View Full Version : [SWGEmu Event] Nova Under Siege - Friday October 19, 2018

10-18-2018, 06:42 AM
SWGemu Event - Nova Under Siege

The SWGEmu QA Team


TC:Nova has been overtaken by various entities of the galaxy. Each of the main Starport Hubs, Coronet, Theed and Mos Eisley, are unsafe for civilian travel and are no longer accessible. The galaxy needs the community's assistance to liberate these important travel points! The muster location is Tyrena, Corellia, so gather your friends and allies! It is highly recommended to not shuttle directly into any of the aforementioned starports, for it is unsafe. The Ranking Jedi of the galaxy are asked to come assist by doing their due diligence and restore peace to the galaxy once more!


Tyrena Startport, Corellia
Further Instruction will be provided at the time of the event.

Friday October 19th, 2018
11:15pm EDT / 3:15am UTC
Time Zone Converter (http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/)

Additional Information
Buffs will be provided from the Blue Frogs. It is recommended you gear up ahead of time to prepare for the battles that lay ahead!
There will also be buff terminals in the closest cloning facilities to the battle areas for the tragic losses taken during the fight.

~The SWGEmu QA Team

10-18-2018, 07:27 AM
Nice one buddy 👍👍👍👍 looking forward to this 😊😊😊

10-18-2018, 07:33 AM
Awww man, I have to work that night :mad:

You guys have fun though :cool:

10-18-2018, 07:57 AM
damn, I'll be at work as well. Stupid swing shift hours...

10-18-2018, 08:16 AM
QA takes on the title of Event Coordinator, at least somebody gonna use it.

10-18-2018, 10:33 AM
I don't think I'll be online at 04:15 am but you guys knock yourselves out >.<

10-18-2018, 12:56 PM
Damn... sounds fun, but I'm not going to be able to attend. I'll try to record a quick announcement for it when I get home from work tonight to try to attract more people.

10-18-2018, 01:46 PM

10-18-2018, 04:03 PM
LATEST INTEL: The Empire wishes to alert all citizens that intelligence reports indicate we may see random groups of scouts approaching Theed, Coronet, and Mos Eisley prior to the event. We encourage all citizens to be on the lookout, earlier in the evening on Friday, October 19th.

More information will be presented as it is released by Imperial Intelligence.

10-18-2018, 07:36 PM

Cevilla Rodan
10-18-2018, 08:01 PM
wow.. 5:15am on a saturday for me... lets see if i can get enough coffee :-)

10-18-2018, 08:49 PM
wow.. 5:15am on a saturday for me... lets see if i can get enough coffee :-)

You can do it! I know its earlier/an off time for many, but had to work around life schedule. In the future we will have things geared better for various time zones!

10-19-2018, 12:00 AM
If my maths are correct I should be just getting home from work when this starts. I'll see if the gf will let me play for a while.

10-19-2018, 04:04 AM
Good stuff!
Should be a much better time than folks spamming wipe bas ect.in cnet like last time.
Im unsure if i can make it (comp issues) but ill do my best to be there to represent the power of the darkside.

10-19-2018, 06:43 AM
Good stuff!
Should be a much better time than folks spamming wipe bas ect.in cnet like last time.
Im unsure if i can make it (comp issues) but ill do my best to be there to represent the power of the darkside.

Hope to see you there!

10-19-2018, 07:47 PM
NEWEST INTEL: Imperial intelligence reports indicate some small probes have landed on Naboo, Corellia, and Tatooine. These probes contained no life forms, but we've seen this trick before. BOLO for non-biological entities in our key strategic cities on these crucial planets.

10-19-2018, 10:13 PM
Those pods broke the space-time continuum... i'm stuck in a frozen universe, those nightsisters are really something! (aka server is frozen for me)

Walking carpet
10-20-2018, 03:39 AM
Worst event ever!! for me tanx <EV> lead Wraken using lame tacticts camping cloners , i wanted to try a jedi since i never ever been one and didnt even get a lighsaber and went to coronet to get help and I ended up being killed repeatedly upon spawning

10-20-2018, 04:55 AM
That was really fun, thank you!

10-20-2018, 05:38 AM
Worst event ever!! for me tanx <EV> lead Wraken using lame tacticts camping cloners , i wanted to try a jedi since i never ever been one and didnt even get a lighsaber and went to coronet to get help and I ended up being killed repeatedly upon spawning

Why didn't you clone at a shrine?

