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05-26-2015, 06:46 AM
SWGEmu AGPL Instructions and Requirements
May 2015
The SWGEmu Staff
SWGEmu AGPL Instructions and Requirements - May 26, 2015
Greetings SWGEmu community, contributors, testers, players and everyone else that supports this project in any way. Some time has passed since we announced the release of Engine3 without any time restrictions (original announcement can be found at: Public Engine3 without time restrictions ( While finalizing necessary information and details was a somewhat lengthy process, we felt the need to ensure that we did our best at getting the setup right the first time. We apologize for the delay, and thank you for your patience and support. And now without further ado:
SWGEmu AGPL Instructions and requirements
To enable communication and cooperation between all SWGEmu ( communities the licensing of core3 (,branches) has been changed from GPL ( toAGPL ( You can read the Core3 AGPL license here (;a=blob_plain;f=MMOCoreORB/COPYING;hb=refs/heads/unstable).
The purpose of this change is to help ensure we all have an opportunity to pursue our wishes, share problems and resolutions openly, and maintain servers with greater stability. Included in the granted license is an updated version of the engine without any segfault timers. To be granted permission to use this license server admins will need to send and email to with the following info:
Our focus will be the ‘unstable’ branch. We encourage other servers to use either the unstable branch or the latest publish branch of code. Anything older will not be supported [1] at all. Unstable is aptly named and will likely have major bugs from time to time, but it also has the latest features. The latest publish branch should be more stable but will be further removed from our working code. Issues with code from the latest publish branch may need to be reproduced on the unstable branch before they can be addressed. Not all fixes for bugs found in the latest publish will be pushed to that branch of code.
[1] SWGEmu Support shall encompass review and acceptance of bugs and fixes for the Unstable and the Latest Publish code branches. SWGEmu reserves the right to review and accept OR deny submitted bugs and/or patches. If the bug is accepted by SWGEmu, it can be addressed and fixed by SWGEmu and/or Community Servers.
Licensees must not make a profit from SWGEmu or SWGEmu related activities.
Donations may be accepted to cover operational costs related to server hosting management and/or development. Micro-transactions for in-game rewards or incentives are not permitted.
Administrator's name and email.
2 persons (Primary and Alternate) that are responsible for the proper operation of the individual servers will be considered administrators.
Host specifications and location:
Ex. SWGEmu Server specs (
Summary of intent:
This is a brief description of server options.
Ex. pre-9 jedi, tef, char limits, etc
*SWGEmu will maintain current goals
Login instructions for users:
To include but not limited to any information required for community members to log-in to the server.
Examples: SWGEmu Account Registration (, How to Install SWGEmu (, SWGEmu Rules and Policies (
Link to Open source repository:
Open source repo’s will need to include but not be limited to:
All Core3 files required to properly build and run the server. (core/scripts)
(Ex. )
A Contributor License Agreement is also required to push code back to swgemu core3.
SWGEmu will review any code submissions that stay within our project goals. The CLA can be signed digitally once you have created an account on Gerrit Code Review (
Systems currently implemented in support of community interaction.
SWGEmu will host a new, official IRC ( channel for cross server cooperation. Please join #swgemuservers. Channel permissions to be determined. SWGEmu Leads to be channel owner. (Please register and identify your IRC nickname.) This channel is strictly moderated and is subject to SWGEmu Rules and Policies. Treat others with dignity and respect at all times.
SWGEmu will also add sub-sections to the forums for the various servers. Each approved-license server can chose 2 representatives that will have their SWGEmu forums titles changed to “Server Name” Representative. These forums are strictly moderated and are subject to SWGEmu Rules and Policies. Treat others with dignity and respect at all times.
Other systems to be implemented in support of community interaction.
SWGEmu Development Wiki ( - Started
Open source repository listing for shared server-side code, debug info, dev tools, qa tools, or any code or info in support of but not deemed to be within the current goals of SWGEmu. (Ex’s. , Scrapbook ( - Declare a ‘community repo’
Shared server mantis bug-tracker and knowledge base. The possibility of using in-game bug reporting/knowledge base to be explored. Setup a api/mantis hookup to post crash bugs. - Research and test.
Important note
Engine3 is fully owned and copyrighted and is not included in the AGPL licensing. SWGEmu is granted permission by the owner to use and distribute versions of Engine3 in support of Core3. Any questions concerning changes to Engine3 can be forwarded to the owner by SWGEmu for consideration.
For your convenience we made an offline version of AGPL Instructions and Requirements shared as a downloadable pdf document ( tnwcZ3cV30XWr1W9bnQB0nMDBpZq7Ay/view?usp=sharing). If you have any questions, need further clarification and/or guidance on the approval process or the above requirements feel free to contact Scurby, our QA leader on our IRC or email him at
SWGEmu reserves the right to make further changes to AGPL Instructions and Requirements. No changes will take place without a proper and timely announcement.
Thank you all for your dedication and continued support.
~The SWGEmu team
05-26-2015, 08:08 AM
Thank you for the opportunity I have sent in my application .
05-26-2015, 07:21 PM
how long would one's application take and are we waiting on a mail back ? I'm patient just curious that is all .
05-26-2015, 07:32 PM
Since TheAnswer is out of town it will take a few days. We thought about postponing this announcement till he gets home, but decided against that because we kept you all waiting too damn long already.
Please be patient a while longer. I really am sorry for the delay but it couldn't be avoided. We just cant start the process without TheAnswer.
P.S. If you have any further questions, concerns, need further clarifications please contact Scurby or if you just want to chat with some of our staff or other server admins, please join our IRC #swgemuservers channel.
P.P.S. I also created the necessary SWGEmu Based Server discussion section ( you can use.
05-26-2015, 08:53 PM
This has been a long time coming.
05-27-2015, 04:10 AM
Thanks SWGEMU et al for all your hard work.
App sent.
05-27-2015, 02:33 PM
Please don't use this thread for promoting your server, self promotion or promoting your agenda. If you want to use Engine3 without time restrictions, great. If you don't, that is also great, that decision is yours to make. We don't need to know why you decided to do what ever you are about to do.
05-29-2015, 03:39 PM
Application submitted. Thank you for all your hard work.
Are the internals still closed-source? Engine3 or something like that?
IIRC this used to be the case, that not everything was open-source.
05-29-2015, 08:12 PM
Are the internals still closed-source? Engine3 or something like that?
IIRC this used to be the case, that not everything was open-source.
Did you read the announcements? And i mean this one and the one linked in the first paragraph?
Did you read the announcements? And i mean this one and the one linked in the first paragraph?
Yes, I did but it wasn't really clear to me. I've been following this project since inception (less closely in recent years) and it has historically been very hostile to both the other development efforts and its own users. I recall there was an announcement made a few years ago that everything would be open source except for some internal library or something along those lines. Is that Engine3?
Is literally everything open source now or is there still some proprietary bull**** in there? Because if it's actually open source and Ramsay doesn't still speak in a derogatory fashion about the users, I'd consider doing some development work.
Like it just seems to be a hollow offer. If you guys are serious about open source why is there no prominent link to a github repo or something? Sounds a lot like the project is still about stroking certain people's egos. Timers to make it intentionally segfault? That's shameful, man.
05-31-2015, 06:13 AM
. I've been following this project since inception.
and does Ramsay still speak in a derogatory fashion about the users? Timers to make it intentionally segfault?
Ramsay isn't around anymore. And the 'timers' are now rendered moot by what's stated in the OP of this thread.
I'm sure Vlada will address the rest of your post far more eloquently (and informatively) than I can.
05-31-2015, 06:51 AM
The Engine3 is not open source, Core 3 is. Engine3 isn't SWGEmus creation.
05-31-2015, 07:51 AM
Yes, I did but it wasn't really clear to me. I've been following this project since inception (less closely in recent years) and it has historically been very hostile to both the other development efforts and its own users. I recall there was an announcement made a few years ago that everything would be open source except for some internal library or something along those lines. Is that Engine3?
Is literally everything open source now or is there still some proprietary bull**** in there? Because if it's actually open source and Ramsay doesn't still speak in a derogatory fashion about the users, I'd consider doing some development work.
Like it just seems to be a hollow offer. If you guys are serious about open source why is there no prominent link to a github repo or something? Sounds a lot like the project is still about stroking certain people's egos. Timers to make it intentionally segfault? That's shameful, man.
We should chat. A lot of that history is just that. Its true that the engine is closed source. But it always was privately owned and copyrighted. The core is where 99 and 66/100 percent of the work is done. And yes, the link is on the swgemu home page. Drop by IRC. Join #swgemuservers. Say hi.
Those days are over mate. You want to contribute? I'll help find a way to make that possible for you. And I'll do my best to make sure you have fun at it. I use the version of the engine with the segfault. But I don't run a server that is open to the public. I have never had a reason to leave mine up long enough to reach the segfault. That's my experience anyhow...
I hear your pain. I see your join date. I do understand. I'm listening....
The Engine3 is not open source, Core 3 is. Engine3 isn't SWGEmus creation.
Okay, so parts of SWGEMU are still closed-source. Nothing really has changed. Got it.
05-31-2015, 04:11 PM
Okay, so parts of SWGEMU are still closed-source. Nothing really has changed. Got it.
Engine3 being closed source is no different than any other proprietary engine being closed source.
05-31-2015, 11:43 PM
my memory is way fuzzy, but waaaay back when core2 was deemed obsolete and core3 was originally envisioned, it wasn't open source. It had both the engine, and the core, and as I recall you could install some sort of windows shell that would allow you to run the compiled binaries up to that point. It indeed had both a core and an engine. both were under constant change and closed source. I believe that when the decision to go open source was made, that... and here I could be wrong as well... but that the engine was NOT some sort of copyrighted 3rd party library that was worth $$$... it was just the "other" part of the server, and by it remaining closed source, the original developers could "control" the direction of the open source project.
