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  • Marksman - A Marksman's Guide to Weapons
    By: Ximog, Posted at: Fri, Jun 20th 2:03 PM 2003, Last Edited: Wed, Mar 23rd 1:16 PM 2005
    Rated 4.11 by 27 people

    Getting Started

    So you've just come out of the Tutorial and you're armed and ready to start hunting. It probably doesn't take long for you to realize that the critters right outside of town are really hard to kill. You see other people slaughtering those critters, but you seem to barely be able to hurt them. You take a look at your newbie CDEF Pistol and wonder what the problem is. Worked great against the bandit in the tutorial, but it's not cutting it so good out here. You just learned an important fact of life for Marksmen. Your weapon matters A LOT. Good ones will make life a whole lot easier. Lousy ones will make life very hard indeed.

    The good news is that there are people out there who are dying to make you a better one. Newbie Artisans can make CDEF Pistols, Carbines, and Rifles that are much better than the one you started with. They get experience for making these weapons, and they get even more experience when you use them, so they are often given away for free or sold for a very small amount of credits, which is good since you didn't start with much in terms of credits.

    One of the first things you should try to do is track down an Artisan (more on how to do that later) and see if you can get a crafted CDEF Pistol, Carbine, and Rifle. Try em all out and see what you like!

    Upgrading your Weapons

    If you've looked closely at the Marksman skill tree, you've undoubtedly noticed that as your skills increase you gain the ability to use weapons other than the CDEF weapons you started with. Even as a Novice Marksman you might have noticed that you have certifications for D18 Pistol, DH17 Carbine, and DLT20 Rifle. These are better weapons that will do more damage, fire faster, and generally are a big improvement. As your skills improve you'll get more and more certifications to use different weapons, many of which will help you do more damage faster and with less cost to your Health, Action, and Mind.

    Weapon Stats - What do they all mean?

    Before getting too far into what all the different weapons are, it's a good idea to understand what all those numbers mean. Click on your weapon and select Examine from the radial menu. This will show you the stats for the weapon you selected.

    Weapon damage is fairly self explanatory. Different weapons have different ranges for damage, but basically more is better when it comes to damage. Some people like weapons with a smaller range, like Scout Blasters, so they do damage more consistently. Others like weapons with a big range, like FWG5 Pistols, cause it's fun to see those really big hits, even though sometimes you'll get littler hits too. If you want to optimize, add the lower and higher numbers and divide by two to get the average damage. This is the number I use to determine which weapon is 'best' for damage.

    The Damage stat only tells half the story though. Attack speed is also very important. All else being equal, lower is obviously better, as you'll fire faster. If you really want to optimize damage when comparing weapons, take the average damage and divide by the speed. This number, which I'll call DPAS for Damage per Attack Speed, will tell you which weapon will on average do the most damage during a set period of time. Many people call this DPS, for Damage per Second, but since Attack speed doesn't really translate well into seconds (you fire faster as your skills improve) I prefer DPAS, but call it whatever you like!

    Every weapon will also list the cost for special attacks. These are attacks like Overcharge Shot, Body Shot, Threaten Shot, etc. These costs are VERY important, as they determine how much using the weapon will drain your Health, Action, and Mind bars when you use your special attacks. In this area lower is better, but unfortunately you won't know exactly how much your HAM bar will be drained until you actually try it out in combat. This is because your stats also determine exactly what the cost is. To quote from the manual...

    Some actions have a cost associated with them to execute them. The point cost of an action is also determined, at least partially, by your statistics. For instance, an action that costs health points will be more expensive if you have a low strength, and less expensive if you have a high strength. Similarly, quickness helps determine how many action points an action will cost, and focus will help determine how much a mind action may cost.

    A skilled Weaponsmith will use Experimentation (more on this later) to make the cost of specials as low as possible, but this is one to really look out for. If you're half dead in one bar or another after killing a light blue creature, and it hardly touched you, you've likely got a weapon with real high stat costs, or you've made your Strength, Quickness, or Focus too low. You'll have to find the balance that works best for you, but beware of weapons that look nice but have real high specials costs or you'll create a lot of unnecessary downtime for yourself.

