View Full Version : Goodbye Basilisk

11-12-2022, 11:13 AM
You have been a good server for us. Through thick and thin! Many bugs and exploits have you helped us with. Many players through the years have called you home. Countless of hours have been spent on crafting, looting, exploring, battles and skirmishes. Love and hate, drama and agreement. The server have had it all!

Sadly your time has come to step out of time.

Thank you for all you were. May you Rest In Peace.


~The SWGEmu Team

11-12-2022, 11:15 AM
She was followed by these community members to her final resting place.

-thorker-, 72UkrainoviC69, acas707, Adaso, Adwaef, ae77guy, Aedynelliottandersen, agrajag, aine0508, ajhurt06, Akitsumasa, Akoarum, Alfred Schuhmeister, algebuckina, Alkoso, andy38506, andypants, AngryViking35, Archathis, Areo0075, ArlanVela, Arox, Artaryl, Arweniel, Ashx, Asly, asomictrumpet, Atilian, Avanael, Awila, babsalos, Banaden, Becka, Beda, blackbox189, Boba, bobbyrib, bobmulroy, bonertank, Borknagor, Bostwain, boxx, brandnb, BrigadE, BugHunter, bumsen, burtoner30, bydit, byoexile, CarlSoCal1988, caveshmoe2, cdpyr0, cerium58, ChainSeonguja, chantelle620, Cheerwine, cheezerweav, chily, Choobz, chrhein, Cian0606, ckeller2791, Clavatesrull, cmurphy50, coachl, cobragood, connermd7, crazyman21, Cursion, Dakkide, DanteMcCall, DarkJediLady, DarksideTarq, dedaskalion, Default121, DokDeath, Dom Crispo, doomonyou1999, dot0dotdot, Drackyyn, DrakeDog, Drof, dromag67, dsrules, dsurdez, Duke0471, ekimocyc, El Tornado, Elace, elace2, Emay, Enoch1224, Erillien, Erion, ErzeDarkdust, EvlBeeble, Fallon Noir, Farelli, Fastburn, flonbaysyc, fodmod, frostbiteVR, Gawddog, Gigitty, gitrooman, glassbongz, golfsr, greatmart, Gregory1566, GreySheBear, Hakry, Harison1, Harlock456, headlamb1, Hedge15, HelmedRaven, hemura, Hotdog_Zanzibar, Ifrin, imbatri, INKmyWholeBODY, iriejah, j0kasm0ka, Jackleware, jakber, jakelucas, jakey112, Janyrak, Jaws, Jboss, Jebudei, Jeremai, Jerome, jhwalker85, JiHaD, Jironobou, JKetner91, Joe16392, JPRecon, jxxbxxe, KaderStraden, Kaedes101, kasch, Kazutombo, Khark, khazad, kithmoor, Klobb, kruizer, Kurgol, LadyCierra, lavoria, ledvan, leetsauce, Livy2K, lonejedi8, lordkator, lordmelkor, Lorenzo, Maggot, malgoof, marclevi, marinelowca, MatthewStarWars, Meetch, meidae, mekbourne, miagarcia, micko1974, mikalar, Misk Brebran, misterjez, Mithras, Mivias, mjfenske1987, Mobiewan, Mobyus1, Mornkill, morror99, MrWeatherbee, mullersmutt2, Neandreya, newstar, NightWolf72, Nikodemos, nived1998, nmccarron, Nroclar, oddwan, Oisse, oldworld, Omegasight, oMek, Onnek7, OoorylQuirg, Ooso, Osskob, ouvavou, PappyBrewster, paxzz, Perfect, Pingel88, pinkius, PisCa, Polarbear7, Probeis, PsycOdaKillA, pugguh, Pyjri, Quoloth, Ragni, Ramarama, Raptor45, Rayzer, Razgris, RecksRacer, Redfoot, RedPatriot, redred123, RegularJohn, Rehtt, RevNeva, robegan99, rolltide1113, rozensidhe, ruskuval, rusman, Ruune, Ryan Wells, ryanps509, Ryddenn, SadesStarrider, Saffe, Sakira, Sekizen, Serrabell, Shadow2695, shilo, shivashandra, sirhink, Sithirath, Skytripa, Slagalot, SLiFeR, snoops04, soraroxas12345, Sound, Srivad, Starbucks, Starjumper, StevefromPlumbing, stoixion, StoneInc, stormcrow704, stylish, Suboran, Subsonicmeat, sundancer, Sunlake67, Superser, sweetcake, TahirMistwalker, TaIimar, tasha1988, TashunkaSapa, Techdevil, teh_eliterer, TheJedi, Thereptilianmerc102, TheSaberGuy, Thraak Byrston, Todah, toddkedwards, TooCoolx14, Tufftie, Tyrealz, Tyrson, Unspecialized, UnspokenforX, Vape, ViraVae, Voluted, Vonbrewhaha, Vyri, Wessolightmist, Westy, whhsboy, wolfpk, wozhunter, wrrlykam, Wub, Xanderball, xanozyten, Xentropic, xjokerz88, yeobe1, yorston71, youmadbro, zabion, zarnbenmoth99, Zop