You have to remember back then, oh what 8 years ago?... Open source was New and dangerous territory. the EMU world was rife with competition and drama... Ego's and threats... etc... na85 is still stuck in that world, holding allegiances that are no longer valid or remembered in most cases... To him the engine still being closed source is still an act of control... He doesn't understand that somewhere along the way, TA or whoever owns Engine3 repurposed it and turned it into some sort of 3rd party Library that's worth big bucks... In addition, I doubt TA, or whowever owns it, no longer has the legal right TO open it up... even if they wanted to... It sounds like it's legally tied up in "Other" markets and functions... One of these days I'd like to know what they're using it for. :-)
Like I said, My memory is fuzzy, but above is how I recall it going WAAAY back then. I'd love for someone who was on the inside to write up an autobiography of the EMU project from inception to current. Including all the drama. I doubt we'll ever get it, but it would be a good read. Either way we find ourselves here, today, with a Core that works well, and engine that is borrowed, yet as of now free to use Library, and nearing the next publish... things are looking up. :-)
05-31-2015, 11:50 PM
The Windows shell you mention was called Cygwin, and it was mainly for the very early days of Core3, but eventually was dropped support in favor of pure Linux flavor-based builds in Engine3.
But duff is right, a lot of things have changed since those days, and not just code-base alone, but the attitude of staff as well. Scurby is certainly willing to hear any and all reasonable suggestions, but one must remember as Duff also said, Oru owns the rights to the engine that runs Core3, and he uses it for commercial purposes (that I too would like to know what, just out of curiosity).
That's my problem, though.
The SWGEMU project isn't serious about being open source. It's basically a testbed for future monetization of an MMO engine and can theoretically be killed at any time by anyone holding the rights to Engine3 for as long as it takes to reverse-engineer what's in it.
No, this project is still stuck in the past in a lot of unfortunate ways.
06-01-2015, 04:09 AM
That's my problem, though.
The SWGEMU project isn't serious about being open source. It's basically a testbed for future monetization of an MMO engine and can theoretically be killed at any time by anyone holding the rights to Engine3 for as long as it takes to reverse-engineer what's in it.
No, this project is still stuck in the past in a lot of unfortunate ways.
I've shared your concern in the past. Posit: Core3 reaches v1.0, a couple weeks go by waiting for the grand release, then wham-o Oru decides to charge a fee for Engine3... Technically that doesn't violate any SOE / Lucasarts / ****** agreements cause he's not technically making a profit off of the freely available core3 server. Just the packet interpreting engine3 library... Which is currently a copyrighted for profit library as it stands right now (although I don't think any of us know WHAT it's being used for yet)... Easy enough to prove that it's not profit from the finished emulator...
However... if Oru / TA / whoever is going to lift the restrictions present in Engine3 and allow player communities to get started up prior to v1.0, then I don't see this as being a possibility any longer... A free engine3 without restrictions, closed source or not, doesn't mean anything at all. IF they follow through with this, and allow it (so far nobody has gotten an unlocked engine yet...) then I don't see how it could possibly go wrong any longer. Even if Oru or whoever thows us a curveball in the 11th hour and changes the core & engine to make it a for $ endeavor, we can still just use the unocked engine we HAVE been using, and finish the core ourselves... *shrug* I just don't see the issue any more.
persist in the "truly" open argument if you wish, thoughts are free... but I don't think anyone is really moved by your arguments at this point... UNLESS they back out and keep the engine restricted...
06-01-2015, 05:13 AM
The SWGEMU project isn't serious about being open source. It's basically a testbed for future monetization of an MMO engine and can theoretically be killed at any time by anyone holding the rights to Engine3 for as long as it takes to reverse-engineer what's in it..
This attitude seems so silly to me. Engine3 is analogous to Source, Unity, Cryengine and every other proprietary game engine. Do you discourage people from using those to make games just because they could be 'theoretically killed at any time'?
This is definitely a valid concern that we should have addressed a long time ago but as me and TA were always for the good of this project we never signed a contract in good faith. In fact our intention is right the opposite. We are discussing to use a later version of the engine (engine5, what a surprise :P) for the emu as well, that could enable core3 to support way more concurrent players on multiple nodes. Anyways, an unlimited lifetime license should be granted on paper so i will get to the lawyers about it.
I'm not allowed to share any project names where it is being used, but one could easily find information looking at the right places.. ;)
I'm assuming once accepted I'll get some kind of confirmation email from TA? Also, what is the method of distribution? A private git?
06-01-2015, 02:17 PM
Yes, please bear with us while we are working on the distribution method and finalising the separation of scripts from AGPL. Once both of those are done we will start accepting the requests.
06-01-2015, 03:23 PM
TA, does this mean we shouldn't have submitted applications yet?
06-01-2015, 03:29 PM
TA, does this mean we shouldn't have submitted applications yet?
No, submitting them is fine, but thats why we havent started distributing the engine yet.
This is definitely a valid concern that we should have addressed a long time ago but as me and TA were always for the good of this project we never signed a contract in good faith. In fact our intention is right the opposite.
Actions speak louder than words. If your intention is for the good of the project, why is the engine source not freely available under a GPL or similar license?
I can't see any benefit to the project in keeping it closed.
06-01-2015, 06:19 PM
Actions speak louder than words. If your intention is for the good of the project, why is the engine source not freely available under a GPL or similar license?
I can't see any benefit to the project in keeping it closed.
Last comment I promise... I just had to get out an LOL... - Duff
This attitude seems so silly to me. Engine3 is analogous to Source, Unity, Cryengine and every other proprietary game engine. Do you discourage people from using those to make games just because they could be 'theoretically killed at any time'?This is a false equivalence. Spare me your shallow fallacies.
06-01-2015, 07:00 PM
You should put the new No time restriction engine into unstable. It would be no difference from the 2:25 hour engine already in there that is locked. Even if you changed it to 24 hours pushed it to public so we could pull latest wouldn't the engine still be locked like the one i use from unstable at the moment.
Yes, please bear with us while we are working on the distribution method and finalising the separation of scripts from AGPL. Once both of those are done we will start accepting the requests.
Thanks for the update. I thought with this thread being posted and what Vlada posted, we were just waiting for you to get back into town. Did not realize things were still not complete. Ill be awaiting the email.
06-01-2015, 08:29 PM
Thanks for the update. I thought with this thread being posted and what Vlada posted, we were just waiting for you to get back into town. Did not realize things were still not complete. Ill be awaiting the email.
Well, considering that TA wasn't here, I could only guess what was going to happen. It appears i guessed wrong. Sorry about that. To make it up to you I am willing to send you a picture of a very cute baby animal of your choosing.
Actions speak louder than words. If your intention is for the good of the project, why is the engine source not freely available under a GPL or similar license?
I can't see any benefit to the project in keeping it closed.
I cannot agree more and you were in our shoes back in the day, you would probably see the same benefits. We had a fresh engine needed to be tested to the oblivion. We could maximize concurrent users this way to do the job.
On the other hand it was damned hard to trust anyone after having theft, betrayal, cheating, hacking, **** stirring and all kinds of crazy **** among developer ranks. All we wanted was to get away from drama so we could not afford risking something that wouldn't really help development. People even had a rough time using the engine on the application side so letting them develop it, which is by far more complex, didn't seem a viable option that could benefit the project.
Later on, had the chance to use the engine in commercial projects. Imagine hackers tearing apart such an immature engine causing the company a great deal of loss, so this completely closed the door for releasing it.
Whether or not this was the right decision, we did it in belief of doing it for the good of the project.
06-02-2015, 01:40 AM
It was the right decision Oru, sometimes people forget what they have. You, TA, and the rest of the dev's gave us swg again after a certain company closed it. I can not Thank you enough, TA, and the staff enough for giving us this back. I tried my hand at being a CSR, I would like to do it again but Vlada is a tough one, I am kidding, I learned so much from Vlada from being there and from Bigevil and Elly. Oru, and TA, keep this project going and Thankyou all for what you do!
06-05-2015, 02:54 AM
I cannot agree more and you were in our shoes back in the day, you would probably see the same benefits. We had a fresh engine needed to be tested to the oblivion. We could maximize concurrent users this way to do the job.
On the other hand it was damned hard to trust anyone after having theft, betrayal, cheating, hacking, **** stirring and all kinds of crazy **** among developer ranks. All we wanted was to get away from drama so we could not afford risking something that wouldn't really help development. People even had a rough time using the engine on the application side so letting them develop it, which is by far more complex, didn't seem a viable option that could benefit the project.
Later on, had the chance to use the engine in commercial projects. Imagine hackers tearing apart such an immature engine causing the company a great deal of loss, so this completely closed the door for releasing it.
Whether or not this was the right decision, we did it in belief of doing it for the good of the project.
You talked about an engine5 for the emu a few posts back. Out of curiosity have you thought about releasing engine3 to opensource once engine5 is up and out?
06-05-2015, 02:18 PM
Probably not. Only in rare instances will you see a commercial software package open up it's source (for the older versions) after it's upgraded to a newer version. Actually, I don't recall ever seeing that happen in reality...
I've seen older versions have their license restrictions removed, and basically become a free to use product, but I've never seen anyone open up their copyrighted source...
Probably not. Only in rare instances will you see a commercial software package open up it's source (for the older versions) after it's upgraded to a newer version. Actually, I don't recall ever seeing that happen in reality...
I've seen older versions have their license restrictions removed, and basically become a free to use product, but I've never seen anyone open up their copyrighted source...
