View Full Version : SWGEmu Publish 9 - "Secrets of the Force, Redux" loading screen competition

04-18-2017, 07:12 AM
SWGEmu Publish 9 - "Secrets of the Force, Redux" loading screen competition

April 2017
The SWGEmu Staff

The SWGEmu Publish 9 - "Secrets of the Force, Redux" loading screen competition

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Publish 9 is looming
Its just around the corner.
You have waited far too long,
SWGEmu Staff has worked too damn hard.
And now... Now we are so close.
We can almost taste it.
So we need to spice things up.
We need to make it even more... grand!
But we need your help,
We need your personal touch.

So come one, come all.
Release your inner artist.
And let your Star Wars geekiness shine.
Make us a damn fine Publish 9 themed loading screen.
Winner gets a potato!!!
And bragging rights.
Gets to be immortalized through their masterpiece.

Oh and, you might want to throw in a bit of lore
to accompany your work of art.
You know, just to explain
where the inspiration for it came from.

Rules are:

Loading screen has to be Star Wars (Galaxies) themed
Has to be Publish 9 themed (I'm gonna go with glowbats and space wizards and ****)
No profanity
No anything against SWGEmu rules and policies
If you uses someone else work, give credit where credit is due
Don't be sore losers

NOTE: As you are well aware we are a fickle bunch, so this announcement is still and always will be subject to change... Or not.

Winner(s) will be announced same time Publish 9 is announced. Probably.

~The SWGEmu Staff

04-18-2017, 10:33 AM
What kind of potato???

04-18-2017, 10:45 AM
What kind of potato???

A pretty one.

Walking carpet
04-18-2017, 11:27 AM
Im so into this :)
love potatoes

04-18-2017, 12:12 PM
Excellent.... Potatoes are my favourite fruit!

04-18-2017, 03:01 PM

I say this but replace the carrot with a light saber

04-18-2017, 03:02 PM
Send me my potato fries 🍟 potatoes 🥔

04-18-2017, 03:11 PM

All in.

04-18-2017, 03:26 PM

I say this but replace the carrot with a light saber

I had a similar idea, but if I post it I would have to ban myself.

Ill PM you. :p

04-18-2017, 03:49 PM
How many day ban would I get for posting it? That is some funny stuff!!!

04-18-2017, 03:56 PM
How many day ban would I get for posting it? That is some funny stuff!!!

Its not worth it, we'll just pass it around if PM's if people are interested.

04-18-2017, 03:57 PM
Lol...sounds good

04-18-2017, 04:12 PM
Since we are getting a potato, can the image quality be that of a potato? If not, I'm SOL.

04-18-2017, 05:55 PM
Am I doing this right?


04-18-2017, 06:17 PM
contest over - congratulations, Mobyus! ;)

04-18-2017, 06:56 PM

I'm in-CoreKey

drake groth
04-18-2017, 07:12 PM
Oooooooh yeah!!!!! This thread means pub 9 is clooooooooose.

04-18-2017, 07:29 PM

I'm in-CoreKey

Just screams Return of the Jedi...

04-18-2017, 07:35 PM
Here we go m8s


04-18-2017, 08:17 PM

You asked for lore @Vlada? I'm not sure if you meant a story to go with this? So here you go! :P -

<Incoming Transmission....highly encrypted....unknown frequency....>

"This is Boba Fett transmitting to all underworld frequencies. There have been confirmed reports of a massive number of outlaws calling themselves "Sith" wreaking havoc on Dathomir."
"Rumours of a Jedi presence are starting to get about. Jabba the Hutt is offering a living fortune for any information or the heads of these Jedi, but I know Vader will pay more."
"Head to Dathomir if you want a piece a' the action. I don't particularly care if you run off and get swallowed up by the sarlacc, but heed a fair warning, the witch clan territories should be avoided."

"Fett Out..."

Tried my best with so little time due to finals + my own server's art work :P - With love from Andromeda <3

Contact me on SWGEmu private message or my account email for PSD design/PNG copy. (File was huge incase I had to scale it down)

04-18-2017, 08:28 PM
Tried my best with so little time due to other things + my own server's art work :P - With love from Andromeda <3

Nice one. I specially like the upper, duel SS.

04-18-2017, 08:30 PM
Nice one. I specially like the upper, duel SS.
Cheers :P i wanted to do a full digital painting style, but they said "SWG" related :P and i don't have 20 hours to mock a good A3 piece up hahah.

04-19-2017, 11:05 PM

Secrets of the force

04-20-2017, 05:55 PM
I just wanted to verify before I submit, this is a loading screen within the client? Are we talking about the loading screen with the message of the day? Is it the character selection screen? The double load screens before the character selection screen? Also will these be displayed in the default grid size 1024x1024?

04-20-2017, 06:33 PM

Secrets of the force

I LOVE this!

04-20-2017, 09:43 PM
People seem to be missing the "Loading" portion of the title. While some of these are pretty nice, many aren't sized properly for an in-game loading screen.

04-20-2017, 10:32 PM
People seem to be missing the "Loading" portion of the title. While some of these are pretty nice, many aren't sized properly for an in-game loading screen.

Provide me with an accurate dimension and i'll give you the .dds file sized. This is why I work on a larger pixel ratio, because you usually have to adjust the size :P

04-20-2017, 10:45 PM
There is also lore part missing in some/most.

Evil Cyborg 10
04-20-2017, 11:11 PM
Here we go m8s


Thepwnerer doesn't play MMO's since he got addicted last time.

drake groth
04-20-2017, 11:22 PM
They going to have to hold back on pub 9 till we come up with a good load screen and lore text. Tsk tsk

04-21-2017, 03:22 AM
There is also lore part missing in some/most.

Was mine ok? Lore-wise. :P will re-do my entire thing if i have time.

04-21-2017, 03:48 AM
Looks like the dds ratio is 256x256, but it seems they also do some sort of craziness with pink and an overlay. No idea, images arent my thing.


EDIT: Looks like it can go bigger to 512x512, though. This is the biggest one I see:


04-21-2017, 04:07 AM
Looks like the dds ratio is 256x256, but it seems they also do some sort of craziness with pink and an overlay. No idea, images arent my thing.


EDIT: Looks like it can go bigger to 512x512, though. This is the biggest one I see:


Aren't those the game scene switch screens rather than start scene? I assumed the contest was for the latter.

EDIT: This is what the game scene load screen texture looks like currently for vanilla SWGEmu:

So yeah, you're gonna need to have the borders around the main background, unless you want to completely revamp the loadscreen ui (which I don't think is in the contest's scope...)

04-21-2017, 05:53 AM
Aren't those the game scene switch screens rather than start scene? I assumed the contest was for the latter.

EDIT: This is what the game scene load screen texture looks like currently for vanilla SWGEmu:

So yeah, you're gonna need to have the borders around the main background, unless you want to completely revamp the loadscreen ui (which I don't think is in the contest's scope...)

I am now confused... I did my design intended for the main loading screen when you first login to SWG, not the planetary/city/softlog loading screens. I can redesign and resize my dds for either style, I just need to know which one.

Looks like the dds ratio is 256x256, but it seems they also do some sort of craziness with pink and an overlay. No idea, images arent my thing.


EDIT: Looks like it can go bigger to 512x512, though. This is the biggest one I see:


The pink craziness is the transparency used for a clear or see-through map ingame. Could even be a layer mask or an alpha. Notice how the image blends into the texture and makes it look more bevelled?

04-21-2017, 01:41 PM
http://i.imgur.com/YpTFXyc.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/YpTFXyc.jpg)

04-22-2017, 02:30 AM
So, once this comes out, and it's all said and done. Then what? What is the next step after publish 9? There can't be much left to do... Right?
How close are we to an official live server?