Thank you all who came out! Appreciate the turnout we had and glad we got to run Nova with a little extra stress then it usually gets! Look forward to putting on more events in the future!


Buuz Ound
10-20-2018, 05:40 AM
Thank you! Great fun :D The 3 Gorax had me dying! :3

10-20-2018, 06:22 AM
Thank you! Great fun :D The 3 Gorax had me dying! :3

Glad you enjoyed it!



Walking carpet
10-20-2018, 07:42 AM
Why didn't you clone at a shrine?

just look at your pictures and see why thers only Imperials there , check in mine youll see the rebels being slained in cloners

Like I said I never tried Jedi so as soon as I chose Jedi in the blue frog i was teleported to Yavin , there I saw some players that where AFK so i checked my inventory and saw I had Jedi Robe and a crystal so I asked around to know how to get a lightsaber sine blue frogs dont seem to have any but no one answered so the call to land at coronet pad B was sent by the event coordonator so that what I did , the minute i spawn i got killed at landing and then i respawned in cloner to suffer the same faith 3 times , i tried talking to them i was really pissed this camping was allowed so I just logged out ,i had no clue how to respawn at a darn shrine and i probably sure it would have been camped as well , i call camping cloneng centers an exploit and it will be a while before you see me in an event again

10-20-2018, 08:47 AM
Worst event ever!! for me tanx <EV> lead Wraken using lame tacticts camping cloners , i wanted to try a jedi since i never ever been one and didnt even get a lighsaber and went to coronet to get help and I ended up being killed repeatedly upon spawning

How did you get that colorfull toolbar? :) :)

10-20-2018, 10:29 AM
just look at your pictures and see why thers only Imperials there , check in mine youll see the rebels being slained in cloners

Like I said I never tried Jedi so as soon as I chose Jedi in the blue frog i was teleported to Yavin , there I saw some players that where AFK so i checked my inventory and saw I had Jedi Robe and a crystal so I asked around to know how to get a lightsaber sine blue frogs dont seem to have any but no one answered so the call to land at coronet pad B was sent by the event coordonator so that what I did , the minute i spawn i got killed at landing and then i respawned in cloner to suffer the same faith 3 times , i tried talking to them i was really pissed this camping was allowed so I just logged out ,i had no clue how to respawn at a darn shrine and i probably sure it would have been camped as well , i call camping cloneng centers an exploit and it will be a while before you see me in an event again

Welcome to PvP. Clone camping is not an exploit and there are either 4 or 5 shrines you can clone at on each planet, there is no excuse to keep dying like this.

You are part of one of the largest rebel guilds on the server right? There are many out there that can help you out with PvP

10-20-2018, 10:38 AM
Best part of this event was in Coronet. The robots had stopped spawning, so a light side jedi attacked a stormtrooper at the bazaar. Soon after he was attacked by 3 dark side jedi. It didn't take long before he was incapped and killed. I was standing there with my CSR character, so i revived the poor guy and he was instantly attacked again by the 3 imps. He was no longer buffed, so he went down again very fast, so naturally, i revived him again and I kept doing that for a long time. The imp where "WTF!" "Whats going on?" "Why don't you die???" "Can't you just stay down?" I stood there, but no one though about it, even the guy that constantly died understood what was going on. I was laughing my *** off.

When I finally told them what I was doing, we all had a good laugh :D

10-20-2018, 02:34 PM
i call camping cloneng centers an exploit
Let me explain. When you become a knight you become permanently overt. When this happens you can always be killed, no matter what. Kinda like thepit. The way around this is selecting a shrine in the cloning ui window where one would normally select a saved cloning point. These normally aren't camped cause people can't be bothered to go to them. If you choose to play knight, you choose to live with the consequences.

Edit cause off topic
This was a heaps fun event. Had a ball getting 1 shot by djms and seeing people do some dumb stuff for the lols.
Props to Hakry for giving us all a reason to goof around on a Friday/Saturday.

10-20-2018, 02:36 PM
I got 9 kills, some good fights and chases, but all in all It felt like the event was slanted in favor of the imperial players. Again the event WAS fun, but lightside forces could basically do nothing and I just wanted to take a second to illustrate how not-so-great that is for future reference.