Doom, Wolfenstein3D, Quake{1,2,3}
MS-DOS v1/v2
MS Word 1.1a
just to pick a few famous examples ;-)
06-05-2015, 10:40 PM
so yeah, in 20 years you might get engine3. :-p
06-05-2015, 11:10 PM
You talked about an engine5 for the emu a few posts back. Out of curiosity have you thought about releasing engine3 to opensource once engine5 is up and out?
If he is using the so called engine5 instead and no one else is using engine3, he could release it as open source and see if he made the mistake or if he made the correct decision and he could decide where to go with engine5 or any other new engine from there. may be one of those "what's the harm in it"
Even if it is 20 years, there still may be a bit of fun poking around it in and saying "holy cow, i can't believe swgemu ran on this for so many years!"
06-06-2015, 03:37 AM
Even if it is 20 years, there still may be a bit of fun poking around it in and saying "holy cow, i can't believe swgemu ran on this for so many years!"
That I cannot disagree with. it would be fun to poke around in it, and Oru / TA might yet surprise me.
Regardless of the type of software, library, or other... Intellectual property, copyrights, and patents that are licensed under contract, usually but not always, are worded such that all reversions of the IP are covered under the contract. if that makes sense. Basically, if Oru licensed Engine3 for X use in X project, and signed a 15 year deal, maybe containing support and upgrades, then more than likely that same contract would prohibit him from opening up prior versions as part of a non-competition agreement. With all the software I've delt with, this is a very common practice. Otherwise you could license engine3, upgrade them to engine5, then give their competition (and the rest of the world) free access to engine3, which would definitely cause competitive issues, even if engine5 was better... I can't image any company that would spend big bucks for a software package knowing that their investment was wasted when prior versions go public... I've never seen "THAT" happen, and in fact have seen the opposite done precisely for that reason.
My experience is with more statistical & portfolio management software, forward modeling software, financial reporting software... but either way it's still the same thing. There's no way the folk who make the "What's best" plugin for excel are ever going to open up their sourcecode libraries from 5 years back, even if they've completely changed architecture. why would they give their competition that advantage? IF engine3 was only used for SWGEmu then I'd see no serious competition disadvantage and opening it up would be reasonable, especially if they upgrade to engine5. However, IF engine3 has been contracted and licensed out to 3rd parties that ARE using it for a competitive advantage, and paid well for it, then why would they allow Oru to open up old revisions to the public??? doesn't make sense.
It's ALL speculation at this point, but this is how I've read and interpreted their use of engine3 since the first time I whined about the 2.5hr limit several years ago. Honestly, I preferred the 5 connection limit with an unlimited up-time, like it was at first (although that might predate engine3, I can't rightly recall any longer). What I need doesn't require anymore than 2 concurrent login's, but unlimited up-time sure takes the guesswork out of logging statistics...
P.S. I'm just using "what's best" as an example since it's the latest 3rd party plugin I've had to battle with recently... Nice plugin, don't rightly like it much tho. :-)
06-08-2015, 03:05 PM
Well it really is speculation because we don't know if he is using it commercially or if he was if he still is. Or even if those companies are using it still, can you imagine getting a windows server license 15 years ago and still be using it (I don't know of many companies who still use Windows servers and if they do they have been migrating to Linux for a while). Really the only thing we know 100% is that he owns and probably sells Engine3 licenses however a quick search of engine3 online only returns unreal engine and unity 3.0 revisions.
06-08-2015, 10:56 PM
Nice explanation Oru..
We have had Scurby drop by our server's vent we play on a few times, as he has been making the rounds.. and he is a big advocate of combining our strengths for a solid common core . etc etc... so in that spirit, if we can re-focus the thread back to it's intent, that would be very constructive....
06-09-2015, 09:49 PM
Thank you for your interest in SWGEmu. Your application has been received and is under review. Your patience and input is greatly appreciated as we walk through this process. "
Anyone received the engine yet? This the only mail I have received.
06-10-2015, 09:27 PM
Thank you for your interest in SWGEmu. Your application has been received and is under review. Your patience and input is greatly appreciated as we walk through this process. "
Anyone received the engine yet? This the only mail I have received.
We received the same. Give 'em some time. ;)
06-11-2015, 07:08 AM
Thank you for your interest in SWGEmu. Your application has been received and is under review. Your patience and input is greatly appreciated as we walk through this process. "
Anyone received the engine yet? This the only mail I have received.
They most likely thought that everyone would be on board with playing on a non hacked engine and would agree with the new license, since they know there is a server that has refused to and they will have to use legal action against them they might have to come up with a way to make sure only people who sign the new license gets their good engine. Or heck they maybe just taking a break after getting the new pub put.
06-11-2015, 02:22 PM
I've always thought limiting downloads on future code to people who hold the approved license would be reasonable. Seems to be the "way of the world".
06-18-2015, 02:43 PM
No news for the first lifting of restriction?
06-19-2015, 07:57 AM
You know those feels when something you are REALLY looking forward to is coming but you have to be all adult and patient and not froth at the mouth about it? That.
06-21-2015, 12:19 AM
Application submitted for RogueOne. Thanks!
06-25-2015, 12:15 PM
Once we get this 24 hour non timer restricted engine are we going to have to go through all of the hurdles again just to get what basilisk has now 2-3 day up time . seems like a huge pyramid scheme in my eyes. So we go from a 2.25 hour timer that's taken you guys since 2006 to give us , WE only get this option if we turn over all of our files opensource to everyone . Is this non timer restriction only a 1 day engine or are we going to have to go through all of this crap again to get the 2-3 day engine that basilisk has as well..???
06-25-2015, 01:08 PM
I could be wrong, but I don't think it's the engine that determines the uptime on Basilisk. It's the server code itself. As it becomes more stable after each publish, the uptime improves.
edit: hopefully a red-name will chime in and either correct or confirm my statement soon :)
06-25-2015, 01:13 PM
Basilisk has not time restrictions, same as the engine without time restrictions that will be distributed. Basilisk uptime depends on the stability of the core and/or on the need for fixes or patches that need to be pushed.
06-26-2015, 07:47 PM
I know this isn't the topic for this discussion, but I have to say it.
You guys did an excellent job! The game is really out of this world, I've always wanted to play it and now I can. All thanks to you! :D
Keep up the good work!
06-28-2015, 03:19 PM
Revelation Online ( is Online since 3 days 17 hours 15 minutes 33 seconds
we getting this soon or whats up?
Revelation Online ( is Online since 3 days 17 hours 15 minutes 33 seconds
we getting this soon or whats up?
Good question thrax.
06-28-2015, 07:42 PM
It does appear that we are taking our time, but we currently have all hands on deck because of the Pub7 and ironing out most urgent bugs and stability fixes. I don't think anyone can/will focus on applications before Bas is deemed stable and focus is shifted fully to Pub8.
Tarn Sirun
07-12-2015, 11:16 AM
I have spent about 6 hours reading everything that I have missed in regards to development, not drama, over the last 6 months that I have been gone. I have submitted my application for the core3 server with the segfault free coding and look forward to when I am able to get it up and running, I have an entire guild of players who have been waiting for this day for years and we greatly appreciate all the hard work that the SWGEmu team have put into this project. Many of our guilds coding literate people have been waiting for the chance to modify the server to expand its functionality for additional content and have no problem sharing that information with the community, but those who are looking for nostalgia might not like it as our changes might be visual as well and content based. Thank you again for all the work you have done SWGEmu team!
07-15-2015, 07:27 AM
Just PM Scurby on IRC or ask in #swgemuservers. I've been away for almost 2 weeks so I'm a bit out of the loop right now.
07-15-2015, 02:40 PM
Any update?
Yeah, I believe I've found a bug with the re-sets also. We've had a few harvesters that bugged on our server that players have reported a bug so an admin toon can pick it up. I have finally been able to re-create this bug and it takes opening the harvester in the 3 minutes before the server reset that is in the rollback. After server re-set, the toon trying to get into the Harvey is de-synced upon trying to interact with the harvey and requires a hard-log to be able to see the radial.
Yeah, I believe I've found a bug with the re-sets also. We've had a few harvesters that bugged on our server that players have reported a bug so an admin toon can pick it up. I have finally been able to re-create this bug and it takes opening the harvester in the 3 minutes before the server reset that is in the rollback. After server re-set, the toon trying to get into the Harvey is de-synced upon trying to interact with the harvey and requires a hard-log to be able to see the radial.
I've noticed a few screwy things going on with with the resets. I know I've experienced some issues with the player structures database. I suspect that the new engine is causing some problems with the save near the 2.5 hour reset.
Getting this unrestricted engine is a priority for sure. I'm not trying to be "that guy", but it has been since April when this was announced and we're still waiting at this point...
07-15-2015, 05:25 PM
I've noticed a few screwy things going on with with the resets. I know I've experienced some issues with the player structures database. I suspect that the new engine is causing some problems with the save near the 2.5 hour reset.
Getting this unrestricted engine is a priority for sure. I'm not trying to be "that guy", but it has been since April when this was announced and we're still waiting at this point...
Like i said, asking on forums wont change a thing. Folks that are actually in charge or have any kind of info about it, rarely ever visit forums or reply to questions here.
07-15-2015, 06:31 PM
Yeah, I believe I've found a bug with the re-sets also. We've had a few harvesters that bugged on our server that players have reported a bug so an admin toon can pick it up. I have finally been able to re-create this bug and it takes opening the harvester in the 3 minutes before the server reset that is in the rollback. After server re-set, the toon trying to get into the Harvey is de-synced upon trying to interact with the harvey and requires a hard-log to be able to see the radial.
It's not a de-synch and it's not a bug with the server. It's a bug with the client and how it handles radial menus. We've been telling people for years to always restart your client every time the server is restarted.
