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12-12-2021, 07:52 AM
Q & A New server, The Finalizer

The SWGEmu Team

Q & A New server, The Finalizer

The verdict is in and we will have a new server. We will follow our tradition of naming our servers with the name of a spaceship. The new server will be named Finalizer. The Finalizer was a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer which served as the flagship of General Armitage Hux and Kylo Ren

The in-game survey had this result:


I'd play on Basilisk and the new server.

I'd play only on the new server.

Not sure what I'd do.

I'd only play on Basilisk.

Don't care.



As we can see from the survey, we are divided as a community, so Basilisk will continue to stay with us. We have about 2500 unique accounts that log into Basilisk each month, so by running the survey longer, we would have a larger sample size to draw upon. The reason we only ran it for a week is that we really want to try and get this server ready before the holidays, where many in the community finally have some days off and time to sink themselves in to some SWG fun. Of all that have participating in our survey, only 16 didn't vote.

Lordkator have posted an in-dept analyze of the survey her (https://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242147) for the ones interested in more info

Here are the changes that we will make from the start of the new server:

Finalizer will use the same ToS (https://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30) as Basilisk does now.
2 characters per account, 1 character online at a time.
Basilisk character names will be reserved for 90 days. After that period, the names are free to be used by anyone.
ADKs, Resource deeds and Self Powered Harvester deeds will be removed
Jedi unlock will still be the village, but with phase times reduced to 1 week
Squad leader range will be reduced
House maintenance will not automatically withdraw from the bank
Automatic Galaxy Harvester pushes, but with a 2 day delay on new resources, so that people who enjoy this part of the game can still be first on a good spawn.
Tuesday weekly push of new code from unstable with a server restart. We will not push unstable code, but the server will get a weekly restart at 09:00 UTC no matter if it got new code or not

Here we will try to answer most of your questions about the survey, and what a new server would mean. There are 42 questions and we have tried to answer them as well as we can.

Q: Why now? You have said Basilisk will stay until the project is done, it's in your mission statement.
A: There are several reasons for this. We have actually discussed this internally for some time.

Tools: To test tools that we wish to have on our future production server (permanent play server). For instance, we want to implement tools that handle merging of new code both in offline and online modes. Our backend code has changed a lot in the last few years. Code merges historically took several hours and we needed a weekend to do it. With backend changes that have been implemented you may have noticed that we are typically back online in less than one hour. Our dev team has done a very good job here.

Interactivity: Community interaction in-game is important to us. This survey is the first of many interactions we envision. As we know, only about 8% of our player base is actually active on our forum and discord isn’t ideal for threaded discussion. We see these occasional in-game polls as being the best way to garner actual player data.

Population: We all recognize that Basilisk is stagnant and as we get nearer to meeting the 14.1 target it becomes harder to entice people to test out code changes. Community suggestions were of the opinion that a new server, even without new content, will achieve a greater population testing out all code merges. As such, the implementation of the survey is us polling the community to see if there is enough demand to warrant us putting in time/effort into a new temporary server.

Q: Will a new server be a test server?
A: Yes, it will still be considered a temporary test server for us. It will be as Basilisk is now, however, the server will track Unstable much more closely. New code will be pushed on a weekly basis when the server restarts, given stability. This will facilitate quicker testing of changes and enable us to weed out issues that arise.

Q: What about banned accounts? Will they still be banned?
A: Yes, accounts that currently are banned, will still be banned with the new server. Nothing will change there.

Q: Will the new server have blue frogs?
A: No, there will not be blue frogs on the new server. It's a test/play server as Basilisk is now

Q: What TOS will the new server use and will there be CSR support on it?
A: The new server will use the same TOS as Basilisk does now and our support team will offer support on this server as they do on Basilisk

Q: Does this mean we are close to being done?
A: We are closer to the final goal than we have ever been, and the light is visible at the end of the tunnel. There are still some features that need to be implemented and others rigorously tested. We also have a good backlog of bugs that need to be fixed and tested. There are several things that we wish to test before we launch our production server and we feel this is a good time to start that.

Q: Will you involve the community more in the future?
A: We are looking into several ways to involve the community more in our process. One of them is possibly implementing a player senate like SoE did back in the day. We are also looking into using the holonet system already in place in the spaceports. Lastly, we also have the survey system you were all just introduced to. So yes, we wish to interact with the community more.

Q: Will there be more events?
A: You might have noticed that we have an increased number of events this year. Our new events are more advanced than earlier years. This is because of time spent making better tools to handle events (both staff-run and autonomous system events). Some of the events may not be that grand in size, however the method we used to prepare and deploy them has enhanced with each one. All of which will be beneficial down the road for creating proper content.

Q: Will there be staff run events on both servers?
A: Scripted events will continue on both servers, whereas events initiated by staff will not be possible to have across multiple servers. The server with the most population will see most of these events

Q: Will the new server get new post-14.1 content?
A: It will not see a lot of changes to 14.1 at the start. Down the line we will make changes that we wish to test out.

Q: Will the new server see significant tweaks to buffs, armor, weapons, professions?
A: As with the previous question, any balancing attempts might be done at the very end of the current project’s lifetime, but not before.

Q: There are over 300 000 registered members on the site. Why not send an email to them?
A: We are concerned that doing that will trigger spam filters and prevent us from being able to do it again in the future. We will wait to do that until we are actually launching our permanent server. At that time, we will have a new forum, a new server and a completely new project with new content! Then we will inform everyone through all the channels we have at our disposal, including the emails we have in our database.

Q: Will code be pushed more often to the new server?
A: We will continue to use Nova as a test server for new code. The code will be pushed there first. Every Tuesday we will push that code to the new server with a restart, so our server will also get a weekly scheduled restart and not run until it crashes, like we do with Basilisk. This means the new server will inherently be less stable than Basilisk. But it will track changes quicker rather than waiting for a big Publish event.

Q: Will the new server have veteran rewards and will we be able to claim them?
A: Anti-Decay Kits, Self Powered Harvesters and Resource Deeds will be removed from the Veteran Rewards List. All others will be claimable during claim periods.

Q: How many characters will we have access to on the new server and how many online at the time?
A: There will be 2 character slots available for each player and you will be able to have 1 character online at a time. Unlocking Jedi will not give you a third character slot.

Q: What will be done with bots?
A: As much as we also don’t like bots, a solution will require a lot of thought to find a good solution. For now, this system will not be touched, but we have begun discussing solutions for our future production server.

Q: Will anything be done to jedi unlock?
A: Jedi will use the village unlock with reduced phase times - 1 Week. Your Jedi character will be the character you use to unlock Jedi with. Unlocking Jedi will not give you a third character slot.

Q: Will we have to start the prof grind, or will we get our characters from Basilisk?
A: It’s a fresh server and we all will have to start from scratch.

Q: What will happen with Basilisk if a new server is launched?
A: That is a bit hard to answer. It will run in parallel with the new server and we will have to see what happens to Basilisk down the road.

Q: Will the database be wiped?
A: We will not wipe any databases now.

Q: Can I guarantee that I’ll get the same character name as I have on Basilisk? I don’t want anyone impersonating me on the new server.
A: Basilisk character names will be reserved for 90 days. After that period, the names are free to be used by anyone.

Q: Will there be any rewards for playing on this new server? Like will we get something on Basilisk? A forum badge? Something special when the 1.0+ server launches?
A: No, there will not be any special rewards or badges for playing on any servers that we run at this time.

Q: I hope the new server isn’t used to perpetuate the 14.1 goal and instead “1.0” changes are tested upon it
A: At the start, the server will not have a lot of changes past Basilisk, but we intend to make changes and test them on this server.

Q: Will we see frequent wipes, let’s say every 2 years and not a 9 year as Basilisk?
A: No, we don’t plan to wipe this server regularly. It’s a test server, so you never know what happens when we start to make changes. When we reach the 1.0 milestone and are ready to post our new production server, both Basilisk and Finalizer will be taken down.

Q: Will squad leader be limited to range?
A: Yes, we will change the range of SL. It will no longer be planet side. The sensible range will have to be tested, but we will set it to 128 meters at start.

Q: How long do you think it will take to prep and launch a new server like this?
A: Unfortunately, it’s a bit difficult to say, seeing as we depend on people having time to volunteer for this. We are hoping to have the server up for the holidays.

Q: How will backups be handled? In case something goes wrong from a merger and the need to revert.
A: The new server will have the same backup capabilities as Basilisk has now. Basilisk is saved every 10 minutes, so the longest rollback we would experience would be 10 minutes, unless the save has become corrupted.

Q: If the server is successful, what are your priorities for it and next steps?
A: Looking at the in-game poll and the forum poll, we expect the server to be successful, meaning people will log into it and play. Our first priorities will be to make the changes we want at start and tweak them. Fix any bugs that might come because of the changes and get every Tuesday restart and code merge to function as we need it to.

Q: What will be the purpose of each server in the next couple of months?
-Nova will continue as it is now and used as it is now.
-Basilisk will continue as it is now.
-ThePit will be taken down and replaced by the new server. The new server will see changes past 14.1 at start, and eventually see larger changes later on.
-TCPrime is mostly a staff test server that we copy any server into and test there, without interfering with the server we have copied.

Q: Are pre-patch resets a possibility in case of a severely detrimental patch (a patch that inadvertently allows a game breaking exploit or something)
A: Every time the server is taken down, it will be saved. It's taken down before a patch, so we will save the server.

Q: If new code mergers break a certain aspect of the game or create a temporary unfair advantage that is exploited, will the server be rolled back to correct this?
A: This is almost impossible to answer. It really depends on how long the bug/exploit have been on the server. What we most of all depended on, is that bugs and exploits are being reported to Mantis. Why some of the exploits we have seen on Basilisk become so huge, is because people used the exploits, instead of reporting them to us. It's short sighted and only damages our community.

Q: Can we introduce elements of change to keep wipes different and exciting?
- Resource scarcity (less common high-end resources to keep armor from being 80kin the first month of play. I think Benny was making padded the first few weeks of bask at 72kin)
- Difficulty: NPC ham / damage increases for high end pve.
- Over spawn
A: We have discussed this internally. At the start of the server, we will not make the changes that you ask about here. We might look into throttling resources, so that we don’t get SB resources in the first month, but no decisions have been made yet

Q: Will you change how FRS xp is earned so there’s no need for fight clubs, balance changes to looted dot weapons or CM dots or addressing the AFKers, Ewoks/Krayts/Acklay etc?
A: We feel that the change to 2 characters and one online at the time, will make it so that the players are more dependent on each other and that it will make fight clubs harder to achieve. It will still be possible to do. To solve that, would require a new system and that is not something we can do at the start of this server.

Q: Relating to character slots per account, what will be done to reduce the number of players with multiple accounts?
A: We don’t have a solution to this issue at the time of this Q&A. We want people in each household to be able to play together, but at the same time, we know many misuse the multiple accounts their home has been allowed to have. To find good rules for this is even more important than before, since we now will limit the characters, you can have to 2 and only 1 online. People who are found abusing this, will get banned.

Q: Will there be any improvements to the process for approving multiple household accounts?
A: The process will unfortunately be as it is today. We don’t have another way to handle it. We have tools in place to stop multiple accounts. But tools only take us this far. A lot of the multiple account issues must be handled manually by someone in support.

Q: How will veteran rewards be handled?
A: Currently this system is handled by account creation time. This is of course not optional for a new server. There would have to be a new system in place to handle this and we don’t have the time to implement something like this. With that said, ADKs, Resource Deeds and Self Powered Harvester Deeds have been removed.

Q: Do you have any plans to progress servers and emulate content releases like the addition of speeders or GCW?
A: Down the line we will make changes, but we can’t give a specific answer as to what, other than the ones mentioned in the answers above

Q: Standard XP rate or boosted? Standard resource gathering? Standard city populations and progression times?
A: We will not change anything here at this time

Q: If the daily population of Bas drops below xx for dd period of time, will Bas be shuttered?
A: We have not taken a stance on this yet. Many that have answered the in-game survey have said they will play on both servers. We basically have to wait and see.

We hope that this will answer most of the questions you might have about this.

~The SWGEmu Team

12-12-2021, 07:56 AM
Q: Will we be able to transfer items from Basilisk to Finalizer and vice versa?
A: No, there will be no transfers from one server to the next, of any kind.

How will the new server impact financial cost of the project? Will there be more server space to pay for?

Finalizer will add no costs to the SWGEmu expenses.

How is this possible?
Because we will remove ThePit server and replace it with Finalizer

Maybe this has already been asked, but are flash speeders available on day 1? If not, maybe increase the cost so they don't interfere with crafted items? I never bought swoops on bas, just /flash. Not good for economy.
Flash speeders will not be there from start

With the "1 toon online" restriction, is there any thought to a slight increase in the number of skill points allowed for toons?
No, there is not. The game is easy enough as it is.

