View Full Version : [Event] Fight Night! 5/22/11
05-20-2011, 09:51 PM
Fight Night!
When? Sunday, May 22, 2011 @ 4:00pm EST/3:00pm CST
Where? Theed Starport, Naboo
Buffs? Limited! On a 5-minute timer!
This Session's Badge: Mark of Intellect
...bears the Mark of Intellect.
This fight's Planet: Theed, Imperial Sector
For those who missed last week, here's a recap on what Fight Night! is:
It's time for some weekly shenanigans to start happening! Tired of sitting around Coronet waiting for the silly Rebels to show their faces? Frustrated at the Imperial cowards who hide behind their AT-ATs?
Too long have there been "skirmishes" with various clashing Rebel and Imperial forces. It is time to put away your CDEF pistol and bring out the big guns. It's time for the Galactic Civil War!
Each week there will be the usual Fight Night! at various locations across the galaxy! The "Where?" section is where you will congregate before taking portals to various battlegrounds hand-crafted by, yours truly, the ECs!
What can I expect?
Expect intense, fast-paced action! We will set up the event and portals to allow minimal lag-time for the server, as well as opportunities for you to clone, rebuff, and get back into the fight!
What do I get?
What do you get? Well you get good old-fashioned hard core PvP! Well besides that, let's cut to the chase of what you want (so come on, stop sending me hundreds of tells asking this, ok?): for each event, we'll notate whether or not buffing will be provided in the details. These buffs are meant for players who want to quickly get into the action or cannot afford doctors' buffs. They are not as strong as player-made buffs, so if you want the edge, bring your own doctors! We will provide as many portals to assist you in declaring your faction and warping to the appropriate recruiters to do so. We will NOT be changing your faction, so don't ask. Follow the various signs/directions.
What about prizes?
Here's where it gets interesting! At the start of every session, a "reward badge" will be displayed in the event post. This badge will be awarded to the winning side. But wait, you say. Can't people just switch sides? Why do some people get the badge in the fight? Well the badge WON'T be rewarded for a single fight. Any veteran knows that a single fight is nothing, but it's the WAR that matters!
At the end of a Fight Night, the winning side gains control over one sector of the planet. There are three sectors per planet, a Imperial-favored battlefield, a Rebel-favored battlefield, and a neutral battlefield. The start of a planetary battle begins in the neutral battlefield, or the battlefield of the attacking side, and will progress either to the Imperial battlefield (should the Rebels win), vice versa, or to the neutral battlefield. In the end, to take a planet, one side must defeat the other in their favored battlefield. This means it could take as little as two, or as many as twenty battles to win a planet!
Example: If the Imperials attack Dantooine, a Rebel-controlled planet, the first fight will begin in an Imperial-favored sector. This means the Rebels only need to defeat them once to maintain the planet, and the Imperials must win at least three fights to take it away from them.
Example 2: If the Rebels attack Naboo, a neutral planet, the first fight will begin in the neutral sector, and either transition to the Imperial-favored sector if they win, or to the Rebel-favored sector if they lose. Either side would need to win two battles in a row to take the planet
The outcomes of a battle will be posted on each event thread. Once a battle has been won in the enemy's favored battlefield on a planet, the planet becomes that faction's planet, and the surviving soldiers will receive the session's badge, and a new one will be announced for the next planetary battle. So note, if you die and your side is close to winning, don't clone or you may miss the badge!
Additionally, the victor of a planet will have their flags displayed in the main starports of the planet! So what's the big deal about capturing planets? Well, more planets means more supplies and a better equipped army! Though the planet balance will start out as neutral, as one side gets more and more planets, they get more benefits in battle! These could range from extra-strength buffs, to special commando assistance, or to orbital strikes! It's well worth it to be the winning side in the Galactic Civil War!
Finally, ALL participates for EACH fight night will be awarded the Live Event badge (...has participated in a Live Event). We will award this badge at the end of a fight for a few minutes before we stop handing it out. If you miss it, simply come back next week, don't ask us for it!
