View Full Version : Project Updates

  1. Currently Open SWGEmu Staff Positions
  2. SWGEmu Mission Statement
  3. Project Status List
  4. Nova Test Center Update 03/22/2011
  5. Development Team is Recruiting
  6. Playin.fr Interview with SWGEmu Developers
  7. End of Liberator Milestone
  8. End of Liberator Milestone reached
  9. Liberator wipe, Basilisk and you...
  10. SWGEmu Timeline
  11. Our leader, our colleague, our friend...
  12. June 11th wipe
  13. Accounts & Multiple Accounts
  14. SWGEmu half-year financial report
  15. Basilisk maintenance - 7/14/12
  16. Basilisk Merge 7/18/2012
  17. Rules, flameout, exploits and bans
  18. IRC downtime - 10/02/12
  19. Basilisk Merge 11/04/2012
  20. Basilisk move
  21. LPE issues
  22. SWGEmu End of Year Update 2012
  23. SWGEmu half-year financial report (second half of 2012)
  24. Global Registration update
  25. Basilisk maintenance 2/24/13
  26. Basilisk maintenance 3/4/13
  27. Login server change
  28. Another Login server address and/or IP change
  29. Preparations for Publish 3
  30. Basilisk Publish 3 Merge - July 2nd 2013
  31. SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support & Moderator training program
  32. Launchpad Enhanced issues - 07/21/13
  33. Current and future event guidelines
  34. SWGEmu half-year financial report (first half of 2013)
  35. Quality Assurance team - Community Testers Program recruitement
  36. Logon server offline - 09/26/2013
  37. Basilisk Publish 4 Merge - November 4th 2013
  38. LPE not working... again - 11/21/13
  39. SWGEmu LaunchPad - November 2013
  40. SWGEmu Launchpad Update - 11/22/13
  41. Support for LaunchPad Enhanced (LPE)
  42. SWGEmu End of Year Update 2013
  43. TC: Nova extended downtime 2/6/14
  44. SWGEmu Staff needs your help
  45. SWGEmu half-year financial report (second half of 2013)
  46. Website and Database Move - 05/02/14
  47. Basilisk Publish 5 Merge - May 18th
  48. Forums XP and reputation - 05/17/14
  49. Logon server offline 05/31/14
  50. Basilisik downtime 06/28/14
  51. Support ticket system - 07/17/2014
  52. SWGEmu half-year financial report (first half of 2014)
  53. Server instability - 08/23/2014
  54. TC: Nova Event - Scavenger Hunt
  55. Basilisk saving is now on - 11/17/14
  56. SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2014
  57. Public Engine3 without time restrictions
  58. SWGEmu AGPL Instructions and Requirements
  59. Basilisk Publish 7 Merge - June 7th 2015
  60. Financial report July 2014 - June 2015
  61. Vendors disappearing and possible Basilisk Rollback
  62. The rise, fall, and return of Star Wars Galaxies - The Daily Dot
  63. SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2015
  64. Notice: In Game Mail Expiration
  65. Basilisk Publish 8 merge - June 4th 2016
  66. Veteran rewards coming back to Basilisk, but with a twist
  67. Financial report July 2015 - June 2016
  68. Amber Edwards 1979 - 2016
  69. SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2017
  70. SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2016
  71. REMINDER: RL Monetary Trades in-game are a bannable offense
  72. SWGEmu Publish 9 - "Secrets of the Force, Redux" loading screen competition
  73. Basilisk Publish 9 merge - August 9th 2017
  74. Publish 9 Contest Winner
  75. Basilisk extended downtime 08/09/2017
  76. Infrastructure overhaul of 2017
  77. SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2017
  78. Financial report July 2016 - December 2017
  79. Basilisk Maintenance - October 19th 2018
  80. Maintenance Overview for October 20/21, 2018
  81. Quick update on server status on October 25, 2018.
  82. Death and Taxes...
  83. SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2018
  84. Partial System Outage - 2019-03-11 23:27 UTC
  85. Basilisk Publish 10 Merge - April 27th 2019
  86. Live Support Chat April 26th 2019
  87. SWGEmu - 1.0 and the future of JTL
  88. SWGEmu Support team needs strengthening
  89. VPNs and our services
  90. 01.31.2020 SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2019
  91. SWGEmu, The Next Decade...
  92. 2019 Data Review
  93. Please update your subscriptions!
  94. Basilisk publish 10.3 merge May 2020
  95. Clone wars...
  96. Clone Wars, The Exploit
  97. Basilisk Publish 10.4 Merge - July 2020
  98. Clone Wars, The Exploit... Continuation
  99. Clone Wars, The Exploit. Housing
  100. Clone Wars, The Exploit... Item cleanup.
  101. Clone Wars, The Exploit... A sense of normalcy
  102. Real Life Monetary Trades
  103. 02.09.2021 SWGEmu End Of The Year Update 2020
  104. Frozen ADK's
  105. Veteran Reward System Modifications for Testing
  106. New Play-Test Server Survey Results
  107. Q & A New server, The Finalizer
  108. SWGEmu Finalizer Server Launch
  109. SWGEmu Finalizer Server Launched
  110. Update of Our TOS
  111. [Policy]Fight Club Policy Finalizer
  112. 01.31.2022 SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2021
  113. Coming Changes to BH/Jedi
  114. 02/12/2022 Future for Basilisk
  115. Finalizers Tuesday restarts and Updates
  116. Staff Tracker
  117. New Archive Forum
  118. Our current & past staff at SWGEmu
  119. Placing Buildings In Bugged NBZs
  120. 11/01/2022 SWGEmu and Service Provider Change
  121. Goodbye Basilisk
  122. SWGEmu End of the Year Update 2022
  123. SWGEmu Finance Update June 2023
  124. Farewell to a Friend
  125. SWGEmu - Past the Post