07-15-2015, 08:52 PM
It's not a de-synch and it's not a bug with the server. It's a bug with the client and how it handles radial menus. We've been telling people for years to always restart your client every time the server is restarted.
Thanks for the info. This was one that we we're not going to do anything about due to the licensing and that should make it "all better" after that anyway.
You can however, get the radial on any of the other harvys that you hadn't opened during the roll-back period without a hard log.
07-15-2015, 11:16 PM
I've noticed a few screwy things going on with with the resets. I know I've experienced some issues with the player structures database. I suspect that the new engine is causing some problems with the save near the 2.5 hour reset.
Getting this unrestricted engine is a priority for sure. I'm not trying to be "that guy", but it has been since April when this was announced and we're still waiting at this point...
Strangely, Awakening has been seeing a similar issue. We have had several instances post-pub7 time frame, that seem to cause issues with the player structure database. I also believe this can be attributed to the "public" version of the engine when used in servers with high traffic.
It's been 3 months since the announcement...
Honestly, should larger servers start looking at other options? (I just want things to start moving forward)
07-16-2015, 01:33 AM
It's been 3 months since the announcement...
Honestly, should larger servers start looking at other options? (I just want things to start moving forward)
I would suggest you, and everyone else who has applied, continue to wait patiently.
I know for a fact that TA & Scurby have been hard at work reviewing & refining, but still---as trite as this may sound---we are all volunteers here w/ limited rl time to devote.
This entire announcement process is obviously top-priority though, so rest assured there will undoubtedly be an official comprehensive update as soon as humanly possible.
As to your 'similar server issue' : Be sure to read Ivojedi's reply above.
Applied a few days ago for SWG-Europa, I know there is no ETA, but at least, it will be good to have a confirmation to the subsciption from SWGEmu team.
Thank you.
08-06-2015, 08:24 PM
Since I've applied for this my server Reset 425 times in 5 months 84 times a week 12 times a day Any hope for us server owners soon ?
08-06-2015, 10:52 PM
I'm not a server owner, but having played (and play) on several, I hope to see the resets go away soon!
08-06-2015, 11:28 PM
I would suggest you, and everyone else who has applied, continue to wait patiently.
I know for a fact that TA & Scurby have been hard at work reviewing & refining, but still---as trite as this may sound---we are all volunteers here w/ limited rl time to devote.
This entire announcement process is obviously top-priority though, so rest assured there will undoubtedly be an official comprehensive update as soon as humanly possible.
As others have eluded too... we have been very patient. We ask that this be moved forward. We are starting to see a loss in momentum that was gained from the announcement and a higher level of frustration over resets (especially since they were set to an absolute 2.5).
08-06-2015, 11:29 PM
I am afraid that you will have to wait a bit longer for for a definitive answer.
08-06-2015, 11:33 PM
I am afraid that you will have to wait a bit longer for for a definitive answer.
Honestly, we've already had an answer. We were asked to become part of a larger group (and an understanding) in the AGPL. We are waiting for a release of an unlocked Engine, so our players can stop being tortured. It hurts the players of the SWG community as a whole... if that matters.
08-07-2015, 01:25 AM
Honestly, we've already had an answer. We were asked to become part of a larger group (and an understanding) in the AGPL. We are waiting for a release of an unlocked Engine, so our players can stop being tortured. It hurts the players of the SWG community as a whole... if that matters.
With all due respect, Ed is correct. Please stop torturing us. We, at Awakening (among other servers), have been beyond patient in waiting for the unlocked engine and the end of the dreaded 2.5 hour reset. This not only directly affects our game play but is starting to wear on our community. New people are confused and we have to continually explain what is happening. Each reset forces us to either a) stop playing up to 10 minutes prior or b) accept some type of minor rollback. How is this fair? Imagine how your player base would feel if they were subected to this.
Please let us finally play in uninterrupted peace.
Thank you.
Maldred - A concerned Awakening player
08-07-2015, 01:42 AM
There is the foundation of something really special over at Awakening.
As Joseph Cinque screamed in the famous movie Amistad...."GIVE US FREE." and unshackle us.
I agree with the above posts. At this point, you have to wonder if this was ever really going to happen. I loved the whole idea behind the AGPL change as it would hopefully get us closer to a complete game, which benefits us all.
I'm hoping that the SWGEmu team follows through. There are other options for removing the timer, but I hope to stick it out with the new license change because it benefits the SWG community as a whole. I'd rather be a part of the SWGEmu community, than against it, like some other server communities.
08-07-2015, 04:09 AM
I was really excited for the announcment of the agpl changes and the possibility of a reset free engine. I've played on and supported the swgemu project since I found out about it towards the beginning of the NGE and I've been keeping track of the progress off and on for YEARS. The possibility that a game I love could be ressurected so that all of us who love and enjoy star wars galaxies could once again play was a feeling like nothing else. When I first logged onto this game I litterally burst into tears of joy that my game was back.
The removal of the resets and collaboration of all these communites can do nothing but be a benefit to everyone as a whole, making it so that everyone can come together and get this project done that much sooner is a GOOD thing and I hope the staff over here at swgemu will see that this is needed as quickly as they are able. RL comes first of course but I'm anxiously anticipating this!
I take all the responsiblity for this. Stole TheAnswer for another project where we have a close deadline for an upcoming release and had no time to move forward with this. Don't worry the unlimited engine is still on, just need some breathe to finish it up to be released.
Thanks for your answer Oru, maybe you should confirm to us the requests you received.
Because, at this point, the server owners who have made a request haven't received any confirmation yet about their licence request.
08-07-2015, 12:37 PM
these reset timers are a detriment to the casual player who is trying to juggle real life and a little game time. please take care of this
08-07-2015, 01:34 PM
I take all the responsiblity for this. Stole TheAnswer for another project where we have a close deadline for an upcoming release and had no time to move forward with this. Don't worry the unlimited engine is still on, just need some breathe to finish it up to be released.
Thank you for your reply Oru. I am sure Scurby also appreciates it, after being asked 2478349243 times. ;)
Because, at this point, the server owners who have made a request haven't received any confirmation yet about their licence request.
That is true, and even though some of the smaller servers may not make the cut at this time, I'm sure they'd like to know what is required, etc.
I'm hoping that the SWGEmu team follows through. There are other options for removing the timer, but I hope to stick it out with the new license change because it benefits the SWG community as a whole. I'd rather be a part of the SWGEmu community, than against it, like some other server communities.
Awakening absolutely agrees with this! I am glad to see others, with this mindset. We also want to remain as part of the larger SWGEMU "extended" family (as a partner under the AGPL). It is sad to see other server owners who didn't honor the Engine restriction and didn't have the patience to wait for the green light (agreement and permission). I do understand the desire to have an unlocked Engine (TRUST ME... Awakening as one of the larger private servers really wants this), but to date we have honored the engine creator, in the spirit of the SWGEMU community. I guess we can only hope there is such a thing as karma.
With that said, over the last year, I've lobbied very hard for a partner program with SWGEMU, in many outlets. When it was announced, it was honestly like a dream come true. Please Oru and TA, make this a reality and harness the additional support from all the other communities within SWGEMU's "extended" family. People honestly want to be part of the bigger picture, but understand, so many are so anxious to play... it's been 10+ years... that's a LONG time for folks to only "test", so I hope you guys understand (I really do). In turn, the play server communities should encourage their players to help SWGEMU with testing and direct donations. I know Awakening will... I already have an announcement prepared for this, that will be posted as top Announcement!
08-07-2015, 06:15 PM
2.5 hour restarts freakin suck. Stahp them please
I take all the responsiblity for this. Stole TheAnswer for another project where we have a close deadline for an upcoming release and had no time to move forward with this. Don't worry the unlimited engine is still on, just need some breathe to finish it up to be released.
We do appreciate you taking the time to reply. As a player on the Awakening server I can tell you we support the swgemu project and our community looks for forward to every single new code publish and fix we can get to test. I know our devs and the devs over at Reckoning have been working together to try to help the project as much as they can in the small ways that they have available to them! We are so excited with the promise of the new engine.
08-08-2015, 01:37 AM
Thanks for your answer Oru, maybe you should confirm to us the requests you received.
Because, at this point, the server owners who have made a request haven't received any confirmation yet about their licence request.
Maybe it was just us early adopters / appliers, but I received a confirmation email stating that they received my request and it was under review. I haven't heard anything since, but I wouldn't expect to if they haven't finished all the machinations on their end.
08-08-2015, 10:34 AM
...I received a confirmation email stating that they received my request and it was under review. I haven't heard anything since...
We've received the same...
08-08-2015, 03:58 PM
Welease Wodderwick!
Sorry wrong thread....
Please get rid of the 2.5 hr reset. Its rubbish.
08-08-2015, 05:52 PM
I take all the responsiblity for this. Stole TheAnswer for another project where we have a close deadline for an upcoming release and had no time to move forward with this. Don't worry the unlimited engine is still on, just need some breathe to finish it up to be released.
Thats great. I know many on Awakening have been waiting for this :)!!! Thanks for your work.
08-08-2015, 11:35 PM
hmmm just take the reset out so play can long it suck that it in there and as a player on awakening are admin are great the swg people need to get the act to gether and take the reset so us player can play
Tameli Starrider
08-09-2015, 07:52 AM
You all stated that swg people act together :) Then why you dont commit your bugs back ?
Would be a good signal to swgemu that playservers can help too.
08-09-2015, 03:14 PM
I had never logged into another swg emu server before Awakening. While many of the people that I enjoyed playing the live game on do play on that server.. My play style doesn't permit me to play on a server which restarts that often.