Great! So how do I win?
The event will be monitored anywhere from one to two hours, in which the ECs will keep track of which side is doing the best. After an appropriate amount of time is up, we will declare a winner based on our observation, and the event will "end" in terms of the ECs will no longer rebuff, monitor, or give bonuses to various sides. But our involvement does not mean the fighting is over! The portals will remain operational, along with the battlefield, so there's nothing to stop you from fighting into the wee hours of the morning!
05-20-2011, 09:51 PM
Regarding this Fight Night...
This Fight Night is going to be slightly different and based off of Mahonra's event idea ( Throughout the entire event, each faction will have a VIP commander that they must protect. If your commander dies, you will lose the round, and you will need to split up your forces to focus on hiding/protecting your commander and hunting down the enemy commander.
Any player can be the VIP commander. There will be three rounds and the commander will change on both sides for each round. At the beginning of each round, the Event Coordinators will choose one volunteer to become the commander. Jedi are restricted from being commanders, but any player with any template can be a commander (so it might be better to let the defense stackers volunteer!). Commanders are restricted from wearing armor, but may wear enhanced socket clothing. They may also not fight back when they are attacked. The commanders will make up for this lost defense with enhanced buffs. Their job is to remain hidden from the enemy, though they cannot leave the confines of the city. If a commander breaks any of these restrictions, the faction will forfeit the round.
Buffs will be provided, but separate buffs for Rebels/Imperials will NOT be provided. The Rebels will not have the Naboo planetary bonus since you're fighting for the planet! Additionally, buffs will be given out on a 5-minute timer in the cloning center, to prevent rushing. The ECs will NOT be setting faction status. There will be two flags and "bases" set up in the city that will allow you to go Overt. However, if you need to become Rebel, you will need to fly to Moenia and declare your faction with the recruiter there. If you are Imperial, you will need to visit the recruiter in Theed by the starport.
We will ignore all requests to set your faction or provide buffs/heals. We will NOT be doing this, don't ask.
During the fight, there will be three designated "safe zones" of Theed: the cantina, the bank/bazaar area, and the medical center. Commanders and players may enter and fight in these zones, but players who are neutral or not participating in the fight must stay within these safe zones. If a player is caught in the city and is not overt, they will be warped to one of these safe zones with a message concerning the event.
As this is a new type of event, the mentioned rules and regulations are subject to change at any time (i.e. the buff timer could be longer, there may be more safe zones, there could be more rounds). Always remember to follow the instructions of the event coordinators when the event changes!
05-20-2011, 09:52 PM
Planetary Bonuses:
Naboo: Thanks to the advances of Nabooian doctors and medicine, the occupying force gets a bonus to medical supplies provided.
[Buff bonus of 2200/1600 instead of 1800/1200.]
System Bonus: [If Rori is held in addition to Naboo, medical drops during battle can happen, healing and rebuffing troops.]
Corellia: At the heart of the Galaxy, the occupying force dominates hyperspace travel, ensuring faster troop deployment.
[Bonus (x2) troop NPCs deployed in base defense.]
System Bonus: [If Talus is held in addition to Corellia, all current bonuses are enhanced by x1.5 (i.e. Naboo receives 3300/2400 buffs, x3 bonus of base troops, etc.)]
Endor: A luscious forest world, Endor provides the occupying force with an abundance of construction materials for bases.
[Reinforced bases, nearly twice the size of a normal base with choke points and more.]
Tatooine: A backwater planet boasting plenty of mercenaries and shady criminals to do the occupying force's dirty work.
[Saboteurs can infiltrate enemy bases and cripple them, leaving openings, alternative routes, and flank attack opportunities.]
System Bonus: [If Lok is held in addition to Tatooine, mercenaries can be deployed in battle behind the enemy, forcing them to attack on two fronts.]
Yavin IV: While this small moon is insignificant, Yavin, the red-gas giant it orbits, contains several moons with unique orbital patterns that would allow for the construction of shipyards and research into advanced capital ship weaponry.
