View Full Version : Events are coming back BUT please read first!

12-09-2014, 07:10 AM

SWGEmu Community,
Starting January 1st we will be bringing events back. EC Staff will once again be able to offer support for player run events as well as staff organized events. The process of requesting EC staff to assist with your event has been revised as well as rules & guidelines (http://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=121061).

Request for events will now be open from the 10th-16th of every month. You can submit your request at event@swgemu.com. You can find the event form here (FORM (http://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44760)).
The SWGEmu EC Staff will approve a maximum of 4 events a month.
Event requests received after the 16th will not be considered a new requests and will have to be submitted again for scheduling on the next month.
EC Staff will meet once a month to discuss all event requests and set the following months event calendar. Events will be announced and posted a week before event date.
DO NOT send your event request directly to the ECs it must be sent to the email provided or it will not be approved.
All Event request communications between EC member and player must be answered in a timely manner or the request will be denied and a new one will be picked to replace it.

We have had some fun in the past with those of the community that enjoyed coming along just for the fun and enjoyment of the game and the company. We look forward to the year to come and finding out what ideas you have had in store.

~SWGEmu EC Team