I had grown bored of playing on Bas partly because my friends weren't here and partly because of over saturation of crafting players and finally not wanting to put time into a server that was going to be wiped in the long run anyway.
I understand that you guys want to have people test in your environment and think that could be the only reason for installing such a frustrating feature for people who operate other servers.. but wouldn't it be better to have people test in ANY environment instead of just quitting like I have done? I don't really expect an answer btw.. just food for thought.
08-09-2015, 04:29 PM
With that said, over the last year, I've lobbied very hard for a partner program with SWGEMU, in many outlets. When it was announced, it was honestly like a dream come true.
This isn't a partner program. It's licensing.
08-09-2015, 06:06 PM
You all stated that swg people act together :) Then why you dont commit your bugs back ?
Would be a good signal to swgemu that playservers can help too.
There is actually a section on mantis where people can list bugs that they experience on alternative servers, as long as it can be replicated on nova.
To get to it, you log in to and on the dropdown menu where it says all projects, go to swgemu servers - alternate. We very much do want to work together with you guys.
08-09-2015, 07:51 PM
This isn't a partner program. It's licensing.
Of course it's licensing... however, since there will be understandings, agreements, acknowledgments and/or offerings along with it, it would be considered a partnering or affiliate program within a business setting.
As one of the largest private SWG server that has followed "the rules" and not tried to hack or alter the SWGEMU (Engine3) engine, we will be proud to encourage players to contribute what they can to SWGEMU, as a partner.
08-09-2015, 08:05 PM
Really looking forward to having the 2.5hour rests removed. :)
Currently near impossible to complete DWB with it active.
Nothing but good can come from this partnership! Really looking forward to this. :)
08-10-2015, 12:18 PM
2.5 hours reset removed would be 2 thumbs up in my mind, would love to test more of that end game content like dwb to get those bugs worked out!
08-10-2015, 02:29 PM
There is actually a section on mantis where people can list bugs that they experience on alternative servers, as long as it can be replicated on nova.
To get to it, you log in to and on the dropdown menu where it says all projects, go to swgemu servers - alternate. We very much do want to work together with you guys.
And it seems to be working very well. I have posted myself. We highly encourage bugs to be listed there for bugs with the standard Core3 for any and all players on our server.
This isn't a partner program. It's licensing.
Then, perhaps it should be a "partnering program", at least in cooperation aspects. I know from what Scurby has said in my vent that there are some here that regard this program as a "partnering" of bug reporting, submitting code to fix, bugs, etc. If we get all of us, SWGEMU and the other servers working together on 14.1 content and bug squashing, your job will go a lot faster and a lot easier. We already know that content such as post 14.1 housing should not be submitted, however Timbab is taking care of that one, so there is budding cooperation in post 14.1 content as well.
08-10-2015, 03:41 PM
Like i said, asking on forums wont change a thing. Folks that are actually in charge or have any kind of info about it, rarely ever visit forums or reply to questions here.
Well that's certainly a shame Vlada, Uninformed is uninformed.
Not sure why they would introduce a 2.5hr reset on a server. it certainly doesn't make much sense to me, but then again, I am very small.
Of course it's licensing... however, since there will be understandings, agreements, acknowledgments and/or offerings along with it, it would be considered a partnering or affiliate program within a business setting.
As one of the largest private SWG server that has followed "the rules" and not tried to hack or alter the SWGEMU (Engine3) engine, we will be proud to encourage players to contribute what they can to SWGEMU, as a partner.
Is there a way I can lick this post? .... err I mean like?
08-11-2015, 01:22 AM
Well that's certainly a shame Vlada, Uninformed is uninformed.
Not sure why they would introduce a 2.5hr reset on a server. it certainly doesn't make much sense to me, but then again, I am very small.
Is there a way I can lick this post? .... err I mean like?
Go back and re-read all 7 pages. There's some history in there that will answer a few of your questions... - Duff
08-11-2015, 03:32 PM
I would love to see it removed. It disrupts much of the flow of a game like this with a persistent environment.
Many players take this time to exit the game, even if they normally would have spent another hour grinding, or roleplaying, or farming NS in a group or any of the other myriad of activities we enjoy.
It's disruptive, plain and simple.
08-11-2015, 04:13 PM
Did you guys even read the post and the replies?
We will be pushing the engine as soon as we can, most of us are busy with RL. The release was not cancelled.
08-11-2015, 10:33 PM
We will be pushing the engine as soon as we can, most of us are busy with RL. The release was not cancelled.
TA, definitely understandable. RL always comes first. I just think after 10+ years people are somewhat anxious. :)
08-11-2015, 11:59 PM
They use engine 5 we are only getting engine 3 unlocked they will still be better then all of the other private servers.
Not to mention about 25 percent of that engine is mission in engine 3 compared to the engine 5 that is fully loaded with things missing in the engine 3 I was already told this and was confirmed.
Id rather have engine 5 then this unlocked engine 3 to be honest .
Correct me if im wrong bask and nova use engine 5. The dev environment uses engine 3. Private servers users use engine 3 . Unlocked new engine will be engine core 3 engine 3 unlocked not 4 or 5 ...
they still have the upper hand and always will with engine 4 and engine 5 that they are currently using that will not ever go to any of us since its closed source .
This is definitely a valid concern that we should have addressed a long time ago but as me and TA were always for the good of this project we never signed a contract in good faith. In fact our intention is right the opposite. We are discussing to use a later version of the engine (engine5, what a surprise :P) for the emu as well, that could enable core3 to support way more concurrent players on multiple nodes. Anyways, an unlimited lifetime license should be granted on paper so i will get to the lawyers about it.
I'm not allowed to share any project names where it is being used, but one could easily find information looking at the right places.. ;)
08-12-2015, 12:54 AM
They use engine 5 we are only getting engine 3 unlocked they will still be better then all of the other private servers.
Not to mention about 25 percent of that engine is mission in engine 3 compared to the engine 5 that is fully loaded with things missing in the engine 3 I was already told this and was confirmed.
Id rather have engine 5 then this unlocked engine 3 to be honest .
Correct me if im wrong bask and nova use engine 5. The dev environment uses engine 3. Private servers users use engine 3 . Unlocked new engine will be engine core 3 engine 3 unlocked not 4 or 5 ...
they still have the upper hand and always will with engine 4 and engine 5 that they are currently using that will not ever go to any of us since its closed source .
Think you misunderstood Oru... he said they were discussing using Engine 5, not that we are at this time.
08-12-2015, 06:45 AM
They use engine 5 we are only getting engine 3 unlocked they will still be better then all of the other private servers.
Not to mention about 25 percent of that engine is mission in engine 3 compared to the engine 5 that is fully loaded with things missing in the engine 3 I was already told this and was confirmed.
Id rather have engine 5 then this unlocked engine 3 to be honest .
Correct me if im wrong bask and nova use engine 5. The dev environment uses engine 3. Private servers users use engine 3 . Unlocked new engine will be engine core 3 engine 3 unlocked not 4 or 5 ...
they still have the upper hand and always will with engine 4 and engine 5 that they are currently using that will not ever go to any of us since its closed source .
engine5 is not a drop-in replacement of engine3. To use engine5 core3 would need substantial patching(weeks/months of work), and that is what Oru was trying to say.
Bas is using engine3, nova is using engine3 like the rest of the development team and servers.
engine5 is not a drop-in replacement of engine3. To use engine5 core3 would need substantial patching(weeks/months of work), and that is what Oru was trying to say.
Bas is using engine3, nova is using engine3 like the rest of the development team and servers.
Yes, that's the way I understood it.
Engine 5 is being used in commercial ventures, while Engine 3 is being used here.
Looking forward, as I'm sure many are, to an engine that is not restricted in any way.
08-12-2015, 02:20 PM
Really hope the 2.5 hours reset is removed soon so groups actually manage to complete high end stuff at present my buffs last longer than my group!
08-13-2015, 02:09 AM
Thanks for the clarification. And also thank you and the team for working towards this unrestricted time release for everyone.
08-13-2015, 05:40 AM
That 2.5 hour reset kills my flow, kills my groups, kills my gameplay, and kills my mood. It is a total killer, like thinking about your grandmother in a bikini when you are about to kiss the hottest woman on earth. Not that I know what that's like....
Much love guys and gals. All of your work is highly appreciated. I would just be pleased as punch to see this thorn removed from our favorite game and community.
08-20-2015, 12:12 AM
Im just a hardcore player and i checked in since i last posted and while there have been answers i suppose
Things could be so much better IMO with some progression if the resets were removed and as a group effort help as a whole.
I dont code but why wouldnt it be easy to just extend the time it is now?
The iron is hot and ready to strike. If you miss this September you may lose alot more interest because of the new star wars games as well how much interest one can bring to this project wanes if its done too late.
08-26-2015, 08:52 AM
Great job Vlas... team.. Great job on your work all those years.
I Really wondered about those servers who were developing and not sharing, why? when you love starwars, when you love the game, the grinding.
Why do you want to build a new server and keep the inventions to yourself? This is a great step in the right direction. I stopped playing because of my internet provider's crappy line. it's a bit better now.
i come back see some reactions. Of course some finds the nge better, but shouldn't we first make the basic code work perfectly? together?
I even mailed eve-online and said you have the experience to bring an old game to a new level.. please do the same with starwars galaxies.. (no answer of course , i had 10 accounts there)
why are we playing swg? because we like it.. so please just contribute instead of the look how good i am attitude, on the other servers.
how many servers are online with a devteam? 10? you have in total 10 devteams? that's more than a regular sofwaremanufacturer I have worked at one as a systemadministrator.
Together we can bring starwars to the world. Alone we just fixing that what must be fixed in the future and it will take ages.
