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View Full Version : The Tatooine Dewback Desert Run! - Jan 31st - First Place Prize: A Jetpack!

12-28-2020, 04:34 PM
01/31/21: Due to the server restart, start times have been updated.
01/27/21: We now have a Discord channel! Everyone is welcome! https://discord.gg/RbwVyznp
01/17/21: The Race Course Map has changed! Please update your waypoints below!

Get your dewback mount and join us for a race across Tatooine!

https://scontent.fmem1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/132991536_10157509247401401_3986457858088362845_n. jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=2&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=tHjpj4nULgcAX8al04s&_nc_oc=AQm-3f8SqDBgolnu6o8pmJoTt4oykXJhyYRJjvcswrBbFpcxrvmRVs TxJ2Z2FWkoHl9KkJU_POD3YYfkN_eNtVBZ&_nc_ht=scontent.fmem1-1.fna&oh=9f3c388f8efff66ad55a85766e8cf6ce&oe=6037035F


Before the Race...

Pre-Race Party!

Date: Sunday, January 31st, 2021
Tentative Start Time: 1:00 PM EST
Starting Location: Mos Entha (1625, 3100)

Join us for the Pre-Race Party and experience the exciting start of this epic spectacle!
There will be gift bags for all attendees with millions in gifts and prizes!


The Race...

The Tatooine Dewback Desert Run!

Date: Sunday, January 31st, 2021
Start Time: Around 2:30 PM EST
Starting Location: Mos Entha (1625, 3100)

Everyone is welcome to race! Spectators are welcome to come cheer on the start!

First Place: A Jetpack!!! And a Race Winner's Trophy!
Second Place: An AV-21, a 5M Credit Prize, and a Second Place Trophy!
Third Place: A Stack of 50 Swoops, a 4M Credit Prize, and a Third Place Trophy!
Fourth Place: A Rifleman Gift Bag, a 3M Credit Prize, and a Fourth Place Trophy!
Fifth Place: A Crafter Gift Bag, a 2M Credit Prize, and a Fifth Place Trophy!

And a 1M Credit Prize and Trophy for the Best Dressed Racer! So don't forget your racing suits and helmets!
(will be determined by our race staff)

https://scontent.fmem1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/140316894_10157556024826401_1513807486216076446_o. jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=2&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=FApx_jVQkRIAX_acNnM&_nc_ht=scontent.fmem1-2.fna&oh=789271d2dde3a2bc6e25637e3f2b3f38&oe=602AF60E

Race Distance: About 52 kilometers.
Race Duration: Just under 2 hours.

You can get the Race Waypoints in the following ways:
1) Email "Sonno" ingame and request a copy. He'll send you two emails with all of the waypoints.
2) The day of the race, they will be mailed out to anyone who needs them.
3) Head to Tatooine (very important!), copy the following text, paste it into your ingame chat box, and hit enter:
/wayp 1635, 3092 Start >>; /wayp 1621, 3092 Start <<; /wayp 5800, 1850 1 >> Go around spire. Head S around Tusken Village.; /wayp 5800, 4050 2 >>; /wayp 2900, 4400 3 <<; /wayp 2150, 5000 4 >>; /wayp 200, 5325 5 >> Stay inside canyon to SW, follow to this WP; /wayp 0, 3300 6 << Stay inside canyon, follow to this WP; /wayp -5350, 2800 7 >>; /wayp -6150, 1800 8 >>;
Then do the same for the following:
/wayp -4600, -2300 9 <<; /wayp -6200, -3400 10 >>; /wayp -5400, -4400 11 >>; /wayp -3800, -4400 12 << Watch out for Krayt Dragons!; /wayp -6200, -6400 13 >> Go around Jabba's to the SW; /wayp -700, -6700 14 >> Stay N of Wayfar; /wayp -2600, -5450 15 <<; /wayp 3800, -5250 16 >>; /wayp 3288, -4842 Finish >> Be cautious...; /wayp 3279, -4835 Finish << Scum and Villainy!;
If you don't know how to copy/paste ingame, do a search for setting keymaps.