    Another stat you'll see on weapons is the wound chance. Higher is better in theory, but it's still unclear to me exactly what this does. Does wound chance increase the chance of inflicting normal wounds like players take? If that's the case, it's pretty worthless except for PVP to inflict larger amounts of irritating wounds on your foes. Or does the wound chance somehow affect the Damage over Time bleeding effect from Health Shot, Mind Shot, Action Shot, etc? This would obviously be very useful in some circumstances. Or does the wound chance somehow have some other effect that we just haven't sorted out yet? I'd love for somebody to test a couple of weapons and see what they could learn.

    Another stat you'll see on your weapon is range bonuses/penalties. It has been my experience is that this is essentially outdated. Sometime ago special attacks were modified to have a large bonus to hit, and my suspicion is that the to-hit bonus of specials is so large it's essentially making the range bonuses/penalties irrelevant for special attacks, which is pretty much all anyone uses. Again, if someone wants to test a couple of weapons with different range bonuses let me know and we can try to dig into this one more.

    Details, Details, Details

    Obviously it's important when you are looking at acquiring a weapon to understand ALL the aspects of the weapon to see what will work well for you. It's quite frustrating to spend a lot of credits on a weapon only to find out the specials costs are crippling you or the speed it too high for you to be effective. One last thing to keep in the back of your mind is the attack type. You won't find this listed when you examine the weapon (it should be IMO) but I have a sneaking suspicion that if it's not already implemented, we will soon see different creatures that are more or less susceptible to different attack types. I'm not talking about melee vs. ranged here, but projectile, blaster, acid, lightning, etc.

    How to look for a new Weapon

    There are basically two places weapons come from, other than the CDEF Pistol you started with. They are either dropped by an NPC or crafted by an Artisan or Weaponsmith. An Artisan can only make CDEF weapons, so if you are looking for something more than that, it's either gonna be a dropped weapon or one crafted by a Weaponsmith. Being a Weaponsmith I don't know too much about dropped weapons other than they are intentionally inferior to those that can be made by a Weaponsmith. I suspect that in time rare, high quality dropped weapons will make their way into the game if they aren't already, but in most cases you are much better off looking for a weapon made by a skilled Weaponsmith.

    So where to look? With recent Bazaar changes a lot of the utter junk that was for sale in the Bazaar should go away as it will simply cost too much for people to list CDEF weapons and other junk. The Bazaar is a good place to start. When you bring up the Bazaar terminal (assuming it works), double click on Weapons and you'll open up a subtree that lists different weapon types. Select Ranged Weapons and see what's there. Be sure to look at the details for each and every weapon you are interested in, as prices and quality will vary widely. Also, keep in mind that unscrupulous crafters can name items anything they want, so just because it says Laser Rifle that doesn't mean it IS a Laser Rifle. If you can't find anything you like in the Bazaar on your home world, you might want to try the non-starter planets. Marksmen with higher skills tend to hunt in those places, so often more skilled Weaponsmiths put their weapons for sale there too. Pretty much all the weapons I put in the Bazaar will be on one of the non-starter planets.

    If you can't find anything in the Bazaar, it's time to track down a Weaponcrafter. If you don't know a good Weaponcrafter, ask other Marksmen if they know one. Or ask them who made their weapon, if it's a good one. Every crafted weapon will list the name of the crafter who made it when you examine it. Another thing you can try is to bring up the Community menu (CTRL-P). On the Community menu is a tab for Search. Select Weaponsmith on the Profession tab and it will list any Weaponsmiths in the nearby area. The title that a Novice Weaponsmith will have is...Novice Weaponsmith. Once the Firearms tree is mastered they can choose the Gunsmith title. And a Master Weaponsmith can use the title of...well...Master Weaponsmith.

    If you see some folks on the Search list, don't assume that because their title is Novice Weaponsmith they can't make you a wonderful weapon. They may very well have maxed the Experimentation branch but haven't quite gotten all the way to the top of the Firearms branch. Or they just might not want to list their 'highest' title, for whatever reason. Simlarly, don't assume that just because someone is a Gunsmith they CAN make you a wonderful weapon. They get that title when they max the Firearms branch, but unless they also have made good progress on the Experimentation branch it's likely they can't make the very best weapons. Obviously a Master Weaponsmith will have maxed all of the branches, and only a Master can make the most difficult weapons.