[Capital ship attacks damage health and action by 800 and mind by 500 (debuff)]
Dathomir: Inhabited by the wild Force witches, Dathomir is tainted by the dark side of the Force, and imbues immense power into any Jedi who can channel into its darkness.
[Jedi of the occupying force can channel their powers into 3500/2500 buffs (usable once per battle, per Jedi).]
Dantooine: A small world full of farmers and miners, Dantooine holds little strategic value, except for the plethora of abandoned ruins, mining facilities, and homesteads. Commandos use these ruins to train and practice, honing their abilities to execute precision attacks.
[For each planet owned by the occupying force, one commando squad is given. Each commando can be deployed once during battle to instantly eliminate a group of, or one elite, NPCs.]
Last Stand Bonus: If one side of the Galactic Civil War occupies 1 or less planets while the other side occupies all others, Heroes can be deployed during battle to aid until this condition is broken (Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, etc).
Current Galactic Civil War Overview:
Contested Planet:
Naboo - 66% Rebel | 33% Imperial
Yavin IV
This Fight Night's Outcome:
05-20-2011, 09:55 PM
I would like to get some community feedback for the planetary bonuses, so I added a poll! Do you like them, or would you rather see them removed entirely? If you like them, but think they could be changed to something better, post it here!
Additionally, we will start handing out the session badge for ALL participants. Everyone will get the badge at the end of the battle (we may change it to an award for each battle as well, instead of a "planetary session"). This is to encourage more fair fights, and not result in everyone going to one side for the badge.
Rebs own naboo atm right? we won two battles there and it was a neutral planet. So the imps should have to attack a rebel sector unless I am confused how it works.
05-21-2011, 12:47 AM
Rebs own naboo atm right? we won two battles there and it was a neutral planet. So the imps should have to attack a rebel sector unless I am confused how it works.
For the Imperials to take the planet:
Fight and win in Imperial Sector, fight and win in Neutral Sector, fight and win in Rebel Sector (3 fights)
For the Rebels to keep the planet:
Fight and win in Imperial Sector (1 fight)
It works out, I promise ;)
05-21-2011, 12:59 AM
<3 Kreen.
I'm happy to see you doing this event. It will definitely be a nice change of pace.
And considering we are trying something new here, I hope all participants will be patient and understanding if any hiccups occur. It's difficult to make contingency plans for issues unaware that might creep up.
Anyway, I think it will be a lot of fun. So many tactics and strategies are involved!
Both sides will likely need a squad to protect the VIP, a hunter/killer squad to seek out the enemy VIP, and several scouts to track enemy movements.
My only suggestion would be to require the VIP's to have no mastered professions. Make them be complete noobie characters that are created just for the event.
That way you eliminate any potential complaints about one side saying they lost because of their VIP's crappy template. Plus it opens up the role of VIP to anyone, and not just players with already made defense stackers.
Basically I think the VIP's should be viewed as civilians. No armor. No skills. No weapons. Their survival rests solely upon their faction adequately defending them.
There are certainly ways to make sure they are new characters too. Just tell whoever is going to play the VIP that round to create a new character right then and there. And have them add some special designation to their name that they learn about just before character creation.
For example: Let's say Omek wants to be VIP for the Rebels. Kreen would tell him to create a novice entertainer with the name xxOmekxx and have him port to theed. The (xx) part of the name can change to any prefix or suffix you want.
But the point is you know for certainty when you see xxOmekxx, that he just now made that toon. And doesn't have ANY medic or defense lines in any professions. Hell, I say make em fight in their starting clothing too lol.
Anyway, that's just my .02 on one way to make it even more fair.
But with or without these changes, I think this event is going to be a lot of fun.
05-21-2011, 01:06 AM
Oh, and I hope the EC's (and all players) keep a close eye out for anyone using warp hacks. Ruledo from STORM was caught and banned for using them at the last event.
I only say this because a hide and seek event such as this can easily be ruined by having just a few players using warp hacks to move around and locate opposing forces. Those type of hacks would completely ruin this event.