Just a thought, but will we be able to play with 1 character on Basilisk whilst also playing 1 character on Finalizer? Or will we be locked to one or the other at any given time?You can log in 2 on Basilisk and one an Finalizer if you so wish

any thoughts on allowing SL to use their abilities on self?
We have talked about it, but currently not entertaining the idea. Will alter how the tactics evolve in combat. Might be fun :)

Just a couple quick Q & A update:

XP will no longer be split based on damage, so you can grind with each other in groups
Looted DoT weapons use count now cap at 2000 uses instead of 9999 previously
Jedi can earn FRS XP from Bounty Hunters with Investigation 3 & up, that are actively hunting the Jedi - Not yet implemented
Jedi Missions will have a cool down for the BH to get the mission again, regardless if they fail or succeed

12-12-2021, 08:07 AM
Hyped! so many good changes aswell!

12-12-2021, 08:08 AM
Thanks!!! That looks awesome!

Now the question is: When????

12-12-2021, 08:12 AM
Thanks for the comprehensive set of answers Lolindir, particularly around the possibility of changing things up over the lifetime of the server to inform the eventual permanent server's settings.

I'm never a fan of having so few character slots, due to chronic alt-itis, but 2 will do. :)

Hope everyone who said they'd play actually turns up. Good luck to the devs trying to get it done before Christmas!

12-12-2021, 08:19 AM
I have not been online in a while and randomly got the urge to check out the emu. Pleasantly surprised and excited to dive back in over the holidays.

12-12-2021, 08:19 AM
Wow. I never thought I'd see this

12-12-2021, 08:21 AM
ADKs, Resource deeds and Self Powered Harvester deeds will be removed
I love you guys so much, i’m very excited :)

12-12-2021, 08:29 AM

PS. Sorry Monoxxide, needed the 2nd post palace, so I had to remove your post

the one time I'm okay with you deleting my posts. kek


12-12-2021, 08:32 AM
Outstanding. The hype is real!!!!

12-12-2021, 08:36 AM
Thanks!!! That looks awesome!

Now the question is: When????We hope before the holidays. That is a short time, so we can not make any promises.

As we can see from the survey, we are divided as a community, so Basilisk will continue to stay with us. We have about 2500 unique accounts that log into Basilisk each month, so by running the survey longer, we would have a larger sample size to draw upon. The reason we only ran it for a week is that we really want to try and get this server ready before the holidays, where many in the community finally have some days off and time to sink themselves in to some SWG fun. Of all that have participating in our survey, only 16 didn't vote.

12-12-2021, 08:39 AM
We hope before the holidays. That is a short time, so we can not make any promises.

The sooner the better of course, but you'd better take the time needed to make something great, even if it takes longer than expected. We've been waiting for almost 10 years, we can wait an other month :)

12-12-2021, 08:58 AM
Yooo this is great news! I'm personally still just going to be waiting for 1.0 as I have been, but I'm really excited for everyone who's been playing actively to get a nice fresh start after such a long time.

12-12-2021, 09:01 AM
This is really great.
Excellent decision on the changes...

12-12-2021, 09:02 AM
Any chance of a discord chat bot that will pull live chat into the discord and vise versa ?

12-12-2021, 09:50 AM
Any chance of a discord chat bot that will pull live chat into the discord and vise versa ?

Live chat?

12-12-2021, 10:39 AM
Like the changes would of liked xp increase by 2x and no penalty for grouping like during cu.
I think it makes no sense to encourage solo play in a mmo. I honestly have no idea what soe were thinking at that time.
Really liked the xp changes on deda intended server we played on awhile back. Progressed at a more enjoyably rate.
Pass from me. Enjoy the new server. Great job staff.

12-12-2021, 10:58 AM
note those names that are all hyped. 6 months from now, be calling for another wipe.

12-12-2021, 11:33 AM
note those names that are all hyped. 6 months from now, be calling for another wipe.

Not sure I agree. I mean, they've stated they want to keep making changes down the line. A lot of things are fixed with just these few changes. I could only see a wipe happening unless they made a change that requires a wipe OR 1.0/1.0+

12-12-2021, 11:41 AM
Regarding character slots please consider a time base unlock for more. I am assuming by account would be tough so wide unlocks would be easier(?), but if every 3 months you added a character slot up to 5 or w/e it would have a good balance.

12-12-2021, 11:41 AM
note those names that are all hyped. 6 months from now, be calling for another wipe.
Not betting against you but I guess we will have to wait and see

12-12-2021, 11:55 AM
Regarding character slots please consider a time base unlock for more. I am assuming by account would be tough so wide unlocks would be easier(?), but if every 3 months you added a character slot up to 5 or w/e it would have a good balance.

What's the point? Making a remake of basilisk with everyone being self sufficient and killing the community & the economy again?
Clearly, 2 characters is more than enough. Most of us played with only 1 char back on live. At least at start, and for the first months (years for some, most of my friends back then had only one account and one toon).

12-12-2021, 12:07 PM
Thank you to the swgemu team for the great engagement with the community. This is great news and I love the changes they decided to go with.

12-12-2021, 12:11 PM
is there a chance the track could bend?

12-12-2021, 12:11 PM
I dig it, I like that you went with the idea of surveying the community, it seems to have worked well!

12-12-2021, 12:18 PM
is there a chance the track could bend?This server is also for us to experiment. No one can say what will happen down the line, but I can say that we will make changes.

The Gunslinger
12-12-2021, 12:48 PM
So, what about dancer and doctor buff bots? Is anyone going to sacrifice their one character online to provide buff services? You overcame this on live by simply buying another account.

12-12-2021, 01:07 PM
Looks like it's going to be Jedi Wars Galaxies with the removal of ADK's.

I get that PVP was never really balanced, but I fail to see how anyone can argue that LS damage being massively overpowered was largely responsible for this back on live. I for one think that the removal of ADK's will only create more issues than it will solve, especially given that provided they are account locked this negates the risk of account farming and exploitation/significant advantage being given to people owning multiple ADK's.

Personally I'd like to see a poll created for the addition/removal of ADK's (and the Resource Deed and Self Powered Harvester Deed too for that matter) rather than simply bending to the vocal majority on the forums/discord.

Had I been armed with the knowledge that Jedi would be OP once again, I for one would have voted differently - and this is coming from someone who has had zero interest in PVP all the time I've played on Basilisk.

I understand that this isn't a thread for discussion of ADK's (a debate I've never really engaged in up until now), but I foresee a server largely populated by Jedi which will do as much, if not more damage to the community than the presence of ADK's alone.

/flame away.

12-12-2021, 01:15 PM
Looks like it's going to be Jedi Wars Galaxies with the removal of ADK's.

I get that PVP was never really balanced, but I fail to see how anyone can argue that LS damage being massively overpowered was largely responsible for this back on live. I for one think that the removal of ADK's will only create more issues than it will solve, especially given that provided they are account locked this negates the risk of account farming and exploitation/significant advantage being given to people owning multiple ADK's.

Personally I'd like to see a poll created for the addition/removal of ADK's (and the Resource Deed and Self Powered Harvester Deed too for that matter) rather than simply bending to the vocal majority on the forums/discord.

Had I been armed with the knowledge that Jedi would be OP once again, I for one would have voted differently - and this is coming from someone who has had zero interest in PVP all the time I've played on Basilisk.

I understand that this isn't a thread for discussion of ADK's (a debate I've never really engaged in up until now), but I foresee a server largely populated by Jedi which will do as much, if not more damage to the community than the presence of ADK's alone.

/flame away.

umm... PSG's still have lightsaber resistance. you dont lose anything by removing ADK's you just need to be better with your inventory management

12-12-2021, 01:34 PM
Imagine all those players that had 50 or 100 toons on Basilisk. I feel sorry for them :tongue8em8:

12-12-2021, 01:34 PM
but main streets still all cracked and broken!

12-12-2021, 01:44 PM
So, what about dancer and doctor buff bots? Is anyone going to sacrifice their one character online to provide buff services? You overcame this on live by simply buying another account.

Comes down to basic economics, if entertainers are rare you can make a cantina with an entrance fee. People will pay!

12-12-2021, 01:47 PM
What's the point? Making a remake of basilisk with everyone being self sufficient and killing the community & the economy again?
Clearly, 2 characters is more than enough. Most of us played with only 1 char back on live. At least at start, and for the first months (years for some, most of my friends back then had only one account and one toon).

Back in Live days you had the option to buy a 2nd copy of the game and pay a 2nd monthly subscription (hell, you could have as many accounts as you could afford - both financially, and time wise). Many of us were happy to do so, which served the individual only in a lot of cases, but also allowed for plenty to serve the community also with doctors, entertainers and crafters alike.

I get we don't want multi-accounters exploiting and gaining big advantages, but at the same time we need the facility for people to get buffs and resources/components to serve the community without limiting players options as much.

It's pretty much an impossible situation given that this project cannot charge subscriptions, but there won't be the same options that there were back in Live days. How will this effect the new server moving on? Only time will tell.

It's just a crying shame that the minority that exploit the current system ruin those options for the rest of us.

12-12-2021, 01:51 PM
Hype AF!!!!

12-12-2021, 01:56 PM
umm... PSG's still have lightsaber resistance. you dont lose anything by removing ADK's you just need to be better with your inventory management

Yeah you're right, because PSG's work effectively vs LS damage compared to armor for every other damage type. Oh wait, no they don't, and therefore it's significantly unbalanced. I never had any armor that was in reasonable condition break during PVP/PVE back on Live, but PSG's last what a minute or two vs LS, so unless the condition is increased to reflect this it will always be unbalanced.

I'd love to hear a logical argument to this point. Unless of course you think that it's fair to have to carry 20 uncrated PSG's to try and survive any Jedi encounter whether that be PVP or PVE rather than finding a more balanced solution to this problem?

When you add the removal of ADK's with the limiting of SL buff range, I fail to see how any of this is keeping with 14.1 rather than cherry picking what to keep and what to change. Would the vote have gone the same way if people were aware these kind of changes would be made? I for one think enough people may have voted differently if armed with the results of the Q&A.

12-12-2021, 01:56 PM
So a few things.

1. I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks and am bummed I will be behind! :)

2. I think you should re-run the in-game survey now that you posted the details. A lot of people (including myself) would not have voted to play on the new server only with these details.

3. My issues are only 2 slots and only 1 online at a time. Everything else I like. But the population is not enough and never will be enough again to be comfortable with two
character slots. Very few will sacrifice their one online at a time account to buff people which then will make grinding a new toon even less fun (or more challenging...who knows).
It also makes it difficult to trade items between toons as it will be a while before people can afford houses and such. I believe a minimum of 3 toons with two online at a time
would have been a better compromise.

Just my thoughts.

The Gunslinger
12-12-2021, 02:12 PM
Can you imagine the /tellhell that person with the entertainer will be in when they aren't on their entertainer?

All the profession dependencies that are baked into the game mostly work when you have thousands of players to pool from. The game grinds to a halt and eventually breaks when one of those in the supply chain of goods/services leave the game.

Nobody is going to run a buff bot that just about requires 24/7 attendance and effectively blocks out the rest of the game for them. Or maybe I'm delusional in not believing that there's this legion of players that can't wait to run an automated macro while staring at their computer screen and doing nothing else in SWG.

12-12-2021, 02:51 PM
Not surprised in the least that an in-server poll found... that the few tumbleweeds left in the server, voted to stay as tumbleweeds.
I logged in to cast my vote for the creation of this new thingamajig.
Hella excited here and I have two other friends who are anxiously awaiting this reroll. Super happy that we're gonna get a fresh run at this - if only "temporarily".
Toss you a couple bucks in a minute, 'cause this is the kinda progress I've been waiting for. Thank you!

12-12-2021, 02:53 PM
Let's go /10

12-12-2021, 02:53 PM
Wipe hype! Please let us know atleast 48 hours beforehand so we can prepare for launch.

12-12-2021, 03:06 PM
Wipe hype! Please let us know atleast 48 hours beforehand so we can prepare for launch.

Is 48 hours a sufficient amount of time to fake catching covid and getting a proper isolation set up?

12-12-2021, 03:08 PM
Awesome!!! well done team! Hopefully a bit of xmas SWG!!

12-12-2021, 03:20 PM
Exciting news and times, thank you.

12-12-2021, 03:28 PM
Nobody is going to run a buff bot that just about requires 24/7 attendance and effectively blocks out the rest of the game for them. Or maybe I'm delusional in not believing that there's this legion of players that can't wait to run an automated macro while staring at their computer screen and doing nothing else in SWG.