    Most Weaponcrafters like making weapons for people, which is why we picked that skill. If you want to commission a weapon from somebody you don't know, my advice is to just talk to them. We're usually happy to make one for you. Try to keep a few things in mind though. We have to be close to a Weapon Crafting Station to experiment on weapons, so we can't make them just anywhere. And just about everything requires at least three subcomponents plus the final combine, so it takes time to make a quality weapon. Please be patient. It's also hard to chat much when you have a crafting window open all the time, so we might not talk much, but we're clicking away.

    What goes into making a weapon?

    If your main concern is to find a good weapon you can stop reading now. You should have plenty of information to find a good weapon or find a Weaponsmith to make one for you. Just remember that just because the certification is higher, that does not mean the weapon is better. If you're curious to know why that is and what else goes into making a weapon, keep reading...

    Weaponsmith Skill

    One of the first things that is important about making good weapons is the skill of the Weaponsmith. There are two branches relevant to making ranged weapons, the Firearms branch, and the Experimentation branch. As a Weaponsmith advances up the Firearms branch, they gain the ability to make more complex guns and components. You can easily look at the Skill tree and see what weapons can be made at each skill box. Even more important to making really good weapons is the Experimentation branch. When a weapon is made, experimentation points can be spent to increase the damage or decrease the specials costs of each component and the final weapon assembly. To do this a weaponsmith has to be near a crafting station, so if you ever wondered why we don't make weapons just anywhere, that's why. In theory certain advanced Droids can function as crafting stations, however as far as I know they don't work right now. Hopefully that will be fixed soon.

    Each +10 in Weapon Experimentation grants another experimentation point. So a Novice Weaponsmith has 1 point, and a Master has 9. The difference is really much larger than that though, since each component can be experimented on, and each weapon has 2-4 components, the total difference between a Novice and a Master might be as much as 5 points vs. 45 points (4 components plus final assembly for example). Thats one of the biggest reasons a more advanced Weaponsmith will make much better weapons, even from the same materials.

    Even a Novice Weaponsmith can make a really nice weapon if they have a committment to making good quality components. They won't have the consistency of a Master Weaponsmith, but they can be quite nice. The key here is a committment to quality. When working up through the Weaponsmith ranks, a good Weaponsmith will make many duplicates of each component, and destroy the worst of them. That way only the best components will be used in the final weapon. With enough attention to detail and committment to quality, even a Novice Weaponsmith can make a DLT20 Rifle that's just as good as a Master.


    Every weapon other that CDEF weapons requires multiple components to be made. Blaster Power Handlers, Projectile Pistol Barrels, etc. etc. There's a bunch of em. Some components are required, some are optional. For example, Scopes are always optional components. They add to the wound chance and range bonuses of a weapon, but also increase the special moves costs (those can be reduced back down later through experimentation). Better components will give the final weapon higher damage, faster speed, higher wound chance, better range bonuses, etc. A lesser skilled weaponsmith can also make very fine components, but they have to be lucky on experimentation, since they will have less points to spend there. The exception to this is that on many assemblies it doesn't take 9 experimentation points to reach the maximum that assembly is capable of reaching. Once the maximum is reached, extra experimentation points are wasted.

    Each component has a maximum value that it can be experimented to. This value is determined by the quality of the materials used. A Blaster Pistol Barrel, for example, uses 27 Metal and 1 Gemstone. The maximum value that Barrel can be experimented to will depend on the Conductivity and the Shock-Resistance of the materials used. Every component uses different materials, and has different values to determine the quality of the final result. A Blaster Power Handler, for example, uses 5 Metal, 3 Copper, 3 Low-grade Ore, 5 Inert Petrochemical, and 10 Reactive Gas, and the final quality is determined by the Conductivity and Overall Quality of the Materials used.

    Specific resources are not available all the time. Resources are replenished and depleted often, so old ones will eventually go away, and new ones appear. In time, I'm sure that everything will be makeable, but it may take some time. This is, btw, why a weapon such as an SR Combat Pistol can't be made right now. The Steel that's needed (Neutronium Steel) simply has never existed on Bria since the resource wipe. When and if it shows up, those can be made.

    The good news is that for the simpler components the resource requirements are easy to meet. Any old metal will do for Blaster Pistol Barrels, so all we need to do is find one that has good Conductivity and Shock Resistance values, and the final result will be excellent. As we get to more complicated weapons though, the material requirements become more strict. Instead of just any old metal, Copper or Steel or Aluminum might be required. And for the most advanced weapons and components, you can't use just any old Copper - it must be a specific type of copper, like Codoan Copper or Diatium Copper. So in order for the more advanced weapons to really come out good, not only do we need to find specific types of resources, but they must also have the right set of attributes.