So just pay close attention and report anything suspicious.
05-21-2011, 05:22 PM
Oh, and I hope the EC's (and all players) keep a close eye out for anyone using warp hacks. Ruledo from STORM was caught and banned for using them at the last event.
I only say this because a hide and seek event such as this can easily be ruined by having just a few players using warp hacks to move around and locate opposing forces. Those type of hacks would completely ruin this event.
So just pay close attention and report anything suspicious.
May need to worry about alittle more since banning them is impossible. Oh and the way they are accomplishing these hacks leaves a very very wide variety of exploits they can achieve.
Good luck every one, have fun, keep the dream alive for another year
05-22-2011, 09:21 PM
How will the server down time effect the timing of the event? Is it still planned for tonight?
05-22-2011, 09:27 PM
The event is going to be postponed until after the server comes back up. When Liberator is back online, check here as well as in-game for messages about when the event will occur. If the server is not up tonight, it will happen tomorrow evening.
05-22-2011, 10:20 PM
The event is going to be postponed until after the server comes back up. When Liberator is back online, check here as well as in-game for messages about when the event will occur. If the server is not up tonight, it will happen tomorrow evening.
what timewould it be tomorrow? 4-5pm est-ish?? hopefully
05-22-2011, 11:11 PM
If tomorrow, likely the usual evening time, 10pm EST/9pm CST. However, the earliest I could do would be 8pm EST/7pm CST if that or another time frame is popular.
05-22-2011, 11:28 PM
servers up we having the event?
05-23-2011, 12:03 AM
Its going down, 7:30pm EST TONIGHT
05-23-2011, 02:49 AM
Event was okay. Kinda one sided (whichever the jedi joined) but the AFTER BATTLE!!! WOOWEEEY!! Kreen Tef'd Me, Tylox, Cemcantar, and Maximus.. THAT WAS FUN! I was the only one who ended up not dying even after ermac and the rest of HS showed up to help all the other people :D
Can't lie the TEF was the best part at least for the jedi probably..
Thanks Kreen!
PS: will make movie tomorrow.. of the TEF part didnt record the pvp battle thing
05-23-2011, 02:52 AM
Sounds like you want an Order 66 Event....LOL.....everyone vs jeedai!
Sry couldnt be there tonight. I like all events period. :)
05-23-2011, 08:35 AM
Event was fun, thanks for having it :D
05-23-2011, 10:05 AM
I enjoyed the event and would like to thank Kreen for organizing it.
It was the least laggiest event ive play in, probably due to the fact it was played over such a large map. The premise was simple just kill there ViP, which makes it easy for morons to understand. Kreens comms were very good throughout the event. I only annoying part which frustrated me was the fact i had to wait 5 mins for a buff, but i guess you have to have that to make it work..
Jedi ruined the event for me, i hate there attitude in these sort of events, please next time ban them for entering these events, there alot fairer when they aint playing in them. Maybe do a Jedi only event for them to suck there own ****s over, or maybe just dont have any Events for them at all, they all have alts anyway.
But all in all, great event. Be interesting to see what other sort of events can be done like this, ill give it 8/10.
05-23-2011, 10:10 AM
Jedi ruined the event for me, i hate there attitude in these sort of events, please next time ban them for entering these events, there alot fairer when they aint playing in them. Maybe do a Jedi only event for them to suck there own ****s over, or maybe just dont have any Events for them at all, they all have alts anyway.
I am assuming you played on the Rebel side? IIRC all but 1 Jedi were imperials. I think it's unfair to say all Jedi are epeen swinging...
Silent Bob
05-23-2011, 10:25 AM
I played for Imperial. Yeah we won, mainly thanks to the Jedi. IMO it would of been a better and fairer event, a fairer Rebel v Imperial battle if the forces were matched evenly aka No Jedi.
05-23-2011, 12:20 PM
I see qq about jedi alot. We were rebel at first and ROLLED the imps in abou 1minute after we ported in. So mostly was the non jedis there. So we dcided to go imp and help you guys out.
