01-28-2014, 09:29 PM
The Battle for Theed
SWGEmu Event Staff
Where: Theed, Naboo
Rebel Recruiter at -5894, 4325
Imperial Recruiter at -4883, 4054
What: Rebels vs. Imperials
The Battle for Theed
When: Saturday February 1st, 2014
Battle one - 4pm EST
Battle two - 10pm EST
check time here (
♦ Staff Buffs ONLY. You can not have any buffs on you when staff begins buffing or they will not take.
♦ All food, drinks, and spices are allowed.
♦ No shuttling during event. If you are participating you must walk or bike to the opposite faction area.
♦ Stay within the event bound areas.
♦ When rounds are over you will report back to your recruiter as instructed.
Event Area: (please ignore red flags on map, they have nothing to do with event)
SWGEmu Event Staff
Where: Theed, Naboo
Rebel Recruiter at -5894, 4325
Imperial Recruiter at -4883, 4054
What: Rebels vs. Imperials
The Battle for Theed
When: Saturday February 1st, 2014
Battle one - 4pm EST
Battle two - 10pm EST
check time here (
♦ Staff Buffs ONLY. You can not have any buffs on you when staff begins buffing or they will not take.
♦ All food, drinks, and spices are allowed.
♦ No shuttling during event. If you are participating you must walk or bike to the opposite faction area.
♦ Stay within the event bound areas.
♦ When rounds are over you will report back to your recruiter as instructed.
Event Area: (please ignore red flags on map, they have nothing to do with event)