04-22-2017, 07:57 AM
We are far from done. We are in alpha testing. When everything for the ground game has been implemented, we will move over to beta testing. Thats when we will start to see coding towards space and all the work with tweaking what we currently have, since we still arent at 14.1 on many things.

04-22-2017, 05:21 PM
I see. Would that be far from done until we reach beta, or far from done until jump to light speed and the tweaking is implemented? The game feels very complete right now. The work by all the developers is appreciated by many, myself included.
However, If we are far from done until we reach the beta stages of the project, then I must say that is disappointing. Especially with over a decade of development. (Pushing 15 years?)

04-22-2017, 11:04 PM
then I must say that is disappointing. Especially with over a decade of development. (Pushing 15 years?)

Our current Team has only been together for about 4 or 5 years.

But regardless, volunteer-project is volunteer-project... rl freetime is rl freetime ... soon is soon ...and _________ other cliche's.

Your best bet, imo, is to just stay in the *moment* and pay very close attention to these...


...every Sunday.

04-23-2017, 01:53 AM

Secrets of the force

Update: Lore

The Force held many secrets during the time immediately following the destruction of Princess Leia Organa's home world, Alderaan.
In addition to the vacuum created from the loss of an entire planet, the rebel assault on the Death Star only extended the damage.
An attempt to fill the void began as The Force reacted by gathering around living beings throughout the galaxy.
Many experienced events not thought possible before.
However, these were ignored by most as the empire began to interrogate those who showed even the slightest sign of interest.
Some, albeit only rumored, claimed to have learned how to harness the energy that caused these events and even referred to themselves as Force Sensitive.
This was never confirmed to be true and reports ceased almost as quickly as they arose.

It is said that those most sympathetic were responsible for the recent attack on the Death Star.
The only evidence supporting that claim is that Lord Vader has launched an investigation on Yavin IV where many had fled to.
Yet it seems nothing has turned up on the planet that staged the assault as the investigation is still ongoing.

-I'll be adjusting the photo to proper dimensions and setting soon.
this is as close as i've gotten so far.


04-23-2017, 04:16 PM
The work by all the developers is appreciated by many, myself included.
However, If we are far from done until we reach the beta stages of the project, then I must say that is disappointing. Especially with over a decade of development. (Pushing 15 years?)

Thankful much? Most of the code was scrapped back in 2010 when the O.R took place. The project has come a long way since then and we're getting closer every week.

04-25-2017, 01:07 PM
Our current Team has only been together for about 4 or 5 years.

But regardless, volunteer-project is volunteer-project... rl freetime is rl freetime ... soon is soon ...and _________ other cliche's.

Your best bet, imo, is to just stay in the *moment* and pay very close attention to these...


...every Sunday.

Yeah I do, keep up the good work guys. :)

04-26-2017, 06:26 PM
is after publish 9 a serverwipe?

Mistress Aerea
04-26-2017, 06:27 PM
is after publish 9 a serverwipe?

Not on Basilisk.

04-26-2017, 07:12 PM
I vote for Violet's.

04-26-2017, 09:58 PM
Well, if you guys arent gonna take this seriously then I guess I will have to win this.


04-26-2017, 11:41 PM
Well, if you guys arent gonna take this seriously then I guess I will have to win this.

Something like this actually crossed my mind (inspired by Phantomjoint, I guess).

04-27-2017, 01:05 AM
Well, if you guys arent gonna take this seriously then I guess I will have to win this.


FYI I was taking this seriously, I just have a bad image that doesn't fit well. May have to remake.

04-27-2017, 01:12 AM
just give us pub 9 and keep your loading screen thanks from everyone on bas.

Odohema Ockirpe
04-27-2017, 05:46 AM

Prediction for Pub9 :D

Joke aside, I'm working on something I hope to finish in time. I'm just busy as heck with work and RL.

04-27-2017, 01:21 PM
Am I doing this right?



use the the spud luke.......use the spud

04-28-2017, 05:15 AM
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Awd3YLv.png" border="0" alt="">



04-28-2017, 04:59 PM
So, with the loss of Ralph McQuarrie a few years back, I wanted to incorporate one of his pictures. Not sure where it would stand from a legal point of view, but I'm clearly not claiming that it's my own work!

Anyways. For your consideration...

<a href="http://imgur.com/05BV9ng"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/05BV9ng.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

04-28-2017, 05:42 PM
So, with the loss of Ralph McQuarrie a few years back, I wanted to incorporate one of his pictures. Not sure where it would stand from a legal point of view, but I'm clearly not claiming that it's my own work!

Anyways. For your consideration...


I cant see that


04-28-2017, 06:44 PM
Imgur being annoying :/

I tried again.

04-28-2017, 06:50 PM
Vlada already won... too bad I can't post the picture that would win!!! It's epic, starwarsy, has a dark tone but still a light side feeling, shows the pain and the joy of what being a Jedi truly means! It's perfect for pub 9!

04-28-2017, 07:42 PM
Imgur being annoying :/

I tried again.

all good now. good job

04-29-2017, 02:01 AM
Am I doing this right?


Mobyus wins... game over.

04-29-2017, 04:11 AM
Mobyus wins... game over.

lol ty...

...but actually I REALLY like Centrepoint's. The picture isn't my favorite, though it's not bad... but that lore entry is PERFECT.

04-29-2017, 05:26 AM
Does the image we submit need to be from in-game capture? Or can it be original artwork?

04-29-2017, 06:16 AM

I dont know how to post pictures but this is cool art that makes me think of publish 9! :)

04-29-2017, 08:15 AM
Thank you Mobyus! The artwork is from the original concept work done by Ralph McQuarrie. I toyed around with some of the other stuff he did, but none of it really had much in the way of Jedi - other than Luke and Vader.
Because we're supposed to be kind of inbetween Ep4 and 5 at this stage, it seemed the best match. If you can find something better suited, I'd be happy to slot it in and see how it looks, mate? Just let me know! If you have any in-game pics of a Force Sensitive in those learner robes, meditating near a shrine perhaps?

04-30-2017, 01:53 AM
, but none of it really had much in the way of Jedi -

If you can find something better suited, I'd be happy to slot it in and see how it looks,

So, before i had noticed your post, i was sorta disappointed (i use that term loosely, not harshly) in this thread because i had really thought more people in our Community would've jumped at this contest. Then an *idea* occurred to me that i thought might spark a bit more creativity from everyone (an idea which You, Centrepoint, seemed to also be onto) ...

Basically i was thinking: Why not mix the wonderous 'ancient' hand-drawn SW art of Mr. McQuarrie, with the still (imo) fascinating digital sights of SWG.

And so, i started playing around with going in-game and trying to---pardon the pun---emulate a certain JEDI related drawing of Mr. McQuarrie's, thereby juxtaposing the past & the potential.

Here was my first attempt, with overlay creds going to community-member Anach (since i'm terrible at modding and couldn't even figure out how to integrate my pic into the loadscreen template lol ) ...



....and, since i'm obviously NOT eligible for this contest, i was hoping to inspire a bit more creativity here.

So, Centrepoint & anyone else: Feel free to copy the idea/concept or let it lead you to something different/better.

regards, Nee

p.s. I have a couple other attempts that might be pretty cool (and unique juxtapositions of Art & Game) but i'll wait until u guys start coming up with your own greater versions before i post mine again (if i do at all) . And if anyone needs any help on our TCNova in-game for your 'staging' or whatever, feel free to PM me.