Jeraan Taruk
08-26-2015, 12:16 PM
Firstly, I am greatly appreciative of what you guys are doing here. Always have been. And I will continue to support the efforts of the team. I can even understand the commercial purposes etc.
I have tried to sit and read through the terms and conditions. But I'd like a clearer answer if possible.
I understand the new licence means sharing between projects servers etc, to allow the milestones of basalisk to be reached, ie, JTL content etc. However, what is the decision regarding content that does not confirm to the milestones set out? That kind of custom content, ie for example, a new weapon, would be required to be shared under licence?
Kind Regards,
08-31-2015, 04:19 PM
Did you guys even read the post and the replies?
We will be pushing the engine as soon as we can, most of us are busy with RL. The release was not cancelled.
Read all the posts, sat and waited diligently but no sign of unrestricted engine...
Gotta say what i guess many people are thinking that the promise of the new engine is kinda like a carrot to a donkey, get all the hard work done by others for the promise of a treat but yet allways just beyond thier grasp.
Stop holding back and deliver on your promise, Everyone else has!
08-31-2015, 04:38 PM
I take all the responsiblity for this. Stole TheAnswer for another project where we have a close deadline for an upcoming release and had no time to move forward with this. Don't worry the unlimited engine is still on, just need some breathe to finish it up to be released.
any further updates on this? it would be nice to finally be free of the 2.5 hour reset
08-31-2015, 11:39 PM
Did you guys even read the post and the replies?
We will be pushing the engine as soon as we can, most of us are busy with RL. The release was not cancelled.
Set a date when it will be done Deliver on that Date STOP DRAGGING THIS OUT. Takes yet a few moments to remove the timer You Know This...
And answer What do you mean most of us are busy ITs only you that we need to remove the Timer what are you talking about "most are busy with RL"
So simple just add nova TC engine to latest boom let all operators pull /latest and move on with our work . The engines closed anyways we cant fiddle around with it unless we want to violate your agreement. What are you dragging this out for your nova has no restriction and its for Testing purposes The community also needs this vastly available so we can test content that takes longer then 2.25 hours and there is content still to be added that will take longer then this to test.
Community effort man whats up with this High Horse crap .
08-31-2015, 11:48 PM
Set a date when it will be done Deliver on that Date STOP DRAGGING THIS OUT. Takes yet a few moments to remove the timer You Know This...
And answer What do you mean most of us are busy ITs only you that we need to remove the Timer what are you talking about "most are busy with RL"
So simple just add nova TC engine to latest boom let all operators pull /latest and move on with our work . The engines closed anyways we cant fiddle around with it unless we want to violate your agreement. What are you dragging this out for your nova has no restriction and its for Testing purposes The community also needs this vastly available so we can test content that takes longer then 2.25 hours and there is content still to be added that will take longer then this to test.
Community effort man whats up with this High Horse crap .
While i understand your frustration, you need to take a step back, take a deep breath and refrain from lashing out on folks you want/need something from. While I too am tired of waiting and answering random PM's and the same question over and over again with a few empty phrases, all we can do is be patient and wait. Nothing ever gets done here over night, or over 20 nights... But it gets done eventually. Please be patient, even though patience appears to be in short supply nowadays.
Thank you.
09-01-2015, 03:59 AM
I appreciate the efforts you go to keeping people calm. I am eagerly awaiting this pushed asap. Please hurry. It has been a long time since May.
09-02-2015, 03:29 AM
While i understand your frustration, you need to take a step back, take a deep breath and refrain from lashing out on folks you want/need something from. While I too am tired of waiting and answering random PM's and the same question over and over again with a few empty phrases, all we can do is be patient and wait. Nothing ever gets done here over night, or over 20 nights... But it gets done eventually. Please be patient, even though patience appears to be in short supply nowadays.
Thank you.
While we all appreciate everything the EMU team does for the SWG community as a whole you are correct Vlada, our patience is starting to be in short supply. Can you really blame us though? From our perspective this was announced in April and everyone was happy. Then May came and went, as did June and July now August is behind us and it's been 4 months since the initial announcement. To rub salt in the proverbial wound just under a month ago we receive word, in this very thread, that this is still slated to move forward. But still nothing. Look, I get it. People are busy. No fault in that. But, you have to agree that the time this is taking with little communication is the reason our patience has worn thin. I am sure your intentions are admirable and you want what we all want: The entire community to grow, thrive and succeed no matter what server we play on. We are not beating at your door with torches and pitchforks. We just would like a real time frame we can expect the unlocked engine to be available. All of the communities are your extended family and we've been both patient and supportive in this monumental endeavor. All we ask is the same courtesy in return.
So I humbly ask...When can we realistically expect this to move forward?
Thank you.
09-02-2015, 06:24 AM
So I humbly ask...When can we realistically expect this to move forward?
And i can only give you the "standard" answer, soon™.
09-02-2015, 01:28 PM
And i can only give you the "standard" answer, soon™.
Thanks Vlada, I appreciate the reply. "Soon" still means when then becomes now, right? ;)
09-02-2015, 06:10 PM
We are patiently waiting but I can understand the frustration.
But Oru and The Answer have explained the delay in finalizing the licence and distribution mechanism. Vlada keeps pointing out that there has been no change in the plan to roll this out.
The players on servers that are frustrated with the perodic resets coming in here and asking when this will happen does nothing to accelerate the process. Server operators that hear frustration about it from the players on their server coming here and trying to rush it along are also not helping.
Asking if it is moving forward periodically is OK, but if someone has asked and answered in the previous two weeks is probably frequent enough and if someone has asked given them a day or two to reply.
This project has done a lot, especially in the last year, so I am comfortable that it will happen. Like the others I would prefer it to be sooner or later, but part of what people like about SWG, especially the pre-CU, is that it takes patience to achieve things in the game. That willingness to be patient needs to carry over to the forums and toward the project.
09-02-2015, 09:02 PM
The players on servers that are frustrated with the perodic resets coming in here and asking when this will happen does nothing to accelerate the process. Server operators that hear frustration about it from the players on their server coming here and trying to rush it along are also not helping.
Asking if it is moving forward periodically is OK, but if someone has asked and answered in the previous two weeks is probably frequent enough and if someone has asked given them a day or two to reply.
If not for us coming on this forum to check if there has been any progression...we wouldnt have gotten those "answers" two weeks ago. So it is helping.
It helps so that the people here see and others see that there is still an interest for the reset change / open source. In my opinion it has progressed beyond theory and was to be implemented.
One could easily argue that swgemu could lose their control over this, or the approved servers may actually help swgemu and/or possibly garner more interest to the project as a whole.
For those that have had their applications for this approved, out of good faith, a reset timer change should be made.
Lots of new star wars things around coming out very soon, many may not even bother with this anymore, and that effects the project as a whole.
Its laughably shortsighted to maintain the reset timer on approved private servers.
Finally, three words sayings "it is licensing" or " soon" are not answers.
Setting a Date a month from now on a definitive answer or release says a lot about how serious SWGemu actually is, if the real answer is December (why tease for it 8 months?) or we are afraid that once we open source it we lose our should check you sig quote and question whether people like me are those "people" or its others that will ultimately be responsible for ruining swg...
Finally, three words sayings "it is licensing" or " soon" are not answers.
Setting a Date a month from now on a definitive answer or release says a lot about how serious SWGemu actually is, if the real answer is December (why tease for it 8 months?) or we are afraid that once we open source it we lose our should check you sig quote and question whether people like me are those "people" or its others that will ultimately be responsible for ruining swg...
Why do I hate to read such things? This is where the cat gets her tail and the daily marmot greets. From core1 to core3. Some things do change, others dont.
09-04-2015, 08:08 PM
Probably because in the very early days of SWGEmu, they gave rough ETA's, and people got pissed when SWGEmu couldn't meet people's expectations, because it's kind of a volunteer project.
Well, some people are always pissed by whatever, but I dont remember core1/2 issues with pissed people. With core1 it was more something like a team issue, core2 then was quite ready and had a playable server, but due to its issued, twisted code it was nuked to restart everything with core3 which has a much straighter coding policy. Just as far as a few words may describe it.
Personally I'm not glad with the volunteer argument because its a kind of discussion killer. And even though its true, is it really a reason for sloppy communication?
As TA has written in April ( the engine restrictions already have been lifted. Or are they back in place? I dont want to set up a trunk copy of everything just to verify that.
09-07-2015, 11:32 PM
As TA has written in April ( the engine restrictions already have been lifted. Or are they back in place? I dont want to set up a trunk copy of everything just to verify that.
As later commented on by Oru, the engine without the built in 2.5 hour reboot has not yet been distributed. The issue seems to be making sure the licensing is something that they are comfortable with, verification of conformance to the new agreement and distributing only to those that have accepted the license. Also to be clear, core3 does not have the 2.5 hour reboot as can be seen with Nova and Basilisk, but what has been distributed for developers had the 2.5 hour reboot added. The statement that the 2.5 hour reboot has been lifted is a reference to Nova and Basilisk and not what is available to developers.
09-08-2015, 12:31 PM
It's like I tell my kid, "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit..." it will be ready when it's ready and until then whining about it won't change the situation.
FWIW, if people are so upset that this project doesn't move at their expected pace, nearly all of the information necessary to create your own emulator is available, freely, from the SWGEMU sources and other older development project sites. Most of the packets have been identified, most of the math and rules have been implemented and tested... the groundwork is there, and communicating with the client shouldn't be an issue anymore.
If you don't like the pace of this public & volunteer project, then start your own project. I really don't see what the big deal is anymore...
Does anyone seriously believe that after a decade ppl havent realized this being a volunteer project? Public it is not entirely as we have learned some weeks ago, havent we?