11-12-2022, 12:25 PM
RIP Basilisk, you created the worst of times, and the best of times. I learned lessons that will last a lifetime.

For the event, we had 301 unique visitors playing a total of 571 hours of game time (avg 1.89 hours per player).

The player who managed to rack up the most time for the event was malgoof.

At the end of Basilisk, we had 103 players online.

The top 20 npc's looted where:

1181 dressed_dathomir_nightsister_protector
1038 dantari_male
823 jawa_male
566 dantari_female
505 dressed_lord_nyax
424 tusken_raider
332 emperor_royal_guard
296 dressed_dathomir_nightsister_elder
274 dressed_stormtrooper_m
221 dressed_force_sensitive_crypt_crawler
163 dressed_dark_force_crystal_hunter
161 ankura_gungan
144 dressed_emperors_hand_human_male_01
132 dressed_imperial_captain_m
131 jinda_female_01
131 dark_trooper
124 dressed_dark_jedi_human_male_01
113 dressed_mercenary_messanger_sullustan_m
113 dressed_criminal_thug_zabrak_male_01
108 dressed_imperial_soldier_m

Sadly we don't have some of the stats like kills and PVP that are on Finalizer.

Some stats from 2017 forward on Basilisk...

| Stat | Value |
| Total Characters | 436,261 |
| Total Unqiue Accounts | 30,441 |
| Total Unqiue IPs | 93,854 |
| Hours Played | 13,403,316 |
| XP Earned | 647,785,151,358 |
| Credits Earned | 273,522,706,289 |
| Richest Player Has | 2,147,061,195 |
| Player > 100k Credits | 13,256 |
| Player > 1m Credits | 6,246 |
| Player > 2m Credits | 4,445 |
| Player > 3m Credits | 3,651 |
| Player > 4m Credits | 3,179 |
| Player > 5m Credits | 2,796 |
| Player > 10m Credits | 1,842 |
| Player > 20m Credits | 1,038 |
| Player > 30m Credits | 709 |
| Player > 40m Credits | 534 |
| Player > 50m Credits | 431 |
| Player > 60m Credits | 361 |
| Player > 70m Credits | 315 |
| Player > 80m Credits | 269 |
| Player > 90m Credits | 246 |
| Player > 100m Credits | 216 |
| Player > 110m Credits | 184 |
| Player > 120m Credits | 169 |
| Player > 130m Credits | 157 |
| Player > 140m Credits | 141 |
| Player > 150m Credits | 134 |
| Player > 160m Credits | 125 |
| Player > 170m Credits | 119 |
| Player > 180m Credits | 116 |
| Player > 190m Credits | 113 |
| Player > 200m Credits | 110 |
| Player > 1B Credits | 9 |
| Total Unqiue Accounts (T30) | 747 |
| Total Unqiue IPs (T30) | 829 |
| Hours Played (T30) | 5,264 |
| XP Earned (T30) | 5,278,994,879 |
| Credits Earned (T30) | 455,132,590 |
| Richest Player Has (T30) | 1,117,423,498 |
| Player > 100k Credits (T30) | 589 |
| Player > 1m Credits (T30) | 416 |
| Player > 2m Credits (T30) | 345 |
| Player > 3m Credits (T30) | 324 |
| Player > 4m Credits (T30) | 300 |
| Player > 5m Credits (T30) | 280 |
| Player > 10m Credits (T30) | 222 |
| Player > 20m Credits (T30) | 152 |
| Player > 30m Credits (T30) | 122 |
| Player > 40m Credits (T30) | 96 |
| Player > 50m Credits (T30) | 88 |
| Player > 60m Credits (T30) | 77 |
| Player > 70m Credits (T30) | 65 |
| Player > 80m Credits (T30) | 57 |
| Player > 90m Credits (T30) | 56 |
| Player > 100m Credits (T30) | 50 |
| Player > 110m Credits (T30) | 45 |
| Player > 120m Credits (T30) | 40 |
| Player > 130m Credits (T30) | 38 |
| Player > 140m Credits (T30) | 36 |
| Player > 150m Credits (T30) | 36 |
| Player > 160m Credits (T30) | 36 |
| Player > 170m Credits (T30) | 35 |
| Player > 180m Credits (T30) | 35 |
| Player > 190m Credits (T30) | 33 |
| Player > 200m Credits (T30) | 31 |
| Player > 1B Credits (T30) | 1 |