Remember: our COMMUNITY is still the BEST in history of MMO's, always & forever, no matter how long ago 2005 continues to be, nor how far away 1.0 "soon" might seem.

btw Vlada: when you have a sec, can you plz make it so my IMAGE itself is actually posted in my post, rather than link (i can't remember how to do it, sorry)

04-30-2017, 06:59 AM
I tried to edit in the link you used, but get the messaged that its and invalid URL. Upload the picture to imgurl (or some other service that do the same), then just right click the picture and copy the image address, or copy it from the right side of the picture and place the link between [.img] [./img] (without the . though)


Or, just use the


04-30-2017, 08:21 AM
Really like what you did there, Nee. I'd be interested to see how that looks alongside the text/lore I wrote. Please don't consider this a criticism, but is there any chance you could change the FOV/Perspective to have the figures slightly closer to the "camera"?
Again, I like the direction you took there :)

05-01-2017, 05:46 AM
I was planning to submit my entry once it was finished, but after reading nee2earth's post I figured I should post an in-progress pic to see what the community thinks.
I am a trained artist but my painting skills are not up to par yet, so with the original posters as my inspiration I have been working on a picture that is more in the visual style
that I have been working in lately. Obviously this art direction is vastly different from the typical SWG loader (and keep in mind mines not finished...), when done this would
look more like a star wars comic cover than a screen-shot. If the community is interested I can respond to the pictures direction and symbolism.


Let me know what you all think.

05-01-2017, 07:22 AM
Damn, Gold! You have some skills :) Looking forward to see the final product!

(Is that a Luke's ROTJ-inspired sabre?)

05-01-2017, 02:02 PM
Here is my entry. It was put together by me, using various Star Wars imagery. I wasn't sure the precise size, if any.


05-01-2017, 03:36 PM
I vote for CentrePoint!
+ the upper half of nee2earth inspirational picture.

05-01-2017, 04:20 PM
I was hoping that we could have a writing competition, for the short blurb in the loading screen. I don't know how to use Photoshop, and I don't like copy and pasting existing images. My creativity flows best via writing, and I think you would have many more entries if you opened the competition up for creative writing also!

05-01-2017, 04:26 PM
and I think you would have many more entries if you opened the competition up for creative writing also!

As stated in Vlada's OP, the contest includes the text "lore" portion of the loadscreen as well.

Perhaps, like divlas mentions above, some of you can team-up/pair-up and create an image + lore text combo entry.

05-01-2017, 04:45 PM
As stated in Vlada's OP, the contest includes the text "lore" portion of the loadscreen as well.

Perhaps, like divlas mentions above, some of you can team-up/pair-up and create an image + lore text combo entry.

Ah, I knew I missed something. I'm missing on the lore. Is it supposed to also be in the format with the blue template?

EDIT: So I quickly put it in the template. Just in case. And some quick lore. Just in case. I thought the image we submitted would just replace what was in the blue border. Ah well. Here you go:

EDIT 2: Updated the colors and added Divlas' text. Modified the loading graphic area. I'm guessing that the loading pipes just float in over the graphic? I have my Photoshop file in case I'm wrong.

EDIT 3: Updated the lore after getting the subtle hint about the time period. Now I'm thinking that even the imagery isn't good. I was really going for the Jedi vs. BH aspect.


05-01-2017, 09:18 PM

I like some parts of your text, but I feel it reveals too much at times.
Concerning the picture, it feels out of phase and time. (/IPrefer CenterPoint + Nee2Earth)
The picture there is too iconic, it reveals about everythings, it leaves no place to mystery on whats gonna happen. (there is a point to play with doubts in the textual part only if the picture does not clearly shows an answer)

We are post Order 66. /agree
The Emperor is a normal politician, just a bit old and freaky. /methink
Most people never saw a Jedi, even during the time of the Old Republic. They were just a rumor outside of the Core Worlds. The Clone War brought an end to it, they became an old superstition.
The Battle of Yavin took place, but the people are mostly ignorant to the way of the force. Educated people have crashed themselves on the propaganda. Few knows the complete Truth.

Additional thoughts:
We must mention the Guardian of the Wheels from Rogue One.
We should take a lot of liberty from the live story ( the Dathomirian Old Man.)

05-01-2017, 09:43 PM
Text: (inspiration from both wiki, Rogue 1 and Vayman, feel free to add or change things)

"Who were they?"
"The Guardians of the Whills. Protectors of the Temple of Kyber. But there’s nothing left to protect, so now they’re just causing trouble for everybody."
Jyn Erso to Cassian Jeron Andor.

Since Jedha was destroyed, people are gathering on the abandoned world of Dathomir where the secret of an old superstition have willed themselves to be discovered. Once more.
Ever the Force permeated the Galaxy. Two sides, in constant struggle for dominance until the Empire rose and extinguished its fire.

05-01-2017, 10:39 PM
As for the lore, maybe a text I wrote many years ago for my jedis bio could be used. Probably not, but worth a shot :p

I'm walking in the shadows, a narrow path towards the light.
It's hard to stay on the path... It's a maze!
I'm left alone in this world. My master is gone, killed by the enemy.
I feel the anger grow within me. I know it's wrong, but I can't help it!
My mind is filled with..... Hate!
I have a growing feeling inside of me... I feel... power! I feel the power growing.
I can feel my hate and anger feeding it. The darker my mind is, the more powerful I feel.
This isn't right! I know it's not right! I'm not in control anymore.
The anger and hate controls me now...

Master, I miss you, I need you in my darkest hour.
I need your guidance and your wisdom....
I'm in pain and lost. All I can feel, master, is revenge

I'm sorry master, I have failed

05-02-2017, 02:51 AM

Ooh, very nice! I very much appreciate the feedback and the help. I love your ending "two sides, in constant struggle". That's largely the inspiration behind my imagery. Plus, by linking in the SWG emu lore with the movie lore, it gives some context to the next publish.

When I get back from work tomorrow, I'll update my text with yours and let's see where we can take this.

05-02-2017, 03:48 AM
Just a suggestion someone else may want to do:

What about taking the dialogue from this scene of Rebels (specifically the part about Kanan and his master around 2:25 onward) and add some flavor to it?



05-02-2017, 07:53 PM
Updated my submission on p5, with a special /thank to divlas for providing some text. I'm baffled as to how the circular loading graphic is used (I'm guessing it floats in over the image), so I put the Jedi symbol there. For the exit button... I guess the same?

Looking forward to more entries from others! Let's see the creativity of the community come together!

Link for quicker reference: https://i.imgur.com/ZTOgv5v.png

05-03-2017, 02:43 AM
Updated my submission on p5, with a special /thank to divlas for providing some text. I'm baffled as to how the circular loading graphic is used (I'm guessing it floats in over the image), so I put the Jedi symbol there. For the exit button... I guess the same?

Looking forward to more entries from others! Let's see the creativity of the community come together!

Link for quicker reference: https://i.imgur.com/ZTOgv5v.png


One inconsequential nitpick, and you've probably already covered this. Wouldn't mind seeing space above and swamp below.

05-03-2017, 12:36 PM
I /love the text.

The introduction,
I like the way you change it, taking liberty with the way its written in Rogue One Novelization, but now I Wonder. Can you go a little further?

"Who were they, Cassian?"
"The Guardian of the Whills....(add the whole quotation there) ...now they are just causing trouble for everybody. ..just like you Jyn"
and then you keep it to your text, until the conclusive question:
Which side will you chose? (future tense or present tense is fine)
I believe the less direct reference you put to who is speaking, the less passive information we add, the better this might become.

Jyn Erso might have been a repressed Force Sensitive for what we know (she wears a Kyber Crystal in the movie /Trust the Force)

05-03-2017, 01:30 PM
Picklock / Divlas - thanks for the feedback. I'm taking these into consideration.

I started tinkering around with flipping the swamp and space. I completely get where you're coming from on that. I can't seem to make the composition/flow work as well. I might have to step back and revisit it if there's time.

