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  • Bounty Hunter - Elbereth�s Guide to Bounty Hunting
    By: Elbereth, Posted at: Mon, Jun 16th 3:48 PM 2003, Last Edited: Tue, Jun 22nd 7:22 PM 2004
    Rated 4.92 by 55 people

    Elbereth's Guide to Bounty Hunting
    (A Treatise Upon The Hunting of Humanoids)
    Revised: June 19, 2003
    Send corrections/additions to: cybersleek@hotmail.com

    Bounty Hunters are the mysterious and shadowy figures of the Star Wars universe that travel from planet to planet, making use of technological tracking devices, and forging underworld contacts in the pursuit of humanoid quarry for pay. In general, Bounty Hunters provide justice to the weak and wealthy or those who simply wish to see ill befall another from a distance. Targets (or 'the mark') of bounties can be anything from sabacc hustlers to obnoxious brawlers that have pushed around one too many locals. Bounty Hunters are skilled in ranged weapons and are adept at covering large distances quickly and quietly.

    Bounty Hunter Species

    Any species in the Star Wars universe can become a Bounty Hunter. How important is the species of a Bounty Hunter to their successfulness in 'The Trade?' Choice of species will have an influence, but in the long run the species chosen is not critical. The most important factors in selecting the species of a Bounty Hunter is first and foremost what species will bring the most personal enjoyment and secondly how you envision the Bounty Hunter being perceived by those around she meets. Bounty Hunters may be towering and formidable Trandoshans or Wookiees, ubiquitous humans, subtle Twi'leks, covert Bothans, tenacious Zabraks, perceptive Mon Calamari, or disreputable Rodians. Will the particular Bounty Hunter be typical of her race, or an exception to the rule? That being said, here are the relevant mechanics:

    The furry and fiercely loyal Bothans have a cultural history of espionage and tenacity that has earned them a reputation of being manipulative and ambitious. Bothans receive +300 to action/quickness and +100 to Stamina/Mind/Focus/Willpower for a total of +1000 points as well as +15 camouflage and +10 cover. While not the most physically resilient race, Bothans excel at remaining undetected in the wilderness and are well suited to ranged combat especially when taking cover.

    Humans are the predominant species of the Star Wars universe, perform generally well in all endeavors, and are the most accepted species by the Empire. Humans receive +100 to all of their statistics for a total of +900 points as well as +10 to Leadership and +15 to Artisan Experimentation; neither of these skills has strong influence on the majority of Bounty Hunters.

    [Mon Calamari]
    The fish-like Mon Calamari are a clever and socially progressive race that are often noted for their soft-spoken and generous nature. Mon Calamari receive +150 to Stamina/Willpower and +300 to Mind/Focus for a total of +900 points as well as +15 to Alertness and +10 to Weapon Assembly and Structure Assembly. The demanding nature of Bounty Hunter training often leaves little extra time to pursue other professions like crafting leaving these latter two bonuses mostly unused. The alert nature of Mon Calamari can however aid them when hidden snipers are lurking nearby.

    The somewhat insect-like Rodians are often seen as a violent, immoral, and greedy people who idealize the profession of Bounty Hunter. Rodians receive +200 to action/quickness, +450 to stamina, and +50 to willpower for a total of +900 points as well as +15 to Defense Vs. Blind and +10 to One-Handed Weapon Accuracy, Two-Handed Melee Accuracy, and Weapon Assembly. The extra defense versus blinding can be an asset for Rodians during combat, especially versus the difficult humanoid prey of a Bounty Hunter. As Bounty Hunters are, without many exceptions, ranged combatants most of the melee weapon bonuses tend to go unused. However for those Bounty Hunters that do decide to spend part of their limited training time studying the melee arts these bonuses can be of benefit. Weapon construction however is best left for those with the time necessary to specialize in the demanding field of weaponry design, leaving this species skill of little aptitude to Rodian Bounty Hunters.