10-20-2018, 03:22 PM
I would recomend trying jedi when there is no event. You kind of asked for it.

Walking carpet
10-20-2018, 11:45 PM
Welcome to PvP. Clone camping is not an exploit and there are either 4 or 5 shrines you can clone at on each planet, there is no excuse to keep dying like this.

You are part of one of the largest rebel guilds on the server right? There are many out there that can help you out with PvP

<EV> dosent PvP on Basilisk so cant touch them ,im leader of the largest rebel guild of server yes i was stupid yo try Jedi in an event but my guild would never use such looser tactics if yo see one of my members doing so take a screenshot and send it my way and i will warn my member ,camping cloners and jumping with 3 DJK on the first to spawn is deshonorable, may not be against any rules but its an explot in my book, Wraken even denies being part of this even do hes on the midle of the picture , so it tells a lot.
spawning in a shrine 3kms away each deaths is unproductive ,cloners should have been off limits to PvP so that rebels could have a chance to get back in the fight quickly but these guys decided to ruin the event for the rebels then so be it , side note -Revan Shan is not in these pictures cause I know hes honorable player and dosent attack un-armed players jedi or not, im sure Ryschi leader of the Imperial PvP forces of server would not approve of such behaviors either cause that's unhealthy and they worked hard to try to clean the pvp community doing such lazy things. that was killing pvp overall, you may not understand what honor means and think i take things too seriously but Honor and respect is the fuel that made my guild successful in many games for the past 22years


10-21-2018, 02:39 AM
My one small complaint was that I went to 0,0,0 instead of the cloner when I died on Tat... It's a long trip back to civilization from out there. There were maybe 4 or 5 other players that went there as well. Other than that, I had a great time.

10-21-2018, 02:42 AM
My one small complaint was that I went to 0,0,0 instead of the cloner when I died on Tat... It's a long trip back to civilization from out there. There were maybe 4 or 5 other players that went there as well. Other than that, I had a great time.

This is interesting to note. Will have to look into it. I have not heard of anything like this before but Nova is running the unstable branch so you never know what may show up!

10-21-2018, 02:46 AM
Trying to think of some of the names that went out there with me... I think there were at least a couple of the dark jedi knights that were playing. I should have taken a screen shot.

10-21-2018, 04:14 AM
Sorry your DJ overlord was not there to help encourage a more positive event experience but i aparently fried a 2nd hard drive in my rush to try and make the event.
LS, DS, nova or bas, theres always a few ppl who will cause issues... Just gotta roll with the punches sometimes.

Nova is generally a drama free zone, (enforced by both staff and community) altho the leash is usually given some slack during bas downtime. Dont let a few bad apples ruin it for you.
Running solo during an event with an overt jedi is never a good idea..... Unless you are Touched that is 😁

10-21-2018, 08:43 AM
<EV> dosent PvP on Basilisk so cant touch them ,im leader of the largest rebel guild of server yes i was stupid yo try Jedi in an event but my guild would never use such looser tactics if yo see one of my members doing so take a screenshot and send it my way and i will warn my member ,camping cloners and jumping with 3 DJK on the first to spawn is deshonorable, may not be against any rules but its an explot in my book, Wraken even denies being part of this even do hes on the midle of the picture , so it tells a lot.
spawning in a shrine 3kms away each deaths is unproductive ,cloners should have been off limits to PvP so that rebels could have a chance to get back in the fight quickly but these guys decided to ruin the event for the rebels then so be it , side note -Revan Shan is not in these pictures cause I know hes honorable player and dosent attack un-armed players jedi or not, im sure Ryschi leader of the Imperial PvP forces of server would not approve of such behaviors either cause that's unhealthy and they worked hard to try to clean the pvp community doing such lazy things. that was killing pvp overall, you may not understand what honor means and think i take things too seriously but Honor and respect is the fuel that made my guild successful in many games for the past 22years

https://i.imgur.com/aHuZYBs.jpg?1 I gave you a legit answer. But it seems as if you ignored it to attack user. Who is a legit pvper. So I shall return that favour. Hitting the k key and removing knight would have fixed your problem. Which I suggest you should do. I for one have been clone camped while at war with a guild, more than once. I didn't come complain on the forums. I said lol in spacial and alted. From what I see you take the game way too seriously. Keep to pve imo. You seem too easily offended by pvp and take everything personally. If you wish to prove me wrong guild war <MTG>. I am one person, surely the largest rebel guild will find me no problem. And might harden some skins to corpse screenshots.