- It is the Racer's responsibility to secure a usable mount and the race waypoints before the start of the event.
- It is the Racer's responsibility to get whatever buffs that may be needed to compete in the event. Management is not responsible for Tusken Raiders, Krayt Dragons, and/or bad Jawa faction.
- Just before the start of the race, all Racers will line up, on their dewback mounts, on the starting line in Mos Entha. There will be a brief introduction, a short and easy email registration for all Racers, and the Race Waypoints will be sent to any Racer who needs them. There will be a countdown followed by a fireworks display signaling the start of the race.
- Any Racer who jumps the start of the race will be asked to go back and tag up at the Start Line before continuing on.
- The race course is laid out using a series of waypoints. Race Waypoints will have indicators (<< and >>) to let Racers know which side to pass the Race Waypoint on. Some Race Waypoints will have special instructions to follow.
- If a Race Waypoint does not appear on screen, use the Race Waypoint location on the overhead map (ctrl-m).
- Racers must travel, by dewback mount and ONLY dewback mount, to each Race Waypoint, in order, pass them on the correct side, and follow any noted instructions.
- There will be volunteers riding on swoops with the lead pack as well as volunteers stationed at various Race Waypoints to make sure the course is being followed correctly.
- Using speeders of any kind to cover race distance is prohibited. Burst running or force running to cover race distance is prohibited. Using shuttles to cover race distance is prohibited. Cutting the course is prohibited. Any Racer found to be breaking these rules will be disqualified immediately.
- There is a /gallop command that will make your dewback mount run faster for a 3 minute period. After that, Racers will have to wait 11 minutes to be able to use it again. Racers may use the /gallop command whenever they like.
- Any racer caught pack herding will be disqualified! Racers may only have one dewback out at a time.
- It is advised that all Racers be On Leave while participating in the event.
- There are aggressive mobs along the course. It is the Racer's responsibility to either attack or avoid them. Kiting mobs into the path of competitors is a perfectly legal tactic.
- If a Racer is slain while competing: 1) Create a new waypoint at the corpse location, 2) Clone at the nearest cloner, 3) Travel back to the corpse waypoint (ok to use shuttles/speeders), 4) Continue on with the race.
- If a Racer's dewback is slain while competing: Simply close and reopen the dewback mount and continue on.
- If a Racer gets stuck on the course (can't move, running in place): First try dismounting and remounting the dewback. If that doesn't work, try storing and reopening the dewback. If that doesn't work, try the /unstick command. If all else fails, try relogging. Once able to continue on, do so.
- Glitches, disconnects, server lag, hiccups, rubberbanding, blinking, ghosting, etc happen and are all beyond our control. Deal with it the best you can and continue along. If something does happen, don't give up! You never know what might happen to others in front of you.
- If the server crashes or is shut down for any reason before the completion of the race, the race will be rerun at the same time the following day, and so on until it is completed.
- The race winner will be the first Racer to complete 100% of the race distance, passing every checkpoint, in order, and to cross the finish line, all while riding a dewback mount.
- The race will officially be over 20 minutes after the first Racer crosses the finish line.
- In the event of any ties... The tying dewbacks will engage in a fight to the death until there is a single winner. Keep this in mind when purchasing your dewback!
- There may be more added to this section...

Important Notes!
If you are planning on buying yourself a dewback deed from a Bio-Engineer, know that they will take about a week or so to grow to full size, and you will need a Creature Handler to train your mount for you if you do not have the skills to do it yourself. Creature Handlers can supply you with full sized, fully trained dewback mounts if they have any available.
We strongly recommend running the course with your overhead map (ctrl-m) turned off for a much better overall experience.
Once you arrive at the event location it might be a good idea to do a hard log (completely log out, close the game client(s) down, restart, and log back in).
Practice getting from the final waypont to the finish line. It would really be worth figuring out ahead of time.
Don't forget your racing suits and helmets!

If you need a dewback mount for the event, there are several listed on the Mos Eisley Bazaar for a modest price, thanks to members of TheZoo (https://discord.gg/psNscGb8EU).
If you need help with anything dewback and/or mount related ingame, please send a /tell to Foxhunt, he'll be more than happy to help you out!


