View Full Version : Wookiee Life Day 2019

12-01-2019, 10:07 PM
Wookiee Life Day Event

December 2019
SWGEmu Staff


Wookiee Life Day Event - December 2019

Life Day is upon us. Traditionally celebrated on the Wookiee home world of Kashyyyk, Life Day is a time to reflect on the renewal of life and to remember those who have passed on. In recent years Life Day traditions have been adopted by many species across the galaxy. Wookiees will often brave adverse conditions to make it home for this holiday, as it is an important time for family bonding and thankfulness.

This year's Life Day celebration is particularly special in light of those we have lost since the last event.

Those who wish to learn more should head to Vreni Island on Corellia, the Naboo Lake Retreat Naboo or Anchorhead on Tatooine where a friendly Wookiee in a red robe can be found who will tell you more about the holiday. This event will be live on Basilisk throughout December.

Click here (https://www.swgemu.com/archive/scrapbookv51/data/20070130134028/) for more information about the event.

Happy Life Day!

~The SWGEmu Staff

12-07-2019, 10:32 AM
Happy Life Day!

Walking carpet
12-07-2019, 01:53 PM
Yeahhhh, hug ya wookiees we need to share our fleas :)

12-07-2019, 03:37 PM
Will there be snow in the starter cities?

12-07-2019, 03:49 PM
Hooray! Wookiee Life Day!!!

12-07-2019, 04:56 PM
Will there be snow in the starter cities?

Snow and the corresponding music requires a client update. That's not part of the standard Wookiee Life Day experience.

12-07-2019, 09:08 PM
Got you covered:



12-11-2019, 09:57 AM
Can snow weather be modded ?

Sorry i know near nothing about modding stuff...

12-11-2019, 10:29 AM
Can snow weather be modded ?

Sorry i know near nothing about modding stuff...
I think I released something along those lines
T (https://modthegalaxy.com/index.php?resources/snow-fx.24/)urns out I did. And for people who don't want a Mod the Galaxy account (but I highly recommend getting one)
https://mega.nz/#!NiBmHQYT!U4jcnm0UBoJFkHNqrkNCwlLHq4SiE2iC6rVNtlA aJK4

12-11-2019, 05:49 PM
Snow and the corresponding music requires a client update. That's not part of the standard Wookiee Life Day experience.

Got you double covered


*Dies a bit inside*