View Full Version : Red Dragon Swoop Race 12/27/13

12-15-2013, 02:43 AM
Red Dragon Swoop Race

The SWGEmu Events Team


We will be holding our monthly swoop race here in Red Dragon on
Friday, December 27th at 9pm CST
check local times:Here (http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/)

Contestants should report in at the Crash N' Burn Cantina (-7100, -6257) Dantooine and register with the Chalk vendor.

The Entry fee is 5000 credits.

Players must race to each checkpoint picking up the markers in numerical order. Taking a marker out of order will result in a disqualification.

Racetrack Vendors are listed on the planetary map under the "vendor ships" category for Checkpoints 1 through 4. The Crash N' Burn will act as checkpoint 5. The vendor there is listed under "vendor equipment" and is named "Chalk and Rules".

The race winner will be determined on a points systems. Each Marker will be given a point value. Buying the same marker with different values is not allowed(for instance you could not buy marker 1 with a 50 point value and marker 1 with a 25 point value). Whoever has the most points wins.

Awards will also be given out to 2nd and 3rd place. Those who wish to observe are encouraged to do so at the Crash N' Burn. This event is scheduled for 2 laps.

Prize Money is as follows:

1st place: 50k
2nd place: 20k
3rd place: 10k

20k Season points leader bonus will be bank deposited after points totals
are added in the Red Dragon Tribune.

Any questions feel free to contact Ghida Dut or Bisxo Trosco.

Current Season Standing:
Balsh: 400
Amnezia: 280
Paragd: 230
Niglydate: 195
Underworld: 195
Requis: 185
Northstar: 105
Jako: 95
Villie: 70
Pib: 15

12-16-2013, 06:44 PM
Anyone who viewed this thread please take note that date has changed due to RL reason of the event holder. Event will no longer be on the 20th but now will be held on the 27th.