    The reptilian Trandoshans are a fierce and hearty warlike race that are known for their fierce claws and above-average regenerative physiology. Trandoshans receive +250 health, +300 strength, +400 constitution, and +100 willpower for +1050 points and +10 Unarmed Accuracy, +5 Unarmed Speed. +15 Unarmed Damage, +10 Melee Defense, +10 Creature Harvesting, and +1 regeneration although they have great difficulty in finding foot-wear for the clawed feet. If ever a race were to take up an unarmed combat specialization as a Bounty Hunter, the Trandoshans would most excel. Even without pursuing unarmed combat, the extra melee defense makes Trandoshans exceptionally resilient especially given their extra regenerative nature.

    Twi'leks are perhaps most notable for their distinctive lekku (twin tendrils attached to their heads) and their clannish nature. Twi'leks receive +250 constitution/action, +300 quickness, and +100 mind for +900 points as well as +15 Wound Healing (Dancing)/Battle Fatigue healing (Dancing) and +5 Wound Healing (Music)/Battle Fatigue healing (Music). While there are not many know Bounty Hunters that have pursued the entertaining arts, beauty and grace are tools that could benefit them.

    The tallest and furriest species in the Star Wars universe, Wookiees are both physically and intellectually strong with a unique sense of life-debt to those that save their lives and are also the only known species to wield the Bowcaster ranged weapon. Wookiees receive +350 health/strength, +200 action, +150 constitution/focus, and +100 quickness/stamina/mind/willpower for +1450 points and +10 Trapping, Creature Taming Bonus, Rescue, Warcry, and +1 Wookiee Roar. While the racial statistics of Wookiees is very impressive compared to other species, Wookiees are generally unable to find armour suitable to their large bodies. For those Bounty Hunters that wish to partially study Creature Handling, the bonus to Creature Taming would be a definite asset.


    The horned and sometimes tattooed Zabrak are a proud, strong-willed, and independent people who were one of the first species to leave their harsh homeworld for the exploration of space. Zabrak receive +200 health, +300 action, and +400 willpower for +900 points as well as +10 defensive bonuses versus blind/stun/intimidate, +5 anti-shock, and +1 equilibrium and vitalize. As a combat oriented profession, Bounty Hunters may benefit well from the resilient nature of Zabraks against many of the special attacks that they will have to endure.

    All of the above species can decide to become Imperials or Rebels in the Galactic Civil War or remain as Neutrals. If a Bounty Hunter follows the political path of being a Neutral or a Rebel, the choice of species will have no influence upon their progression as such. However, while the Empire is accepting of all species in the filling of the Imperial Ranks, some species are less well accepted than others. Humans are preferred by the Empire and may purchase the faction perk of converting faction points to skill experience points by training on a 1:1 point basis. Wookiees and Mon Calamari are least tolerated and must purchase the training perk on a 3:1 point basis. All other non-humans purchase training on a 2:1 point cost. The relative amount of influence that faction training has upon the overall total of any given skill's total experience points will be small however considering that elite professions require hundreds of thousands of skill points to advance a level and earning 1000 faction points is a lengthy task. If a Bounty Hunter will be joining the ranks of the Imperial Forces, the importance of inexpensive skill training may be a deciding factor in the choice of species albeit a relatively minor influence.

    Becoming a Bounty Hunter

    Bounty Hunters currently have two full novice profession masteries as prerequisites: Master Scout and Master Marksman. The benefits of being a Master Scout are that you will be able to track your mark across the wilderness quickly (Terrain Navigation bonuses) and safely (Mask Scent), build campsites to recuperate in, and /forage for stat enhancing foods. Master Marksman will give you specialized training in each of the three main ranged weapon categories of pistols, carbines, and rifles which respectively allow you to use special attacks upon your target's health, action, and mind pools. Master Marksman also provides a strong defense against ranged attacks which tends to be the primary fighting style of most humanoids.

    As prerequisites, Marksman and Scout are two professions that would-be Bounty Hunters will want to immediately choose when starting their career. Taking Novice Medic is also a very good choice to have some basic healing skills to reduce down-time while out performing missions and hunting. A Medic's stim packs can be used to heal immediate injuries and med packs can be used to heal damage to character statistics (as can /tendwound). If skill points spent in Medic are needed at a later point in the Bounty Hunter's career they can always be untrained.

