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View Full Version : "NCM: Nobody Cares Man" Event - Thursday @ 10pm Eastern

07-25-2017, 04:12 AM

https://pending.me.uk/cd/pin_1501207200.png (https://www.pending.me.uk)

what: It's a surprise!
where: NCM (791 -3839)
when: Thursday 10pm edt
who: Veplo, Norrth, MrSweets

07-25-2017, 04:16 AM
I would attend but I'm booked for the IDGF event the same evening.

07-25-2017, 04:19 AM
I would attend but I'm booked for the IDGF event the same evening.

No worries, I'm sure I'll see you at the next IDGFE event.

07-25-2017, 04:19 AM
Sorry to hear bout the NCM drama sucks specially when it involes that many vendors.

07-25-2017, 10:46 AM
Veplo doing another line up??

Damn you.... I'll be sleeping...

07-25-2017, 05:23 PM
3am UK time, yeah thanks very much.

07-25-2017, 07:12 PM
Who was it that said bad publicity was good publicity........Trump :)

07-25-2017, 08:36 PM
I love surprises!

3am UK time, yeah thanks very much.

UK-Friendly Mall Events & Auction End Times, brought to you by NCM

07-26-2017, 04:40 AM
Midday on the 28th. A reason to log on, yay!

07-27-2017, 11:33 PM
how exciting!!!

07-28-2017, 02:51 AM
Why is SWGemu staff supporting this event where people are getting banned from participating!

07-28-2017, 03:18 AM
It was not an event hosted by SWGEmu staff. It was a player hosted event, and they requested EC support for silly stuff like player appearances and weird object spawns. It is not my job to police where the prizes go or their entrance criteria.

07-28-2017, 03:19 AM
It is sad, once again, that innocent vendors are being affected by all this drama with Norrth and Mr.Sweets. I hope you are able to pull your vendors and their inventory before you are unable to. Norrth is a former guild member who supposedly went inactive before pulling this stunt. I suspect that he did it as an initiation to a pvp guild (Live/Stk? Who knows?) More troll = more better.
Items dropped for anyone to pick up were stolen from DWB owned houses that he had access to. Note that of crafted items, none were crafted by him. Same goes for that last SEA auction. NONE were actually looted nor earned by him. Fencing stolen property. You used to be a trusted member and officer. I don't know what we did to you to earn this betrayal. I never expected this from you. I hope this character doesn't extend to your real life business relationships, but I hope they are watching so as not to be taken by surprise in the future.

07-28-2017, 04:48 AM
Why is SWGemu staff supporting this event where people are getting banned from participating!

Everyone that came was put on admin of the mall. Anyone with admin can remove other admins. DWB spent the most time removing people from admin and sending tells to random people to put them back on admin after they were removed. I requested the event and I spent a fair amount of time banned from the mall too! lol We knew it would happen when we put everyone on admin. Like we knew all the items would get picked up and the maintenance would be drained etc. That was part of the fun / chaos of it. 30+ people on admin all at once!

It is sad, once again, that innocent vendors are being affected by all this drama with Norrth and Mr.Sweets. I hope you are able to pull your vendors and their inventory before you are unable to. Norrth is a former guild member who supposedly went inactive before pulling this stunt. I suspect that he did it as an initiation to a pvp guild (Live/Stk? Who knows?) More troll = more better.
Items dropped for anyone to pick up were stolen from DWB owned houses that he had access to. Note that of crafted items, none were crafted by him. Same goes for that last SEA auction. NONE were actually looted nor earned by him. Fencing stolen property. You used to be a trusted member and officer. I don't know what we did to you to earn this betrayal. I never expected this from you. I hope this character doesn't extend to your real life business relationships, but I hope they are watching so as not to be taken by surprise in the future.


07-28-2017, 05:42 AM
North was turned into C-3PO and shimmied around pooping items out,
It was pretty funny to watch.

07-28-2017, 05:57 AM
North was turned into C-3PO and shimmied around pooping items out,
It was pretty funny to watch.

He sure was!


and so many others!












07-28-2017, 06:02 AM

07-28-2017, 06:16 AM
It was not an event hosted by SWGEmu staff. It was a player hosted event, and they requested EC support for silly stuff like player appearances and weird object spawns. It is not my job to police where the prizes go or their entrance criteria.