Walking carpet
10-21-2018, 11:45 AM
I gave you a legit answer. But it seems as if you ignored it to attack user. Who is a legit pvper. So I shall return that favour. Hitting the k key and removing knight would have fixed your problem. Which I suggest you should do. I for one have been clone camped while at war with a guild, more than once. I didn't come complain on the forums. I said lol in spacial and alted. From what I see you take the game way too seriously. Keep to pve imo. You seem too easily offended by pvp and take everything personally. If you wish to prove me wrong guild war <MTG>. I am one person, surely the largest rebel guild will find me no problem. And might harden some skins to corpse screenshots.

dont worry Alger i never expected you to understand what a true international gaming club is like and yes we are PvP champions in space (with proofs) and will show it once we have ships to fly and well do it the right way. and no im not easily offended i just want a healthy playing environment for all, and I know many rebels that suffered the same faith at this event but remain silent well im here to put a voice on there thoughts. I even had a long chat with -Revan that also disapprove what Wraken did and i have screenshot of the conversation , its these litle things that killed pvp before and that are killing it again.
NOTE: I think being able to have a guild on a server should be seen a privilege given by server owners and guild leader should set examples to there crews , Wraken is a guild leader that is not showing the right example, by lying out loud even doh we see him clearly on the pictures.

10-21-2018, 12:34 PM
Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but let's please not turn an event thread into an argument about ethics in PvP.

Walking carpet
10-21-2018, 12:57 PM
Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but let's please not turn an event thread into an argument about ethics in PvP.

well Farelli I am done on the subject and I learned from the experience hopefully the others too so we can hold successful events in the future.

EC Staff must think of everything and i know this event was organized on a short notice and i do appreciate the effort you and LordKT have put in *S*

10-21-2018, 03:25 PM
This event was heavily Hakry. I just threw some spontaneous, related NPCs at Coronet.

But yes, at the end of the day, Jedi is a whole new game, and one shouldn't go into it unprepared. It's unlikely that Staff will ever police clone camping, particularly on Nova.

10-21-2018, 03:35 PM
And especially not for Jedi, who have so many optional places to clone.

10-22-2018, 09:42 AM
10/10 event, 10/10 thread. Looking forward to more events like this coming soon.

10-24-2018, 07:34 AM
I was there, on Nova, for the event. Playing my character, who everyone I'm sure knows the name of. I have her on TC Nova as a DJK. I was killing the mobs along with everyone else. I did not CC anyone, not that its against the rules. I saw others do it, but I walked away. Excellent event. 10/10

10-31-2018, 01:02 PM
Wished this event was not annouced just 1 day before it occurs...

10-31-2018, 04:40 PM
Wished this event was not annouced just 1 day before it occurs...And yet, here you are 13 days after it ended, telling us you didn't get a long enough heads up... Some how I feel an earlier announcement wouldn't have helped

Jokes aside, we don't have an EC team. This event was just something two of our QAs made almost on the fly... Even I was there and spawned some ambush DJM... Felt (almost) bad when they killed someone, so ressed them...

11-01-2018, 01:56 AM
Yeah Hakry started planning it about 2 days before it occurred, and late the day before I threw out some ideas that resulted in the pre-event spontaneous spawning around Coronet.

It will be better in the future.

11-01-2018, 07:52 AM
And yet, here you are 13 days after it ended, telling us you didn't get a long enough heads up... Some how I feel an earlier announcement wouldn't have helped

Jokes aside, we don't have an EC team. This event was just something two of our QAs made almost on the fly... Even I was there and spawned some ambush DJM... Felt (almost) bad when they killed someone, so ressed them...

I agree, I don't check this Event section on daily basis...

11-03-2018, 02:12 PM
I agree, I don't check this Event section on daily basis...

It was just something I cooked up to pass the time during the Basilisk Maintenance and to stress unstable a bit. The Devs helped get some event commands straightened out during the week and Farelli helped with creating from pre-event fun for those on during different hours.

For future Pre-Planned Events they will be announced at an earlier time when we get to that point that they will be occurring.