    Thinking ahead will save the potential Bounty Hunter much aggravation in the long run. Becoming a Master Marksman and a Master Bounty Hunter both require 'apprenticeship' experience. Apprenticeship experience is derived from teaching your professional skills to other players and is best accomplished by teaching skills from the time you can start teaching. While waiting for a shuttle or passing through an area of novice players, ask if anyone requires training in your areas of expertise. If they do, /invite them to join your group and then type /teach to see what skills you can teach them. When you have successfully taught your skills to another person you will gain apprenticeship experience. The more advanced the skill you teach, the more experience you gain.

    Bounty Hunters can develop in groups or solo, both routes have their benefits and drawbacks. Grouping allows a Marksman/Scout to fight tougher creatures safely and quickly and will allow quick gains in Wilderness Survival experience by having many people healing in your campsite at once. The drawback to grouping is that if the group contains many Scouts there will be competition for /harvest and camp setting experience. The best advice is to determine who in your current group is a Scout and arrange a rotation of who will /harvest and set camps. Clearly communicating this will keep your hunting party happy and help establish a good reputation/relationship with other players.

    Grouping also allows would-be Bounty Hunters to train in weapons that they are not yet very proficient with in a relatively safe environment with team mates to assist. However, a grouped Marksman in-training should always be prepared to switch to their best weapon quickly (set up a hotkey) if a battle threatens the life of a team mate. Make sure to use traps against creatures in combat from the beginning of your career to help build trapping experience slowly but surely. There are very good guides available in more detail for both the Scout and the Marksman professions that are excellent information resources.

    Once Marksman and Scout masteries have been achieved, the next and final step in becoming an official Bounty Hunter is locating a NPC trainer. The current list of Bounty Hunter trainers that I am aware of are:

    Bounty Hunter Trainers:
    Tyrena, Corellia: -5130, -2300
    Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3360, -4840
    Keren, Naboo: 2085, 2575

    A final point developing Bounty Hunters need to consider during the early part of their career is faction standing with the various factions. Bounty Hunters travel a lot and are exposed to many factions. If a young Marksman/Scout makes a practice of killing CorSec and RSF personnel on a regular basis they will have to later watch out for these forces while traveling the major cities of the galaxy. There is nothing wrong with upsetting the various factions, but it does mean that they will attack on sight if the faction standing is very poor. This can add much excitement or unwanted attention depending on the particular Bounty Hunter's point of view. A traveling consideration is that while it may be more expensive to fly into a Starport, Starports are enclosed buildings that will prevent many local forces from surprise attacking upon landing.

    Becoming a Better Bounty Hunter

    A key facet of being a good Bounty Hunter is being good in combat. Know your equipment, inside and out and buy the best that you can. Make sure that you are aware of the ideal range of your preferred weapons and try to keep as close as possible to that distance when in combat. Make sure that your armour has high effectiveness ratings and that you also purchase a personal shield generator from a qualified armoursmith. Good armour will absorb a lot of the damage a Bounty Hunter takes while fighting a mark.

    Climbing the rungs of the Bounty Hunter profession (except for Mastery that requires Apprenticeship experience), is currently solely dependent upon 'Bounty Hunter Experience' gained by completing Bounty Hunter missions. Currently only one Bounty Hunter mission may be taken at a time. To start a Bounty Hunter mission, activate a Bounty Hunter Mission Terminal and select a mission:

    Mission Terminals:
    Coronet, Corellia: -220, -4470 / -195, -4470
    Doaba Guerfel, Corellia: 3166, 5338
    Tyrena, Corellia: -5130, -2300 / -5060, -2306
    Imperial Prison, Dathomir: -6335, 930
    Smuggler Outpost, Endor: -905, 1610
    Kaadara, Naboo: 5190, 6673 / 4928, 6728
    Keren, Naboo: 2085, 2575
    Dearic, Talus: 265, -3070
    Bestine, Tatooine: -1445, -3658
    Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3375, -4845

    When a new Bounty Hunter assignment is received the actual location of the mark is unknown. To determine the location of the mark a Bounty Hunter must talk to local NPC citizens trying to locate an underground informant. As a Bounty Hunter becomes more experienced they will have to find more and more advanced underground informants to locate their marks. The level of a Bounty Hunter's informant changes once an increase in the "Bounty Mission Difficulty" skill occurs. Informants are located across cities and planets, one novice underground informant can be found at:

    Novice Bounty Hunter Informants:
    Cornett, Corellia: -212, -4465
    Kor Vella, Corellia: Yka Lakid -3418, 3079
    Tyrena, Corellia: -5098, -2344
    Kaadara, Naboo: 5040, 6735
    Keren, Naboo: Ausoc Ika (a gambler) - near cantina
    Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3448, -4854 / 3488, -4780

    Master Investigation Informant:
    Bela Vistal, Corellia: Edo Ikelv 6830, -5543
    Deeja Peak, Naboo: Kaskavir (an information broker) 4923, -1410

    Master Bounty Hunter Informants:
    Bela Vistal, Corellia: Opew 6869, -5753
    Kaadara, Naboo: 5275. 6561
    Mos Eisley, Tatooine: Nachelamov Ethiakive (a bodyguard) 3396, -4600 (in the ship, main floor, back right corner through door)

    If Bounty Hunters would like to send the coordinates, city, and planet of contacts I will add them to this document; either send a tell/email in-game or email me directly at my address on the top of this document. For beginning Bounty Hunters, when an underground informant is located and conversed with, the Datapad and World Map are updated with the target's current location. Examine the world map to see where the target is located and ensure that the waypoint is activated for easy navigating during travel. Travel to the closest city by shuttle and then head out towards the mark's location to eliminate the individual.

    There is a advantageous tradeoff that can be made while traveling in the wilderness. It is possible to use /burstrun to travel back and forth very quickly and increase the earning potential of a Bounty Hunter. However, when /burstrun is used to travel quicker it may not be available for emergencies such as when being surprise-attacked by a very strong pack of creatures or when a hit on a mark goes sour and some distance is needed.

    Mission targets are currently always single individuals and may reside either in a city or in the wilderness. Before attacking your mark, ensure that you scout the nearby creatures and people and determine which are potentially aggressive towards you by examining them (a skill developed by progression through the Scout profession). Being attacked by other creatures while fighting a tough mark (usually a 'red' /con) is a problem few Bounty Hunters wish to experience.

    A little known alternate source of Bounty Hunter experience is from faction recruiters. Select 'train' from a Recruiter and faction points can be converted on a 2:1 ratio to Bounty Hunter experience. When running to meet a mark, it can be worth while to kill opposing faction members for extra faction points to convert into Bounty Hunter experience. However, as noted above this is both an advantage and a disadvantage as the Bounty Hunter may end up on the wrong side of a faction and be attacked on sight due to a very bad reputation.

    To improve as a Bounty Hunter, return to a Bounty Hunter Trainer or ask another Bounty Hunter to train you if they are proficient in the skills that you need to acquire. Training in Bounty Hunter skills is very expensive if training from an NPC, so befriending another Bounty Hunter can be very advantageous. While gaining Bounty Hunter Experience it is critical to look at the Skills window (CTRL-S) after each completed mission to ensure that you have not hit an experience cap. If a Bounty Hunter has hit an experience cap any further missions will not provide further gains in experience and until more advanced Bounty Hunter training has occurred. The Bounty Hunter profession is currently under revision and like all MMORPG elements will continue to evolve. The 'combat support' tree of the Bounty Hunter profession is a good choice to take where possible as it will increase the speed and accuracy of weapons use.

    As the difficulty of missions increase it will become necessary to start using a tracking droid to locate mission marks; marks may be on another planet or moving about the landscape. The current locations of Bounty Hunter Droid Terminals that I know of are:

    Bounty Hunter Droid Terminals:
    Doaba Guerfel, Corellia: 3337, 5508
    Tyrena, Corellia: -5128, -2406
    Imperial Prison, Dathomir: -6335, 930
    Bestine, Tatooine: -1310, -3620
    Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3527, -4827 / 3360, -4852

    The Seeker Droid (a spherical probe) currently costs 200 credits and the second Imperial Probe Droid (a thin device actually called a 'Arakyd Probe Droid' in the Droid Terminal) costs 1000 credits but for advanced Bounty Hunters it will track the location of a mark if it is off planet. To use a tracking droid, after visiting an underground informant open the Inventory window and hold down the left mouse button over the droid. After the radial menu loads, a "Probe Droid Command" option will be visible with the submenu tracking options: "Find Bounty Target" and "Find and Track Target." The advanced Arakyd Probe droid will require you to get some distance out of the city before using. An Imperial ship will launch a probe from orbit and you will eventually see a countdown until it impacts on the planet's surface. Go to the probe's waypoint and enter the mark's bio signature to locate the mark's location.