For the text, I'm completely open to changing it more. I don't have/know the precise text from the book. My instinct tells me that we should match it precisely. I'll see if I can find the exact text.

Thanks again for the good and constructive feedback! When I get some time, I'll drink some Bespin Port and experiment more.

05-03-2017, 03:08 PM
Here is the exact quotation from Wookiepedia, sourcing it to Rogue One novelization. I have it on my Kindle. I'll search for it later.
"Who are they?"
"The Guardians of the Whills. Protectors of the Temple of the Kyber. But there's nothing left to protect, so now they're just causing trouble for everybody."
―Jyn Erso and Captain Cassian Jeron Andor[src]

Always glad to help! I'll see how and if I can contribute more!

But this is more a /wait for a eureka! moment to get these details right.

Edit: Okay, this 6pm EU time, I hope to have something to show by 9.
For the picture, I want to give it a try with some Centerpoint and Nee2earth perspective.
For the text, vayman went in a direction I like. The last draft remains excellent!

05-03-2017, 06:45 PM

I've complete my concept art:
An opinion? I don't know how to post picture straight on the forum.
I had also other options in mind, I'll see if I can do one with the temps by the end of week.
(I'm not the owner of the concept arts I've used :/.)

For the text, I'm still going in the same direction than Vayman + may be some modification. We will see, though the text is what I'm the happiest with at the moment. :P
/off for tonight


There you have a second https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwVyQIST0L2NZ3R1VFhlVXYxdkE/view?usp=sharing
I (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwVyQIST0L2NZ3R1VFhlVXYxdkE/view?usp=sharing) prefer it to the the first one. I still have no idea on how to post image.

05-04-2017, 04:29 PM
Just a quick reminder about which timeline SWG Pre-cu takes place in.

(hint: After Ep. 4 and before Ep. 5, so anything canon prior to Ep. 5 should be appropriate lore-wise...as long as it relates to what Vlada suggests in the OP of this thread )

05-04-2017, 06:26 PM
Thanks for the hint! That one is a suprisingly valuable one for everyone.

Im not a fan of the Dathomir Village Story Line. I never was.
Moreover, we now know that nothing survived the Clone Wars on Dathomir.
/offtopic Same for Geonosis. I love making retrocontinuity, and so I enjoy seing Geonosian lab on SWG Yavin.

The reference to Rogue One/ Guardian of the Whills should not be too overwhelming, but somehow i feel it has to be in, I wish we find a way to make it properly. I love the fallen statue of the Jedi and the destruction of the Kybber crystal temple with the ship running away. Where? Why not to Dathomir. (That be my next attempt)

But when these events happens? My opinion is a long time ago but a week at the utmost before EP4 begins. When I look at rogue one concept arts, am I stretching the timeline too far away from Ep4? I now believe I may have by including a picture of Jyn Erso. (Second picture) Im overstretching Swgemu timeline by thinking that because the opening text of EP4 indirectly mention Scarrif, then I can include her. She is not in the game lol.


Note that I don't stand with the text on the right hand side. I'm just wondering on how to edit the frame in order to write down... hmm: so Vayman's text!
I stand with the one represented on Vayman loading screen. However that's the picture I was thinking of when I was thinking of certain part of that text.

Concerning my picture, if any wonder whats written in Aurebesh:
The Guardian of The Whills:
They now call for you
Can you find us?

I can make some little change to that though.
Cooperation and sharing ideas work very well with you guys ! The quicker we are done with this contest, the quicker we'll enjoy patch 9! :P

05-05-2017, 05:18 AM
I'm using PixelMator, I want to mention that I'm not extremely confortable with text edition on the screenshots. I'm fine with the rest.

My two best candidates.



Loading screen A) explains how the force came to fall off balance, why it allows you to sense it, and if you want to, why you can help to restore the balance.
i) the fall of the Jedi (the statue on the floor)
ii) the destruction of the Guardian of the Whills (sometimes called the Kyber Temple)
iii) the path to Dathomir leading to some hypothetical survivor of Jedha, hiding in Aurilia. (that could be a little like the Geonosian who did survive the destruction of their homeworld and can be find in SWG Yavin)
iv) holocron representation (both jedi and sith)
v) the old man (okay, I didn't like the guy, but let's say he has now become mysteriously mysterious enough to have been a friend of Saw Gerrera :P)

Loading screen B) is exploring what Nee2earth showed up earlier.
How the Jedi where destroyed and the Path force users can walk together to restore balance.
I believe the first concept art, at the bottom, could represent the ruin of the first Jedi Temple on Tython
There is another concept art showing a secret gathering within the Temple of Exar Kun. (following order 66, most Jedi falls to dark side)
The ruins of a swg Dantooinian Jedi Temple
and then a pathway to a new beginning. (showing both Vader and a Padawan: together)
The Old Man appears in transparency on right side of the loading screen.

Overall I still prefer the first one. But I'm still working on both. :P
What do you think?

05-05-2017, 08:52 AM
@Divlas - These both look great! As a composition, the first one is stronger. I like the colors (red, amber, green themed) and the imagery supports your lore. On the second, I really like the concept of the old man faded over the text. It might compete too much with the left imagery.

The first is more about the fall of the Jedi, while the second speaks more about their return. So with the upcoming publish, the second supports the content more so. Maybe fade the old man more? Try to make him look even more mysterious by being less corporeal still.

Either are quite good and I look forward to seeing where you go with these ideas!

05-06-2017, 02:01 AM
Guys i spent the last 2.5 hours making my loading screen. Ut how do i upload it here?

<iframe allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" class="imgur-embed-iframe-pub imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-839q8-true-540" scrolling="no" src="http://imgur.com/a/839q8/embed?pub=true&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.swgemu.com%2Fforums%2Finlinem od.php%3Fthreadid%3D194185%26p%3D&w=540" id="imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-839q8" style="height: 500px; width: 540px; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px;"></iframe><script async="" src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I cant get this to work

I never want to post a picture into a forum ever again after that fiasco. It almost cost me my marriage and a cell phone. I hate you html, may you fall in a trash compactor and have your only line to salvation Set to mute by a bumbling droid.

05-06-2017, 03:52 AM
I never want to post a picture into a forum ever again after that fiasco. It almost cost me my marriage and a cell phone. I hate you html, may you fall in a trash compactor and have your only line to salvation Set to mute by a bumbling droid.

Step 1: Upload to imgur.com ... don't even need an account.

Step 2: Copy the URL to the image.

Step 3: Post a comment on the forums with "[ img ] YourImgURLHere [/ img ]" but without the spaces in the brackets.

Step 4: ??????????????

Step 5: Profit

05-06-2017, 04:10 AM
Ha i know now. My first attempt was googling howto insert an imagei to html. Them i sawni needed to upload it somewhere so i tried my google drive whatever but it forced me into a page every time that just says "you are here" and no way to add pics, then i tried some other pic hosting site but i needed a yahoo email account and finally ended on imgur. I was ready to throw my phone out my window. The photo finally shows up but its diminished quality but can still be readso at this point i quit. Thanks for the heads up though, muchly appreciated

05-06-2017, 07:40 AM
@Divlas - These both look great! As a composition, the first one is stronger. I like the colors (red, amber, green themed) and the imagery supports your lore. On the second, I really like the concept of the old man faded over the text. It might compete too much with the left imagery.

The first is more about the fall of the Jedi, while the second speaks more about their return. So with the upcoming publish, the second supports the content more so. Maybe fade the old man more? Try to make him look even more mysterious by being less corporeal still.

Either are quite good and I look forward to seeing where you go with these ideas!
thanks Vayman!
Once again, I fully support the last version of your text.
Im just failing to incorporate it into my versions of the loading screen. The text may still be slightly modify to fit perfectly with Rogue One novelization. /methink we need a reference to it.
I love to make indirect reference to whats gonna happen next.