Interesting , last I checked from doing past events you had to have the mayor approval to have a csr assisted event with props etc in someone elses city , unless you had mayor approval , and I know you didnt have that :)

Forum Name:
Character Name that will be requesting the event:
Guild (if applicable):
Event Date (make sure this is at least one week in advance):
Event Time (please give us a start time and general end time):
Event Location(s):
If in a city does the mayor give their approval? THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will this event be requiring staff buffs, razzes & heals?

07-28-2017, 07:51 AM
Interesting , last I checked from doing past events you had to have the mayor approval to have a csr assisted event with props etc in someone elses city , unless you had mayor approval , and I know you didnt have that :)

Forum Name:
Character Name that will be requesting the event:
Guild (if applicable):
Event Date (make sure this is at least one week in advance):
Event Time (please give us a start time and general end time):
Event Location(s):
If in a city does the mayor give their approval? THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will this event be requiring staff buffs, razzes & heals?

When I filled out the form, under "If in a city does the mayor give their approval?" I put n/a.

07-28-2017, 12:28 PM
...I never expected this from you.

Lol, I know you didn't expect it, Poo. But please just go complain more about multi-accounters in OMA then log your "wife's account" in to contest the Acklay.

Here's a quick factual reminder:
Poo: active multi-accounter and Bas's top-complainer.
Asterisk (current mayor of NCM): Multi-accounter and City-Treasury-Exploiter
Drake: paid $1,000 US dollars to Sickology for that Legendary EE3 he has, as well as paid real money for fake credits (lol).
Sickology: knew what was going to happen and helped us setup the entire NCM event from the beginning (thanks bud and thank you for the discord screenshots of the DWB panic this past week). It's a good thing you're DWB guild leader, or else they might have actually booted you this time.

North was turned into C-3PO and shimmied around pooping items out,
It was pretty funny to watch.

Hahahahaha this is an excellent and accurate account of what happened.

Interesting , last I checked from doing past events you had to have the mayor approval to have a csr assisted event with props etc in someone elses city , unless you had mayor approval , and I know you didnt have that :)

Dear RL Gorax, last I checked you're not mayor. Go build your own mall, maybe it'll be as cool as mine one day. Great seeing you at the event though

Why is SWGemu staff supporting this event where people are getting banned from participating!

LOL grasping for anything and everything, huh? Congrats on the 300k DWB stole out of the maintenance pool (lol you sure showed us). I'm glad it can suffice as payment for everything DWB has been through and has lost. Do you remember....... that time Norrth won? Post #4

It was not an event hosted by SWGEmu staff. It was a player hosted event, and they requested EC support for silly stuff like player appearances and weird object spawns. It is not my job to police where the prizes go or their entrance criteria.

Weedie, thank you for taking this event on literally last minute. Amazing job with the spawns, deco and of course, turning me into C3PO. A very memorable last login session for me, thank you!

07-28-2017, 01:20 PM
Dear RL Gorax, last I checked you're not mayor. Go build your own mall, maybe it'll be as cool as mine one day. Great seeing you at the event though

All I do is feel sorry for you honestly, the mall that I ran for 6 months , NCM , was better then anything you had built up , and THAT is the reason your so salty towards me , your ego is going to prevent you from doing anything worthwhile in life , I promise you that .

Keep with the stupid insults , that truly is the only thing you're going to succeed at . :)

When I filled out the form, under "If in a city does the mayor give their approval?" I put n/a.

Im sure you did , however I wasnt asking you what you filled out Im asking Weedie why it was done in a city that a mayor didnt give his permission .

07-28-2017, 04:22 PM
Reading these QQ's almost as fun as the party was! Thanks so much Norrth, Sweets, and of course Vep

07-28-2017, 05:14 PM
Sickology: knew what was going to happen and helped us setup the entire NCM event from the beginning (thanks bud and thank you for the discord screenshots of the DWB panic this past week). It's a good thing you're DWB guild leader, or else they might have actually booted you this time.[/COLOR]

I helped set this event up?? LOL now if that were true im sure a SS would have been posted of some sort of convo about this... nice try bud

08-02-2017, 04:07 AM
People emotionally invested in a **** game that literally died over 5 years ago. I don't get it.

08-07-2017, 01:50 PM
They took my droids, resources, wife and space children (also droids) I have nothing left in this galaxy!!!

But with that said, sadly the dream of droids and goods across the galaxy is over and i will reducing to one droid vendor for my specialized models. Offical location is yet to be determined but i will likely make it close to home. It was good for a while!