    To make matters worse, pretty much all of the more advanced weapons require at least one of the components used to come from a factory. A Laser Rifle, for example, requires 4 Identical Blaster Power Handlers from a Factory Crate. This means an advanced Weaponsmith also needs to acquire and maintain a factory, or at least have access to one.

    Sound complicated yet? Well, it's not really all THAT bad, but it does take a lot of time to keep up with it all. I think most good Weaponsmiths will end up being resource packrats, just because there are so many different types of resources that we have to manage. I know that I have so many I can barely keep them all straight.

    When it all comes together the result is a superb weapon. It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to make these fine weapons, and a Weaponsmith spends a lot of effort you don't see in order to make the weapon that you do see. I hope this guide offers a little glimpse into the process.

    For those folks who are still interested in testing some of the new weapons, Ximog has set up a Weapon Shop on Tatooine, near Bestine. Let me know if you'd like to come by, and I'll mail you the waypoint. Feel free to come by and just hang out, say hello, or I'll be happy to make a weapon for you. With only a few days left in Beta, I'm not too worried about credits anymore, but if you have any extra hides you don't need, those are still appreciated, so I can work on making furniture for the Shop.

    Safe Travels!


    SWG: Profession: Marksman - A Marksman's Guide to Weapons, by Ximog
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    19 threads, 1 page(s) long 
       arhgggg Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Oct 27th 2:17 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [1.50]


      0 Replies
       piercing Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Sep 22nd 8:36 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      is there any difference in damage from armor piercing? other then cutting down the effect of the armor the player is wearing I heard that if you have a weapon with high armor piercing shooting a target without armor the damage that it would normally inflict is doubled.

      Example: I have a rifle with high armor piercing with 300 max damage attacking a target with no armor my max is shifted to 600 or more.

      0 Replies
       Marksman? Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Sep 8th 5:29 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      I have a question, hence why i am here. I need the 4th tier of Pistol and Carbine skills to qualify for master Marksman < yay > what would you suggest I do to obtain these levels quickly? I would love to know what type of weapons in carbine and pistol, shots i should use, where good places are to hunt, AND, < pant pant > if i should get into groups if so where? Thanks so much for taking this time to answer my questions, Love SWG < YAY >

      0 Replies
       Shooting Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Aug 19th 1:14 PM 2003
      By: antmuscle
      2 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      Hi All,
      I was wondering with which weapon you get the overhand shot?  It would be nice to be able to knock people down. Also at what skill level do you receive it.

      1 Reply
         RE: Shooting Reply...
        Posted @ Wed, Aug 27th 2:40 AM 2003
        By: Anonymous
        Score: Default [2.00]

        If you mean the underhand shot, that's from the bounty hunter skill carbine specialization 1, the link is at http://swg.allakhazam.com/db/abilities.html?swgability=608 . But you need master marksman, master scout, and 40,000 combat experience to get novice bouny hunter, so it takes a while to be able to use it.            

        0 Replies
       money Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Aug 19th 7:57 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [1.50]

      i know the weapons and armor matter but now i need to get money!! what is the easiest way for a marksman to make cash, besides killing easy things and than looting.                                                   

      2 Replies
         RE: money Reply...
        Posted @ Thu, Jan 29th 8:55 AM 2004
        By: tncschopen
        2 posts
        Score: Decent [3.00]

        the reply u got is a good 1 but instead of killing animals get missions to kill people in the same direction that way when u loot u get even more money, u can also get stuff u can sell i don't know how many crappy pistols i sold for 100 creds that only cost me 20 creds to put on bazzar.

        0 Replies
         RE: money Reply...
        Posted @ Wed, Aug 27th 2:19 AM 2003
        By: Anonymous
        Score: Default [2.00]

        What I've done, and I know I'm not the first to do this strategy, is take 2 missions from a mission terminal going in the same direction. That way you know you will kill all the pets in the lair, blow up the lair, get paid for it, and kill anything you want along the way. And those animals will probably be within your skill range because they're closer to the city than the mission lair you chose. The 'updated mission locations' will get annoying, but more ground covered is more chance to kill anything and everything you see. After 3 outings, which won't take more than a half hour, you'll have at least 5,000 credits. It goes faster if you go with someone else, because then you can kill tougher animals, and I hope you're a scout because you can harvest resources that you can sell on the bazaar. Once I sold 500 units of crappy hide for 2000 credits. Meat goes for higher prices, like 5, 5.5, or 6 credits per unit. But there's a 3,000 credit limit on the bazaar, so split resource containers to sizes people are more likely to buy. Your hunting friend can also take two missions, and if they're not a scout you get all the resources and camping exp.

