Image Designer Guide






/imagedesignSetValue hair_color <value>;
/pause 1;
/macro <macro name>;

what you do is pull up the image design on them first to get their current hair color. Put that number in there, take a couple swigs of brandy, sit down, and have them click accept as fast as they can.

This goes faster if you have someone in the group to train you so you dont have to keep stopping every couple of minutes to train.

Do hair color till image 2 then switch to eye color. Code:

if you are doing design on a zabrak, at IM 3 switch to horn color Code:

at IM novice switch to cheeks Code:

go up the facial tree till you hit Facial 4 then switch to Jaw Code:

from there you will be making 275 points a click, and should be able to finish off the rest of IM master in a short time.





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