All i ever see in swgemu is jedi qq. "i want jedai!!qq" "jedi ruin pvp qq!!" "no jedi!!qq" "jedi are un storylike qq"
should have seen nova pvp events
05-23-2011, 01:35 PM
I'm glad to hear the event went well. I had planned to make it to this one but when server problems pushed the starting time back I couldn't make it.
Anyway, I'd like to hear more details on how the event played out.
How many rounds were there?
Who were the VIPs and how big were their buffs?
Were they hard to take down? Did the run and hide?
Did all the forces stick together, or did they split up into hunting parties?
Hopefully someone can give us a detailed description on what happened for those of us who missed it! :)
05-23-2011, 03:43 PM
There were 3 rounds. Rebel's won the first round. The Imperials won rounds 2 and 3. I forget the names of the VIP's now, but I was grouped with the first Rebel VIP for about half that round, then they left the group. Not sure of the size of the buff's. I actually never made it to see an Imp VIP. I was running rearguard for the first attack, and died trying to interupt the flanking manouver of the Imps. After that, there were Imp Jedi camping out at the opening to the Rebel base. In an attempt to offset the Jedi campers, we waited untill we had a sizable force to warp in at the same time. This looked like it worked, until a certain Jedi continued to fight even though he had zero HAM. He proceeded to kill off the half a dozen Rebels that had him at clones door. Having never played a Jedi, I don't know if this is within the confines of the game, but, ............. maybe I'm just bitter because that Jedi cloned me 7 times.
Schurcakacro, <RyyK> Wookiee
P.S. Thanks Kreen for an awesome event.
05-23-2011, 04:16 PM
This looked like it worked, until a certain Jedi continued to fight even though he had zero HAM. He proceeded to kill off the half a dozen Rebels that had him at clones door. Having never played a Jedi, I don't know if this is within the confines of the game, but, ............. maybe I'm just bitter because that Jedi cloned me 7 times.
Schurcakacro, <RyyK> Wookiee
P.S. Thanks Kreen for an awesome event.
Avoid incap.
05-23-2011, 04:31 PM
Avoid incap.
So it is "legal"?
05-23-2011, 04:33 PM
I'm glad to hear the event went well. I had planned to make it to this one but when server problems pushed the starting time back I couldn't make it.
Anyway, I'd like to hear more details on how the event played out.
How many rounds were there?
Who were the VIPs and how big were their buffs?
Don't remember any but daxis. THey had 40k buffs i believe
Were they hard to take down? Did the run and hide?
The first round the imp VIP hid in the center of the palace and got killed really fast by one player, the other 2 rounds (when we switched to imp) the rebel VIP just swooped all around the outskirts of town. Kreen had to tell them to stay inside town and they kept getting to close so kreen started to disclose their location every 5 minutes. Then the rebel one started to hide behind the old man npc alot
Did all the forces stick together, or did they split up into hunting parties?
at first they tried.. then no. The jedi team (me, lotrax, meks, cemcantar) stook together pretty wellq
Hopefully someone can give us a detailed description on what happened for those of us who missed it! :)
The event was basically what i said.
First Round- Rebs rolled the imps with like 5 people (non-jedi)
Kreen restarted it, the dead rebuffed and went back over, the jedi squad (the 4 of us) went imp
Second Round- rite before it the 4 of us jedi went overt and wiped out like 20 overt rebs in front of starport, then the rebel VIP just ran for about 15 mins until he got knocked off his bike
Third Round- The rebels started to play a bit smarter, An Old Man was spawned at both of their overt locations and the VIP hid behind these alot. Everyone coming out of their died and then they decided to push so about 20 or more spawned at one of the spawn points and me and MeEtYoUrMaKeR took out the good majority of them. Then the VIP was killed.
Aftermath- After the event everyone was stanidng around the starport and we were bored so we asked Kreen to give us TEF.
