (for those who wish to craft)
3 Weapons (Including the components to make them IE crystals, tissues Ect)

11-20-2011, 09:24 PM
yea simply remove mel... tons of ppl come and will grind xp havung fun pvping... and yes put resources, very hard to star everything from 0
anyway many thanks to the devs

11-20-2011, 10:54 PM
Some of the Jedi comments are a good idea. I think a thread dedicated to the cloud testing, or a daily update will go along way as well. I would have jumped on to help test had I known you guys needed more people.
Also, if there is anyway to set up some events, especially PvP ones will help too.

11-20-2011, 11:56 PM
Scatter some goodies around the galaxy and have a treasure hunt.

11-20-2011, 11:58 PM
As far as I am aware the way Bluefrog is coded in Pre-OR it doesn't set the jedi state correctly if you train jedi skills, so having a Bluefrog with jedi on it would be pointless.

I don't understand and have been wondering about this for a while. Did the devs write the lib code from scratch or did they reverse engineer the original pre-cu and possibly have some code that they can't "break" like above?

I love not having to "start over" on xp, you can wipe/rewipe as many times as you want as long as I don't have to take a week to get back to zero (armor, buffs, swoops. I always wished they would have a solo version of this game and this is the closest I can get until I win the lottery quit my job and learn to code/re myself (with the help of full time teachers). Then I will be the most powerful player in the world...../end power trip fantasy.

11-21-2011, 12:04 AM
How about a reward of some kind for those who test, something that could transfer to regular liberator, a few ideas:

1.) Bound to be controversial, but Lib itself is just a "play server" anyway: KEEP the Mell mission in place, as is, keep the server exactly as it is, but also KEEP the characters for those who played during the test once the regular liberator goes live.
2.)Keep the Mellichae mission and jedi system as it is, but make skill training as normal(i.e no going to the trainers, and getting an insta TKM, but also let those characters transfer over to lib once the test is done.
maybe have a timer here so that people who test only x amount of time get the reward(not people who just login, make a toon for the free stuff?
b-reward players liberator characters while still wiping the database ideas.
1.)Give each player who tested the cloud server some sort of advance in the jedi system, such as to the point where you NEED a holocron, or give them a holocron.
2.)Give each player who took part a monetary reward on liberator.

I know these ideas wont be without controversy, but hey, they are just ideas. My concern is that if you want a big stress test, sure you can give people jedi on the testing servers, alot will log in at one point, but after they play around for a few hours it will sink in to them that their new toy will just go away again once the test is over, and you'll be back to square one.
Either way, thanks to the devs.

11-21-2011, 12:38 AM
To me, its kind of simple. Transfer everything from regular Liberator to the cloud test. Stuff the blue frogs, stuff free training/no xp needed, DON'T give the NGE teenagers free Jedi. Just trial running normal Liberator from the new platform. Run some events, or lots of events. GCW was always a good way to stress test the server. When we are all said and done, don't wipe it on purpose, transfer the data back. If we loose the last week of it for some reason, so be it, roll backs happen, but just run it the way you always do. People stopped playing because of the mini wipe/Jedi/lack of resources.

11-21-2011, 01:38 AM
DON'T give the NGE teenagers free Jedi.

errrr? what?

11-21-2011, 01:40 AM
Do not allow devs to assist in achieving jedi Wipe liberator and place permanently on cloud fix wound cap on dots and remove silent rumors imho would bring back many a lost players.... P.S I do not expect any of this to happen just my 2 cents on what might bring "fun" back to a fun server

11-21-2011, 08:02 AM
if you really wanna stress the server, do the following.

1) start from scratch, tell players that if the cloud test goes successfully, regular liberator will be no more and cloud liberator will be the new play server, noone was bothered (myself included) to dedicate time to a server that will be wiped in a week, but if they think they are starting from scratch, everyone and their mom, and their alts, and their alts moms will log on just to get that slight time advantage.

2) make BH worth it, allow players to see the name of the jedi they are hunting when mission searching, lots of people dropped BH because they where sick of getting a jedi mission, just to find he was offline.

3) put the rumours back in for jedi, or at least let the rumours tell players the planet. afk and and noob jedi helps noone, and just helps people /ragequit. keep the 2 holocron requirement and let that be the jedi bottleneck, that will make sure there are not too many jedi.

4) i would insert something here about fixing dots, to help pvp, but i think my ideas here have wasted enough dev time on liberator, so im just going to ask that players put up with the dot wars that go on here.

