View Full Version : [SWGEmu Event] Basilisk's Requiem (November 11)

11-03-2022, 11:33 PM
Basilisk - Basilisk's Requiem


The SWGEmu Events Division

Basilisk's Requiem

Event Start When: Friday, November 11th, 2022 at 12pm PDT/3pm EDT/8pm UTC (Check your time here (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Basilisk's+Requiem&iso=20221111T15&p1=263))

Event End When: November 11th, 11pm PDT, Saturday, November 12th, 2022 1am EDT/6am UTC

Event Where: Basilisk Server, Various Planets


The time has come to close the doors on a server that helped, time and time again, move our project ever forward. Basilisk was the first play/test server to fully run the Object Restructure branch, which was a foundational restructure of Core3. Basilisk started with very minimal features, replacing the Liberator server as the primary server for us here at SWGEmu and now comes to an end as a nearly complete Pre-CU SWG experience.

Many memories were made, within the community and staff, throughout the years that Basilisk has been online. It has provided bountiful information that attributes to the stability of the code base to this day, while giving a enjoyable play experience that we all so dearly missed from the Pre-CU days of live. We can now turn our full focus on Finalizer and that goal of 1.0, that continues to move closer each day.

Join us at the event for the final goodbye to all the great memories on Basilisk.

"Citizens of the Galaxy, Hear me. Your leaders, the Empire, have made a momentous decision. In this decision, they have turned back from your planets they would claim as their own. Their ships gather in great flotillas, not to defend you, but for nefarious purposes. They move to a planet, and all traffic we hear is of horror and panic, and then they are gone. We don't know what has happened to these planets, but they are not stopping, more planets go dark by the day, by the hour.

We are on our own. Together we can fight, apart we will fall. It's time to make a stand, it's time to rebel!" - Mon Mothma in a galaxy-wide declaration to the Holonet.

After the event ends and Basilisk is shut down one last time, we may commemorate the event with those who joined in it's final hurrah with a unique badge.

~The SWGEmu Staff

11-04-2022, 12:18 AM
End of an era, Thanks to the staff for all the hard work that went in to putting this together.

11-04-2022, 12:29 AM
Farewell sweet, sweet Bas. There for me when I needed something in my life. All things must come to an end....


11-04-2022, 01:22 AM
Goodbye Bas.

You've held a lot of memories for me, I'll be visiting the remains of the old player cities one last time there.

For me, it's almost like a smaller version of live shutting down. Bas was really the first time I played SWG properly, as I only ever played the free trial of live the year it shut down, and so this place has been my personal SWG experience and history, and so I appreciate and thank the people who worked on that server to this day for creating the opportunity for me to experience SWG and to have had the memories I now look on fondly.

Misk Brebran
11-04-2022, 03:38 AM
Thank you SWG community for sticking with the old girl through thick and thin for so long.

Bas allowed me to meet so many new people i have a feeling ill be in touch with for years and years. It was a wonderful run.

Alas, now it is time for you to take a well deserved rest as Finalizer takes the lead.

Well done.


11-04-2022, 09:10 AM
Those ten years went fast... and were great and rich in events and experiences.

Old friends discovered again, some lost and new ones... and in the misty horizons... still hope.

Thanks to all who were part of it for the good or the bad, for you both made us stronger.

11-04-2022, 10:23 PM
Sad to see. I didn't do well on the move to Finalizer but I'll definitely be logging in to say goodbye.

11-05-2022, 12:56 AM
oh noooo RIP

11-05-2022, 03:52 AM
Gonna pour one out to Bas. Had lots of great times on there. It'll be missed but ever forward.

11-05-2022, 07:32 PM
Thanks for all the lessons Basilisk. What a ride.

11-06-2022, 03:14 AM
How long will it last?

11-06-2022, 06:03 AM
How long will it last?

The plan has it to last into the evening, exact time will depend on how things go in game.

Efima Lofo
11-07-2022, 03:45 AM
Goodbye Bas and my almost full-temp jedi. I ll be there ready to be hunt once again

11-07-2022, 01:57 PM
The plan has it to last into the evening, exact time will depend on how things go in game.