(Note, they'd have to had logged in since 2017 to get in this table, I'm guessing we have more >1B's in there...)

| Character Template | Count |
| human_female | 50,043 |
| zabrak_male | 44,962 |
| twilek_female | 31,808 |
| wookiee_male | 29,198 |
| moncal_male | 24,913 |
| rodian_male | 24,086 |
| trandoshan_male | 20,359 |
| ithorian_male | 15,062 |
| human_male | 135,88 |
| zabrak_female | 12,528 |
| twilek_male | 11,935 |
| bothan_male | 11,560 |
| sullustan_male | 7,753 |
| rodian_female | 3,749 |
| wookiee_female | 3,456 |
| moncal_female | 2,664 |
| trandoshan_female | 2,050 |
| bothan_female | 1,951 |
| ithorian_female | 1,395 |
| sullustan_female | 903 |

RIP Basilisk, you'll always be in our memory, growing sweeter as time goes on....

11-12-2022, 04:55 PM


11-13-2022, 11:06 PM
End of a long chapter in the SWGEmu story. Even though I haven't played in years, I have many fond memories from a decade or so ago playing on Basilisk. Cannot wait to one day see Finalizer sent off in similar fashion so we can finally dig in to 1.0!

11-14-2022, 12:41 AM
Thanks for doing the cool send-off event. I really enjoyed it! Unfortunately, I had to go back to work after bit when I couldn’t connect. Seemed like the server got overloaded with everyone in the same spots or something ☺️

For now, I’ll probably not play anymore since I don’t really wanna level up Jedi again for more or less nothing (for the third time). I have a bad track record when it comes to timing, it seems. Once there’s a final server that won’t be discontinued, I’ll be back. Unless I miss SWG too much again….

11-14-2022, 01:56 AM
Sad. Basilisk will really be missed, those were some fun hours/years. Thanks for everything you've done, these stats are pretty awesome. I look forward to the future.

11-16-2022, 01:48 PM
Basilisk rage quit? Can I have your stuff?

11-18-2022, 03:20 AM
It was a lot of fun. I'm glad to have made it. I'd like to extend a big thank you to all that participated and made it happen.
I got in a hour before announced start and stayed till then end. I'd say great turnout! Lots of laughs and many licked wounds.
Yavin was a particularly painful battle. Fun all around was had; thank you. Ever forward.