After the Race...

Race Finish, Awards Ceremony, and After Party!

Date: Sunday, January 31st, 2021
Tentative Start Time: 4:00 PM EST
Location: Mos Eisley (3275, -4850)

Come cheer on the finish of the race, and stay for the After Party! Everyone is welcome to attend!
The Awards Ceremony will begin shortly after the finish of the race, 20 minutes after the winner crosses the finish line.
The After Party will officially begin immediately after that.

Please find your favorite tailor and dress to impress!
You can bring your favorite character(s) or you can roll yourself an Entertainer/Dancer/Musician or two and join in on the fun!
Feel free to bring friends and spread the word to others.
There will be groups for Master Dancers & Musicians.
Please leave your weapons and armor at home. Please be On Leave.


Please share this information with your friends and guildmates in-game and ask them to do the same.
Thank you all, we look forward to seeing you there!

12-28-2020, 08:06 PM
More information coming soon...

https://scontent.fmem1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/132991536_10157509247401401_3986457858088362845_n. jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=2&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=9qYblSJJhHIAX-d5_n-&_nc_oc=AQksdrf4nCvsMKzxTN0mhuiQobOapiOKL35ZzKXD_ZR 2SIU6vst_2YkYqYAc82y3jzRTMG9CDwXbtk8DRPIb66ks&_nc_ht=scontent.fmem1-1.fna&oh=c19596a5d3c9e94231fc5185dc5f6f0c&oe=600F765F

Looking for prize donations. If you're interested, please send me a message here on the forums. Thanks!

Me like!!!

Walking carpet
12-29-2020, 02:56 PM
Interesting title , cant wait to ear more

12-30-2020, 06:56 PM
We have a map!
Still looking for prize donations if anyone would like to sponsor the event.

12-30-2020, 10:23 PM
Looks fun.

01-03-2021, 06:37 AM
Still looking for prize donations if anyone would like to sponsor the event.

I can match the credit prizes for 2nd-5th place from the The Great Naboo Kaadu Race! (https://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192238), so 1.85m. I'll also toss in an av-21 deed to be used however. Seems like an appropriate for a race.

Oh also, racers who are serious about winning will probably need some super aerodynamic racing hot pants made, so I should make some racing hot pants for sure.

01-03-2021, 07:14 AM
Hell yes! Awesome!

01-03-2021, 08:00 AM
I am in. Will look thru my gear to see what I can donate for winnings!

01-03-2021, 05:21 PM
I can put down some big creatures to act as markers if that interests you.

01-04-2021, 05:14 PM

01-04-2021, 07:33 PM
Sounds like a blast.

Might want to include use of foods that affect speed in the rules, there is one, i cant remember the name, but it gives you a burst run(getting kind of technical i know)

01-04-2021, 11:20 PM
currently i can and will donate 5 million to what will be a great event. i've a big decision to make, being based in the uk and the race being held on a sunday night...could be a late one for a guy that needs get up at 5am.

looks like im going to be tired monday! it's one thing going to and competing in the race but it really is the award ceremonies and after parties of these events that make it so much fun.

ps. im glad i wasn't banned for this

pps. watch this space for more donations, need to put some feelers out!

ppps. will supply Jet Pack in either deed or undeeded form for a prize. work is ongoing for goody bags to give out to participants/revellers either pre or post race. just working on logistics~!

01-04-2021, 11:30 PM
currently i can and will donate 5 million to what will be a great event. i've a big decision to make, being based in the uk and the race being held on a sunday night...could be a late one for a guy that needs get up at 5am.

looks like im going to be tired monday! it's one thing going to and competing in the race but it really is the award ceremonies and after parties of these events that make it so much fun.

ps. im glad i wasn't banned for this

pps. watch this space for more donations, need to put some feelers out!

Thanks for the awesome donation!

The start time is flexible. It's a hard balancing act when you have the whole world to consider. Where are most SWGEmu players from?

