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02-10-2014, 04:04 PM
Battle For Queen's Market

--Begin Transmission--
Imperial Security Agency (ISA) Bulletin #03-MA-4102
Recently Imperial agents have intercepted communications that has provided intelligence that rebel forces are massing in the swamps in the south western section on the planet of Naboo.
The Imperial Military Command (IMC) has deemed that the city of Queen's Market a high strategic location. Forces are being deployed to the North end of the city to provide security for the citizens of Queen’s Market and cut off any rebel advancement.

Upon given the order, All Imperial forces in the area will engage the enemy on site.
Upon given the order, All Imperial recon forces will locate and destroy rebel bases.

--End Transmission--

Feb 22, 2014 @ 5pm PST
Location: Queen's Market, Naboo
PVP and PVE event!

PVP Event
Both Rebel and Imperial forces will gather at designated SF Detachment Headquarters to buff and group up. Upon given the "GO!” both forces will charge into the city and fight for control.
All fighting must be done in city limits. Winner will be declared once the opposing forces have been pushed out of the city and taken control.
Upon death, players can choose to return to their faction base to re-buff and continue to fight until a winner has been declared.

PVE Event
Both Rebel and Imperial forces will gather at designated Tactical Center to buff and group up. Upon given the "GO!” both forces will engage targets.
Waves of Faction NPCs will be invading the city from both factions. Combatant players are encouraged to engage these targets and assist the main assault force (SF Players).
Locate and destroy the enemy Forward outpost, Field Hospital, and Tactical Center. (These bases will be PVE style bases.)
Upon death, players can choose to return to their faction base to re-buff and continue to fight until a winner has been declared.

Spectators are encouraged to come to Queen's Market and watch the battle!

1) NO SAFE HOUSES - Queen's Market is a faction neutral city. All structures will either be private with only the owner for access or public with no restrictions on entrance.
2) No porting to any location (Unless and EC ports you out for breaking rule 1)
3) Staff buffs will be provided.
4) Each PVP round will have a 30 min timer, with 3 rounds planned.
4) Everyone is invited. All are encouraged to go SF and PVP!
5) Have fun! That's an order!

Waypoints for the bases will be sent out via system messages, and inside this thread. Rebels will be to the south of Queen's Market, and Imperials will be to the North.

Special thanks to ubernoob for helping set this up.

Any questions, please contact me (Feozis).

Note: If you cannot read the text above change your forum skin to default.

02-10-2014, 04:16 PM
To avoid more QQ threads, will the PVE mobs drop loot?

02-10-2014, 04:28 PM
The empire didn't have any acklays or ancient krayt dragons so I think you are good....... I do have a question are the pvp and pve events going on at the same time........idk about you bros but fighting 20 at-st's will trying to triple cemcanatar is hardwork

02-10-2014, 04:38 PM
To avoid more QQ threads, will the PVE mobs drop loot?

These will only be faction NPCs with many of them being on the lower end scale. I am sure they will drop loot so the market on table schematics will be flooded. :p

The empire didn't have any acklays or ancient krayt dragons so I think you are good....... I do have a question are the pvp and pve events going on at the same time........idk about you bros but fighting 20 at-st's will trying to triple cemcanatar is hardwork

PVP will be inside the city limits.
PVE will be outside the city limts around the bases.

There should be little to no overlap but if you do dare chase the opposition faction back to their base you will run the risk of a PVE death.

02-10-2014, 05:04 PM
These will only be faction NPCs with many of them being on the lower end scale. I am sure they will drop loot so the market on table schematics will be flooded. :p

PVP will be inside the city limits.
PVE will be outside the city limts around the bases.

There should be little to no overlap but if you do dare chase the opposition faction back to their base you will run the risk of a PVE death.

"chase the opposition faction back to their base you will run the risk of a PVE death"
I thought clone camping was page 1 in the rebel survival guide on how to get kills in pvp?
page 2 was only fight with twice the numbers of opposing force.
page 3 was never die using ld macro.
It really is a long book.

all joking aside,
Cant wait for the event. This is going to be fun. Thanks for all involved with setting this up!

02-10-2014, 09:28 PM
"chase the opposition faction back to their base you will run the risk of a PVE death"
I thought clone camping was page 1 in the rebel survival guide on how to get kills in pvp?
page 2 was only fight with twice the numbers of opposing force.
page 3 was never die using ld macro.
It really is a long book.

all joking aside,
Cant wait for the event. This is going to be fun. Thanks for all involved with setting this up!

Yes lets have delegates from the rebel and imperial faction meet up on the newport roof and discuss an swg magna carta...i vote no sl no shooting at officers and definitely no touching of the hair or face

Super excited for this event!

Fish Head
02-12-2014, 06:43 PM
It should be known to all who enter Queens Market that we the <FISH> Guild, who also have our headquarters in Queens Market, are the one true all Mon Calamari guild. Who are proud to be totally aligned with the Rebellion, and shall defend our pond against any Imperial tyranny that encroaches our territory !!!


https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCh1sHUlegqFq4TXqDHeuFHIs0JRl6E FimjJpbc_4BH_wM6dX72A

02-12-2014, 08:49 PM
sounds like fun ... hope imp pvpers show up though

02-12-2014, 08:56 PM
It should be known to all who enter Queens Market that we the <FISH> Guild, who also have our headquarters in Queens Market, are the one true all Mon Calamari guild. Who are proud to be totally aligned with the Rebellion, and shall defend our pond against any Imperial tyranny that encroaches our territory !!!


https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCh1sHUlegqFq4TXqDHeuFHIs0JRl6E FimjJpbc_4BH_wM6dX72A

As an imp, I will be there overt tonight to scope out the area. See you later!

02-13-2014, 12:14 AM
As an imp, I will be there overt tonight to scope out the area. See you later!

Be sure to bring your fishing rods and lots of bait....

02-18-2014, 10:05 PM

just to remind everyone

02-21-2014, 06:00 PM
Tomorrow! All out war!

02-21-2014, 09:34 PM
I'm in, can't decide whether I should bring the imp or the reb, both are newbs...

02-21-2014, 10:50 PM
I'll try to make it. I swear you guys plan these to tty and screw up UFC fight nights.

02-22-2014, 06:56 PM
Bases are being placed... Tension is tight around the city... war could erupt at any moment!

02-22-2014, 07:33 PM
We are adding a LOTTERY vendor for the event! Pay 5000cr and get a chance at up to a million credits. The vendor will be located inside the <TRADE> Guild Hall right next to the shuttle.

02-22-2014, 11:34 PM
Battle for Queen's Market PVP/PVE event will take place in 30 minutes at 5pm PST. Rebels will meet at -2862 -5494 Naboo, Imperials will meet at -2621 -3832 Naboo, with respective bases around those coordinates.

02-23-2014, 12:26 AM
Such chaos. So outgunned. Much death.

02-23-2014, 01:55 AM
Thank you to everyone that came out tonight.

02-23-2014, 02:17 AM
Thank you to everyone that came out tonight.

You rocked! I thought the city would have been more involved IMHO. Fun none the less!

02-23-2014, 02:42 AM
You rocked! I thought the city would have been more involved IMHO. Fun none the less!

I agree and will make adjustments for next time.

Thank you everyone for coming out! Special thanks to Weedie and the staff for the awesome support!