Im gonna try to make 2 more versions of the same loading screens, combining them. I really appreciate the feedback. I prefer colloborative works to competitive destruction.
Whoever wins, the sooner more content is delivered into our game, this is our victory.

PS: I did like Vayman new colors for the loading screens, in fact i love it.
My only problem with it is that atm is that it fits well only with my first loading screen.(with that one its great)
Its the one vayman calls "Fall of the Jedi"

It does not do well with the one i'd call call "survival of the force"
Problem: it kills the Old Man (as he normally appears in transparency, i must remove the transparency and then it creates unneeded problem reading the text)

We are saturday 9:39 am Western Europe Time. i'll have something for tonight.

Welcome to the club.
i spent many many hours on my loading screens and then I failed to post them. Googledrive only gave me links that are https. I thought this was the problem so I switched to imgurs.

05-06-2017, 05:16 PM

05-06-2017, 06:17 PM
Hmm you know what I think?
Rush Patch 9 on Bas, it will make your virtual life easier because decision on the right loading screen may become a little uneasy.
And if you give us one more week, I'm sorry to say that we will become a cause of headache for you the emustaff.
*/teasing* (.../hope we aren't already doing it.)
/pointat centerpoint

I'm running a bit late with rl stuff, and am only half done on my two next loading screens. But again I stand with the Vayman's text and I'm declaring myself Vayman's team. However CenterPoint, that's another glorious loading screen!:waveyzg4:

05-06-2017, 07:52 PM

This has my vote.

05-06-2017, 09:29 PM
Rofl the winner!

05-06-2017, 10:58 PM
Voila the one I'd love the most:


or well:


I'm using Vayman's frame + Vayman's text + a context I like.
At that point I'd say I know patch 9 is coming , because viewing @Centerpoint and others I'm now sure we are not a source of delay. That's all I wanted to ensure :P

05-08-2017, 01:50 AM

This one also has my vote

05-08-2017, 03:40 AM

This one has my vote as well...

05-08-2017, 04:56 AM

Yep, this is great. I searched google high and low for Force Meditate, Initiate Meditate, Jedi Meditate, Jedi Meditate Effect, nowhere that I looked could i find that image of a meditating force user. Centerpointe did a good job with this i vote for it as well

05-08-2017, 10:27 AM
You skills at Photoshop are clearly superior to mine, I can't compete, however I do regret that this last loading screen is completely on the darkside.
Although this is the best Loading Screen I've seen so far, it does not have my vote:
This is not The Force in Balance. This is the Empire Strikes Back to finish us, the Rebellion, even further. This can fit with the timeline, but I would have wished for something a little more balanced.

Join the Rebellion my friend, this is not too late! We could use your skills.

05-08-2017, 04:40 PM
You skills at Photoshop are clearly superior to mine, I can't compete, however I do regret that this last loading screen is completely on the darkside.
Although this is the best Loading Screen I've seen so far, it does not have my vote:
This is not The Force in Balance. This is the Empire Strikes Back to finish us, the Rebellion, even further. This can fit with the timeline, but I would have wished for something a little more balanced.

Join the Rebellion my friend, this is not too late! We could use your skills.

Idk... the last 2 paragraphs, about "their return was inevitable..." seems pretty hopeful. Like, a light will emerge from the darkness. I think it's a good way to be like "man, there's all this evil in the galaxy... but it's not over yet!" At least that's how I feel.

On a side note, I also feel the current loading screen is much more dark-side oriented:


05-08-2017, 06:38 PM
This is beautiful. I hope this one gets chosen. Great work.

05-08-2017, 07:03 PM
@Divlas I appreciate the constructive criticism. People in this thread have been great - supportive and full of guidance. It says a lot about what makes the community so great :)
I hear what you are saying about it being dark, but that wasn't my intent. I was going more for a "you cannot have darkness without the existence of light" kinda theme. Maybe I missed the mark?

If Vlad and Nee say that we have more time, I can try to knock something else up. Maybe there's no reason why we can't have two versions to properly reflect true Balance? Let me see what I can do...

Edit: Wanted to give others who may not have much experience with photoshop a chance to get involved. As such, I've uploaded a template to allow people to get their entries submitted. You can find it here... http://imgur.com/6MwmWnP

05-08-2017, 07:15 PM
This is beautiful. I hope this one gets chosen. Great work.

Much agreed, hereto. I love this piece. I feel the dialogue and the thematic drawback of speculation of principle (from seeing the perspectives of the Dark Side in SWG's playing-out of the Reawakening of the Force) is a schematic within the mainstream storylines we don't get to see much.

I think the game and the piece* adhere to and portray the underlying theme enough, which is the end bit, in that our avatar characters progress within the Light Side of the Force via a visit from an "old man" (our individual "Ben Kenobi's" of a sort).

Very well done, especially considering the number of posts you have and whatever other standards I can be biased around lmao

As if I have a leg to stand on, right? I posted for the first real time here on the forums just to comment on my impression of your piece. :)

Hope it wins!

Edit again, because why not?: I think the inclusion of the "from an old man" at the end is actually heavily significant. For those of us who are still relative newbies (shoutout to Mobyus for helping to teach another one of us Padawan Learners from another leg of the Internet), some sort of indicator/hint at the initial process and/or the progress beginning is, 1) not only good interest-building for business and continuity of character development [AKA nabbing longterm donors], but 2) is hopeful and helpful for those of us who are trying to learn ourselves, are interested in the involved stat-skills systems, but end up referring to help videos, etc. from our friends like Mobyus in the end for the complicated things.

Not saying there's anything wrong with a little mystery and wonder, and I'm not about the support/hype/money (definitely not the point), but I feel it's a great detail inclusion and maybe a hint of things the development team might consider from past publishers and projects that made Force paths both toooooo Uber powerful and/or difficult to acquire/maintain.

We forget, a mass amount of highly-trained, war-seasoned Troopers murdered ALL the Jedi in the Galaxy.

Devs: Kill a couple birds with some Force Lightning, knowhat'msayin? ;)

05-08-2017, 08:24 PM
@Divlas I appreciate the constructive criticism. People in this thread have been great - supportive and full of guidance. It says a lot about what makes the community so great :)
I hear what you are saying about it being dark, but that wasn't my intent. I was going more for a "you cannot have darkness without the existence of light" kinda theme. Maybe I missed the mark?

If Vlad and Nee say that we have more time, I can try to knock something else up. Maybe there's no reason why we can't have two versions to properly reflect true Balance? Let me see what I can do...

Edit: Wanted to give others who may not have much experience with photoshop a chance to get involved. As such, I've uploaded a template to allow people to get their entries submitted. You can find it here... http://imgur.com/6MwmWnP
I'm sure Vlad or Nee can help a little, let's say by giving you a screenshot of a Jedi Knight or a Padawan in Meditation.
It might help bring a little balance. The Force in Balance is a great theme.
Thanks for providing everyone a Template. I could have done that at least, I made one too for myself. I didn't think of posting it for others to use. /negligence & /humble apologize.
The more people participate, the better this is! And too little so far took this contest seriously.

Hopefully Vayman, you and Nee were there to wake us up. At least it woke me up. :happy:

05-08-2017, 08:52 PM

Not to gloss over any other entries but this is really good. Gives off good imagery and overall feeling. The Empire's eventual fate and the feeling of being hunted. I am also a sucker for that scene in Empire :P

05-08-2017, 08:54 PM
posting a small update on my alternate style version. Can a few people chime in on art direction? is this contest supposed to stay as screenshots & photobash?


My canvas is a bit different than the loader, and ignore the writing as I just grabbed a screen of the current one.

05-08-2017, 09:21 PM
@Divlas Does this set the lighter tone you were hoping for?