01-04-2021, 11:33 PM
Where are most SWGEmu players from?

i would assume east/west coast of 'murica

i may just have to deal with a sleepy brain that following monday

01-05-2021, 02:41 PM
i would assume east/west coast of 'murica

i may just have to deal with a sleepy brain that following monday

Moved the start time back 2.5 hours. Made more updates. Waypoints are now finalized and available.

Please spread this information to your friends and guild members ingame and ask them to do the same. Thanks!

01-07-2021, 07:34 PM
Updated. First place prize is a Jetpack deed!

01-09-2021, 09:09 PM
Added a new prize...

A 1M Credit Prize and Trophy for the Best Dressed Racer! So don't forget your racing suits and helmets!
(will be determined by our race staff)

Walking carpet
01-10-2021, 03:35 PM
Having real time weather and sandstorms will add to the challenge , those that have Clear Skies MOD will be at an advantage but me and Senpai are up for it ;)

01-11-2021, 03:02 PM
TheZoo community has joined the fun! There are currently 9 dewbacks on the Mos Eisley bazaar. Will have tamed lesser dewbacks available soon. I will continue to update here! Pets take a few days to reach mountable size and 5 days to reach full size so think ahead! Feel free to reach out in this thread or join the discord in my sig if you have pet questions/need help getting your dewback mounted/tamed.

01-11-2021, 07:40 PM
Added Awards & After Party information.
Updated the start times to better accommodate a greater number of people.
Updated a few rules.
Added more prizes.

We're having a lot of fun putting this thing together! :D

01-12-2021, 12:36 PM
We're in need of 10 Entertainers for the event: https://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=237667

01-14-2021, 03:35 PM
Increased the prize money for 2nd - 5th place.
Everyone who attends will receive a gift bag with a bunch of goodies inside, some will have credit prizes!

01-15-2021, 11:06 PM
i will be ready to win this!

01-17-2021, 07:54 PM
Major update!

In the interest of creating the best event we possibly can, we have reversed the race course. The race will now start in Mos Entha and end in Mos Eisley. Please update your waypoints.
Thank you!

Walking carpet
01-18-2021, 02:45 PM
3 questions
you sending a new set of waypoints Darksmith ?
Do you need Ahsoka to promote the event 24/7 at Mos eisly?
Fox or Gint you guys have pet stims in your vendors ?

01-18-2021, 04:19 PM
3 questions
you sending a new set of waypoints Darksmith ?
Do you need Ahsoka to promote the event 24/7 at Mos eisly?
Fox or Gint you guys have pet stims in your vendors ?

Yes, shoot Sonno an email ingame.
Don't know, can't answer.

01-20-2021, 04:07 AM
3 questions
you sending a new set of waypoints Darksmith ?
Do you need Ahsoka to promote the event 24/7 at Mos eisly?
Fox or Gint you guys have pet stims in your vendors ?

I don't. Just now getting into crafting but not sure I'll have it all figured out for the race. Probably better off searching bazaar.

Walking carpet
01-20-2021, 02:19 PM
All right , event promoting underway DS
tanx Fox , I have 11 days to find stims so I should be good :)

01-23-2021, 04:01 PM
Hopefully these are the final updates to be made.
If the server happens to crash or restart between now and race day, the start times will be readjusted: a maximum of +/- 96 mins

The event is one week away!

01-24-2021, 11:43 PM
***Updated previous post***

There are now 30 non-CH dewbacks (below level 10) and 15 dewbacks requiring some CH (highest level is 15) available for sale (5k, free complimentary training with every purchase) at the <---Dust Industries---> Emporium ~1250m west of Theed (waypoint in signature). If before the race, you find I am out of stock, and you still want one, simply send a mail in game to Sparzacca and he will get right on it!

***NOTE*** They are bio-engineered pets, so you will need to use them in combat a little in order to level them up to their full size (babies can't be trained as mounts). Buy now so you have time to level them up!
For those who don't know, your pet only needs to hit the target once to get full XP for the kill (they will be very weak at first, and will almost always be taken out in combat against even the lowest level creatures). You will want to give the "attack" command, and as soon as you see the target get hit once, finish it off quickly. Here is a very basic macro:

/ui action targetSelf;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 1;
/follow target;
/pause 3;
/say (attack command);
/pause 3;
/attack (or your hardest hitting attack);
/pause 30;
/macro (macro name)

Optional additional commands:
1) /harvest meat/hide/bone;

2) /target (pet's name);
/pause 1;

Include some pauses in the 2nd option to your pet time to heal up.