09-09-2015, 01:20 PM
Just out of curiosity I have heard once 1.0 is released you guys will release the information/necessary items to create our own servers even if that means playing offline by yourself or with say a group of friends by yourselves is that correct?
09-09-2015, 01:22 PM
Just out of curiosity I have heard once 1.0 is released you guys will release the information/necessary items to create our own servers even if that means playing offline by yourself or with say a group of friends by yourselves is that correct?
You can do that now
Its really not a matter of us being upset or impatient as some have stated. Simple fact of the matter is, its been since April, we've been more than patient I would say.
It goes beyond just removing the 2.5 reset. I can live with the 2.5 for a little while longer, we have been since we started back in January.
My main gripe lies once you get past the roughly 160 connections mark, problems start to present themselves with the PublicEngine. I think I mentioned the issue in a previous post, but one of the main issues is the Public Engine sometimes runs longer than 2:25, then decides to reset during a save. This causes playerstructures.db corruption. It seems to only happen when the server is under load.
While the DB is repairable most times, its still a PITA.
09-10-2015, 03:26 AM
Its really not a matter of us being upset or impatient as some have stated. Simple fact of the matter is, its been since April, we've been more than patient I would say.
It goes beyond just removing the 2.5 reset. I can live with the 2.5 for a little while longer, we have been since we started back in January.
My main gripe lies once you get past the roughly 160 connections mark, problems start to present themselves with the PublicEngine. I think I mentioned the issue in a previous post, but one of the main issues is the Public Engine sometimes runs longer than 2:25, then decides to reset during a save. This causes playerstructures.db corruption. It seems to only happen when the server is under load.
While the DB is repairable most times, its still a PITA.
what do you expect from alpha code? Beta would imply that it's launch ready waiting for testing IMO... either way your problem will more than likely persist even if they lift the time restriction. I'm just guessing, but it's either that they're using a different engine entirely, or they've load balanced it on multiple machines so that they don't run into a high load / corrupting db issue.
Another reason to include player communities in the testing phase IMO, but it might be more suited for the beta phase... *shrug*
As for the timeline, the lifting of restrictions, etc... If I had to guess... TA, or whomever wasn't anywhere near ready to release an unencumbered engine... Hell, until people started hacking it there was no need to even think about it. Further, I'd guess that they panicked and had to do something to keep the hack from getting out. They can sue a couple of private servers easy enough, but they don't have the resources to track down every tom-****-harry that might be playing with a hacked engine. Stall by promising to lift the restrictions, then start the long, laborious task of actually doing the legal work to make it legit... doesn't surprise me in the least that its taken nearly 5 months and still no answer. Especially if TA, or whoever, doesn't own unrestricted distribution and use rights to their own creation... sticky mess all around...
Just speculation tho, and that's why we read these forums right? :-)
P.S. I wouldn't be surprised at all if we get another year into this, and get hit with another rewrite bomb... Communication has been poor to be sure, but it appears that they truly don't have unlimited use rights to the engine, and as such may end up having to create a new engine before this thing is all wrapped up. if ever... :-p I only say that because if it were my software that I developed, and I wanted an iron clad AGPL license, I'd just have our estate trust lawyer write one up in a month or so... It's not a terribly difficult task if there are no 3rd parties or pre-existing agreements... but what's been described here (or not described as has been mentioned earlier), it sounds like TA, or whoever, doesn't really have 100% control over the IP... Again, just a guess... But it's fun to speculate. *grin*
Its really not a matter of us being upset or impatient as some have stated. Simple fact of the matter is, its been since April, we've been more than patient I would say.
It goes beyond just removing the 2.5 reset. I can live with the 2.5 for a little while longer, we have been since we started back in January.
My main gripe lies once you get past the roughly 160 connections mark, problems start to present themselves with the PublicEngine. I think I mentioned the issue in a previous post, but one of the main issues is the Public Engine sometimes runs longer than 2:25, then decides to reset during a save. This causes playerstructures.db corruption. It seems to only happen when the server is under load.
While the DB is repairable most times, its still a PITA.
Yes, this is one of the serious issues with the limited engine. For any mmo a going down server is a sensible thing. And a corrupted - even if repairable - db is not only a time consuming issue.
I can understand the 2 hours restriction from the historical view to avoid ppl just grab the code and start yet another project without contributing anything back. I fear the connection limit is another built in hindrance. For a private fun server 160 connections wont really hurt, hardly know anyone who would run a such a big friends & family party.
But 2 hours just is beyond all playability - even for friends and family.
Alas the foreign server issue today is no longer the point, there are other servers out in the wild. Long term up and running, more than 160 connections. Do they all run ANH?
From my point of view there is no a need for anyone to take the evangelist role and praise patience. If AGPL does not work for any reasons this could be easily made clear. If for some reason restrictions on the engine cannot be lifted ... why bother? If the project leaders do not want to support their GPL plan any more ... same thing. But it is not nice to run a big announce and then go hiding in a hole.
Even Duff wont do so to his kids, or would he?
09-10-2015, 10:10 PM
Depends. if you ask my kid, I do that stuff all the time... But if you ask my Wife or I, it hardly ever happens. It's all a matter of perspective and circumstance. sorry for the technical answer, but it's important.
Because... While I might allude to preaching patience, it only appears that way because it's the only thing worth while to say or type. I think TA & Vlada have made it crystal clear that the announcement was made prematurely in hindsight. Putting all speculation aside, I have no reason to disbelieve this. Further, I could rant and rave about it, but then I wouldn't be any better off than these "one-post-wonders" who think they have a say in SWGEMU policy...
So... I will continue to be patient, not because I choose to be, but rather because I have no choice. I mean, it's not like I can dump SWGEMU for a competitor... Well... I could, but I doubt "those servers" will ever pass their engine hacks on to little ole me...
09-12-2015, 04:39 AM
I been following this thread for awhile. I am hoping this happens soon. Looking at starting a server as well. The removal of the 2.5hr core3 limitations would be nice.
Trying to learn all I can to help out. The 2.5hr shutdown is pretty annoying. Just seems when I am working on something important it seg faults out :p
Thanks dev team for all your efforts.
09-12-2015, 05:44 PM
I checked out the guides and they all seem to use CentOS, is it possible to do this strictly through windows? If not will it ever be? I though I replied with quotes, this post is directed at @Vlada concerning creating your own server.
09-12-2015, 06:53 PM
Is it possible? More than likely. Will someone from this team do it? I have no idea, maybe sometime in the future.
09-13-2015, 04:46 PM
Hmm. I find it amazing anyone would pressure the devs on anything. None of them have to do any of this at all. Period. They brought a game back from the dead, without compensation. I'm thankful for that, and am content to satisfy myself with what is available at any given time.
I'm certainly not going to whine about release dates.
09-13-2015, 06:06 PM
Hmm. I find it amazing anyone would pressure the devs on anything. None of them have to do any of this at all. Period. They brought a game back from the dead, without compensation. I'm thankful for that, and am content to satisfy myself with what is available at any given time.
I'm certainly not going to whine about release dates.
i agree completely. it is a privilege to be playing any part of this game at all. Further expansions will be well worth the wait.
09-13-2015, 08:47 PM
I checked out the guides and they all seem to use CentOS, is it possible to do this strictly through windows? If not will it ever be? I though I replied with quotes, this post is directed at @Vlada concerning creating your own server.
I doubt we ever take the time to support windows again. We used to support cygwin, which was a nightmare. There's no way we'd support an MSVC toolchain. If someone else wants to do it, then it might happen, but not anyone from this team.
09-15-2015, 12:37 AM
if the project were complete, it wouldn't be "easy" but definitely doable to port and compile it for windows. However, I would NEVER want to develop it as it stands in the windows environment.
It's not that the windows environment isn't good for development, I use visual studio all the time. But this project, how it's structured, and how the source control is setup, isn't very VS friendly.
I can't imagine not having a windows port for the final release tho. Almost every other emulator either has a windows port, or was written in windows native. And some are even scalable... so it will probably happen at some point as stated above. just don't expect it while swgemu is still alpha.
10-03-2015, 03:30 AM
Has there been any new developments on this?
TA or oru?
Has there been any new developments on this?
TA or oru?
As far as I know, nothing. Doubt this is happening at this point, it was a nice thought when originally brought up.
10-04-2015, 07:12 AM
This community is becoming so jaded we slave over 10 years as testers.
This is my favorite part.
10-04-2015, 07:17 AM
If we are lucky hopefully Santa will deliver this to us by Christmas...
10-04-2015, 02:40 PM
This is my favorite part.
:P Yeah that was a little extreme. Since this is all a volunteer project.
Honestly, I could care less if they do or do not release a 2.5hr removal on the engine.
My only concern is that nobody has came on here after 5 months to say that this IS or isn't happening. OR what the progress is on it.
Its like dangling a carrot in our faces for months. Am I right?
Like Yoda says "Do or Do not, there is no try."
TA or oru?
10-09-2015, 12:52 AM
they won't push it again until someone else either hacks, or steals the code to remove it themselves... that's my prediction anyway. :-) I'm with you tho, I don't really care anymore. I only wanted it so I could test out a bazaar & vendor bot I was working on to give my single player project more realism. It's hard to test how efficient it's running, or frequency of buys and sells, you know, longer term metrics with a reboot so frequently.
But it's really not an issue anymore since I've been busy building tractors, combines, implements, etc... for Farming Simulator 2015. I've really been enjoying creating all the 3D assets in Lightwave3d. :-)
Originally we wanted to have some kind of a protection against illegal usage without accepting the license terms. Due to other activites we could never come up with a solid idea and since so much time has passed, we gave upon this idea. The only roadblock now is my laziness to uncomment a line, make a full build and do a release..