I may not be the person who enjoys staring 24/7 at my computer screen, but nonetheless I am an entertainer from the bottom of my heart! The community can count on me not as a buff bot, but even more as a decent, bubbly and engaged live ATK-entertainer =).

I might open up a thread here on the forums for all ATK-entertainers willing to unite on the new server :).

Best regards

Boba also known as Filyns'Me

12-12-2021, 03:40 PM
I love reading all this excitement! I wish only the best for those braving the new world!

12-12-2021, 03:45 PM
This is seriously the best you can do with 14.1 and would call this a wishlist server.

The only thing I think could have topped this is not splitting group xp. This instantly brings the community together by people asking to join groups. You would see a group of 15 waiting for 5 more.

FRSXP also needs to not split. I have created a tool to show this and hopefully Gospel can make a video on it.

Either way, well done... Wow, good stuff.

12-12-2021, 04:00 PM
Is 48 hours a sufficient amount of time to fake catching covid and getting a proper isolation set up?Don't give me ideas...

12-12-2021, 04:23 PM
I may not be the person who enjoys staring 24/7 at my computer screen, but nonetheless I am an entertainer from the bottom of my heart! The community can count on me not as a buff bot, but even more as a decent, bubbly and engaged live ATK-entertainer =).

I might open up a thread here on the forums for all ATK-entertainers willing to unite on the new server :).

Best regards

Boba also known as Filyns'Me

this is the type of person that made this game as good as we remember. bravo, i cant wait to help make you rich.

People please remember, you have 250 skill points, they dont ALL have to be spent on combat, they dont all have to be spent on crafting, and they dont ALL have to be spent on buffing, you are free to mix and match or min and max. its your choice!

I think people have forgotten why we loved this game 18 years ago. Experience the greatest star wars saga ever told - YOURS!

this is your story, live it whatever way you want.

12-12-2021, 04:26 PM
Don't know if this has been asked or not, since there will be Basilisk and Finalizer. will there be 2 trade forums?

12-12-2021, 04:28 PM
Your favorite Weaponsmith will be there, but it may take me a while to get up to speed. Grinding barrels/metal staffs is going to suck! If they change their minds on only 1 char online at a time, I would definitely make an entertainer while my Weaponsmith slowly builds up his empire!

12-12-2021, 04:31 PM
So excited!!! It will be a great, interesting experiment for the drop of 1.0. While many of us have contemplated what character we would roll 1st and then 2nd and how we might as a community guild up and coordinate efforts from day 1 of 1.0, this is an excellent trial run.

Honestly on Basilisk I only log my 1 toon weekly to keep the guild leader elections from firing up, and my 2nd toon to keep items on the bazaar to keep up maint on our GH and my workshop. However I will most definitely put in the grind time on this new server BECAUSE of the challenges it will present!

I hope, regarding the issue of ents that those of us who will be dependent on the ents will SHOW OUR APPRECIATION for those who "sacrifice" one of their slots and potential gameplay with lots and lots of TIPS. Honestly as an ent you could hopefully make some serious coin! On live it was the docs who made the serious coin and ents were kinda neglected.

Thanks to the SWGEMU team for the wonderful Christmas present!

12-12-2021, 04:33 PM
Firstly, this is probably the best post I’ve seen on these forums.

Couple points though.

If the intention of this new server is to reinvigorate the community, basilisk should be closed. Maintaining both servers does nothing but fragment an already dwindling population. Everyone signed up for basilisk knowing it would one day be wiped, let that day be now. With 1 character max online the new server will need every available person in this community to truly flourish.

Secondly, with the removal of adks and given current decay rates, PSGs will break in seconds and are effectively useless. This makes for a strong jedi meta. If jedi is the dominant pvp/pve class it will disrupt the economy by reducing the need of medical, weapon, armoring, and several food types. It will create dead pockets in the economy. These dead spots won’t be truly realized until the masses finish their 6-8 week jedi grind. An excessively high jedi population is not healthy for the interdependent goal this project is seeking.

12-12-2021, 04:39 PM
I will donate 150 dollars to EMU if this is done before December 20th..... Oddly enough when my vacation starts.

12-12-2021, 04:42 PM
Firstly, this is probably the best post I’ve seen on these forums.

Couple points though.

If the intention of this new server is to reinvigorate the community, basilisk should be closed. Maintaining both servers does nothing but fragment an already dwindling population. Everyone signed up for basilisk knowing it would one day be wiped, let that day be now. With 1 character max online the new server will need every available person in this community to truly flourish.

Secondly, with the removal of adks and given current decay rates, PSGs will break in seconds and are effectively useless. This makes for a strong jedi meta. If jedi is the dominant pvp/pve class it will disrupt the economy by reducing the need of medical, weapon, armoring, and several food types. It will create dead pockets in the economy. These dead spots won’t be truly realized until the masses finish their 6-8 week jedi grind. An excessively high jedi population is not healthy for the interdependent goal this project is seeking.

Point 1, I agree. However the data is there from the vote and the community has spoken. Hopefully Finalizer will take off and draw players in there.

Point 2, yes that is something we will monitor and have noted, but did not want to touch as of right now. I'm aware of the decay rate of PSGs and their condition values. However the meta of ADK'ed PSGs was very far from 14.1 as well, which is the goal at this stage.

12-12-2021, 04:48 PM
Boosting the condition on psgs would be a pretty quick fix I think

12-12-2021, 04:58 PM
Put into the placeholder post:

Q: Will we be able to transfer items from Basilisk to Finalizer and vice versa?
A: No, there will be no transfers from one server to the next, of any kind.

12-12-2021, 04:58 PM
Boosting the condition on psgs would be a pretty quick fix I think

i dont think there are many who would be against a boost in PSG condition, its definately a discussion worth having during the next 2 months before we see any full temp jedi. I think my only slight issue is that there are plenty of templates that can stand toe to toe with a jedi without a psg, adked psg's have helped no one. jedi wont stay and fight a battle they cant win. In addition, when you consider multiple BH's can attack the same jedi with no outside help, I honestly dont think PSGs are going to make that much of a diff. Again having said that, i dont think anyone would disagree with a boost in condition.

12-12-2021, 05:08 PM
Firstly, this is probably the best post I’ve seen on these forums.

Couple points though.

If the intention of this new server is to reinvigorate the community, basilisk should be closed. Maintaining both servers does nothing but fragment an already dwindling population. Everyone signed up for basilisk knowing it would one day be wiped, let that day be now. With 1 character max online the new server will need every available person in this community to truly flourish.

Secondly, with the removal of adks and given current decay rates, PSGs will break in seconds and are effectively useless. This makes for a strong jedi meta. If jedi is the dominant pvp/pve class it will disrupt the economy by reducing the need of medical, weapon, armoring, and several food types. It will create dead pockets in the economy. These dead spots won’t be truly realized until the masses finish their 6-8 week jedi grind. An excessively high jedi population is not healthy for the interdependent goal this project is seeking.

This is all 100% accurate

12-12-2021, 05:09 PM
This is all 100% accurate

How will you make credits if there are no ADKs to steal from noobs?

12-12-2021, 05:12 PM
How will you make credits if there are no ADKs to steal from noobs?
Thats funny you ask rn, my financial advisors are talking to me about this as I type

12-12-2021, 05:25 PM
I was wondering why we can't run dual instances (2 toons on at the same time)? I think that was allowed at 14.1. I was allowed during the CU.

12-12-2021, 05:28 PM
New question for you.

I know JTL isn't coming anytime soon, but is it possible to enable ships (on the new test server) so that we can use them for travel? Disable the launch button and just allow a starter ship to hop between planets. Rather than having to go through Coronet.

12-12-2021, 05:30 PM
So everyone who thinks Bas should be taken down should give me all their stuff on Bas. That way you'll never be tempted to "be part of the problem' and log back into Bas. Just give me your credits, ADKs, exceptionals, etc.

I'll captain the RMS Basilisk until the very end and then go down with the spaceship.

I'll drop a new house on Veplantis and name it something like "Finalizer Offerings" and then I'll just drop everyone's stuff there. I can even make little plaques with your name next to the pile of stuff you ditched on Bas to ensure safe travels to Finalizer.

12-12-2021, 05:31 PM
I was wondering why we can't run dual instances (2 toons on at the same time)? I think that was allowed at 14.1. I was allowed during the CU.No, that was never part of 14.1. 2 characters online at the same time is a big issue for a game like SWG. interdependence on other players is maybe the biggest one. This is an MMO after all. End game becomes easy mode with 2 characters filled up with aliases and macros.

We want to see what the 1 character online will do to the dynamics of the server.

12-12-2021, 05:38 PM
No, that was never part of 14.1. 2 characters online at the same time is a big issue for a game like SWG. interdependence on other players is maybe the biggest one. This is an MMO after all. End game becomes easy mode with 2 characters filled up with aliases and macros.

We want to see what the 1 character online will do to the dynamics of the server.

I’m amongst many other are extremely excited for the a new server finally!.

How do we create our new characters on this new server ensuring we keep our Basilik main toon names?
I read about the reservation of names but are trying to understand how that will work.


12-12-2021, 05:41 PM
No, that was never part of 14.1. 2 characters online at the same time is a big issue for a game like SWG. interdependence on other players is maybe the biggest one. This is an MMO after all. End game becomes easy mode with 2 characters filled up with aliases and macros.

We want to see what the 1 character online will do to the dynamics of the server.

this is true. I had a doctor alt and a jedi main, I used to log in my jedi, then log my doc and quickly buff my jedi while he was LD. sometimes i wouldnt be quick enough and have to log in again for the last buff. the only way having more than 1 character was possible, was if you had more than 1 account.

12-12-2021, 05:44 PM
Hi, great news.

I have one question, the new server, is this permanent or will that be wiped at some stage.

Apologies if it has been answered somewhere, really busy doing sunday dinner, putting xmas tree up, wrapping presents, preparing for work tomorrow, housework etc etc etc.

12-12-2021, 05:48 PM
Hi, great news.

I have one question, the new server, is this permanent or will that be wiped at some stage.

Apologies if it has been answered somewhere, really busy doing sunday dinner, putting xmas tree up, wrapping presents, preparing for work tomorrow, housework etc etc etc.

Q: Will we see frequent wipes, let’s say every 2 years and not a 9 year as Basilisk?
A: No, we don’t plan to wipe this server regularly. It’s a test server, so you never know what happens when we start to make changes. When we reach the 1.0 milestone and are ready to post our new production server, both Basilisk and Finalizer will be taken down.

There ya go.

12-12-2021, 05:51 PM
So, if I am getting this right, the new server (Finalizer) will start fresh and will continue on to finishing 14.1, then it will close, sometime in the near hopeful future. Once 14.1 is done a new permanent server (Suncrusher?) will open and will bring in content beyond 14.1.

Or is it correct to say that the Finalizer server at some point will declare 14.1 finished and will just continue using that server for post 14.1 content?

I see this answered by response above....

Will our current Bas server get the same updates/publishes? Or will it remain static as it is today?

12-12-2021, 05:53 PM
Q: Can we introduce elements of change to keep wipes different and exciting?
- Resource scarcity (less common high-end resources to keep armor from being 80kin the first month of play. I think Benny was making padded the first few weeks of bask at 72kin)

80% was actually available at the start and my friend Johnson made it by the crate load. I have a set in my shop still unused :)

12-12-2021, 05:55 PM
this is true. I had a doctor alt and a jedi main, I used to log in my jedi, then log my doc and quickly buff my jedi while he was LD. sometimes i wouldnt be quick enough and have to log in again for the last buff. the only way having more than 1 character was possible, was if you had more than 1 account.We have the LD part here too. It last 3 minutes. You can give it a doc buff, but not any thing else, or trade.

12-12-2021, 06:03 PM
Can you comment on if Bas will continue to get updates/pubs/patches? Or will it stay as it is now?

12-12-2021, 06:06 PM
Can you comment on if Bas will continue to get updates/pubs/patches? Or will it stay as it is now?

Why wouldn't it? This server is what I cann 'advanced' nova, in that it gets patches very nearly as often as Nova does, Bas will get it once everything has been tested, which this should help us test changes much quicker.

12-12-2021, 06:21 PM
I'm eager to check it out! I'm going to have to actually fill my house maintanence now rather than rely on my bank but that's definitely a good change.

12-12-2021, 06:41 PM
Wow what a time to come back to these forums! Looks pretty exciting to me. Now debating what to even do....go Armorsmith? Be a Ranger? CH/BE? Oh boy!

-BillyMays OxiClean

12-12-2021, 06:54 PM
umm... PSG's still have lightsaber resistance. you dont lose anything by removing ADK's you just need to be better with your inventory management

PSG's can take like 10 hits, so you would need to have a factory crate with them, and considering how hard it is to get a 66% PSG, you will most likely only be able to afford just about 40% ones, so thats a 20% reduction in mitigation, its huge! and will be noticeable.