    Bounty Hunters are not strictly limited to being a Scout/Marksman/Bounty Hunter. While the remaining number of skill points available to invest in other professional skills is currently limited to 32, there are some creative ideas that can be pursued. One suggestion might be to follow weapons specialization as a Pistoleer, Carbineer, or Rifleman. A Bounty Hunter could also pursue limited training as a Creature Handler or increase their medical skills as a Medic. Over the life's career of a Bounty Hunter it is possible to try different combinations of complimentary skills by giving up old skills to follow new skill paths. Remember however that prerequisite skills can not be unlearned without first unlearning the skills dependent upon them.

    Bounty Hunter Abilities

    [Droid Find]
    Enables the Bounty Hunter to use a probe droid to know where to go next to locate a mark.

    [Droid Track]
    Enables the Bounty Hunter to receive a continual update about where the probe droid is indicating where the mark has recently been.

    Bounty Hunter Skills

    The current list of Bounty Hunter Skills are as follows with the total bonuses granted by completing the Bounty Hunter Profession (not including skills bonuses from the prerequisite or alternate professions) listed in parentheses:

    [Bounty Mission Difficulty]
    This starts the Novice Bounty Hunter on their way to doing Bounty Hunting missions and increases the difficulty of available missions as they become more proficient. The more difficult a bounty mission, the more money is offered for its completion. (Max +3)

    [Carbine Accuracy]
    Increases the accuracy with which the Bounty Hunter can use carbine weapons. (Max +60)

    [Carbine Speed]
    Increases the speed with which the Bounty Hunter can use carbine weapons. (Max +50)

    [Droid Precision]
    Determines a Bounty Hunter's rate of success in using a tracking droid's 'Find' feature. (Max +130)

    [Droid Speed]
    Determines a Bounty Hunter's rate of speed in using a tracking droid's 'Find' feature. (Max +90)

    [Droid Tracking Speed]
    Determines a Bounty Hunter's rate of speed in using a tracking droid's 'Track' feature. (Max +70)

    [Heavy Lightning Rifle Accuracy]
    Increases the accuracy with which the Bounty Hunter can use heavy lightning rifles. (Max +70)

    [Heavy Lightning Rifle Speed]
    Increases the speed with which the Bounty Hunter can use heavy lightning rifles. (Max +60)

    [Pistol Accuracy]
    Increases the accuracy with which the Bounty Hunter can use pistol weapons. (Max +60)

    [Pistol Speed]
    Increases the speed with which the Bounty Hunter can use pistol weapons. (Max +50)

    [Ranged Defense]
    A bonus to avoiding ranged attacks. (Max +7)

    [Tracking Droids]
    Determines the number of attempted tracks possible with a tracking droid's "Find" feature. (Max +12)

    [Tracking Droid Effectiveness]
    Determines a Bounty Hunter's rate of success in using a tracking droid's 'Track' feature. (Max +90)

    Bounty Hunter Weapons

    Bounty Hunters gain additional weapon certifications in the following weapons:

    Scatter Pistol
    Lightning Rifle

    Bounty Hunters have several special attacks for the following weapon groups:

    1) Bleeding Shot
    This range attack is of medium power, but can cause the target to bleed.
    2) Eye Shot
    This ranged attack damages the opponent's mind with a powerful attack and can also blind its target.
    3) Torso Shot
    This ranged attack douses the target in flames, causing high amounts of damage to the body as well as causing additional fire damage.
    4) Fast Blast
    This ranged attack his a target's torso and arms for a high amount of damage

    1) Underhand Shot
    This sneaky ranged attack is designed to catch a target unaware, and causes high damage and can also knock them down.
    2) Fire Knockdown
    This ranged attack blasts the target with a quick rush of flame aimed at their upper body, which can cause them to be bowled over by the sheer force directed at them, causing them to become dizzy as well.
    3) Confusion Shot
    This ranged attack is designed to confuse its target, and can stun and dizzy its target as well.
    4) Spray Shot
    This ranged attack is highly damaging, and has a chance to blind, dizzy, and stun a target.