5) give out better prizes than badges for participating in pvp events, for example, 1/1/1 armor, a nice 800 max dmg t21, 200+ max dmg vk, u know nice stuff that make it worth risking the armor and weapon decay of pvp events, but not game breaking stuff. this will really stress the server and encourage pvp if there is a chance to attain this stuff.

6) if possible, introduce a points system that tracks the amount of different players killed in a pvp event and give out a really nice prize to the winner such as a peice of mando armor, black sun armor, a scyth, a black sun vk, you know really REALLY nice stuff that can only be attained through pvp events, and dont be shy on the stats, again dont make them game breaking, but not too shabby either, for example, mando armor should be 80% to all (slicable) and vuln againts lightsaber. scyth should be 900-1k max dmg, and black sun vk should be 270~ max dmg. you get the idea, powerful, but not an i win button.

Im sure there are other things, but these would really get players online. especially number 1, i know its very selfish, but people do not want to invest time into something that will be wiped, even if it is a bit of fun for a week. they want to be able to progress their character.

anyway thats my 2 cents.


1.)Give each player who tested the cloud server some sort of advance in the jedi system, such as to the point where you NEED a holocron

I am in support of this idea. perhaps if they can successfully become a full template Jedi on Cloud liberator, they become "Strong" on regular liberator????

Do not allow devs to assist in achieving jedi Wipe liberator and place permanently on cloud fix wound cap on dots and remove silent rumors imho would bring back many a lost players.... P.S I do not expect any of this to happen just my 2 cents on what might bring "fun" back to a fun server

i am also in support of this idea.

11-21-2011, 12:47 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions. We are not ready to start a new Liberator yet but hopefully we can include enough new things in the next LiberatorTest to get the stress needed to analyze the cloud performance.

11-21-2011, 01:33 PM
Lol @ all the people trying to get LibCloud to transfer to Lib.

11-21-2011, 02:52 PM
Why does it seem that people feel the only way to test is through promoting Jedi pvp? And why does there have to be a reward for testing?

You guys talk about how the NGE "I want it now" generation ruined SWG...

11-21-2011, 03:32 PM
Galaxy doesn't revolve around just Jedi and PVP.


Time has come for another great Jedi purging. Have at thee! Oh wait, that's D&D talk.

Darth Nautas
11-21-2011, 03:51 PM

First, resources. As apparently the cloud server won't be up for more than a week, I suggest to tamper with the resources and make all them pop, but with a twist: devote one planet to minerals, one planet to chemicals, one planet to gas, one to flora, etc. This way crafters will be assured to locate all materials, and surveyors will go into a surveying spree that will make them happy. This will encourage planet jumping, which I'm not sure if it is the kind of activity you are looking for. I guess crafters and surveyors will like this more than having the materials handed to them.

May be something to attract also Entertainers and Doctors, but I'm not sure what.

If it weren't a waste of time, I'd suggest adding some quests to the server so players have something to do besides PvP. You could also have a few volunteers for being chased around the server, jumping from planet to planet, etc. Any successful "catch" might reward something cool. What to reward? No idea. :)

About the Jedi, it's a pity that the Mel mission is a bottleneck for Force progression. On itself, it would have made for a terrific quest for Jedi PvE teams.

The problem with SWG is that it has very few quests, i.e. "things to do", and Lib has all the theme park dungeons non-functional.

11-21-2011, 03:59 PM
Blue frogs.
Good Weapons and armor on the frogs
and jedi

Just to clarify, I am not an NGE jedi teenager. I was on SWG at launch, and played it all the way to NGE. I never got jedi before the village, and finally got my jedi after the village. I was not a full template when CU hit, so I never really got to play a full template jedi in pre-cu, so for me it would be nice to play a full template jedi just to see what it was like. I am not a pvp'er so personally I would not be sitting in the star port swinging my saber around.

11-21-2011, 05:37 PM
Why does it seem that people feel the only way to test is through promoting Jedi pvp?

hmm not sure i understand this.... do you mean Jedi AND PVP..... if so, then because primarily there is not much else to do on liberator..... you have litterally 4 things to do on liberator, PVP, Craft, grind Jedi and Hunt for loot, but that last one I would say doesnt count because you either hunt for loot to get leet gear for pvp, or you hunt for loot to buy a holo for jedi... so i would say there is really only 3 things to do.

And why does there have to be a reward for testing?

there shouldnt be really, but the problem is that this community has had a play server now for nearly 2 years (be it a bad representation of the original) so to ask them to go back to testing is a pretty big ask. its like you have a kid and you let that kid grow up on sweets only, to ask it to try something more healthy is unfair, it should not have been given the sweets ion the first place.