She gave us a bit better buffs and TEF'd the four of us. We went on to kill tons of players each who dared to attack us. Even Lazerus and Silent joined in on trying to attack us. They both died. It went on for about 20 mins until Ermac, Totalsbh, and Dont panic showed up and took out the jedi one by one until they got to me.. I had to bail after awhile once my force ran out. It was fun everyone died but me though thanks to AI :D
This looked like it worked, until a certain Jedi continued to fight even though he had zero HAM. He proceeded to kill off the half a dozen Rebels that had him at clones door. Having never played a Jedi, I don't know if this is within the confines of the game, but, ............. maybe I'm just bitter because that Jedi cloned me 7 times.
It was Avoid Incap, i was alone and the "An Old Man" was on me too so it was necessary. I took out about 15 of you guys. the other stragglers took off on swoops. It was a great moment i really wish i had fraps turned on for that fight :D
05-23-2011, 04:33 PM
So it is "legal"?
Yes it is a skill you get as a Master Defender
05-23-2011, 04:41 PM
I am pretty sure i killed the imperial vip in the first round Korimor.... TuliusX and myself were first into the palace on round one. I saw NO other Jedi. Silent Bob died after the Jedi switched to imperial. (lost MLS when you guys were camping our warp so i couldnt really do much more).
Thats when i brought Mute out to play. Silent did NOT take part after round 2.
05-23-2011, 04:43 PM
The event was basically what i said.
I took out about 15 of you guys.
When you say 15, was I 7 of those 15, or we 14 other people lucky enough to eat glowstick on multiple occations?
05-23-2011, 04:43 PM
I am pretty sure i killed the imperial vip in the first round Korimor.... TuliusX and myself were first into the palace on round one. I saw NO other Jedi. Silent Bob died after the Jedi switched to imperial. (lost MLS when you guys were camping our warp so i couldnt really do much more).
Thats when i brought Mute out to play. Silent did NOT take part after round 2.
so? its not hard to kill the VIP was just saying it didnt take long at all. about mls- well that sucks bro get on more :D
05-23-2011, 04:45 PM
When you say 15, was I 7 of those 15, or we 14 other people lucky enough to eat glowstick on multiple occations?
There was at least 15 different people there. About 20 spilled out of that little area originally and we took them out from there then i had about 15 around me when i was in AI mode dervishing you all
my group of 4 jedi started out rebel but by the time we loaded in the other rebels had already steam rolled the imps/vip. We decided to switch sides and even things up a bit due to the numbers the rebels had. Soon as we switched two other jedi showed up and also decided to go imp for some reason. At that point we wanted to go back rebel to again try to even things up but did not want to drop faction, shuttle, declare, shuttle back.
My only gripe about the event was the "old man". If you want to keep the other faction out of the spawn point fence it off and add stairs or something. The VIP and hordes of rebels decided to nut hug the old man so there was no much we could do other than run into the spawn point and risk a death.
The TEF at the end was very fun, you rifleman hurt! At the end my PC decided to stop letting me push numbers keys (keybinds) and also make my toon RP walk while 10+ ppl beat on me. Not sure who got the DB but I owe you one!
05-23-2011, 05:45 PM
I had a Blast, I just Dropped Rifleman And my Carb was Pinging off Cam's and Korimors Sabers like Ping Pong Balls But I still had a Blast. (Note to self master prof before PVPing). My only Negative Feedback was not being the VIP (Since it was my idea and All =)) I could really care less, though PVP won't happen unless we have these events and whats the point in playing if there is no PVP. Sucks i Dropped from 1301 to 1155 Rating though >(
05-23-2011, 05:54 PM
Sucks i Dropped from 1301 to 1155 Rating though >(
meh mine went from 1313 to 1318 even after dbing like at least 40-50 times... XD
05-23-2011, 06:09 PM
Deltawarrior you definitely get props for proposing this event idea originally!
That's to everyone for giving a detailed description on what happened.
My last question is: What are your overall thoughts on events like this? Did you have fun? Or do you prefer the standard battles more?