12-12-2021, 07:15 PM
Secondly, with the removal of adks and given current decay rates, PSGs will break in seconds and are effectively useless. This makes for a strong jedi meta. If jedi is the dominant pvp/pve class it will disrupt the economy by reducing the need of medical, weapon, armoring, and several food types. It will create dead pockets in the economy. These dead spots won’t be truly realized until the masses finish their 6-8 week jedi grind. An excessively high jedi population is not healthy for the interdependent goal this project is seeking.

Nah man. People forget the huge time investment Jedi takes. Remember early Basilisk before ADKs? You used crated PSGs without a problem. That's how it was on live pre-cu, that's how it should be moving forward.

Full stackers can already tank a Jedi without a PSG equipped. Try it on Basilisk right now to see for yourself.

Not to mention we will be restricted to 2x char slots - people need to be wise about how they spend their skillpoints this time. Everyone won't have 'counter x to y profession' etc.

12-12-2021, 07:20 PM
Big hype, so wow

12-12-2021, 07:37 PM


12-12-2021, 07:44 PM
Hypetrain!! Thanks!!

12-12-2021, 08:08 PM
How will the new server impact financial cost of the project? Will there be more server space to pay for?

12-12-2021, 08:38 PM
Isnt this just another test server that will be wiped within a year or 2? I mean whats the point we are better off staying on Bas.

12-12-2021, 08:56 PM
Isnt this just another test server that will be wiped within a year or 2? I mean whats the point we are better off staying on Bas.

This appeals to the hardcore crowd.

Problem is this is the same crowd complaining about low population....and now it will split that in two.

Hopefully this entices enough people to come back that are not playing currently...and there will be a decent group that plays both Bas and the hard core server.

12-12-2021, 09:12 PM
This appeals to the hardcore crowd.

You literally just made this up, this server isn't geared toward or appealing to any one crowd, its appeals to people who don't want to play on a fundamentally broken server, matter of fact casuals will have a much better time off on Finalizer considering they will be on an more level playing field with other players.

12-12-2021, 09:13 PM
You literally just made this up, this server isn't geared toward or appealing to any one crowd, its appeals to people who don't want to play on a fundamentally broken server, matter of fact casuals will have a much better time off on Finalizer considering they will be on an more level playing field with other players.

Agreed. The numbers speak for themselves, and nothing is mentioned of 'hardcore' players in the poll.

12-12-2021, 09:16 PM
People please remember, you have 250 skill points, they dont ALL have to be spent on combat, they dont all have to be spent on crafting, and they dont ALL have to be spent on buffing, you are free to mix and match or min and max. its your choice!

I think people have forgotten why we loved this game 18 years ago. Experience the greatest star wars saga ever told - YOURS!

this is your story, live it whatever way you want.

Thank you for reminding the community of the purpose, meaning and spirit of SWG! This is so important! Since you can mix and match skills the way you want, you are able to create really unique characters, not just regarding their outward appearances but also their skills as game mechanics.

People would never know what kind of character they meet, even if they /examine it.

This, in my opinion, is one of the greatest advantages of Pre-CU. You can be a character, a person living in the star wars universe, not just a class you pick up from your combat-game toolbox.

The less characters you run, the more unique will and must each of them become - especially if you only have one character slot :D.

12-12-2021, 09:37 PM
Not to mention we will be restricted to 2x char slots - people need to be wise about how they spend their skillpoints this time. Everyone won't have 'counter x to y profession' etc.

I think it needn't be that strict. Regarding skills you cannot loose, you can only win. If there is a need for certain profession skills in guilds for example, some could surrender their skills (it's in fact a game mechanic that is supposed to be used) to learn the needed new ones.

It may only cost time and force you into taking advantage of player interdependy; your skills, even your entire character isn't set in stone - one of SWG's beautiful blossoms.

In my opinion, having less character slots adds spice to the game: You would have to arrange with other players in a closer, more personal fashion, be it achieving individual or collective goals.

12-12-2021, 09:40 PM
This appeals to the hardcore crowd.

Problem is this is the same crowd complaining about low population....and now it will split that in two.

Hopefully this entices enough people to come back that are not playing currently...and there will be a decent group that plays both Bas and the hard core server.

I just can't see this happening. Yet another server launched that will get wiped...what is the point? How will that bring in more players when their hard work will be wiped.

Basilisk's population is low because it will be wiped.

The in game survey should have been more clear.

12-12-2021, 09:41 PM
As much as I agree with everyone regarding the character limits, it makes much more sense to run the experiment this way. It's much easier to look at the state of the server every couple of months and decide if everyone should get an extra character slot, or be allowed to have more than one character on at the same time. It's really really really hard to take slots back from people. ;)

For a permanent server it won't work because it will encourage multiple accounts, or going elsewhere. It "worked" on Live because the community was big enough... and because a significant number of people paid for two or more accounts. Finalizer should be seen as an opportunity to work out how many character slots gives the best results, just as it's being used to gauge other factors.

12-12-2021, 09:47 PM
I just can't see this happening. Yet another server launched that will get wiped...what is the point? How will that bring in more players when their hard work will be wiped.

Basilisk's population is low because it will be wiped.

The in game survey should have been more clear.

There is no video game server in existence that won't be wiped or shut down at some point. Are you trying to put your star wars account in your will?

12-12-2021, 09:58 PM
I have a month off of school in about ten days....:) maybe join a group of enterprising rangers....well.....scouts...lol for some good hunts. :)

This all sounds wonderful :)

12-12-2021, 10:01 PM
I have a month off of school in about ten days....:) maybe join a group of enterprising rangers....well.....scouts...lol for some good hunts. :)

This all sounds wonderful :)Hope to see you out there!

12-12-2021, 10:13 PM
Hope to see you out there!

You too my friend. :)

12-12-2021, 10:36 PM
Been away from Emu for too long and this news has made my day. Cant wait to get back

12-12-2021, 10:45 PM
Will there be jedi tapes?

+speed // +accuracy // +force regen

12-12-2021, 10:51 PM
Consider lowering max dot uses to 1000 on weapon dots.

This is a good time to revert the mistake of applying AP to PSGs also. It will also make them last longer

12-12-2021, 11:25 PM
limiting log ins is a good first step.

One thing I wanted to do on a small server a friend and I was hosting was making caves and bunker's pvp'ed enabled

12-12-2021, 11:35 PM
limiting log ins is a good first step.

One thing I wanted to do on a small server a friend and I was hosting was making caves and bunker's pvp'ed enabled

it will 100% slow down progress... because you will have one group of people rushing TKM and the other group sitting and hand sampling... since ideally no one can do both... (assuming no one gets multiple accounts)

12-12-2021, 11:38 PM
YaY! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

12-12-2021, 11:59 PM
Q: Will you change how FRS xp is earned so there’s no need for fight clubs, balance changes to looted dot weapons or CM dots or addressing the AFKers, Ewoks/Krayts/Acklay etc?
A: We feel that the change to 2 characters and one online at the time, will make it so that the players are more dependent on each other and that it will make fight clubs harder to achieve. It will still be possible to do. To solve that, would require a new system and that is not something we can do at the start of this server.

I think a decent fix for FRS gain rates would be to make a % of Bounty Hunter reward credits be converted into both Jedi XP and FRS xp. In 14.1 it's basically all risk no reward for Jedi taking on bounty hunters, especially non MBH. A jedi/dark knight will have a bounty of ~250k-~1.2mil depending on rank and amount of BH's he's defeated while on terms. You could convert 10% of that (25k) into Jedi XP and then 5-10% of that Jedi XP (1.25k-2.5k) into FRS. That amount could be split between the 1-5 BH's who take your mission so you would have to kill off the entire group to get the full amount of XP.

12-13-2021, 12:02 AM
Isnt this just another test server that will be wiped within a year or 2? I mean whats the point we are better off staying on Bas.

Sadly due to 10 toons per account, and ADK's half of the game is even remotely close to being playable the way it was meant too be. So better off staying on basilisk? Not even close. Basilisk no longer represents what a play server would be like in the future, this server will.

12-13-2021, 12:12 AM
I think your changes are a perfect start for a fresh server. This is very cool.

But I am curious about the statistics on existing multi-account households. If one of the main objectives is discovering and documenting a new gaming dynamic with limited characters and single online characters, will multi-accounts be scrutinized? Are there people with 3 or more accounts right now? Just curious what those stats are, if they can be shared publicly.

Also, I think there should be a limit on how much maintenance can be added to structures/vendors/etc., which would compliment the removal of the bank account withdrawal feature. This forces a transaction by someone to maintain that structure, potentially the structure owner, but not necessarily. And it means that if they don't maintain their structures, they go poof and other players can take the spot of an inactive player. Many would might not agree with me here, but it could be a possible solution to keep the landscape and player cities somewhat cleaner and consolidated.

12-13-2021, 12:18 AM
Been away from Emu for too long and this news has made my day. Cant wait to get back

Same here man, starting up fresh with others feels fun, especially with 2 toons max.

12-13-2021, 01:10 AM
The next 1-2 weeks are going to feel like forever. So stoked to start playing again on a fresh server.

12-13-2021, 01:14 AM
Ok i'm ready for finalizer to be wiped now.

12-13-2021, 01:23 AM
Very excited about this announcement. I have been following the project for a very long time but never wanted to start on Basilisk as it was already an established server back then. This gives me a nice starting point to learn about the game on a fresh server :D

12-13-2021, 01:31 AM
How will the new server impact financial cost of the project? Will there be more server space to pay for?

Somebody with more knowledge can chime in, but it's my understanding that Fin is just using the space that the Pit once held. This shouldn't alter any of that.

12-13-2021, 01:34 AM
I’m amongst many other are extremely excited for the a new server finally!.

How do we create our new characters on this new server ensuring we keep our Basilik main toon names?
I read about the reservation of names but are trying to understand how that will work.


As with TC Nova, when you go to create your character and choose your galaxy and get to the character creation page. In this case you choose Fin and if the name you choose isn't reserved for another account (all done backend), you can successfully create the character. After 90d the names are released and anybody can use them.

12-13-2021, 01:44 AM
Actual big peepowow

12-13-2021, 01:48 AM
But I am curious about the statistics on existing multi-account households. If one of the main objectives is discovering and documenting a new gaming dynamic with limited characters and single online characters, will multi-accounts be scrutinized? Are there people with 3 or more accounts right now? Just curious what those stats are, if they can be shared publicly.

We have thousands of completed multiple account requests over the years. Over time our policies on applications have changed somewhat for various reasons. Currently it's 3 accounts max in the household with photo evidence of the members along with proof of disks and pieces and a piece of paper with emails. We continue to discuss how to best detect and enforce fringe cases of abuse in this regard. My current best suggestion is to put in a webcam in the room, but apparently that's illegal. +shrug+

Also, I think there should be a limit on how much maintenance can be added to structures/vendors/etc., which would compliment the removal of the bank account withdrawal feature. This forces a transaction by someone to maintain that structure, potentially the structure owner, but not necessarily. And it means that if they don't maintain their structures, they go poof and other players can take the spot of an inactive player. Many would might not agree with me here, but it could be a possible solution to keep the landscape and player cities somewhat cleaner and consolidated.
One of the items being discussed for 1.0 is a metric for 'house packup' so as to remove abandoned structures from the landscape sooner. Nothing's been decided yet.

12-13-2021, 02:17 AM
You literally just made this up, this server isn't geared toward or appealing to any one crowd, its appeals to people who don't want to play on a fundamentally broken server, matter of fact casuals will have a much better time off on Finalizer considering they will be on an more level playing field with other players.

Agreed. The numbers speak for themselves, and nothing is mentioned of 'hardcore' players in the poll.

Yes, it is called an opinion...everyone has one.

12-13-2021, 02:40 AM
I mean.... This server appears to be even more purists than basilisk was. Most side servers were more heavily modified away from 14.1

14.1 is hotdog water though, don't get me wrong. But this will be a hell of a lot healthier server than basilisk could have ever hoped to achieve.

Intended 2x xp spin groups ftw.

12-13-2021, 02:49 AM
Non Jedi get visibility for breaking the law like using sliced equipment and consuming spices ;)

12-13-2021, 03:02 AM
Non Jedi get visibility for breaking the law like using sliced equipment and consuming spices ;)
What about afking Jawas?

12-13-2021, 06:55 AM
With the change to Squad Leader not being global will they be able to self buff?

12-13-2021, 07:29 AM
With the change to Squad Leader not being global will they be able to self buff?

I'm a bit curious on that as well. Or perhaps make it so a SL can't be global for PvP and allow it as global for PvE?

I've seen SL range be reduced on other servers for PVP and PVE....For the PVP part it worked really well, for the PVE part it basically ruined the profession and no one ever used it for that reason. You can't fight and keep the SL buffs running well enough to make it effective for PvE.