Good luck to everyone in the race!

01-25-2021, 03:46 PM
Still looking for a few more Entertainers!

01-26-2021, 04:17 AM
***Updated previous post***

There are now 30 non-CH dewbacks (below level 10) and 15 dewbacks requiring some CH (highest level is 15) available for sale (5k, free complimentary training with every purchase) at the <---Dust Industries---> Emporium ~1250m west of Theed (waypoint in signature). If before the race, you find I am out of stock, and you still want one, simply send a mail in game to Sparzacca and he will get right on it!

***NOTE*** They are bio-engineered pets, so you will need to use them in combat a little in order to level them up to their full size (babies can't be trained as mounts). Buy now so you have time to level them up!
For those who don't know, your pet only needs to hit the target once to get full XP for the kill (they will be very weak at first, and will almost always be taken out in combat against even the lowest level creatures). You will want to give the "attack" command, and as soon as you see the target get hit once, finish it off quickly. Here is a very basic macro:

/ui action targetSelf;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 1;
/follow target;
/pause 3;
/say (attack command);
/pause 3;
/attack (or your hardest hitting attack);
/pause 30;
/macro (macro name)

Optional additional commands:
1) /harvest meat/hide/bone;

2) /target (pet's name);
/pause 1;

Include some pauses in the 2nd option to your pet time to heal up.

Good luck to everyone in the race!

Great to see you have a nice inventory!

However, combat has absolutely nothing to do with leveling a pet. You just need to summon your pet from the deed and it will automatically level as time passes. You can leave it in your datapad and it will still level. The import thing is you tame it from the deed. Don't worry if you don't see any changes when you click on your pet in the datapad, the visuals showing the stats won't update until you summon the pet but it's still growing.

Also, I believe a lvl 10 dewback can be mounted immediately from the deed.

01-27-2021, 01:58 PM
However, combat has absolutely nothing to do with leveling a pet. You just need to summon your pet from the deed and it will automatically level as time passes. You can leave it in your datapad and it will still level. The import thing is you tame it from the deed. Don't worry if you don't see any changes when you click on your pet in the datapad, the visuals showing the stats won't update until you summon the pet but it's still growing.

You are correct, I apologize - I was thinking of the CH grind I went through lol. Thank you for correcting this for everyone else!

01-27-2021, 05:18 PM
You are correct, I apologize - I was thinking of the CH grind I went through lol. Thank you for correcting this for everyone else!

Wild tamed pets don't require combat to level either.

01-27-2021, 05:39 PM
So I can purchase a lvl 10 and have it trained for mount immediately to race Sunday? (:

01-27-2021, 06:50 PM
We now have a Discord channel! https://discord.gg/Dy3CUJ2Y

01-27-2021, 10:27 PM
So I can purchase a lvl 10 and have it trained for mount immediately to race Sunday? (:

Correct. I just tested.

01-28-2021, 06:15 AM
Added prizes for 4th and 5th places!

01-30-2021, 03:56 PM
Updated the Discord link, it should work now.

01-31-2021, 10:21 PM
Great event thank you

02-02-2021, 03:07 AM
I'd say it was an overwhelming success!

https://scontent.fmem1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/145631907_10157599145326401_5957431780469198591_o. jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=2&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=jQnV4yXVgREAX_xtaBO&_nc_ht=scontent.fmem1-1.fna&oh=f14e97ffb718474cac86612987ca7cf6&oe=603DF115

02-02-2021, 03:17 AM
It was a lot of fun! Thanks so much for doing this. :)

02-16-2021, 08:01 AM
We now have a Discord channel! https://discord.gg/Dy3CUJ2Y
Thanks for the link, it's helpful to me as a newbie!