You guys talk about how the NGE "I want it now" generation ruined SWG...

Liberator is not an official server, its a joke server, its so broken its not even funny any more. sure it was fun at first when it was new and lets be honest, as broke as it is its the closest thing to the original. but eventually it will be wiped. At the moment it works because it is appeasing the crowd and the donations it brings in make this project continue. but the fact is that liberator gets old really fast and the ideas i have proposed for it, I would imagine to be quite straight forward and will add a bit more fun to the game. anyone who has asked for something to be implemented to liberator in this thread has only done it because the current system, be that pvp, crafting, jedi, doesnt work for whatever reason, and before it gets wiped for nova to take its place, want a bit of fun.

11-21-2011, 05:57 PM
give some gratis to ppls on Regular Lib for ppls who tested... help with force and jedi progression or a holo would be good....

11-21-2011, 06:44 PM
Add some new game enhancements, that might get the required numbers from a game like WoW

11-21-2011, 07:54 PM
Add some new game enhancements, that might get the required numbers from a game like WoW

you mean items? its ok or quest .. good idea

11-21-2011, 08:07 PM
you mean items? its ok or quest .. good idea

The sarcasm was clearly lost on yourself.

11-21-2011, 08:07 PM
you mean items? its ok or quest .. good idea

Maybe a few missing professions, cities and player housing. Maybe JTL too.

11-21-2011, 08:08 PM
Don't forget gcw oh AND legacy

11-21-2011, 09:44 PM
The sarcasm was clearly lost on yourself.

yea. i stopped being @@@@@ and rewrite my post :-)

@vlada we will have jtl in 1.0 ? i thought devs dropped the jtl idea .. or 1 dev worked on it... anyway souund ver very good :-)

i must miss something... what legacy means ?

11-21-2011, 09:59 PM
Again, the only thing you are missing is the sarcasm. . .

11-21-2011, 10:05 PM

Lets get real, no new professions, planets, JTL, theme parks, GCW, blah, blah. We need to draw a crowd with what we already have, not waste more devs time on a simple stress test.

11-21-2011, 10:32 PM
how about holding liberator hostage.

add all the good stuff, jedi blue frogs etc, then turn liberator off, and say that it will not be brought back online until you get the numbers online that you want.

11-21-2011, 11:25 PM
i don't have disks yet so i am not sure if you guys did this but simply increasing the XP gain (char and crafting), drop rates and farming rates?

11-21-2011, 11:30 PM
increased from the already increased rates?

11-21-2011, 11:37 PM
i don't have disks yet so i am not sure if you guys did this but simply increasing the XP gain (char and crafting), drop rates and farming rates?

XP is already x2 and drop rates... dunno, feels like x10.

11-22-2011, 01:09 AM
im so glad to see my simple suggestions have spawned a heated debate, too bad its the usual comments about "nge teenagers" or griping about jedi. It all comes down to the haves vs the have nots. Debating about all of this in forums wont get anyone a jedi any faster, go grind, or dont. I personally fail to see the point of debating a "funserver" that is going to be wiped and be gone one way or another.

Oh the intelligence! I weep, for the intelligence!

11-22-2011, 03:31 AM
ya ik they should do that

11-22-2011, 06:48 AM
Frogs with skill learning, free buffs, food, spice, armor, good enough stuff that will allow pvp. If I remember correctly, every time there were frogs there was more pvp than without frogs. Important is to have "decent" stuff on the frog (a 350 8.0 T21 won't cut it) with which people can start pvp'ing. Nothing attracts people more than some good pvp.

Most people don't want to grind & farm when everything is going to be lost...especially if we're talking about days - weeks.
Make sure there is some loot table so those who really like farming have some incentive to play (this is also linked to pvp...that's for what the loot serves anyway).
Make sure there is a jedi system that you can complete in a couple of days.

11-22-2011, 09:32 AM
Frogs with skill learning, free buffs, food, spice, armor, good enough stuff that will allow pvp. If I remember correctly, every time there were frogs there was more pvp than without frogs. Important is to have "decent" stuff on the frog (a 350 8.0 T21 won't cut it) with which people can start pvp'ing. Nothing attracts people more than some good pvp.

Most people don't want to grind & farm when everything is going to be lost...especially if we're talking about days - weeks.
Make sure there is some loot table so those who really like farming have some incentive to play (this is also linked to pvp...that's for what the loot serves anyway).
Make sure there is a jedi system that you can complete in a couple of days.