So I'd suggest that for PvE reasons to allow a SL either global range on the planet like it is on basilisk or allow the squad leader to run his group buffs while being in combat and using his weapon abilities.

I do however see how a planet wide SL would be very annoying for PvP purposes.

12-13-2021, 07:56 AM
I'm a bit curious on that as well. Or perhaps make it so a SL can't be global for PvP and allow it as global for PvE?

I've seen SL range be reduced on other servers for PVP and PVE....For the PVP part it worked really well, for the PVE part it basically ruined the profession and no one ever used it for that reason. You can't fight and keep the SL buffs running well enough to make it effective for PvE.

So I'd suggest that for PvE reasons to allow a SL either global range on the planet like it is on basilisk or allow the squad leader to run his group buffs while being in combat and using his weapon abilities.

I do however see how a planet wide SL would be very annoying for PvP purposes.

pretty sure its being set to 128m until they have more time to test changes. It breaks pvp.

12-13-2021, 11:58 AM
Im aware of the moving things over servers, however is there going to be any ruling on cross-server trades?
example: i trade an exceptional tissue to someone on Bas. that same person trades me a rare tissue over on finalizer as the deal.
i would like this to be known before things start.
allowed, banned, frowned upon.

12-13-2021, 12:10 PM
It's better to ask for forgiveness, rather than permission

12-13-2021, 12:26 PM
i like the changes 1 character online at a time is rough but see how it plays out

12-13-2021, 01:29 PM
How will the new server impact financial cost of the project? Will there be more server space to pay for?

Finalizer will add no costs to the SWGEmu expenses.

12-13-2021, 01:58 PM
What a great Christmas present!

Many, many thanks to the devs for bring us to this point with this great game. I could not be happier with the starting server constraints.

So, when do we get a countdown timer to launch?


12-13-2021, 02:05 PM
I wish you all good fortune on the new server and I hope all old beefs are squashed and everyone starts fresh and is nice to one another.

I dont think i'll be joining in but hope everyone has a good and fun time

12-13-2021, 03:01 PM
Im aware of the moving things over servers, however is there going to be any ruling on cross-server trades?
example: i trade an exceptional tissue to someone on Bas. that same person trades me a rare tissue over on finalizer as the deal.
i would like this to be known before things start.
allowed, banned, frowned upon.

ATM our stance is "Frowned Upon". We'll see as the servers unfold however.

12-13-2021, 03:07 PM
Lets gooooooo. Great job team! Super excited for this!

12-13-2021, 03:39 PM
ATM our stance is "Frowned Upon". We'll see as the servers unfold however.

Doesn't that defeat the purpose of starting fresh? You could have commando with adk armor afk farming krayts flooding the new server with tissues. Same with other late game items.

12-13-2021, 03:41 PM
Doesn't that defeat the purpose of starting fresh? You could have commando with adk armor afk farming krayts flooding the new server with tissues. Same with other late game items.

It's not trading items from one server to another. He asked if you could do a trade like "give me X on bas and I'll give you Y on Lizzo" Right now it against the rules to say "I'll give you my ADK on Bas if you give me your ADK on [other server]" or whatever. I think he's asking because both servers would be emu servers in this case.

This does remind me that I used to chat with friends when they were on other servers on live. Something like "/tell wanderhome.tyrson hi" Did adding friends work that way too? /addf bria.BillyBob?

I think cross emu-server chat would be cool. Cross-server tells, friend's list, chat channels. I think that'd all be pretty neat.

Remember chat used to have the Core3. prefix?


Cross-server chat could be like that Basilisk.Veplo: "I like turtles" Finalizer.Everyone "Shut up Veplo."

12-13-2021, 04:02 PM
It's not trading items from one server to another. He asked if you could do a trade like "give me X on bas and I'll give you Y on Lizzo" Right now it against the rules to say "I'll give you my ADK on Bas if you give me your ADK on [other server]" or whatever. I think he's asking because both servers would be emu servers in this case.

Gotcha, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

12-13-2021, 04:46 PM
Q: Will you change how FRS xp is earned so there’s no need for fight clubs, balance changes to looted dot weapons or CM dots or addressing the AFKers, Ewoks/Krayts/Acklay etc?
A: We feel that the change to 2 characters and one online at the time, will make it so that the players are more dependent on each other and that it will make fight clubs harder to achieve. It will still be possible to do. To solve that, would require a new system and that is not something we can do at the start of this server.

I've given some thought about this, as the first legitimate Rank 11 Jedi on Basilisk, from firsthand experience, I am completely opposed to Fight Clubbing. I'd rather not rank up at all if this is the only option. Let me explain.

Yes, the statement is true, with 2 toon limit, 1 online, it will be difficult to pull off within a small group this time, but people are too used to the Basilisk BS meta now. I can see the server coming together to find a way to make it happen.

What I would suggest to fix it is this: Make a blanket announcement to ban Fight Clubbing (suspicious pattern kills could be tracked) and increase FRS XP per kill drastically (no need to touch any other XP type.)

Anyone caught breaking the rule could just have their rank and xp removed, and made to redo the Knight trials. I think that's fair without having to ban anyone because they PvP dodged.

If I recall, Mitzah was against it when coding the FRS. Also fairly certain from memory, SOE CSR's banned people back in the day for this, but reversed their stance later. Big mistake.

Just my feedback on this topic. I think Staff have been doing an awesome job listening to the community, and most of the decisions are perfect for Finalizer. But this one could be a big oversight for the Jedi population. However, you guys also have 6 weeks to discuss it and figure this out before it becomes an issue.

Perhaps others have a better solution. Would love to hear the ideas.

12-13-2021, 05:19 PM
We are looking into some changes to FRS. Our new server would be the perfect place to test it. Can't tell you how we will change it though, since we haven't landed one one yet, but discussions are happening

12-13-2021, 05:23 PM
We are looking into some changes to FRS. Our new server would be the perfect place to test it. Can't tell you how we will change it though, since we haven't landed one one yet, but discussions are happening

Great! That's very encouraging to hear! Thank you guys for looking in to it.

12-13-2021, 05:28 PM
I know you all are busy and working as hard as you can on this project, but do you a more specific target date than "before the holidays". Not trying to add more pressure but I do have some flex days I am able to use in the next two weeks, and want to get them on the books as soon as I can.

12-13-2021, 05:39 PM
No, we can't give any certainties. I said the 188th somewhere, but we can't promise. The 18th is not very long, so I doubt it.

12-13-2021, 05:46 PM
No, we can't give any certainties. I said the 188th somewhere, but we can't promise. The 18th is not very long, so I doubt it.

...but the 188th is a very, very long way away.

12-13-2021, 06:14 PM
No, we can't give any certainties. I said the 188th somewhere, but we can't promise. The 18th is not very long, so I doubt it.

With regards to the FRS will fight clubbing be allowed before the new changes are tested?

Also with regards to the 18th, I think I speak for everyone when I say, is there anything we can do to help?

12-13-2021, 06:15 PM
is there anything we can do to help?

Maybe a stress test? Not sure if there's enough time or what would be best for them.

12-13-2021, 06:18 PM
Starting a new server could have been done now. That's not where the challenge is. We wish to get the changes we promised made. Some can wait a little, like the FRS. There will not be Jedi from day one, others needs to be here from start.

12-13-2021, 06:23 PM
I've given some thought about this, as the first legitimate Rank 11 Jedi on Basilisk, from firsthand experience, I am completely opposed to Fight Clubbing. I'd rather not rank up at all if this is the only option. Let me explain.

Yes, the statement is true, with 2 toon limit, 1 online, it will be difficult to pull off within a small group this time, but people are too used to the Basilisk BS meta now. I can see the server coming together to find a way to make it happen.

What I would suggest to fix it is this: Make a blanket announcement to ban Fight Clubbing (suspicious pattern kills could be tracked) and increase FRS XP per kill drastically (no need to touch any other XP type.)

Anyone caught breaking the rule could just have their rank and xp removed, and made to redo the Knight trials. I think that's fair without having to ban anyone because they PvP dodged.

If I recall, Mitzah was against it when coding the FRS. Also fairly certain from memory, SOE CSR's banned people back in the day for this, but reversed their stance later. Big mistake.

Just my feedback on this topic. I think Staff have been doing an awesome job listening to the community, and most of the decisions are perfect for Finalizer. But this one could be a big oversight for the Jedi population. However, you guys also have 6 weeks to discuss it and figure this out before it becomes an issue.

Perhaps others have a better solution. Would love to hear the ideas.

Other servers have already solved this issue.

Increase the amount of FRS you receive from pvp kills, decrease the decay rate.

Add a global killboard. (allows the community to monitor and doesn't force the dev's to backtrack logs)

**Some things I have seen from other modded servers is adding a GCW ranking structure like jedi has FRS** for the pvpers that dont want to go jedi... but the same mechanics as if they are in the FRS but they gain GCW to increase their stats.
It also allows for jedi/elite proffs to gain ranking off one another.

12-13-2021, 06:33 PM
Wow what a time to come back to these forums! Looks pretty exciting to me. Now debating what to even do....go Armorsmith? Be a Ranger? CH/BE? Oh boy!

-BillyMays OxiClean

billy mays my man!

12-13-2021, 06:49 PM
billy mays my man!

Kaps! You and I should hit the ground running on this man!

12-13-2021, 07:01 PM
Maybe this has already been asked, but are flash speeders available on day 1? If not, maybe increase the cost so they don't interfere with crafted items? I never bought swoops on bas, just /flash. Not good for economy.

12-13-2021, 07:47 PM
With the "1 toon online" restriction, is there any thought to a slight increase in the number of skill points allowed for toons?

12-13-2021, 08:26 PM
im so feking happy!

12-13-2021, 08:29 PM
Just a thought, but will we be able to play with 1 character on Basilisk whilst also playing 1 character on Finalizer? Or will we be locked to one or the other at any given time?

12-13-2021, 08:43 PM
Maybe this has already been asked, but are flash speeders available on day 1? If not, maybe increase the cost so they don't interfere with crafted items? I never bought swoops on bas, just /flash. Not good for economy.

My interpretation of this Q/A is that infact they will be available day 1 for people who are eligible. Game changer if true

Q: How will veteran rewards be handled?
A: Currently this system is handled by account creation time. This is of course not optional for a new server. There would have to be a new system in place to handle this and we don’t have the time to implement something like this.

12-13-2021, 08:48 PM
Finalizer will add no costs to the SWGEmu expenses.

How is this possible?

12-13-2021, 08:58 PM
How is this possible?
Because we will remove ThePit server and replace it with Finalizer

12-13-2021, 09:10 PM
Because we will remove ThePit server and replace it with Finalizer

any thoughts on allowing SL to use their abilities on self?

12-13-2021, 09:19 PM
Maybe this has already been asked, but are flash speeders available on day 1? If not, maybe increase the cost so they don't interfere with crafted items? I never bought swoops on bas, just /flash. Not good for economy.
Flash speeders will not be there from start

With the "1 toon online" restriction, is there any thought to a slight increase in the number of skill points allowed for toons?
No, there is not. The game is easy enough as it is.

Just a thought, but will we be able to play with 1 character on Basilisk whilst also playing 1 character on Finalizer? Or will we be locked to one or the other at any given time?You can log in 2 on Basilisk and one an Finalizer if you so wish

any thoughts on allowing SL to use their abilities on self?
We have talked about it, but currently not entertaining the idea. Will alter how the tactics evolve in combat. Might be fun :)

12-13-2021, 09:26 PM
Any chance of a discord chat bot that will pull live chat into the discord and vise versa ?

My interpretation of this Q/A is that infact they will be available day 1 for people who are eligible. Game changer if true

Q: How will veteran rewards be handled?
A: Currently this system is handled by account creation time. This is of course not optional for a new server. There would have to be a new system in place to handle this and we don’t have the time to implement something like this.

I asked this question but it was never answered, will time played reset in terms of veteran rewards for finalizer.

12-13-2021, 09:31 PM
Flash speeders will not be there from start

This seems to contradict the answer in the Q/A can you elaborate more please?

Q: How will veteran rewards be handled?
A: Currently this system is handled by account creation time. This is of course not optional for a new server. There would have to be a new system in place to handle this and we don’t have the time to implement something like this.

12-13-2021, 09:42 PM
Should be easy enough to take Flash Speeders off the Vet Rewards list when the server starts then add them back to the list in 3-6 months once crafted ones are readily available?

12-13-2021, 09:59 PM
Amazing. So pumped. Can’t wait for vacation days next week.
Love the changes you’re making and the character count. Thank you for all you’ve done.

12-13-2021, 10:45 PM
I asked this question but it was never answered, will time played reset in terms of veteran rewards for finalizer.

