1.) 19 Tusken Raiders --
Easily accomplished at Fort Tusken
2.) 8 Ancient Bull Rancors
-- Not commonly found in Rancor Heaven (located 2 lairs in an
hour at the NE quadrant about 2500 due NE of Dath outpost) *
also rumoured to hang around the dath imp prison
3.) 8 Stintaril Prowlers --
SW Quadrant of Yavin IV (near labor outpost) Took some time as
they spawn one or two to a spawn.. No lairs..
1/2 way in between Geo Lab and Labor outpost worked great for me
4.) 3 Blurrg Raptors --
Endor (sighted 1500 M NE of Smuggler post, 2000 M South of
smuggler post, 1500 N of smuggler post, and 1000 M South of
research post) (also check near the Deathwatch Bunker... NW
5.) 3 Enraged Kimogila - LOK
(sighted 4500 SE of Nyms Stronghold, 2000 M SE of Droideka Cave,
near the mountain SE LOK)
6.) 2 Peko Peko Albatross -
NABOO ( Northern Bayside.. found them before near
kadaara..almost always on the Bay Cliffs)
7.) 2 Graul Marauders --
DANT ( NW corner of Dantooine, Western side of planet, 500 M
around Imp Outpost as well)(***Both times i have seen these
spawn, has been South of the Imp Outpost... Last known spotting
was 2200 Meters South Southwest of the Imp Outpost)
*At this point you choose direction you would like to go as far
as light side or dark side.
8.) 47 Rebel/Imp Commandos -
For rebels -- Rori Rebel outpost has arax? do his 3rd mission
for 5 to spawn each time.. wash mission/rinse repeat..Random
Spawns throughout galaxy. Dark Black Imperials
9.) 22 Rebel/Imp Generals -
Player Bases, spawn every 20 mins.. clear em and hope surface
marshall,High general, or general spawn
10.) 4 Rebel/Imp Rear Admirals/Nova
Troopers - 190,000 HAM..Heav y Armour...
Corvette..Top FLoor at Start..2nd room on the right... with the
yellow shoulder pa protruding off his right shoulder...
11.) 1 Acklay -Boss Spawn at
the Geo Lab Cave of Yavin IV
12.) 1 Nightsister Elder -
Dathomir SW quadrant, near POI Nightsister Stronghold
13.) 1 Kiin'Dray- Boss Spawn
at the Spiderclan Cave on Dathomir (north Dath)
14.) 1 Giant Krayt Dragon -
Krayt Graveyard, Tatooine
*Important note, as soon as the
Krayt is killed, you are perma overt.. CAREFUL out there