        0 Replies
       the thingy Reply...
      Posted @ Fri, Aug 15th 7:58 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [1.50]

      dose all this aply to a bounty hunter or any other class?

      1 Reply
         RE: the thingy Reply...
        Posted @ Tue, Aug 26th 3:19 PM 2003
        By: Boogahz
        24 posts
        Score: Decent [3.00]

        It will apply to the bounty hunter as well, since you have to be a Master Marksman as well as Master Scout to become one.                                                                

        0 Replies
       Sheild belts Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Jul 28th 9:21 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      Keep in mind sheild belts absorb weapons fire damage not creature claws, much like bone armour... I would have thought the biggest tip for marksmen is to work one pool over with their headshot or legshot etc... however damage = xp so that can increase kills and reduce xp...                         

      0 Replies
       armour Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Jul 21st 7:30 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      Bone armour sucks against animal mobs.. Look at the stats... Its VULNERABLE against kinetic which is melee                                                                

      0 Replies
       Certifications Reply...
      Posted @ Fri, Jul 18th 9:36 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      I saw in the character builder that when I added marksman skills I got better weapon certifications. Someone told me that you can use whatever weapon you want and certifications only make you use it better, but I don't think he knew what he was talking about. What exactly do these certifications do, and how do I see which ones I can use in the game?            

      3 Replies
         RE: Certifications Reply...
        Posted @ Wed, Jul 30th 3:55 PM 2003
        By: Anonymous
        Score: Default [2.00]

        I figured out how to check what certification you have. In the skills screen click on the skill box itself, and there's a small box below and to the right that lists them. It also lists the abilities granted, which is useful too.                                      

        0 Replies
         RE: Certifications Reply...
        Posted @ Wed, Jul 30th 3:55 PM 2003
        By: Anonymous
        Score: Default [2.00]

        I figured out how to check what certification you have. In the skills screen click on the skill box itself, and there's a small box below and to the right that lists them. It also lists the abilities granted, which is useful too.                                      

        0 Replies
         RE: Certifications Reply...
        Posted @ Fri, Jul 25th 5:02 PM 2003
        By: jakthered
        3 posts
        Score: Good [3.50]

        I was using an uncertified weapon (sword) with my starting big wookie brawler and it was 10-15 points of damage on a hit.  I switched to survival knife and was doing like 30-40 points. So I think you can use the weapon, it will just suck.                                      

        0 Replies
       About decay Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Jul 10th 9:46 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      is there any way we can stop, prevent or slow the item decay? Specially talking about weapons.                                                                

      0 Replies
       womp rat hunter Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Jul 8th 9:11 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      yes i saw a greater womp rat the other day with some black on his health..i stayed back from him though..just noted the con etc and added it to my notebook..im currently making a listing of what gives what for harvesting on tattoine so I can get the appropriate stuff to help a friend who does chitin. Have a nice day and hope the servers are back up soon            

      0 Replies
       Weapon Shop Reply...
      Posted @ Sun, Jul 6th 10:21 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      Yo can you mail me the cooridinants for the Weapon Shop on Tatooine? Can you also send relative location also...


      0 Replies
       Wound chance Reply...
      Posted @ Wed, Jul 2nd 4:24 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      I'm pretty sure wound chance is the chance to inflict HAM wounds. Ximog was dismissive of this and for MOBs he's more or less right (although you could conceivably wear down a high-level mob via wounds that don't heal). But I think it will be an interesting tactical factor in large-scale PvP battles. Damage is so much easier to heal than wounds. Over the duration of a long battle, inflicted wounds could force players to retreat.

      Yes, this is a narrow, limited impact but given that these battles are intended to be the pinnacle of the playing experience, I think it's appropriate to add this bit of depth to them.

      This ain�t a slam or a flame. I'm just pointing out what is probably the intent behind the wounding capability of PC weapons. It's also nice to know that we can deal out wounds as well as take them... it adds a little consistancy.