This seems to contradict the answer in the Q/A can you elaborate more please?

Q: How will veteran rewards be handled?
A: Currently this system is handled by account creation time. This is of course not optional for a new server. There would have to be a new system in place to handle this and we don’t have the time to implement something like this.

We are working on a something to address this, however nothing is certain yet. Our goal will be of course to have it based off the Finalizer oldest character age. We just have to take into account the code being used on servers with pre-existing characters and accounts. We will post more when we have something functional.

Should be easy enough to take Flash Speeders off the Vet Rewards list when the server starts then add them back to the list in 3-6 months once crafted ones are readily available?

Flash speeds have been removed from the veteran rewards list. I did it today when I removed ADKs, Resource Deeds and Self Powered Harvesters. :killmonitor:

12-13-2021, 10:57 PM
great news

12-13-2021, 11:04 PM
Thanks for clarifying

12-13-2021, 11:09 PM
Thank you for the answers... and the new server. I will up my donations to reflect said thanks :)

12-13-2021, 11:12 PM
Flash speeds have been removed from the veteran rewards list. I did it today when I removed ADKs, Resource Deeds and Self Powered Harvesters. :killmonitor:

Good stuff!

12-13-2021, 11:48 PM
I think a decent fix for FRS gain rates would be to make a % of Bounty Hunter reward credits be converted into both Jedi XP and FRS xp. In 14.1 it's basically all risk no reward for Jedi taking on bounty hunters, especially non MBH. A jedi/dark knight will have a bounty of ~250k-~1.2mil depending on rank and amount of BH's he's defeated while on terms. You could convert 10% of that (25k) into Jedi XP and then 5-10% of that Jedi XP (1.25k-2.5k) into FRS. That amount could be split between the 1-5 BH's who take your mission so you would have to kill off the entire group to get the full amount of XP.
Logical solution would be to give Jedi FRS XP for killing a BH

But considering how desperate some people are for being the first rank 11 and so on im sure that would get rigged pretty quickly.
just remove the FRS XP loss completely from BH vs Jedi fights and just make it about $$$
Give jedi a say 25% of their payout if they beat the BH and make it an actual incentive for a jedi to fight a BH.

Right now there is 0 benefit except bragging rights.

And just remove the FRS, it's just a really ****ty system.

12-14-2021, 12:09 AM
Remove non cert dots
Remove legend/Except drops for items and comps
Make PVP tef you out of SL buffs like BHing does, and leave it planet wide for PVE, or make SL buffs apply to SL so it can be played in the field.

12-14-2021, 12:18 AM
or make SL buffs apply to SL so it can be played in the field.

I believe this is how it currently works per https://www.swgemu.com/bugs/view.php?id=7922

12-14-2021, 12:58 AM
How is this possible?

Our costs are not directly tied to each server. We have a rather sophisticated architecture, so the cost of adding a server is low in the grand scheme of things. That's why we have Basilisk, TC-Nova, TC-Prime, and thePit currently.

As Lolindir said earlier, we will be taking down thePit and replacing it with Finalizer, so the net difference will be zero.

But we run a lot more than just the four game servers. There are the forums, Mantis, and support, just to name a few.

12-14-2021, 01:46 AM
This is incredible, I can't wait!!

12-14-2021, 01:47 AM
Our costs are not directly tied to each server. We have a rather sophisticated architecture, so the cost of adding a server is low in the grand scheme of things. That's why we have Basilisk, TC-Nova, TC-Prime, and thePit currently.

As Lolindir said earlier, we will be taking down thePit and replacing it with Finalizer, so the net difference will be zero.

But we run a lot more than just the four game servers. There are the forums, Mantis, and support, just to name a few.

thanks for the response! Cant wait for the new server to be up and running.

The Gunslinger
12-14-2021, 01:47 AM
Give jedi a say 25% of their payout if they beat the BH and make it an actual incentive for a jedi to fight a BH.

Nah. Give the Jedi the full payout from the BH's bank account, possibly with some sort of multiplier. It gives the Jedi the incentive, and it shifts credits from one player to another rather than generating new credits into the system. And it punishes the BH for losing.

12-14-2021, 02:01 AM
FRS XP should only be awarded for opposing enclave kills, and the xp should not be split like it is in vanilla. If you allow it to be awarded on non Jedi kills (like BH) it is far more open to exploitation and fight clubbing.

In regards to the credit sink issue - In my opinion the best solution would be that the bounty hunter has to pay a fee to accept a mission that is a % of the payout itself. Upon completing their mission, they receive that money back, or upon failure, that money goes towards the person being hunted. So there is some incentive to stay in fight.

12-14-2021, 02:03 AM
FRS XP should only be awarded for opposing enclave kills, and the xp should not be split like it is in vanilla. If you allow it to be awarded on non Jedi kills (like BH) it is far more open to exploitation and fight clubbing.

In regards to the credit sink issue - In my opinion the best solution would be that the bounty hunter has to pay a fee to accept a mission that I'd a % of the payout itself. Upon completing their mission, they received that money back, or upon failure, that money goes towards the person being hunted. So there is some incentive to stay in fight.

The whole enclave thing is just ****ing stupid because it forces you to have one template in enclave and one outside if you want to be effective.
Especially on dark side,
it was proven over how many years that imperials can barely get a long with anyone,
as much as i enjoy the infighting over there it's not good for a healthy server.

12-14-2021, 02:05 AM
Remove non cert dots
Remove legend/Except drops for items and comps
Make PVP tef you out of SL buffs like BHing does, and leave it planet wide for PVE, or make SL buffs apply to SL so it can be played in the field.you have to be certed to use a weapon dot already.

I think people should have the option of actively playing SL to benefit their group. SL as a bot with planet wide effect is hot garbage that needs to die along with bas

12-14-2021, 02:07 AM
The whole enclave thing is just ****ing stupid because it forces you to have one template in enclave and one outside if you want to be effective.
Especially on dark side,
it was proven over how many years that imperials can barely get a long with anyone,
as much as i enjoy the infighting over there it's not good for a healthy server.the drama only exists as long as there is fight club. Removing FRS from normies and limiting the amount of toons per account greatly reduces the chance of successful fight clubs forming.

There is never any enclave drama when seats have to be filled naturally. It's a byproduct of FC allowing Jedi to always be max FRS XP

Demotions on lightside and dueling on darkside did not happen on live until the introduction of seats being permanently filled due to FC

12-14-2021, 03:42 AM
Thanks!!! That looks awesome!

Now the question is: When????


12-14-2021, 08:06 AM
the drama only exists as long as there is fight club. Removing FRS from normies and limiting the amount of toons per account greatly reduces the chance of successful fight clubs forming.

There is never any enclave drama when seats have to be filled naturally. It's a byproduct of FC allowing Jedi to always be max FRS XP

Demotions on lightside and dueling on darkside did not happen on live until the introduction of seats being permanently filled due to FC

Well said. Having to actually work for Rank and earn it has always been the entire point too.

12-14-2021, 05:07 PM
Is there a set amount of days you plan to announce the launch of the new server before it actually goes live? Or is it just going to be when its up, its up, sort of deal? Really hoping there's at least a few days lead time so I can put in for a few vacation days at work :)

Very excited!!

Thanks everyone who is continuing to keep this dream alive.

12-14-2021, 07:20 PM
Is there a set amount of days you plan to announce the launch of the new server before it actually goes live? Or is it just going to be when its up, its up, sort of deal? Really hoping there's at least a few days lead time so I can put in for a few vacation days at work :)

Very excited!!

Thanks everyone who is continuing to keep this dream alive.
As I have said earlier, we have talked about the 188th, but I doubt we will make it. We would rather delay it than rush it and not have a good start. There is a lot that needs to be in place. So this makes it a bit difficult to make a prediction of when we announce the launch.

12-15-2021, 12:06 AM
So serious question: will trading credits/items/services on Finalizer in exchange for credits/items/services on Basilisk be allowed?

One of the things that is so exciting about a fresh server is a fresh economy, if players are trading items on one server in exchange for something else on a different server it kinda seems like it will corrupt the new fresh economy to me.

12-15-2021, 12:23 AM
So serious question: will trading credits/items/services on Finalizer in exchange for credits/items/services on Basilisk be allowed?

One of the things that is so exciting about a fresh server is a fresh economy, if players are trading items on one server in exchange for something else on a different server it kinda seems like it will corrupt the new fresh economy to me.

Im aware of the moving things over servers, however is there going to be any ruling on cross-server trades?
example: i trade an exceptional tissue to someone on Bas. that same person trades me a rare tissue over on finalizer as the deal.
i would like this to be known before things start.
allowed, banned, frowned upon.

ATM our stance is "Frowned Upon". We'll see as the servers unfold however.

Sounds to me like "do it at your own risk"

Mount Doom
12-15-2021, 12:41 AM
Any chance of allowing group xp? It's always sad when mmo's punish players for questing/grouping together to do content with reduced xp rates. I know CU changed the way xp was gained in groups, any chance we do that for this server?

12-15-2021, 12:49 AM
Any chance of allowing group xp? It's always sad when mmo's punish players for questing/grouping together to do content with reduced xp rates. I know CU changed the way xp was gained in groups, any chance we do that for this server?

I thought there was a slight increase for being in a group as it is currently? I know the payout doesn't work like it once did where the group weren't within range the person with the mission got the full payout upon completing the mission.

I'm sure spin groups will be back in force for grinding credits and levelling up on the new server to begin with at least.

12-15-2021, 12:51 AM
In regards to the FRS, I concur with what most of what has been said here. If you want to avoid any sort of fight-clubbing, exploitation, etc. You simply need to give full FRE to all Force Ranked Jedi who get a hit on the target, I would honestly push for the list to refresh faster but that doesn't seem to be the scope of the whole server. I don't think that solves the myriad of problems with the FRS as it stands in 14.1 but it definitely impacts enough to make it worthwhile and promotes an active PvP environment.

EDIT: As an addendum, I think that removing FR Experience being gained from non-Jedi (Bounty Hunters) would go a long way to prohibit fighting clubbing and force more active PvP.

12-15-2021, 01:10 AM
you have to be certed to use a weapon dot already.

I think people should have the option of actively playing SL to benefit their group. SL as a bot with planet wide effect is hot garbage that needs to die along with bas

Stone knives, CDEF weapons etc have no cert.

12-15-2021, 01:45 AM
Any chance of allowing group xp? It's always sad when mmo's punish players for questing/grouping together to do content with reduced xp rates. I know CU changed the way xp was gained in groups, any chance we do that for this server?

players might progress a little too quickly, although im all in favour of getting players to cooperate more.

Perhaps a compromise would be a 50% reduction in exp accross the board, but every player who hits the creature gets full exp. I dunno, im just spitballin, but it would be nice if the community came together more.

12-15-2021, 02:33 AM
Any chance of allowing group xp? It's always sad when mmo's punish players for questing/grouping together to do content with reduced xp rates. I know CU changed the way xp was gained in groups, any chance we do that for this server?

This is 100% a necessity.

12-15-2021, 03:01 AM
Any chance of allowing group xp? It's always sad when mmo's punish players for questing/grouping together to do content with reduced xp rates. I know CU changed the way xp was gained in groups, any chance we do that for this server?

Imagine a place where you ask in in-game chat, "LFG to grind with". Someone chimes in, "Yeah we have a group of 18 grinding on Dant come join, missions to the W". You head out get an invite and just 19 of you in a group. No one knows each other and you use in-game chat to have a conversation. Come to find out Tom is starting a guild he is looking for a casual play and make some new friends. Sounds like fun Tom was the one that asked you to join this group today. Come to find out even more that Tom plays most in this time zone also.

Long story short, you become good friends with Tom and have a good relationship for 3 years but then you find out he secretly likes ADK's and you break the friendship. You end up opening chat and ask, "LFG to grind with".

It's a love story and we can all use a little more love and group XP.

Thank you for reading.

12-15-2021, 03:20 AM
Imagine a place where you ask in in-game chat, "LFG to grind with". Someone chimes in, "Yeah we have a group of 18 grinding on Dant come join, missions to the W". You head out get an invite and just 19 of you in a group. No one knows each other and you use in-game chat to have a conversation. Come to find out Tom is starting a guild he is looking for a casual play and make some new friends. Sounds like fun Tom was the one that asked you to join this group today. Come to find out even more that Tom plays most in this time zone also.

Long story short, you become good friends with Tom and have a good relationship for 3 years but then you find out he secretly likes ADK's and you break the friendship. You end up opening chat and ask, "LFG to grind with".

It's a love story and we can all use a little more love and group XP.

Thank you for reading.