    Heavy Lightning Rifle
    1) Lightning Single 1
    This ranged attack blasts a target with a high jolt of electricity, causing good damage.
    2) Lightning Cone 1
    This ranged area attack fires a cone in front of the player, damaging multiple opponents at once with a huge electrical blast.
    3) Lightning Single 2
    This powerful ranged attack blasts a target with a big jolt of electricity, causing high damage. This is more powerful than Lightning Single 1.
    4) Lightning Cone 2
    This powerful ranged area attack fires in a cone in front of the player, damaging multiple opponents at once with a huge electrical blast. This is more powerful than Lightning Cone1.

    Bounty Hunter Combat

    There are many good FAQs already written on the relative advantages of the different weapon classes and the strategies for each. Since there are currently no Bounty Hunter specific combat abilities refer to the weapon-specific FAQs for more detailed information on combat. However, there are some considerations that bear noting for Bounty Hunters.

    There are two keys to being a successful Bounty Hunter: Equipment and Technique. As noted above, always save up for and purchase the best equipment possible. Get to know and form a relationship with a good Master Armoursmith and Weaponsmith. Have the Weaponsmith make you the best weapon that you are currently (or soon will be) certified for. When comparing armour, always look for the various 'effectiveness' levels for the various types of defense. The effectiveness levels on a piece of protective gear need to be high to be effective. Also purchase the best weapon possible. A good weapon is fast, has a high damage output, and has low costs for special attacks. Since taking down a mark is done primarily by repeated special attacks, having a weapon that leaves the Bounty Hunter exhausted before combat is completed will simply not do.

    Bounty Hunter marks are difficult, red /con humanoids and Bounty Hunters must think intelligently to defeat them. When traveling to meet a mark, make sure to utilize /maskscent to prevent unwanted attacks from creatures and having your stat pools drained before meeting the mark. While waiting for shuttles use the /forage command to find stat buffing food sources. Examine each found food source keeping the beneficial ones and destroying the harmful ones. While en route to find your mark, consume beneficial stat enhancing foods just before arriving. Beneficial effects from food take time to become fully manifested, so don't leave them until the last moment.

    A macro should be made for '/healdamage self' for use in combat. Stim packs can be used while in combat and having a macro to automatically apply them directly to yourself will prevent unwanted deaths or wasted time changing the active target. Keep a good supply of stim packs in inventory, but watch that their use does not cause the mind pool to get too low in combat to avoid incapacitation from a zero mind pool.

    Use /takecover if you are fighting a ranged opponent from your optimal distance or further out. All ranged weapons can be used while in this position for added defensive bonus and being prone adds to your accuracy.

    Another strategy is to constantly move. By the time a candidate has reached Bounty Hunter status they have sizable bonuses to their weapon accuracy (especially if specializing in their weapon as well). Experiment to see how accurate you are while moving constantly and how often you miss. If you are so accurate that you miss very little while moving at your weapon's idea distance, then do so to get the added defensive benefit that moving offers.

    Another way to leverage the high weapon accuracy of a Bounty Hunter, and the preferred technique used by Elbereth Du'Ratal, is to attack from absolute far range (60-65m) in the /takecover position combining the advantages of both of the above techniques. Repeatedly attack outright with the best special attack available for your weapon.

    Using special attacks that slowly drain an opponent's stat pools (a 'damage over time' or 'DoT') can be especially useful if the Bounty Hunter has to temporarily leave combat and heal. Always use special attacks where possible to maximize damage. A DoT attack can either be used at the start of a combat to maximize the effect of the DoT , or if the opponent is particularly dangerous, a DoT attack can be used from maximum range and then leave the mark to weaken due to blood loss by backing away, using /peace to end combat, and then patiently waiting. Bounty Hunting is about making the one kill, not the many. When a Bounty Hunter attacks, she does so fully prepared and without reserve.