Let's hear some pro's and con's. And perhaps things that could be done to make an event like this even more successful.
Deltawarrior you definitely get props for proposing this event idea originally!
That's to everyone for giving a detailed description on what happened.
My last question is: What are your overall thoughts on events like this? Did you have fun? Or do you prefer the standard battles more?
Let's hear some pro's and con's. And perhaps things that could be done to make an event like this even more successful.
Finding/killing the VIP was too fast. Yes it was annoying as they swooped around but once found and killed the round was over. Seems head on fights just last longer.
Wish SWG had capture the flag type stuff like wow that would require people to take a faction base and hold it for long enough to cap.
05-23-2011, 06:17 PM
Finding/killing the VIP was too fast. Yes it was annoying as they swooped around but once found and killed the round was over. Seems head on fights just last longer.
Wish SWG had capture the flag type stuff like many games that would require people to take a faction base and hold it for long enough to cap.
Fixed it fer ya. :)
05-23-2011, 06:27 PM
Finding/killing the VIP was too fast. Yes it was annoying as they swooped around but once found and killed the round was over. Seems head on fights just last longer.
Wish SWG had capture the flag type stuff like wow that would require people to take a faction base and hold it for long enough to cap.
I don't PVP - but was interested in the events - so i have been reading this thread...
Reading all this I assumed the VIP was kinda like the "flag".
Maybe it should be that the opposing faction needs to take him alive and escort the VIP back to their controlled sector instead of just killing him. That might make it last longer and not be over so quick. Could actually extend it quite a bit if it goes back and forth a few times.
05-23-2011, 07:07 PM
Ok now I want to hear one of the VIP's give their account of what it was like being chased / protected.
Especially the VIP who was riding his swoop around the city running for his f*cking life! Haha.
05-23-2011, 07:56 PM
We've done King of the Hill before, and that was fairly nice and succesful, we could try that again. As for Capture the Flag, the best thing I could think of would be to have an EC-controlled character that is the "flag", and have some requirements to capture them and escort them back, etc.
05-23-2011, 09:56 PM
Yeah @Maho- There was practically 0 tactics involved.. just a VIP swooping all over the place and hiding behind the OLD MAN Npc. There was no defensive stand or any protectors(unless killed in 2 shots)
05-23-2011, 10:26 PM
Event was nice, overall I agree with oMek's thoughts on it. Loved being TEF'd though, lol got my pvp rating up abit.
meh mine went from 1313 to 1318 even after dbing like at least 40-50 times... XD
I went from 1326 to 1341, then dropped back down to 1299 after 1 death.
Not like it matters though, the top 3-4 either flight clubbed or no longer play.
05-24-2011, 01:40 AM
Yeah @Maho- There was practically 0 tactics involved.. just a VIP swooping all over the place and hiding behind the OLD MAN Npc. There was no defensive stand or any protectors(unless killed in 2 shots)
There were tactics, and there was a defensive stand. We intentionally waited until there was 20 of us before we all spawned in at the same time in the hope that we could insert you light saber somewhere other than our own digestive tract. As for the old man, 6 Imp jedi vs 0 Rebel jedi (Silent Bob went back to the Quick Stop) was a bit much. Perhaps if the jedi would attempt to balance the fight instead of steemroll 1 team these PVP's would be even more fun. I'm not QQ about jedi, I enjoy you guys being there, but seriously DBing 20 people in 2 minutes must be as boring as being DBed after 30 seconds 7 times in a row.
05-24-2011, 02:03 AM
Me, mekKs, lotrax and cemcantar are all buds and will roll together.. The reason why we always have more Jedi is cuz the other Jedi are scared to defy us. storm tried and failed.
Me, mekKs, lotrax and cemcantar are all buds and will roll together.. The reason why we always have more Jedi is cuz the other Jedi are scared to defy us. storm tried and failed.
hey now, we might be friend but leave me outa your internet bickering.
05-24-2011, 02:15 AM
05-24-2011, 02:42 AM
Camigwen, I love you sig.
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