Very relatable. I was an angsty 14 year old when the CU came. I found out about the spin groups and started running with a guy who hosted piket groups out of the mining outpost. Ended up joining his guild and pvpd with him and the guild all the time over the next few months, I thought we were good friends. That is until one day politics got brought up on Ventrilo and he said he voted for John Kerry. At the time I didn’t understand how one of my best online friends could betray me like that. Dropped the guild and changed factions shortly there after. Went back to LFG, then, all of a sudden the NGE happened and life never was the same. The sad part is, I don’t even remember his IGN.

12-15-2021, 03:25 AM
Very relatable. I was an angsty 14 year old when the CU came. I found out about the spin groups and started running with a guy who hosted piket groups out of the mining outpost. Ended up joining his guild and pvpd with him and the guild all the time over the next few months, I thought we were good friends. That is until one day politics got brought up on Ventrilo and he said he voted for John Kerry. At the time I didn’t understand how one of my best online friends could betray me like that. Dropped the guild and changed factions shortly there after. Went back to LFG, then, all of a sudden the NGE happened and life never was the same. The sad part is, I don’t even remember his IGN.
And now I’m sitting here wondering was saddens me more; knowing that this exact interaction would never happen in the current state of the game, or knowing I was so naive of friendships 16 years ago.

12-15-2021, 03:48 AM
Imagine a place where you ask in in-game chat, "LFG to grind with". Someone chimes in, "Yeah we have a group of 18 grinding on Dant come join, missions to the W". You head out get an invite and just 19 of you in a group. No one knows each other and you use in-game chat to have a conversation. Come to find out Tom is starting a guild he is looking for a casual play and make some new friends. Sounds like fun Tom was the one that asked you to join this group today. Come to find out even more that Tom plays most in this time zone also.

Long story short, you become good friends with Tom and have a good relationship for 3 years but then you find out he secretly likes ADK's and you break the friendship. You end up opening chat and ask, "LFG to grind with".

It's a love story and we can all use a little more love and group XP.

Thank you for reading.

My friend and I had fond memories of this creature handler Mabon Macha on Tarquinas that ran awesome groups on Dathomir. Did kamurith defiler quests and he had 2 graul maulers. No one knew each other but we all had such a blast being in his group. No buffs either, and we all just auto attacked everything.

I'm definitely fine not hauling *** as fast as possible getting buffs and working out solo missions. The immersive experience the game had to offer way back in 2003 was just so memorable.

Evil Cyborg 10
12-15-2021, 04:24 AM
Super excited about this, looking forward to a new start. Everyone on the same playing field is a dream and emulates more of how the game was meant to be, where you have to rely on others to some degree.

12-15-2021, 07:26 AM
As I have said earlier, we have talked about the 18th

Amazing date for launch! Have all the faith in the world! Thanks for making holiday extra special this year!

12-15-2021, 05:44 PM
when is the new server online? i can only see basilisk and nova right now....

i´m very excited

12-15-2021, 07:09 PM
when is the new server online? i can only see basilisk and nova right now....

i´m very excited

No date announced yet, but it sounds like it may be within the next month or so! They said they were trying to have it up by the holiday but don't quite think that will happen.

12-15-2021, 10:07 PM
I've said that we aim for 18th of December, but I think we will be hard pressed to manage that. We are still working on the changes and we haven't been able to test yet.

12-16-2021, 01:57 AM
2009 release date

12-16-2021, 06:52 AM
FRS XP should only be awarded for opposing enclave kills, and the xp should not be split like it is in vanilla. If you allow it to be awarded on non Jedi kills (like BH) it is far more open to exploitation and fight clubbing.

In regards to the credit sink issue - In my opinion the best solution would be that the bounty hunter has to pay a fee to accept a mission that is a % of the payout itself. Upon completing their mission, they receive that money back, or upon failure, that money goes towards the person being hunted. So there is some incentive to stay in fight.

Totally agree wit the first part. But paying a fee to accept a mission is an awful idea taking in mind 80% of the times the jedi will be hidding inside a house or he will just forcerun away and the bh will have to drop the mission anyway. The incentive to fight back should be the same as the bh, if you hunt for credits you are not a genuine hunter

12-16-2021, 02:03 PM
Totally agree wit the first part. But paying a fee to accept a mission is an awful idea taking in mind 80% of the times the jedi will be hidding inside a house or he will just forcerun away and the bh will have to drop the mission anyway. The incentive to fight back should be the same as the bh, if you hunt for credits you are not a genuine hunter

Yeah I think additional changes would need to be made like pay a smuggler to hack a private house that a Jedi is in.

12-16-2021, 07:31 PM
Hi! With this jedi meta there are two points certainly undisputed:
1- Figth club must be punished.
2- Psgs without adks need to last longer.

12-16-2021, 09:14 PM
Totally agree wit the first part. But paying a fee to accept a mission is an awful idea taking in mind 80% of the times the jedi will be hidding inside a house or he will just forcerun away and the bh will have to drop the mission anyway. The incentive to fight back should be the same as the bh, if you hunt for credits you are not a genuine hunter I think on finalizer, it will be more likely that when a person is online, it is actively being played and not sitting AFK, considering you're only allowed to have the one character per account on at a time.

12-17-2021, 11:54 PM
Sorry If I missed it, will we need to delete 2 toons that play on Basilisk to be able to play on Finalizer?

12-17-2021, 11:55 PM
Sorry If I missed it, will we need to delete 2 toons that play on Basilisk to be able to play on Finalizer?

No. It’s a 2 character limit and our names are reserved on the new server for 90 days that we use on Bas.

12-18-2021, 09:40 PM
The name thing might be the dumbest thing I've seen. Basilisk must have thousands of names reserved... Why? Lol.

12-19-2021, 11:30 AM
As much as I was excited to read all the new changes I’m a little disappointed about this :-

Q: Will a new server be a test server?
A: Yes, it will still be considered a temporary test server for us. It will be as Basilisk is now, however, the server will track Unstable much more closely. New code will be pushed on a weekly basis when the server restarts, given stability. This will facilitate quicker testing of changes and enable us to weed out issues that arise.

12-19-2021, 11:50 AM
So you expected us to launch 1.0 now?

12-19-2021, 12:55 PM
I guess I did. Apologies I don’t mean to offend I just hoped that the new server would be the ‘finalised’ server to build on.

12-19-2021, 02:44 PM
As much as we all wish to be there, we're not there yet. Still stuff to do on the current project.

12-19-2021, 02:55 PM
Just a couple quick Q & A updates:

XP will no longer be split based on damage, so you can grind with each other in groups
Looted DoT weapons use count now cap at 2000 uses instead of 9999 previously
Jedi can earn FRS XP from Bounty Hunters with Investigation 3 & up, that are actively hunting the Jedi - Not yet implemented
Jedi Missions will have a cool down for the BH to get the mission again, regardless if they fail or succeed

12-19-2021, 03:37 PM
Just a couple quick Q & A update:

XP will no longer be split based on damage, so you can grind with each other in groups
Looted DoT weapons use count now cap at 2000 uses instead of 9999 previously
Jedi can earn FRS XP from Bounty Hunters with Investigation 3 & up, that are actively hunting the Jedi - Not yet implemented
Jedi Missions will have a cool down for the BH to get the mission again, regardless if they fail or succeed
Fantastic! Thank you for these changes, I think the community definitely feels heard.

12-19-2021, 03:56 PM
Just a couple quick Q & A update:

XP will no longer be split based on damage, so you can grind with each other in groups
Looted DoT weapons use count now cap at 2000 uses instead of 9999 previously
Jedi can earn FRS XP from Bounty Hunters with Investigation 3 & up, that are actively hunting the Jedi - Not yet implemented
Jedi Missions will have a cool down for the BH to get the mission again, regardless if they fail or succeed

Nice. When does xp change go live?

12-19-2021, 04:08 PM
Looks like a good change, hopefully it goes live soon as the group XP is great for the community.

12-19-2021, 05:24 PM
Just a couple quick Q & A updates:

XP will no longer be split based on damage, so you can grind with each other in groups
Looted DoT weapons use count now cap at 2000 uses instead of 9999 previously
Jedi can earn FRS XP from Bounty Hunters with Investigation 3 & up, that are actively hunting the Jedi - Not yet implemented
Jedi Missions will have a cool down for the BH to get the mission again, regardless if they fail or succeed

amazing work dude. big thanks to staff for listening. population going to go up with that group xp change for sure!

12-19-2021, 08:04 PM
Just to add to my story. I have really been enjoying playing as a noob again and knowing I can’t really upgrade my cdef pistol as there isn’t much better crafted yet.
Love how everyone is a noob. And enjoying solo questing and having to plan what missions to take in risk vs reward.
Played about 3hrs and got 2 skills in pistol on the marksman tree. Explore 1 and hunting 1 from scout tree.
Nice seeing 700+ ppl online too.

12-19-2021, 11:35 PM
Honestly I think the XP changes are quite hasty. That is going so far in the other direction. Not making it based on damage changes the game in so many ways.
Jedi will fully grind templates in day(s) and never have to worry about BH. BH will no longer have real purpose since Jedi will just grind through any XP loss if a death occurs.
Oh and the entire server will pretty much master their profs on the day this goes live..

I love everything about this launch so far. I’m very worried about this one as it’s shortsighted IMo. I know I’m one person, but really would have expected a change this large to utilize the new survey system instead of being dropped after a single day. Difficulty is what Sets this server apart from the others. Don’t make it too easy and it’ll actually last.

Really would love to see the survey system used for changes like this, since I know everyone has different viewports.

12-20-2021, 12:00 AM
I think the concerns related to BH, Jedi and what not could easily be alleviated with a blanket fightclubbing ban. I'm not sure that anything else would be as effective as that.

12-20-2021, 12:25 AM
I would like to know why the devs will not outright ban fightclubbing.

You have made some really positive changes...but fightclubbing is still going to happen here it isn't difficult to achieve a good fightclub within these changes. It just requires your mates to have 3000, as many as you can and some fillers, or just a couple of sessions a week to make up for lack of numbers, due to 2 chars/1online when the list resets..
, there are already people talking about "controlling" the FRS.

We have seen from bas, that FC was responsible for so much damage. it was like a hyper parody of live. Everyone was capped FRS, and every rank flooded. This is so far from reality of what FRS was like on live.

This will really really damage the health of the server if you allow FC.

Please consider this.

I want to partake in a competitive system that is legitimate, like most players I would hope,
The frs system is a joke. But you have the opportunity to do something here. If you are unwilling to ban FC please just turn the system off until something better is available.

12-20-2021, 01:49 AM
Honestly I think the XP changes are quite hasty. That is going so far in the other direction. Not making it based on damage changes the game in so many ways.
Jedi will fully grind templates in day(s) and never have to worry about BH. BH will no longer have real purpose since Jedi will just grind through any XP loss if a death occurs.
Oh and the entire server will pretty much master their profs on the day this goes live..

I love everything about this launch so far. I’m very worried about this one as it’s shortsighted IMo. I know I’m one person, but really would have expected a change this large to utilize the new survey system instead of being dropped after a single day. Difficulty is what Sets this server apart from the others. Don’t make it too easy and it’ll actually last.

Really would love to see the survey system used for changes like this, since I know everyone has different viewports.I think you have it completely backwards… Jedi will be constantly on the terms because of via from group hunting. How would this protect Jedi from BHs?

Why is it important to spend a dozen hours grinding a template in the early server stage? The curve will flatten dramatically anyway when there are good enough resources to make viable armor and weapons, why not at least incentivize group play? If this change wasn’t made, once we have 80% armor I could still grind out TK in a day or two.

12-20-2021, 02:30 AM
Honestly I think the XP changes are quite hasty. That is going so far in the other direction. Not making it based on damage changes the game in so many ways.
Jedi will fully grind templates in day(s) and never have to worry about BH. BH will no longer have real purpose since Jedi will just grind through any XP loss if a death occurs.
Oh and the entire server will pretty much master their profs on the day this goes live..

I love everything about this launch so far. I’m very worried about this one as it’s shortsighted IMo. I know I’m one person, but really would have expected a change this large to utilize the new survey system instead of being dropped after a single day. Difficulty is what Sets this server apart from the others. Don’t make it too easy and it’ll actually last.

Really would love to see the survey system used for changes like this, since I know everyone has different viewports.

Agreed, I feel like its a pretty significant change and a negative one IMHO. Although I guess I'm not fully aware of the intent here. If this is seen as a Finalist specific change to facilitate early game grinding and thus later game testing then I don't really mind it. If its something that is expected to also be a part of 1.0 then I feel like its outside the scope of the projects stated goals. Maybe ill feel differently after seeing this in practice but the amount of time it will take to grind professions seems like it will be significantly reduced and I haven't given much thought to the village and Jedi grind for this although I have seen some conversations around that.