Thank you.
What's the plan for the days before 11/11/2022? Can we please have the server up and running? I want to take a lot of screens and make videos. You know, I'm a sentimental player :)


11-07-2022, 02:48 PM
Thank you.
What's the plan for the days before 11/11/2022? Can we please have the server up and running? I want to take a lot of screens and make videos. You know, I'm a sentimental player :)


It should be up and running now, try and log in.

11-07-2022, 04:48 PM
It should be up and running now, try and log in.

It's down.
Cannot pass the Connecting to the Galaxy box.

11-07-2022, 06:14 PM
It's down.
Cannot pass the Connecting to the Galaxy box.

Yes it is down now, but temporary as the November 11 sendoff event hasn't happened. The launchpad and homepage show server status.

11-08-2022, 07:19 PM
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to clear things up about the final Basilisk event. It will start at 3pm EST, however it will not end a hour later. We expect it will end around 1am EST the following day, within a margin of about 30 minutes. This should allow everyone who might not be able to make it till later to join in and see what has happened thus far.

Keep in mind, we will be tracking who joins us and we may be commemorating the event with a unique badge on Finalizer.

11-09-2022, 11:34 AM
Will there be any blue frogs?

11-09-2022, 04:02 PM
Will there be any blue frogs?

Possibly :cool:

11-10-2022, 01:33 PM
Heard about this, and I'll miss it. I played Live for a long time with Unity, but started right AFTER the NGE so all I ever knew were improvements. Heard about SWGEmu and wanted to try it out, spent hours just running out from anchorhead and having fun when the devs finally got combat going and spawned in krayts. Also had my first run in with squills and learned to respect them. I'll never forget Basilisk launching and starting an armorsmith, hawking my wares in front of Corellia spaceport to earn a few credits. Thanks for all the memories team, looking forward to rolling on Finalizer once life slows down.

11-11-2022, 06:09 PM
I have said my goodbyes already. I have wandered through the empty streets and cantinas and homes of Fanfar, Dantooine where I spent most of my time and made many good friends. It was sad enough for me.

11-11-2022, 06:48 PM
Another one for the books. Progress has been made.
Exciting! Ever forward!


11-11-2022, 07:02 PM
haven't played in awhile due to job, but wanted to hop on and say thanks to the devs for Basilisk. It was where I came for nostalgia and to relive my time from 2003-2005 starsider days, but more importantly where I got to introduce my children to the SWG game.

Heartfelt thanks!

11-11-2022, 07:04 PM
I wanted to chill and hang out with potentially old friends, but I was sad to learn this was a full PvP event so I'm going to sit this one out. Thanks for all the great times, Basilisk. I'll always have memories of Savareen.

Long live Finalizer!

11-11-2022, 07:16 PM
Thanks to the PVP community for living up to its reputation.
before the event to end basilisk is properly started, this community has nothing else to do but massacre afk chars in the cantina.
you can't even participate in the final event.
thank you for destroying this event.
you don't feel like participating anymore.

Of course, making a PVP event out of it isn't really the best idea either.

I wish all those who have fun with it, a lot of fun.
except for our pvp community.
i pray to god for a bug that deletes all chars on all servers of the pvp community

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

11-11-2022, 10:18 PM
I wanted to chill and hang out with potentially old friends, but I was sad to learn this was a full PvP event so I'm going to sit this one out. Thanks for all the great times, Basilisk. I'll always have memories of Savareen.

Long live Finalizer!

It has been PvE so far on Endor and Yavin. They spawned in Darth Vader, acklay, AT-STs, krayts, and more. Come check it out if you have time. It has been a lot of fun. :)

11-11-2022, 10:31 PM
There's been side pvp but it's not part of the event. Some gcw stuff but it's pve not pvp. No idea what's planned though

11-12-2022, 02:28 AM
Goodbye Basi, you were the server where I spent most of my time playing video games back in middle and high school. It sucks having to say goodbye to my characters, but I'm okay with it as Basilisk's death will mean greater futures for the emulator. Godspeed Basilisk!