Amen to that.

Darth Nautas
11-22-2011, 09:36 AM
Okay. I expected that you wanted things that wouldn't force a recompile of the server, so that leaves out quests and enabling the theme parks.

Touching the resource database so we can access all resources for crafting. I think that crafters and surveyors would like that more than being handed the resources, and it will make them spend time gathering the resources.

Besides that, I can only think things like giving a Forum achievement if you have played more than X hours in Lib-T, "QA honorary assistant" or something like that.

11-22-2011, 01:13 PM
Seriously, just run Liberator on the cloud test. Transfer all our character data over, and when it's done, transfer it all back. No wipe, just continue playing, and host an event or 3 to bring the people from differnet timezones on at the same time. It's really quite simple, and does not require any work to do.

11-22-2011, 01:30 PM
Not to exclude the possibility, but just linking the DB to the cloud would be extremely risky. For the overall purpose of increasing stability we wouldn't want the currently-on-the-box character data to be corrupted in any way. As such, "just running Liberator on the cloud test" is more easily said than done, but we'll see what can be done to improve the experience and provide a better incentive with the tools we have on Liberator coding.

11-22-2011, 05:29 PM
im so glad to see my simple suggestions have spawned a heated debate, too bad its the usual comments about "nge teenagers" or griping about jedi. It all comes down to the haves vs the have nots. Debating about all of this in forums wont get anyone a jedi any faster, go grind, or dont. I personally fail to see the point of debating a "funserver" that is going to be wiped and be gone one way or another.

Oh the intelligence! I weep, for the intelligence!

+10 - I totally agree

11-23-2011, 02:45 AM
oh ok, as i said i don't have disks yet so i wasn't able to play. :'(

11-23-2011, 06:57 PM
yea. i stopped being @@@@@ and rewrite my post :-)

@vlada we will have jtl in 1.0 ? i thought devs dropped the jtl idea .. or 1 dev worked on it... anyway souund ver very good :-)

i must miss something... what legacy means ?

Well they have added Shipwright and Pilot sections to the Professions forums so hopefully there will be JTL in 1.0 :)

11-24-2011, 06:49 PM
Add mandalorian armor?

plz dont hurt me :-(

11-24-2011, 06:53 PM
linking the DB to the cloud would be extremely risky.
I didn't realise there was a risk, thanks for the info Rev, I'll stop suggesting it.

11-27-2011, 05:27 AM
well i liked the bit of help with jedi progression with the start out as strong and two holos but the bottleneck with the mel mission is a bit much to wait two hours just for a luck to get it, don't get me wrong from what i heard the mel mission boss is tough to impossible to solo which i would like but the impossibility on getting the mission just to fight the boss is what i think needs to change, either take the timer off or lessen it, or allow the boss mob to be on a timer and allow more then one person but less then five to get it, let it be a race to whoever gets to the boss first and kill him, or maybe allow it to be granted to a group of ppl or something, just an idea on that.

as for the resources, for crafters maybe start them out with a x amount to begin with, i don't know all about crafting so i'll just leave the idea at that.

as for the original lib, i really don't like the randomized mobs and not knowing what they are, silent rumors would probably be better, i don't know if you could add the mel mission to that lib or not but if so then maybe do that and random professions, working ones at least. i didn't even want to try for jedi on lib until i played on libtest and i'm not really a big pvper but would like to get into it more so i agree with the pvp ideas on

as for rewards, i don't see why rewards, even in game rewards could not be considered to be given for testing, it would encourage alot to test more often plus it would be something to actually do to achieve for more of a experience, even though i have already tested on libtest it would be something to work towards to get something worth like a in game weapon or armor, also i do like the idea of a reward being a help in force progression on reg lib as well, but you could also add in a credits reward too. i love playing even if it is testing of any kind, but to test and get a reward would be a achievement everyone would love to do. just a thought on that.

Darth Nautas
11-28-2011, 11:56 AM
The "randomized mobs" is the same that the "silent rumours". It means that the rumour NPCs have been "silenced" and you have to figure out which ones are the mobs you are supposed to kill. The "rumour" system is simply a way to clue you with vague references from NPCs to what mobs you need to kill. If the NPC are "silenced", then you have no choice but to kill ten of every mob in every planet to be sure you've got your share.

That's how things are currently on Lib.

11-30-2011, 12:27 AM
oh i thought silent rumors was the npc informs you on the mob but you have to find the npc to talk to and that it was a random npc, my bad