The last line should read "...and so they would be again". Or "...and rise again they would".

I can edit that later. No biggy.

05-08-2017, 10:20 PM
Not my place to comment individually.

I will say this though, generally: Community members definitely started taking this thread in a more productive direction (as i knew members would) .

And, generally, most people (for better or worse) associate: light/white robe = Lightside , dark/brown robe = Darkside

05-08-2017, 10:44 PM

Done and done.

Love it.

05-09-2017, 12:07 AM
@Divlas Does this set the lighter tone you were hoping for?


The last line should read "...and so they would be again". Or "...and rise again they would".

I can edit that later. No biggy.
This is it!
This is the right direction!

This has balance.

Is there a way to implement a rotating loading screen? Sometimes we would see a version of the loading screen and then logout and see another version when we return?
Well no need to crash the server, I just wonder...

05-09-2017, 12:14 AM
Is there a way to implement a rotating loading screen? Sometimes we would see a version of the loading screen and then logout and see another version when we return?
Well no need to crash the server, I just wonder...

I'm not Nee, but not sure if it's possible. I THINK (not 100% sure) it's a part of the actual .ui page Cui elements, rather than an .inc (UI include script), which probably just styles the ui screen layout.

I don't think that anyone at SWGEmu has created a proper UI editing tool, SOE's exists, but that's kind of 'taboo', so to speak.

EDIT: Just had a look at it within Sytner's IFF Editor tool suite. You could add a new Data parameter maybe, to link to a new loadscreen within ui_loading2.inc , which should control that loadscreen, so I guess it is possible.

05-09-2017, 03:23 AM
@Divlas Does this set the lighter tone you were hoping for?


The last line should read "...and so they would be again". Or "...and rise again they would".

I can edit that later. No biggy.

Of course as soon as I did my above post, I check this thread again and see this. It's really good!

05-09-2017, 06:13 AM
@Nee2earth I completely agree with the robe colour/association thing. But unfortunately I'm limited by what I ad available to me on old HDDs and those of an old guildie from Sunrunner.

As suggested by @Divlas (I think), if you can provide me with a similar styled shot at max resolution of a light robed force user, I will gladly see what I can do with the light version loading screen :)

Edit: If the force user also happened to be on Tatooine... ;)

05-09-2017, 06:26 AM
Is there a way to implement a rotating loading screen? .

That's up to TheAnswer.

Might also depend on how the 'contest' turns out too.


You could add a new Data parameter maybe, to link to a new loadscreen within ui_loading2.inc , which should control that loadscreen, so I guess it is possible.

Would be cool if the LaunchPad incorporated some type of clicky checkbox option, so that a player's loadscreen would depend upon their chosen Factional alignment and/or Force alignment.

Of course, there would need to be 4 separate loadscreens with 4 lore scripts , all similarly designed/themed.


. But unfortunately I'm limited by what I had available to me on old HDDs and those of an old guildie from Sunrunner.

umm have you or your friend seen this sticky thread yet...



05-09-2017, 07:08 AM
@Centrepoint: First line in the 3rd paragraph is missing the starting quotation mark before the "It's an energy field..." bit. I understand this is an insignificant issue, but it's the only thing missing in an otherwise perfect piece.

05-09-2017, 09:51 AM
@Centrepoint: First line in the 3rd paragraph is missing the starting quotation mark before the "It's an energy field..." bit. I understand this is an insignificant issue, but it's the only thing missing in an otherwise perfect piece.
The third sentence in the fourth paragraph should read: ""He still retained his mastery of its ways..." (No apostrophe.)

05-09-2017, 01:38 PM
@Nee Actually I hadn't! Currently at work with crappy MOD webfilters preventing me from investigating them further. I'll check them out when I get home.

@everyone else: If anyone has any suggestions on pictures that may go well with the theme I tried to achieve with the lighter version I submitted last night, I'm open to them.
Feel free to drop me a PM and I'll look into it. I'm not too concerned about the grammar at the moment, you all seemed to get the direction I was going for and I can re-attack that when I've had more than 4 hours sleep! I'm still not 100% happy with the light version, but I get the impression there's time to fix it - I just wanted to address @Divlas concerns about balance.

05-09-2017, 03:15 PM
This is it!
This is the right direction!

This has balance.

Is there a way to implement a rotating loading screen? Sometimes we would see a version of the loading screen and then logout and see another version when we return?
Well no need to crash the server, I just wonder...

I like this version, but I feel, given the storyline's timing of when these events would be taking place, it gives much too much heed to the old order of Jedi being dominant figures. I feel that the "Balancing" of the Force at the time was around the Dark Side taking the seat of control.

I most definitely like this second piece, but I was much more enamored and intrigued by the "darker" take on the load screen. The inclusion of Palpatine and all was fantastic in adding another leg of understanding to where we're currently at at this point in the canon/stories and capturing the dark essence of those times.

I think either would be a great choice for the screen, but the first one has my actual vote. This one seems to have lost some artistic value in the pressuring of the Light to change the underlying theme; the Dark won for several decades because the Light had become exactly that: pushy and antithetical to its own rites and directions of control of the Galaxy.

05-09-2017, 03:22 PM
I like this version, but I feel, given the storyline's timing of when these events would be taking place, it gives much too much heed to the old order of Jedi being dominant figures. I feel that the "Balancing" of the Force at the time was around the Dark Side taking the seat of control.

I most definitely like this second piece, but I was much more enamored and intrigued by the "darker" take on the load screen. The inclusion of Palpatine and all was fantastic in adding another leg of understanding to where we're currently at at this point in the canon/stories and capturing the dark essence of those times.

I think either would be a great choice for the screen, but the first one has my actual vote. This one seems to have lost some artistic value in the pressuring of the Light to change the underlying theme; the Dark won for several decades because the Light had become exactly that: pushy and antithetical to its own rites and directions of control of the Galaxy.
Th original is my favorite, too.

05-09-2017, 09:45 PM
I like this version, but I feel, given the storyline's timing of when these events would be taking place, it gives much too much heed to the old order of Jedi being dominant figures. I feel that the "Balancing" of the Force at the time was around the Dark Side taking the seat of control.

I most definitely like this second piece, but I was much more enamored and intrigued by the "darker" take on the load screen. The inclusion of Palpatine and all was fantastic in adding another leg of understanding to where we're currently at at this point in the canon/stories and capturing the dark essence of those times.

I think either would be a great choice for the screen, but the first one has my actual vote. This one seems to have lost some artistic value in the pressuring of the Light to change the underlying theme; the Dark won for several decades because the Light had become exactly that: pushy and antithetical to its own rites and directions of control of the Galaxy.


05-10-2017, 10:08 PM
Guys i spent the last 2.5 hours making my loading screen. Ut how do i upload it here?

<iframe allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" class="imgur-embed-iframe-pub imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-839q8-true-540" scrolling="no" src="http://imgur.com/a/839q8/embed?pub=true&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.swgemu.com%2Fforums%2Finlinem od.php%3Fthreadid%3D194185%26p%3D&w=540" id="imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-839q8" style="height: 500px; width: 540px; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px;"></iframe><script async="" src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I cant get this to work

I never want to post a picture into a forum ever again after that fiasco. It almost cost me my marriage and a cell phone. I hate you html, may you fall in a trash compactor and have your only line to salvation Set to mute by a bumbling droid.Hahaha

05-11-2017, 02:12 AM
People seem to be focusing on the Jedi side of publish 9. Although that is the main new content in the upcoming publish I know a lot of people who will want more than just Jedi on their load screens. I will be looking through the checklist to see what I can come up with asap.

05-11-2017, 08:55 AM
There are so many new and outstanding submissions! It's a tribute to the community that it can come together and produce such quality work. A /tiphat to the project team for (re)igniting this passion. It sounds like we're going to see even more submissions after reading through the comments. Nice!

