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View Full Version : Fourth Annual Temenos Island Decorating Contest

Mistress Aerea
04-27-2017, 02:27 PM

Fourth Annual Temenos Island Decorating Contest

Location: Temenos Island, Naboo
Dates: May 13th - May 26th
Theme: Meditation Sanctuary
Housing Style: Small Naboo (square)

Show off your decorating style and creativity in a server-wide decorating contest in Temenos Island, Naboo. The event will be themed "Meditation Sanctuary" and limited to Small Square Naboo-style houses. For more details, see below.

1) Participants will need to send an in-game email to Aerea indicating a desire to participate by May 22nd.

2) Participants will be placed on the admin list of a single Square Small Naboo-style house in or near Temenos Island, Naboo and emailed the waypoint. Maintenance will be pre-paid.

3) Participants will have until May 26th to decorate their house in any manner they see fit.

4) At midnight on May 26th contestants' names will be removed from admin lists and no further changes will be allowed until judging is complete.

5) A team of judges consisting of selected community members will judge the entries on the criteria listed below.

6) Winners will be announced at the Temenos Island Spring Open on May 27th at 5:00pm EDT. The announcement will also be made on the SWGEmu Forums.

7) After judging and winners have been announced, contestants will be re-added to admin lists and allowed to retrieve their items. If a participant would like to keep the house in place, arrangements can be made to transfer the deed.

8) All entries deemed "completed" by the judging team will receive a 100,000 credit prize in addition to an other prizes won.

Judging criteria
Awards will be handed out in the following categories:

Best installation (use of 5 or more items to create a lager decoration piece - i.e. fireplace, fish tank, kitchen counter etc.) - 2 million credits
Best use of a single item in a non-intended way - 2 million credits
Best evocation of the theme: Meditation Sanctuary - 4 million credits
Best overall decoration - 4.5 million credits

Please direct any questions to Aerea in-game, a PM here, or a reply to this post.

04-29-2017, 07:12 PM
Awards will be handed out in the following categories:

Best installation (use of 5 or more items to create a lager decoration piece - i.e. fireplace, fish tank, kitchen counter etc.) - .5 million credits
Best use of a single item in a non-intended way - .5 million credits
Best evocation of the theme: Meditation Sanctuary - 1 million credits
Best overall decoration - 1.5 million credits

Looking forward to those awards bumping up with the proceeds from the 5m credit bag (http://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194580)!

05-02-2017, 02:38 AM
Not sure if this is full yet or not, either way if you like to decorate please contact the OP!

Mistress Aerea
05-02-2017, 05:11 PM
Plenty of room for more contestants.

Plus, we've just had a donation of 5 million credits to the prize monies - thank you Crespok!

There may also be more prize money coming in over the next few days. I'll keep things updated in the original post.

Mistress Aerea
05-03-2017, 03:23 PM
A new 5 million donation from alch, means prizes have been updated again!

Now every contestant is guaranteed a 100,000 credit prize just for competing. Send me a message if you want to enter.

05-08-2017, 06:56 PM
There have been some great decoration projects done in the past that have been showcased at these contests! I know I am looking forward to seeing what the contestants come up with this time....

05-11-2017, 02:02 AM
I can't wait to get in on this again. The competition is a blast every year, and the entries are always out of this world. Good luck, everybody!

Mistress Aerea
05-12-2017, 03:05 PM
Please let me know here or in-game (Aerea) if you'd like to participate as a contestant. We still have lots of spots available, and this year everyone gets a prize!

Mistress Aerea
05-31-2017, 05:04 PM
Here are some screenshots from the decorating contest. In alphabetical order...

Eagymo's Entry:








Exolla's Entry:









Julia-Rose's Entry:







Mistress Aerea
05-31-2017, 05:12 PM
And the winners of the 4th Annual Temenos Island Decorating contest are as follows:

Best installation - 2 million credits: Exolla for holocron double helix
Best use of a single item in a non-intended way - 2 million credits: Julia-Rose for mystical glowing orb
Best evocation of the theme: Meditation Sanctuary - 4 million credits: Julia-Rose
Best overall decoration - 4.5 million credits: Exolla

Congratulations to all the participants and winners!

The houses will stay up for the next week or so, and can be found in Temenos Island, Naboo (/way -1280 200). Trust me, they all look MUCH better in person. Go check them out!

03-22-2023, 09:03 PM
Looking forward to those awards bumping up with the proceeds from the 5m credit bag (https://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194580). (https://makedecorstyle.com/)
Hi, I want to you ask you that This link is working that you shared? How can I open it