Then delegate it :p
We are all waiting this for months now, please do us a favor !
10-09-2015, 04:41 PM
I'm genuinely excited again.
10-09-2015, 06:07 PM
Cheers! hopefully this will be done in the next few days! as that shouldn't take more than a half hour to remove two characters and rebuild!
Servers out there are rejoicing!
10-09-2015, 09:42 PM
Originally we wanted to have some kind of a protection against illegal usage without accepting the license terms. Due to other activites we could never come up with a solid idea and since so much time has passed, we gave upon this idea. The only roadblock now is my laziness to uncomment a line, make a full build and do a release..
While, if I may make a suggestion? Some type of online authentication from a verified database?
I personally would love to have a non 2.5 hour limit server, since I do not host publicly. I'm using the code to improve my C++ while preparing for 1.0.
I've managed to import a large amount of the NGE content, from planets, to equipment, etc.
I've been studying a lot of assembly to rework the swg.exe (hopefully without too much damage) to be able to perform better on modern hardware to allow even more engine pushing. But we'll see. I'm kinda hesitant about it incase Synter releases something amazing.
10-09-2015, 10:15 PM
I've been studying a lot of assembly to rework the swg.exe (hopefully without too much damage) to be able to perform better on modern hardware to allow even more engine pushing. But we'll see. I'm kinda hesitant about it incase Synter releases something amazing.
I'm extremely curious what your studying to see if you can push the engine even furthur. So that it can perform better on modern hardware to push the engine to rework the swg.exe. I'm honestly no where near there being any point in me looking into this. I've just started programming/modding but I would really like to know.
10-10-2015, 12:55 AM
Originally we wanted to have some kind of a protection against illegal usage without accepting the license terms. Due to other activites we could never come up with a solid idea and since so much time has passed, we gave upon this idea. The only roadblock now is my laziness to uncomment a line, make a full build and do a release..
So the wait is over? We should have the release soon? We really need this Oru anything we can do to motivate you out of your laziness to uncommit that line??
I'm glad to hear that we may be finally seeing a release on this. That said, I'm not going to get too excited and get my hopes up quite yet.
10-10-2015, 10:17 AM
Originally we wanted to have some kind of a protection against illegal usage without accepting the license terms. Due to other activites we could never come up with a solid idea and since so much time has passed, we gave upon this idea. The only roadblock now is my laziness to uncomment a line, make a full build and do a release..
This excites me.
I can understand the original concern and in many ways why after you decided that things change doing the uncomment and build have not happened. I need to do something similar on my launcher and release it.
I agree with the others that I hope it happens quickly since we all know it will happen soon. :D
10-10-2015, 05:20 PM
I'm extremely curious what your studying to see if you can push the engine even furthur. So that it can perform better on modern hardware to push the engine to rework the swg.exe. I'm honestly no where near there being any point in me looking into this. I've just started programming/modding but I would really like to know.
While, there's a lot of things you can change using assembly it still remains pretty limited. Some things include allowing injection of a different shader system and lighting, but it would require a lot of debugging. It's not exactly stable but it can be done. Some of the easier things to accomplish are to increase the amount of RAM SWG uses (normally 512mb? I think). You can perform a sketchy hack that you can allow the engine to run more than 4GB ram in x64 programs, but again, it's not entirely stable. But if it were worked out properly, 4k textures and larger would be very possible.
Again since the engine is pretty old, there are a lot of tweaks required which is what makes it a risky operation. The game wasn't designed to use much VRAM, so altering how the engine works without the source code will always cause some sort of problem.
All things can be modified, but doesn't always provide the results you want.
10-10-2015, 07:59 PM
While, there's a lot of things you can change using assembly it still remains pretty limited. Some things include allowing injection of a different shader system and lighting, but it would require a lot of debugging. It's not exactly stable but it can be done. Some of the easier things to accomplish are to increase the amount of RAM SWG uses (normally 512mb? I think). You can perform a sketchy hack that you can allow the engine to run more than 4GB ram in x64 programs, but again, it's not entirely stable. But if it were worked out properly, 4k textures and larger would be very possible.
Again since the engine is pretty old, there are a lot of tweaks required which is what makes it a risky operation. The game wasn't designed to use much VRAM, so altering how the engine works without the source code will always cause some sort of problem.
All things can be modified, but doesn't always provide the results you want.
I see thank you for the clarification :)
10-13-2015, 08:06 AM has been on hold awaiting this announcement! if this is done I would love to see official/ish servers listing like on live with different shards from the old live servers. be a neat way to give all our old home servers back and allow the devs here to keep or old precu community together and alive Emu sanctioned listings
10-13-2015, 02:29 PM
For those of you who don't know - this (;a=commit;h=d3b9994df2b1b 8333af12fa3266a0d6c19a73b32) looks like TA removed the public limits. :)
This is awesome news indeed! Thank you swegmu!
10-13-2015, 06:36 PM
Rebuilt my server today with the new code - now I'm just waiting to hit the 2.5 hour mark.
10-13-2015, 06:45 PM
It works and thanks again The Answer ,Oru and the rest of the emu staff.
10-13-2015, 07:11 PM
This is good news.
10-13-2015, 07:58 PM
Hit a seg fault at 2.5 hours. Investigating...
Thanks for the update! You've made alot of players happy today.
Hit a seg fault at 2.5 hours. Investigating...
Sounds like you may be compiling with the old engine still. I can verify that the timer is gone, I'm at a little over 3.5 now.
10-13-2015, 11:05 PM
Thanks for the update! You've made alot of players happy today.
Sounds like you may be compiling with the old engine still. I can verify that the timer is gone, I'm at a little over 3.5 now.
I just ran a "latest" and "build config" as well. Looks like they did just remove the 2.5hr limit on the engine!!
Thanks you guys! You will have a big donation coming your way!
10-13-2015, 11:08 PM
I did a latest again, showed no new files, rebuilt again, and now I'm past the 2.5 hour mark. Not sure what went wrong the first time.
Thank you!
10-14-2015, 12:06 AM
While, I suppose we have to thank you; however, how are you going to enforce your open-code policies? I'm not even sure if those kind of policies will even be beneficial since a lot of servers use gimmicky approaches to their features; which lead far away from the structure of the code.
I want this project to succeed, just as the next person... but at the same time, I don't want to see any more drama in the SWG community. There's so much of it going around lately.
When I got home from work, I just had to SS it.
10-14-2015, 01:28 AM
Im glad to see the reset gone.
Game on!
Thank you
10-14-2015, 05:20 AM
Today is the Day Darth Smedley was defeated, I ask all of who have lived under his tyrannical reign to celebrate and remember 10/14/15 as the day our heroes the Devs after a long fight finally freeing us from his grip have freed the galaxy from his rule! now lets get those servers up and lets start this!!
10-14-2015, 03:42 PM
Just wanted to stop by and say thanks to the EMU team for making this finally happen.
We at Awakening truly appreciate it.
10-14-2015, 03:53 PM
Thanks TA and Oru! The players/devs/admins at CHOICE appreciate all you have done.
Awesome news !
Europa kisses you :)
chaos-lord dave
10-15-2015, 07:37 AM
so whats happened?? im lost
10-15-2015, 07:50 AM
so whats happened?? im lost
Not a damn thing. Its business as usual.
Tameli Starrider
10-15-2015, 09:02 AM
so now are the all "play servers" in turn to deliver all their promised code contributions.
10-15-2015, 10:27 AM
so now are the all "play servers" in turn to deliver all their promised code contributions.
I guess it remains to be seen.
09-24-2016, 11:15 AM
SWGEmu AGPL Instructions and Requirements
May 2015
The SWGEmu Staff
SWGEmu AGPL Instructions and Requirements - May 26, 2015
Greetings SWGEmu community, contributors, testers, players and everyone else that supports this project in any way. Some time has passed since we announced the release of Engine3 without any time restrictions (original announcement can be found at: Public Engine3 without time restrictions ( While finalizing necessary information and details was a somewhat lengthy process, we felt the need to ensure that we did our best at getting the setup right the first time. We apologize for the delay, and thank you for your patience and support. And now without further ado:
For your convenience we made an offline version of AGPL Instructions and Requirements shared as a downloadable pdf document ( tnwcZ3cV30XWr1W9bnQB0nMDBpZq7Ay/view?usp=sharing). If you have any questions, need further clarification and/or guidance on the approval process or the above requirements feel free to contact Scurby, our QA leader on our IRC or email him at
SWGEmu reserves the right to make further changes to AGPL Instructions and Requirements. No changes will take place without a proper and timely announcement.
Thank you all for your dedication and continued support.
~The SWGEmu team
Its been a little bit more than a Year now Since You Gave All Private And Public Servers The Opportunity To Use The Engine Without a Time Restriction. Id Like to Thank you guys for your continue support and for allowing Everyone to stay Time Restricted Free With The Engine Thanks For Everything you guys do and Thanks For Keeping Your word. Much Appreciated SWGEmu Team.
I hope more people can Chime in And share their support and love for you guys for being so grateful to allow us with the Non Time Restricted Engine for this long Thanks Again.
09-24-2016, 03:20 PM
Its been a little bit more than a Year now Since You Gave All Private And Public Servers The Opportunity To Use The Engine Without a Time Restriction. Id Like to Thank you guys for your continue support and for allowing Everyone to stay Time Restricted Free With The Engine Thanks For Everything you guys do and Thanks For Keeping Your word. Much Appreciated SWGEmu Team.
I hope more people can Chime in And share their support and love for you guys for being so grateful to allow us with the Non Time Restricted Engine for this long Thanks Again.
+1 (10 char)
09-28-2016, 09:45 PM
It's been great being able to play around and learn more without restrictions. Thanks
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