05-11-2017, 12:11 PM

i got a good crackup with this one

05-11-2017, 02:35 PM

All the entries are great, but I saw this and my jaw dropped. Dark or not, I love it! Well done Centrepoint.

05-12-2017, 04:52 AM
I'd really like to see the dual-loading-screen implemented using Centrepoint's different pieces. I think that's a great idea and would offer a balance to satisfy everyone. Not sure how easy/difficult that would be for the devs, but I believe it would be a wise investment of time to figure out.

05-12-2017, 06:02 AM
I'd really like to see the dual-loading-screen implemented using Centrepoint's different pieces. I think that's a great idea and would offer a balance to satisfy everyone. Not sure how easy/difficult that would be for the devs, but I believe it would be a wise investment of time to figure out.
I disagree. I believe that such a feature should only be implemented if the devs/The Answer really want it implemented. Otherwise, I see no reason why they should spend time on something like that.

I also believe that the "dark" piece is balanced enough on its own, but that is just my opinion.

05-12-2017, 01:14 PM

05-12-2017, 04:57 PM
My two cents:
I don't think it is possible to achieve Balance on one single loading screen.
When I try myself, I feel like I damage my original idea. Either I would make a loading screen on the desctruction of the Jedi, either one on their survival.

If TheAnswer finds a safe way to set a dual loading screen, this would be the cherry on the cake. :P

Presle Digect
05-12-2017, 04:59 PM
I love Centrepoint's. It feels alittle Dark Side-ish but the game is supposed to be set in The Dark Times (Thank you Obi Wan Kenobi for that description). :)

05-12-2017, 05:36 PM
Great Stuff here guys!! Just making us want Publish 9 *sooner* Tm than ever!! Lol

05-13-2017, 04:39 AM
My two cents:
I don't think it is possible to achieve Balance on one single loading screen.
When I try myself, I feel like I damage my original idea. Either I would make a loading screen on the desctruction of the Jedi, either one on their survival.

If TheAnswer finds a safe way to set a dual loading screen, this would be the cherry on the cake. :P

Agreed, agreed. If it's massively Publish-delaying, then, sure, forget the idea until it's much more viable. However, like you said, I feel it would appease both sides of the coin of players (even though I definitely advocate for the "darker" piece, myself, as said before).

05-13-2017, 05:06 AM
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/3j0WD">
<a href="//imgur.com/3j0WD">
<script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8">
Fairly decent for only working on it for 30 minutes.

05-13-2017, 07:20 AM
But where is the story?

05-13-2017, 09:02 AM
So, I took on board what the community said and, frankly I agree with you all regarding that second attempt. I felt rushed, I don't think I gave it as much attention as the first. But I was happy with the Lore aspect. I've started on revising that version (with corrected spelling!) and would welcome some input.

I stole the image from Trials of Obi-Wan because I felt the original needed more SWG graphics feel to it. But placed it against a backdrop of Tatooine instead of Mustafar. I feel happier with this but I'm asking for suggestions for the upper portion of the left graphic. I could simply add the twin suns? I tried stealing the star destroyer over Jedha but couldn't quite make it work and it felt like I was just trying to fill space.

Anyway, feel free to throw comments my way and I'll do what I can. I wanted to add that there have been some absolutely brilliant entries submitted with actual artistic skill that I'm in awe of. I just mess around in photoshop and hope things turn out ok! It feels like this thread has really taken off in the last week or so and it's awesome. As I said - best community :)


...added the suns!


05-13-2017, 01:32 PM
Figured I'd take a whack. Everything is from personal screenshots except for the Yoda and Sidious portraits.


05-13-2017, 06:38 PM
I'm limited by what I ad available to me on old HDDs and those of an old guildie from Sunrunner

The project might be able to use those screenshots to get a more accurate emulation. Can you pack them into a .rar and then upload it to google drive, please?

05-13-2017, 07:08 PM
You guys should add, you can also chop up a normal picture and completely replace it without using that template.
if you load it in texture/loading/space you can add:
space_back_left_bottom.dds (256x256)
space_back_left_center_bottom.dds (256x256)
space_back_right_center_bottom.dds (256x256)
space_back_right_bottom.dds (256x256)
space_back_left_top.dds (512x512)
space_back_right_top.dds (512x512)

This gives the emu team load options, as well as easier submission options. Basically make a 2048x2048 and chop it into 6 pieces 4 256x256 pieces on the bottom and 2 512x512 pieces on the top for the whole image. (Credit to Himilayas for pointing this out to me months ago)

05-13-2017, 07:22 PM
Figured I'd take a whack. Everything is from personal screenshots except for the Yoda and Sidious portraits.

http://i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u381/Dillon_Ryan/SWGEMU_cropped_zpssg7xfgli.jpgTake his shoes?

05-14-2017, 01:27 AM
The project might be able to use those screenshots to get a more accurate emulation. Can you pack them into a .rar and then upload it to google drive, please?

I already asked him that on Page 8 (post #115) .

Doesn't anyone read entire threads anymore before hitting 'reply' ?

What's the world comin' too?!?!!?!?! :doh:

05-14-2017, 03:47 AM
I love just about evey ones on this page epecially ghosty

05-14-2017, 08:49 AM
Centrepoint's dark and light loading screens win it for me. If these could be rotated, that'd be awesome. If not, I'd go with the dark side one. It's not just the composition, but also the text of that one is brilliant.

05-15-2017, 03:37 PM
https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/amzxV5v_700b.jpgthis artist billy ludwig if contacted could probably give us what we are looking for....

05-16-2017, 09:56 AM
Here's my contribution, in the form of a bad mockup.


Feel free to take this and run with it, anybody - I have no skill working with images, so I thought I'd try to write something in the style of the pre-EotE loading screens.

Just a quick draft, I'll do my best to tweak it if I can. Thanks Centrepoint for the template!

Here's the text to save anybody five minutes if they do choose to do something with it. https://pastebin.com/br2G31BX

05-16-2017, 07:04 PM
People seem to be focusing on the Jedi side of publish 9. Although that is the main new content in the upcoming publish I know a lot of people who will want more than just Jedi on their load screens. I will be looking through the checklist to see what I can come up with asap.
Please do! If I wanted armies of Jedi flinging crap at eachother I'd play TOR.

If I wanted a bunch of movie characters to tell me how good I am I'd play Shadows of the Empire.

Really excited to see what other possibilities are available.

05-18-2017, 03:14 AM
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/MP98X"><a href="//imgur.com/MP98X"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Thank you.

05-18-2017, 01:21 PM

05-18-2017, 04:33 PM

05-18-2017, 05:24 PM


07-13-2017, 08:37 PM
Competition still open guys and gals. Be sure to get your submissions entered in before it is too late!!

07-15-2017, 11:06 AM

07-15-2017, 04:40 PM
Contest has been open for almost 3 months, when do we find out who won? :)

07-16-2017, 01:08 AM
Contest has been open for almost 3 months, when do we find out who won?

From the OP ...

Winner(s) will be announced same time Publish 9 is announced. Probably.

~The SWGEmu Staff

... Patience.

07-16-2017, 08:19 AM
From the OP ...

... Patience. Think everyone been "patience" Since OG nova.

07-16-2017, 02:12 PM
Think everyone been "patience" Since OG nova.

They might have overshot this contest by a few months. Nevertheless we must continue to be patient - it's a virtue.

07-17-2017, 01:24 PM

whipped this up at work, when i get home i'll touch up on it with photoshop

07-18-2017, 10:26 PM
Publish 9 is looming....
Just around the corner.....
We have waited far to long....