12-20-2021, 09:32 AM
I think you have it completely backwards… Jedi will be constantly on the terms because of via from group hunting. How would this protect Jedi from BHs?

Its not that it protects jedi from BH, its that it makes dying from BH irrelevant. If you can grind 400k xp in an our early jedi instead of 5k (example numbers), why would losing 30k to a BH death matter? It doesnt. Jedi just grind through any death that happens.
This particularly impacts early jedi, which IMO is a super fun experience, transitioning from being something like a melee stacker to sucking with a lightsaber. Its awesome that jedi start weak. This 'weak' period will be gone, having a friend just spin lairs with you, and getting to the LS tree unlocked within a couple minutes instead of potentially multiple buff sessions on Rori poking things

Jedi will be constantly on the terms because of via from group hunting
And looking at the other BH change (that i think is good to deal with fight clubbing!) with the timeout on a person pulling a jedi's mission -- combine these two changes (timer + group spin grinding) and BH will be even less of a bother to jedi, since they won't even be able to re-attain the mission when the jedi keeps on grinding.

Lastly - i know this is a TC and there will be changes. I encourage them. However, this just seems a very significant change that will impact lots of systems, being made very quickly. The survey we got to make the server had me under the impression we'd have a sort of runescape-esk system for community input on large changes such as this. (If you don't know what i'm talking about, google it - they have an amazing system where the community votes on changes to be made)
These are just my opinions. I know some other folks see this from a different lens (which is why I like voting and numbers!)

12-20-2021, 12:52 PM
Lol started reading mostly general excitement, read on to ADK debates, then jedi debates, then fight club issues, 1 toon online issues.

I haven't seen 800 online connections in years, this is good

12-20-2021, 01:27 PM
I have to remind you that we have 2 CSRs. Monitoring fight clubs would be a manual task. We would not be able to do that, with everything else that is happening in support.

As for the XP in groups. Its not final, we are looking at solutions. We have done a few internal tests and we want to make some adjustments. It gave too much XP.

12-20-2021, 01:31 PM
Just a couple quick Q & A updates:

XP will no longer be split based on damage, so you can grind with each other in groups
Looted DoT weapons use count now cap at 2000 uses instead of 9999 previously
Jedi can earn FRS XP from Bounty Hunters with Investigation 3 & up, that are actively hunting the Jedi - Not yet implemented
Jedi Missions will have a cool down for the BH to get the mission again, regardless if they fail or succeed

XP will no longer be split based on damage, so you can grind with each other in groups

The XP split is held for now, while we discuss it more. We appreciate the feedback we have been receiving. Just wanted to let you know we hear both sides of things and are taking it into account.

Our goal is to promote players to be able to play together while grinding and farming, while not making it so XP earning is too easy.

Additions to the list above that I had left out before.

FRS XP will not be split from kills. This is to help make it possible to achieve rank, while attempting to prevent fight clubbing.
Jedi Padawans will not give FRS XP when killed. Jedi must be Rank 0 or greater.

To make a note on the banning of fight clubbing would flood our support department with "I think X and X are fight clubbing."

Instead we are attempting to take the alternate route of preventing it through game mechanics. Requiring a bounty hunter to have a Jedi's active mission as well as the addition of a cool down will make fight clubbing nearly impossible.

12-20-2021, 01:42 PM
You just have your friends pull your mission every time the timer is up to farm FRS xp.........

Disappointing to hear about group xp. Combat grinding had virtually no difference in the when they changed to the CU, you kill mob - you get xp; and it wasn't an issue for them to turn off xp split. Like the one thing the CU did right.

12-20-2021, 01:45 PM
the solution is just to take away the ability to gain FRS from non jedi...Why not do this...
Saying you want to incentivize BH fights is a lame lame excuse.

This server will be ruined if this is allowed...you have the ability to stop fightclubbing with simple changes... other servers have done it fine. Why do you refuse?

12-20-2021, 01:46 PM
I'm fairly confident that other servers have created logging for Force Rank Experience exchange and that could either be (a) adopted by SWGEmu or (b) SWGEmu could create their own logging (as a component of their already numerous tracking and logging tools) and monitored or even automated in the event of large or rapid experience exchanges.

12-20-2021, 02:07 PM
the solution is just to take away the ability to gain FRS from non jedi...Why not do this...
Saying you want to incentivize BH fights is a lame lame excuse.

This server will be ruined if this is allowed...you have the ability to stop fightclubbing with simple changes... other servers have done it fine. Why do you refuse?

yeah, its really that simple. The absolute least exploitable system is to only grant FRS xp for opposing enclave jedi kills. And only allow 1 jedi per account so you can't just grind an alt jedi to FC with.

You'll never incentivize jedi to fight BH. If a jedi knows he can kill the BH, he's going to stay and do it. If the jedi is going to lose, he's going to run away so he doesn't die and lose xp lol. The main complaint from BH is that jedi run, nothing in the world is going to change a jedi from running from a losing fight.

12-20-2021, 02:08 PM
You just have your friends pull your mission every time the timer is up to farm FRS xp.........

Disappointing to hear about group xp. Combat grinding had virtually no difference in the when they changed to the CU, you kill mob - you get xp; and it wasn't an issue for them to turn off xp split. Like the one thing the CU did right.

Literally the only difference is 20man group during pre cu vs 8 man group i think during CU. Maybe alot of them didn't play during CU and saw what Jedi did on ryatt trails. SOE never changed it. I'm not really seeing the logic.

12-20-2021, 02:11 PM
You just have your friends pull your mission every time the timer is up to farm FRS xp.........

Disappointing to hear about group xp. Combat grinding had virtually no difference in the when they changed to the CU, you kill mob - you get xp; and it wasn't an issue for them to turn off xp split. Like the one thing the CU did right.

I think you underestimate the time sink that would be required to actually try to fight club using a BH with an active mission and the timer after. Also it will require you to have all friends with their second character being sunk into BH. So no crafters, Docs, Ents etc.

The group split is not a dropped subject completely. We are still actively discussing the best method to approach it.

the solution is just to take away the ability to gain FRS from non jedi...Why not do this...
Saying you want to incentivize BH fights is a lame lame excuse.

This server will be ruined if this is allowed...you have the ability to stop fightclubbing with simple changes... other servers have done it fine. Why do you refuse?

It is the time required to siphon through everyone thinking people are fight clubbing. The same thing occurred with Basilisk PvP. Boy who cried wolf with exploit reports and Support already handles enough.

I'm fairly confident that other servers have created logging for Force Rank Experience exchange and that could either be (a) adopted by SWGEmu or (b) SWGEmu could create their own logging (as a component of their already numerous tracking and logging tools) and monitored or even automated in the event of large or rapid experience exchanges.

Yes absolutely, this is for sure something for us to look into tracking more closely but was not something we did on Basilisk. Lk is our data guy and is good at what he does. So is something we can possibly look into doing here on Fin.

12-20-2021, 02:14 PM
you can most definitely have crafter and doc with only 3xxx BH

12-20-2021, 02:16 PM
It doesn't have to be a manual task though. Just no FRS from non jedi. FRS is a Jedi v Jedi system.

I agree that the changes do help to combat FC. You wont see the ones like bas that are disgustingly efficient. But you will still be able to get a really good amount of XP with just a few friends.

Come on Hakry, you are the only member of staff that knows pvp, you know how damaging this will be if FC is allowed.

12-20-2021, 02:29 PM
If you're updating every Tuesday, it would be simple to enable group xp for a single week at least to get a larger pool of feedback as opposed to whatever you're doing on your own and it really doesn't harm anything

I just don't understand why people would want to keep the combat grinding so tedious and monotonous in this game.

12-20-2021, 02:57 PM
If you're updating every Tuesday, it would be simple to enable group xp for a single week at least to get a larger pool of feedback as opposed to whatever you're doing on your own and it really doesn't harm anything

I just don't understand why people would want to keep the combat grinding so tedious and monotonous in this game. I think they just want us to have a full time job on a test server emulating a 17 year old game.

12-20-2021, 03:15 PM
I think they just want us to have a full time job on a test server emulating a 17 year old game.

Well its a full time job just keeping it running and keeping people from cheating, so seems only fair!


12-20-2021, 03:31 PM
I don't see the point in now stalling the group XP "fix", because thats what it really is. In a few short days we're going to have armor, buffs, weapons that will effectively make things solo whereas we could have the group XP fix in, allow players to grind and do missions together without the armor, weapons and buffs and when that stuff comes still allow them to do missions together to grind, etc.

12-20-2021, 11:22 PM
Hello there

Finaly, some action here

12-20-2021, 11:28 PM
Group xp only accelerates your grind to a certain point.

If we use jedi as an example, because dervish is an easily recognizable milestone, it would only accelerate the grind until that point. Once you have dervish, you are just as fast solo to clear lairs etc. It's a very diminishing return past that point.

Most people will be grinding at squill caves or bases. All players run the same speed, you can't clear the squill cave out any faster in a group than you would be solo, because a group doesn't accelerate the rate at which you can physically move through the cave. Same concept with bases except its more based around the respawn rate of the NPCs.

If we want to use missions as an example than a group will only cut down on the travel time back and forth from the terminal, because they will cumulatively be able to have more missions at once.

12-21-2021, 12:25 AM
Well its a full time job just keeping it running and keeping people from cheating, so seems only fair!


It really shouldnt be but this game is very exploitable with the macro system.
What are you actually trying to achieve so I can have a think about it? Or have you came up with a solution internally, you just have to code it?
I have a few ideas what could be done depending on what result you are wanting to achieve, but i'd need to run them past someone who understands the code to see how viable they are time wise.

01-02-2022, 09:36 PM
I figured this was the best place to ask devs, but could you please consider starting to post in the Finalizer Patch Notes forum? I feel like it's less than ideal that for example, warcry was disabled and you'd only really know that if you were in Discord at the time or if you monitor the git commits. There seems to be a large amount of people that aren't aware of the changes as they're implemented.

Obviously there's just as many people who don't use forums but still. The forum is sitting there all empty waiting to be used!

Keep up the great work!

01-03-2022, 12:40 AM
I figured this was the best place to ask devs, but could you please consider starting to post in the Finalizer Patch Notes forum? I feel like it's less than ideal that for example, warcry was disabled and you'd only really know that if you were in Discord at the time or if you monitor the git commits. There seems to be a large amount of people that aren't aware of the changes as they're implemented.

Obviously there's just as many people who don't use forums but still. The forum is sitting there all empty waiting to be used!

Keep up the great work!

Sure but if you look at the motd when you login in your chat windows you'd see warcry disabled right in the chat box.

01-03-2022, 07:45 AM
I figured this was the best place to ask devs, but could you please consider starting to post in the Finalizer Patch Notes forum? I feel like it's less than ideal that for example, warcry was disabled and you'd only really know that if you were in Discord at the time or if you monitor the git commits. There seems to be a large amount of people that aren't aware of the changes as they're implemented.

Obviously there's just as many people who don't use forums but still. The forum is sitting there all empty waiting to be used!

Keep up the great work!
We kind of have that. The weekly update forum. The updates are mostly to Nova, but it is the nova commits that are pushed to finalizer.

Making patch notes like we have done for Basilisk takes actually a long time and Isn't something we can do weekly. We will have to look into a solution though. But most things going to Nova, is pushed to Finalizer.

01-04-2022, 07:57 AM
Just wanted to say that I am excited for the launch of this game! I haven't devoted much time to playtesting in recent times, but I thank and encourage more to playtest! There is a deep excitement that grows every time I see progress!

Thanks again to the development team and to all of those who have the passion to keep this amazingly beautiful game alive.

May the force be with you all ~ !

01-07-2022, 05:10 PM
Thank you for all the great work.

01-10-2022, 12:20 AM
I have not been ingame for sometime but the new server sounds great. So far I have not been able to figure out how to enter The Finalizer can someone point me in the right direction please

01-10-2022, 02:31 AM
I have not been ingame for sometime but the new server sounds great. So far I have not been able to figure out how to enter The Finalizer can someone point me in the right direction pleasejust make a new character and choose finalizer server

01-19-2022, 02:17 AM
did we kill bas yet? or community divided?

01-21-2022, 08:11 PM
Really enjoying finalizer, been able to group grind... docs in the medical area's and ents doing a fine job at the cantina's. Really pleasant experience all around, thanks everyone!

02-06-2022, 04:14 PM
Any update on the thoughts behind group XP?

02-06-2022, 06:04 PM
Sorry, but no, we have nothing to share yet

02-25-2022, 04:03 AM
I check in about 3-4 times a year, first time Im hearing about Finalizer, wow!

I might just give it a try again, 2 toons max and a fresh start sounds exciting. It's what I been waiting for..
Too bad I missed out on the launch.. (was it December 18th?)

Good job keeping this project going team! awesome