      I have come across MOBs with black in their bars indicating wounds.

      0 Replies
       armor questions Reply...
      Posted @ Sun, Jun 29th 8:59 PM 2003
      By: zaxz
      1 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      can anyone tell me what type of armor would be best for a marksmen?  I was wearing bone armor, and got my butt kicked moreso then if I wore the newbie stuff. Why is that ?

      3 Replies
         RE: armor questions Reply...
        Posted @ Tue, Aug 12th 10:45 PM 2003
        By: flabajaba
        84 posts
        Score: Default [2.37]

        I believe that what you are saying is correct.  Some types of armor can be such a burden on your HAM that it may keep you from using some of your specials. The one instence where I would use armor is if you know that Youwould be either tanking or in PvP combat. However, as a marksman, the brawlers should be tanking for you. In PvP, it is your choice. If you use rifles, I would use more Blaster-resistent armor, since you will probably be able to take care of most of your opponents mind pool before they can get to you, so It will take just a few more shots when they close in (this is where suppression fire is helpful, PvP and MOBS ). If you are going to go carbine, I would use a mixture of blaster and meele armor, since you will be in the #&*$ as well as farther away. For pistol users.....wow, this is a tough one...I would suggest some blaster, but more meele. You will still get fired at, but your main adversaries will probably be that Teras Kasi who will chew you up and spit you out in 2 specials. This is all based on my experience, and this is just the way I would do it. I prefer rifles, and I don't PvP a lot, so I don't use much armor. Anywho...thats all for now. Later

        Kashryak - (almost) Creature Handler, rifle master, advanced pistol.

        for all of you rifle guys....

        "Don't bother running, you'll only die tired!"

        P.S. I found, in my experience, that a good rifle for beginners (or whenecer you qualify for it), is the DL20a. It may fire a bit slow, but if you keep a good distance away, and you use your threaten and warning shots (when you get them), you should be fine. Also, I can't believe how many people don't go prone when firing. You should always get your ideal distance, give a 10 meter cushion, and LAY DOWN! If you are using the DL20a, even with a high attack speed, you should get in 3 shots before the enemy finds your position, and, depending on the enemy, you may be able to get a 4th in before you have to either stand or kneel. Thats it. Later.

        And for all of you old school shooter fans like me...

        "Hail to the King, Baby."

        Edited, Tue Aug 12 22:41:59 2003

        0 Replies
         RE: armor questions Reply...
        Posted @ Thu, Jul 10th 3:59 AM 2003
        By: tuop
        1 posts
        Score: Decent [3.00]

        Apparently Bone armor is good agaisnt Blasters not Melee.  Try mabari armorweave for mele attacks. Check out the scouting post at http://swg.allakhazam.com/db/guides.html?guide=87 about 2/3 the way down for more on this.                         

        0 Replies
         RE: armor questions Reply...
        Posted @ Fri, Jul 4th 10:57 AM 2003
        By: Anonymous
        Score: Default [2.00]

        I was not a beta tester, so this is all second hand knowledge, but I heard that armor is useless to marksman. What it does is give you armor bonuses but takes heavily from your stats, so heavily that it hurts you more then it helps you. So my understanding is that you should try and get a personal sheild generator (I don't remember what they're called, something along that line) so you get armor without the stat penalties and you still get to wear your clothes of choice:)

        0 Replies
       Very Informative Reply...
      Posted @ Sun, Jun 29th 1:02 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      looks good... now all we need is a list of weapons and maybe some info on how its best to get them.                                                                

      0 Replies
      1 message(s) skipped by filter settings
       Great Read Reply...
      Posted @ Sat, Jun 21st 11:38 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [1.50]

      Thank you for putting this together!  Very helpfull.                                                                 

      0 Replies
       Nice Reply...
      Posted @ Fri, Jun 20th 4:14 PM 2003
      By: Warlocc
      27 posts
      Score: Default [2.00]

      Looks good... can you update thsi when you get weapons data vs stats ect like you post on?                                                                

      Feind Folo
      Antonia Bayle Guild
      0 Replies
       Nice Reply...
      Posted @ Fri, Jun 20th 4:13 PM 2003
      By: Warlocc
      27 posts
      Score: Default [2.00]

      Looks good... can you update thsi when you get weapons data vs stats ect like you post on?                                                                

      Feind Folo
      Antonia Bayle Guild
      0 Replies
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