11-18-2022, 06:42 PM
I recently logged into Basilisk to check on old characters and spawned into a random field near Coruscant. I stood there for a second, checked the surroundings to gauge where i was at and remember what i was doing last with that character, then as i was checking my inventory a player on a swoop shouted out a greeting; i replied and he pulled up closer.

I asked him what he was doing on this empty server and why he isn't on the new server. He told me he believed Basilisk was his true home, and he would continue to offer services and help to anyone that might spawn into Basilisk; he also had a theory that Finalizer would eventually go down and everyone would come parading back into Basilisk's glory, and he would be there to welcome them as he did me. We spoke for a while of our love for the simpler moments in the game, he had a great way with words, and then i logged off for Finalizer.

The Basilisk server may down for all of you, but to me i believe that man is still there traveling between the planets, keeping the greatest story ever told alive.

11-18-2022, 06:55 PM
I recently logged into Basilisk to check on old characters and spawned into a random field near Corellia. I stood there for a second, checked the surroundings to gauge where i was at and remember what i was doing last with that character, then as i was checking my inventory a player on a swoop shouted out a greeting; i replied and he pulled up closer.

I asked him what he was doing on this empty server and why he isn't on the new server. He told me he believed Basilisk was his true home, and he would continue to offer services and help to anyone that might spawn into Basilisk; he also had a theory that Finalizer would eventually go down and everyone would come parading back into Basilisk's glory, and he would be there to welcome them as he did me. We spoke for a while of our love for the simpler moments in the game, he had a great way with words, and then i logged off for Finalizer.

The Basilisk server may down for all of you, but to me i believe that man is still there traveling between the planets, keeping the greatest story ever told alive.

Wherever he is I hope he's doing well, thanks for sharing that.

11-18-2022, 07:05 PM
Wherever he is I hope he's doing well, thanks for sharing that.

Every single time i started up SWG i would check the Basilisk population number, just for a brief second, because as long as it wasn't 0 i could assume he was there, 1 of the 5 online, keeping his adventure going and it would inspire me to keep mine going.

11-18-2022, 08:38 PM
good memories!

11-20-2022, 12:58 AM
RIP Bas. And to all my fellow Rangers, I hope to run into you in the wild again.

12-09-2022, 08:40 AM
RIP Bas finally! As a returning player I am looking forward to Finalizer and then onwards to live eventually.

Thank you to all the staff that make this possible.

12-13-2022, 04:16 PM

12-15-2022, 11:32 AM
Goodbye Imperial Outpost my old friend

-IO- Forever.....................


Bonowhemm Oplo
03-23-2023, 02:13 PM
Sorry I missed the party. I just spent the last three years or so living in a shack half way up a mountain. No cell signal, or I'd have climbed back down if I had heard.

I've spent most of the last 10 years either homeless or transient. Never really had a set place to sleep for most of it, either I was in Uni and moving around all the time - or I was homeless as I have been for the last 6 years pretty much continuously. I was here when Basilisk started, shame I couldn't be here when it ended. But I've been reading the patch notes etc and its impressive what you've got done while I'm gone. Dunno when we changed the name but we finally got "Suncrusher"

But you know what they say, the best thing about leaving your old life behind is that you get to make a new one.

03-23-2023, 02:28 PM
Finalizer is not the production server (last server) everyone are looking for. Finalizer is another test server, but somewhere we test things that is not 14.1

Bonowhemm Oplo
03-23-2023, 02:35 PM
Any idea of a timescale? I'm defo gonna hop on and look around, but I'm probly not gonna bother grinding anything complicated if its gonna go poof in 3 months like lib.

03-23-2023, 02:51 PM
Even though we are very close to 1.0, there will be a long time after the goal have been met where we need to create content and make changes, so we will not see the end server in some time still.

Naruto Swade
03-24-2023, 01:46 PM
Test server? What we testing? What new change we testing this week?

03-24-2023, 05:48 PM
Test server? What we testing? What new change we testing this week?If you are not aware, I suggest you read up on this thread. All the non 14.1 changes made to Finalizer that the community test out daily.

And the notion that there haven't been made a new merge of code this week, do not take away from Finalizer been a test server.