08-17-2015, 08:57 AM
Financial report July 2014 - June 2015
August 2015
The SWGEmu Staff
Financial report July 2014 - June 2015
Julyhad a final PayPal account balance of $4,095.21
In July we received $2,864.49 in donations.
Julyhad the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $167.62
Hosting Services Inc. = $40.00
SoftLayer = $1,224.97
Lomag Internet Services, LLC = $75.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
K&H Bank = $1,330.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $3,090.34
July had a total shortfall of $225.85 with a final PayPal account balance of $3,869.36
In August we received $2,680.00 in donations.
August had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $163.00
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $179.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,224.50
K&H Bank = $840.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,520.25
August had a total excess of $159.75 with a final PayPal account balance of $4029.11.
In September we received $3,144.49 in donations
September had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $176.11
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,181.80
K&H Bank = $524.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,154.66
September had a total excess of $989.83 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,018.94.
In October we received $1,999.49 in donations
October had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $127.71
Hosting Services, Inc. = $40.00
Lomag Internet Services, LLC = $75.00
SoftLayer = 1,179.00
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
K&H Bank = $15.40
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $3,219.46
October had a total shortfall of $1219.97 with a final PayPal account balance of $3,798.97.
In November we received $3,430.00 in donations
November had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $189.07
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
K&H Bank = $765.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,410.82
November had a a total excess of $1019.18 with a final PayPal account balance of $4,818.15.
In December we received $2,419.50 in donations
December had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $142.08
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
K&H Bank = $950.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,548.83
December had a total shortfall of $129.33 with a final PayPal account balance of $4,688.82.
In January we received $4,500.00 in donations.
January had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $222.56
Hosting Services Inc. = $40.00
SoftLayer = $1,183.33
Lomag Internet Services, LLC = $75.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
K&H Bank = $1,550.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
• GitHub Ltd = $12.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $3,340.64
January had a total excess of $1,159.36 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,848.18
In February we received $2,180.00 in donations.
February had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $126.73
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $60.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $18.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $1,653.48
February had a total excess of $526.52 with a final PayPal account balance of $6,374.70.
In March we received $2,630.84 in donations
March had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $149.72
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
K&H Bank = $1000.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $13.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,631.47
March had a total shortfall of $0.63 with a final PayPal account balance of $6,374.07.
In April we received $2,240.51 in donations
April had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $139.55
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
K&H Bank = $1,320.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $13.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,941.30
April had a total shortfall of $700.79 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,673.28.
In May we received $2,022.50 in donations
May had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $122.29
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $40.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
K&H Bank = $700.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $13.00
Digital Ocean Inc. = $5.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,329.04
May had a a total shortfall of $306.54 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,366.74.
In June we received $2,640.87 in donations
June had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $148.21
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $40.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
K&H Bank = $500.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $13.00
Digital Ocean Inc. = $10.00
Dynamic Network Services Inc. = $30.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,189.96
June had a total excess of $450.91 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,817.65.
Thank you all for you continued support,
~The SWGEmu Staff
August 2015
The SWGEmu Staff
Financial report July 2014 - June 2015
Julyhad a final PayPal account balance of $4,095.21
In July we received $2,864.49 in donations.
Julyhad the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $167.62
Hosting Services Inc. = $40.00
SoftLayer = $1,224.97
Lomag Internet Services, LLC = $75.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
K&H Bank = $1,330.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $3,090.34
July had a total shortfall of $225.85 with a final PayPal account balance of $3,869.36
In August we received $2,680.00 in donations.
August had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $163.00
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $179.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,224.50
K&H Bank = $840.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,520.25
August had a total excess of $159.75 with a final PayPal account balance of $4029.11.
In September we received $3,144.49 in donations
September had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $176.11
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,181.80
K&H Bank = $524.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,154.66
September had a total excess of $989.83 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,018.94.
In October we received $1,999.49 in donations
October had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $127.71
Hosting Services, Inc. = $40.00
Lomag Internet Services, LLC = $75.00
SoftLayer = 1,179.00
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
K&H Bank = $15.40
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $3,219.46
October had a total shortfall of $1219.97 with a final PayPal account balance of $3,798.97.
In November we received $3,430.00 in donations
November had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $189.07
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
K&H Bank = $765.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,410.82
November had a a total excess of $1019.18 with a final PayPal account balance of $4,818.15.
In December we received $2,419.50 in donations
December had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $142.08
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
K&H Bank = $950.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,548.83
December had a total shortfall of $129.33 with a final PayPal account balance of $4,688.82.
In January we received $4,500.00 in donations.
January had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $222.56
Hosting Services Inc. = $40.00
SoftLayer = $1,183.33
Lomag Internet Services, LLC = $75.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
K&H Bank = $1,550.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
• GitHub Ltd = $12.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $3,340.64
January had a total excess of $1,159.36 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,848.18
In February we received $2,180.00 in donations.
February had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $126.73
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $60.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $18.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $1,653.48
February had a total excess of $526.52 with a final PayPal account balance of $6,374.70.
In March we received $2,630.84 in donations
March had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $149.72
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
K&H Bank = $1000.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $13.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,631.47
March had a total shortfall of $0.63 with a final PayPal account balance of $6,374.07.
In April we received $2,240.51 in donations
April had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $139.55
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $20.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
K&H Bank = $1,320.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $13.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,941.30
April had a total shortfall of $700.79 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,673.28.
In May we received $2,022.50 in donations
May had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $122.29
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $40.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
K&H Bank = $700.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $13.00
Digital Ocean Inc. = $5.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,329.04
May had a a total shortfall of $306.54 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,366.74.
In June we received $2,640.87 in donations
June had the following expenses:
PayPal fee = $148.21
FDC Servers.Net LLC = $159.00
Hosting Services, Inc. = $40.00
RFE Hosting = $93.75
SoftLayer = $1,179.00
IRCCloud Ltd = $5.00
K&H Bank = $500.00
GitHub Ltd = $12.00
2Checkout.com = $13.00
Digital Ocean Inc. = $10.00
Dynamic Network Services Inc. = $30.00
TOTAL EXPENSES = $2,189.96
June had a total excess of $450.91 with a final PayPal account balance of $5,817.65.
Thank you all for you continued support,
~The SWGEmu Staff