Well where is it looming? Not close by I'm starting to believe.
Just around the corner? On Mars?
We have waited far to long? Maybe you guys ain't noticed, but we are still waiting. Three months after ur post.

I love the work wich has been done, but don't post things while it will still take months!

07-19-2017, 02:46 AM
Its been 3 months today and not a word from developers as to when this publish goes live what gives?

Mistress Aerea
07-19-2017, 03:28 AM
Its been 3 months today and not a word from developers as to when this publish goes live what gives?

Soon(TM) (http://goo.gl/pe3K2X)

07-19-2017, 05:36 AM
Its been 3 months today and not a word from developers as to when this publish goes live what gives?
What gives?
None here are paid and the work done here are been done on peoples spare time (real life comes first). The time that contributors have to invest in the project will vary a lot. Code are been pushed out every week on a more or less daily basis. This code needs to be tested and we just don’t have enough testers. So if things are not moving along fast enough, head on over to Nova and help test and break our code.
Its summer time and some might want to spend more time with their family.
This is why we do not give out ETAs on this project. You, and anyone else who want to see Basilisk with new code, will just have to be patient and wait.

07-19-2017, 05:45 AM
What gives?
None here are paid and the work done here are been done on peoples spare time (real life comes first). The time that contributors have to invest in the project will vary a lot. Code are been pushed out every week on a more or less daily basis. This code needs to be tested and we just don’t have enough testers. So if things are not moving along fast enough, head on over to Nova and help test and break our code.
Its summer time and some might want to spend more time with their family.
This is why we do not give out ETAs on this project. You, and anyone else who want to see Basilisk with new code, will just have to be patient and wait.

Frog gear is too weak to warrant time.

07-19-2017, 06:25 AM
Y'all should ask for a refund.

07-19-2017, 12:14 PM
I'm just grateful we get to play since I can barely decipher the code you guys write - let alone help code. Thank you for your efforts so that the last few posts don't set the wrong tone.

07-20-2017, 02:43 AM
Pub 9 Hype train left. enjoy ur summer boys tons of other good games out there.

07-20-2017, 12:33 PM
I laughed out loud at that, Best comment of the year Vlada!!! Well done sir!!!!

07-20-2017, 08:48 PM
You need more testers? Are you literally kidding me? The publish 9 checklist is 100% done it just needs to be merged. I don't understand why you are taking your sweet time to get everything perfect.. it doesn't have to be amazingly perfect. It's like you guys are afraid of having jedi on the server, afraid of this publish bringing a plethora of people back into SWGEmu. I just don't understand the delay. just release it ffs.

07-20-2017, 08:52 PM
You need more testers? Are you literally kidding me? The publish 9 checklist is 100% done it just needs to be merged. I don't understand why you are taking your sweet time to get everything perfect.. it doesn't have to be amazingly perfect. It's like you guys are afraid of having jedi on the server, afraid of this publish bringing a plethora of people back into SWGEmu. I just don't understand the delay. just release it ffs.

They ***** need more testers cause nobody wants to test on nova when other people there are using commands to give themselves gear and the weapons avaible on the frog are barley better then starter weapons, then when you point that out they tell you to ask for a refund lmao.

we are just the labrats in their maze they dont give a fck at all what we think.

Go watch mobyus1's lastest video, they completely turned they're back on him from the looks of it after he didn't do anything wrong or to warrant it, and after all he has done to promote their project, I don't even like the guy but it was pretty good display of their attitude.

07-20-2017, 09:19 PM
They ***** need more testers cause nobody wants to test on nova when other people there are using commands to give themselves gear and the weapons avaible on the frog are barley better then starter weapons, then when you point that out they tell you to ask for a refund lmao.

we are just the labrats in their maze they dont give a fck at all what we think.

Go watch mobyus1's lastest video, they completely turned they're back on him from the looks of it after he didn't do anything wrong or to warrant it, and after all he has done to promote their project, I don't even like the guy but it was pretty good display of their attitude. yea mobyus1 is a good cat. not sure why the salty childish QA's booted him.

07-20-2017, 10:17 PM


07-21-2017, 09:46 AM
These freaking people just do not understand.../facepalm

07-21-2017, 12:22 PM
this is now summer time for everyone. It was wise to ask for our contribution before the month of July.

07-23-2017, 11:22 AM
You need more testers? Are you literally kidding me? The publish 9 checklist is 100% done it just needs to be merged. I don't understand why you are taking your sweet time to get everything perfect.. it doesn't have to be amazingly perfect. It's like you guys are afraid of having jedi on the server, afraid of this publish bringing a plethora of people back into SWGEmu. I just don't understand the delay. just release it ffs.

What you don't know about the checklist would fill a warehouse.

They ***** need more testers cause nobody wants to test on nova when other people there are using commands to give themselves gear and the weapons avaible on the frog are barley better then starter weapons, then when you point that out they tell you to ask for a refund lmao.

we are just the labrats in their maze they dont give a fck at all what we think.

Go watch mobyus1's lastest video, they completely turned they're back on him from the looks of it after he didn't do anything wrong or to warrant it, and after all he has done to promote their project, I don't even like the guy but it was pretty good display of their attitude.

Frog gear is intentionally weak. It's there to test simple mechanics that do not require high-end gear.

If you want better gear on Nova, use a frog to insta-level your toon, generate resource deeds for yourself, and craft the gear you need. You can make anything you want in 24 hours using factories. The only thing you'd be missing are the loot drops at that point.

We definitely do need more testers. Testers catch things we miss, and come at things from different angles to help us figure things out. We'd let you in but your application for a CSR position is still pending.

yea mobyus1 is a good cat. not sure why the salty childish QA's booted him.

Mobyus1 is, in fact, a good cat. What happened behind the scenes is between those involved.

07-27-2017, 06:50 AM
What you don't know about the checklist would fill a warehouse.

So why not take the same stance on the checklist as you do time lines? Because it's very misleading.

07-27-2017, 07:13 AM
We'd let you in but your application for a CSR position is still pending.

That gave me a lol and a half

07-27-2017, 08:40 PM
So why not take the same stance on the checklist as you do time lines? Because it's very misleading.
We use the percentages in the checklist to let us know internally how much we still need to focus on each page and look at what needs to be done. From a testing perspective, it helps me and others be more efficient with what we test. I get that its misleading to you, but it isn't a progress bar in terms of how close a publish is.

As to your frustration, all I can say is that I would classify it as being 'very soon'

07-28-2017, 01:06 AM
I'm away for a week. Please for the love of god don't release until after Aug 5th or there may be an odd rash of murders in upper state Michigan.

07-28-2017, 08:10 PM
For the potential benefit of those who view the checklist percentage as a percentage of publish completion, consider this fact.

QA doesn't know how much will be in the next publish. We learn that maybe about a day before it's posted in the publish announcement. So the assumption that the checklist completion percentage show the progress toward the next publish is flawed. We simply use it to keep ourselves aware of whether or not we are falling behind, as occasionally occurs. Such is the nature of a volunteer project.

The next publish comes when it comes. We will know its publish date for certain when the update announcement is made.

Until, then, QA keeps checking code, trying to define the scope of bugs and how to reproduce them.

If anyone wants to help us with that, please contact one of us. We'll be happy to let you help us. The more eyes the better. We all rely on each other to find the things that we tend not to see with our own eyes.

07-28-2017, 09:34 PM
It's like you guys are afraid of having jedi on the server
I know I am

08-03-2017, 10:36 PM
i think these 3 people should be involved and looking on at what they created. im horrible with photo editing, someone else please make this idea better


08-08-2017, 12:48 AM
I am siked for a new load screen. It has been awhile since the last one was created and put into use. Lots of hard word has gone into Publish 9, it is a very exciting time for the project.

08-16-2017, 11:10 PM