11-12-2022, 06:08 AM
There's been side pvp but it's not part of the event. Some gcw stuff but it's pve not pvp. No idea what's planned though
Maybe you could have played along beforehand with where PVP and where pve will be.

11-12-2022, 01:00 PM
RIP Bas, thanks everyone for the event, it was a lot of fun.

https://i.postimg.cc/RWyZ56sf/20221112045145-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/RWyZ56sf)

https://i.postimg.cc/t1dQSYL9/20221112051348-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/t1dQSYL9)

11-12-2022, 05:40 PM
Quite the ending, didn't really understand what was going on though...

Few minutes before bed so I decide to log in, character standing outside Coronet, drive toward the crowd of people mingling outside the spaceport, then me and my AV-21 immediately get insta killed by a huge spawn of mobs. If the server wasn't literally shutting down that night I'd have been a little ticked off hehe. Sad to see it go.

To the future!

11-13-2022, 02:42 AM
I have been holding this in all day today, and I just have to say it. The timing for this event was terrible, 3pm EST on a weekday? Many of us have jobs, and families. Friday nights my kids stay up later than on regular weekdays, so by the time everything was said and done and my kids were in bed and I could jump in game for a little bit the event was basically over. My crafter, Olympus, and main toon that I spent 99% of my time on Basilisk has zero combat skills. I loaded in Coronet, and could not even go back to my city on Tatooine, and be with my manufacturing center that I spent nearly a decade building. Instead I was forced PvP and was being killed over and over, and had to log onto my little used combat character and still got killed over and over because I was never much of a PvPer and did not have the gear for it.

The 30 second timer came, and I tried to switch back to Olympus for a proper send off. However, I did not make it and Basilisk ended while I was loading the screen to get into Olympus. I feel cheated to be honest, and it kind of sucks. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but a piss poor way to send off nearly a decade of play.

This should have been a 24 hour event, so that everyone could get a chance to join in the events.

11-13-2022, 03:52 AM

Thanks for the fun last night folks! Enjoyed it!!


11-13-2022, 06:52 AM
I have been holding this in all day today, and I just have to say it. The timing for this event was terrible, 3pm EST on a weekday? Many of us have jobs, and families. Friday nights my kids stay up later than on regular weekdays, so by the time everything was said and done and my kids were in bed and I could jump in game for a little bit the event was basically over. My crafter, Olympus, and main toon that I spent 99% of my time on Basilisk has zero combat skills. I loaded in Coronet, and could not even go back to my city on Tatooine, and be with my manufacturing center that I spent nearly a decade building. Instead I was forced PvP and was being killed over and over, and had to log onto my little used combat character and still got killed over and over because I was never much of a PvPer and did not have the gear for it.

The 30 second timer came, and I tried to switch back to Olympus for a proper send off. However, I did not make it and Basilisk ended while I was loading the screen to get into Olympus. I feel cheated to be honest, and it kind of sucks. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but a piss poor way to send off nearly a decade of play.

This should have been a 24 hour event, so that everyone could get a chance to join in the events.

I've responded to this on Discord, but I do apologize for the timing. In a ideal situation it would have been 72 hours which is the bare minimum for events like this that we host. However, due to the server move it was this time or it was never. During event we had three crashes and each time required developer intervention to adjust the event on the fly so it didn't go long or restart the process. It's our longest consecutive event we've ran with as a team, most of our finale or on-the-spot events last a hour or two, this lasted over nine hours.

11-13-2022, 02:32 PM
I've responded to this on Discord, but I do apologize for the timing. In a ideal situation it would have been 72 hours which is the bare minimum for events like this that we host. However, due to the server move it was this time or it was never. During event we had three crashes and each time required developer intervention to adjust the event on the fly so it didn't go long or restart the process. It's our longest consecutive event we've ran with as a team, most of our finale or on-the-spot events last a hour or two, this lasted over nine hours.

Thank you for the reply, I was just upset. I'm over it now, I apologize if I made you upset.