    When combat injuries are getting severe, it is often also possible to get out of range of a mark and use /peace to end combat. This can allow a Bounty Hunter to heal up as much as necessary and return to finish the job. Bounty Hunting is after all about patience and strategy.


    Bounty Hunters are one of the most colourful, interesting, and intriguing types of people that can be met in the Star Wars universe; they travel to, meet, and occasionally kill many people that others have never even heard of. Enjoy the roll of being a Bounty Hunter. Learn the various social emotes from the list brought up by hitting CTRL-A and use them to liven up your interactions with other characters. If a specific emote does not exist, it can be made by using, '/emote '. For example, '/emote abruptly stops laughing and looks over her shoulder.' would display the message 'Elbereth abruptly stops laughing and looks over her shoulder.' for everyone nearby to see.

    Determine what type of Bounty Hunter you are and how you interact with those around you. Are you secretive? Boisterous? A braggart? Humble and quiet? While enjoying some down time in a local cantina, entertainers may well enjoy a chance to hear tales of the exciting world of bounty hunting.

    Role playing adds fun and depth to the Star Wars Galaxies game experience for those that use it and those around them. So enjoy the game as much as possible and help the universe come alive through creative role playing.

    Cordially yours,
    Elbereth Du'Ratal
    Bothan Master Bounty Hunter
    Keren, Naboo

    SWG: Profession: Bounty Hunter - Elbereth�s Guide to Bounty Hunting, by Elbereth
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    60 threads, 1 2 3 page(s) long Next Page
       Nice Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Aug 10th 4:15 PM 2004
      By: GoldenImperial
      19 posts
      Score: Decent [3.22]

      Nice guide Elbereth, i truly enjoyed it, and yes, and bh's friend is a vehicle, and pets are good for drawing fire, as the person below me said.                                                   

      Baddarse tk, 1's across the tk skill line, advancing in meditation techniques.
      0 Replies
       Bounty Hunter Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Aug 9th 8:59 AM 2004
      By: Tenyra
      7 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      A bounty Hunter's best friend is a PET...
      Bounty Hunters no longer have to be MASTER SCOUT, they only need to master the Exploration tree...
      Also, there is a Bounty Hunter trainer in Narmle on Rori (starsider) and an advanced informant..
      There is also a trainer in Coronet..
      The pet is good..get a good one, i can handle up to level 34 pets..i use a lvl 29 crimson razor cat it has knockdown abilities...I have killed 5 marks since i began my career as a novice BH and yes i got shot a few times, but my pet draws the fire frome me
      and i use my LLC 530-839 dmg..marks is gone in seconds..I have enough experience to lvl up to 4-4-1-2 in creature handling (up from 4-4-0-0)
      That will allow me to use my Bio-Engineered Kwi lvl 39...use the pet to distract your mark..easy as pie shot in the eye next mark please..

      0 Replies
       bout investigation Reply...
      Posted @ Fri, Jul 30th 11:31 PM 2004
      By: wrightfour
      5 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      people here have been making it out like getting investigation 1 right away makes it impossibly hard,   when all it really does it doubles the payout+requires you use droids. You can get 5 arakyd droids for 4k and 10 seekers for about 2k on my server (radiant). I have no problem with going to Lok or Endor if i'm getting double the exp+money i'd normally get.            

      0 Replies
       /noogies Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Jul 15th 3:34 AM 2004
      By: AphidKith
      1 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      pure excellence if you do say so... ahem

      ty Elbereth!
      Easily the most helpful source I've found on BH's.
      i'm completely geeked about the journey ahead now.


      1 Reply
         RE: /noogies Reply...
        Posted @ Sun, Oct 17th 5:47 PM 2004
        By: helektra
        1 posts
        Score: Decent [3.00]

        Great FAQ-GUIDE vert usefull, thx Elbereth Good Job                                                                             

        0 Replies
       profession Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Jul 13th 11:48 PM 2004
      By: Balemarksman
      13 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      can a bh killl a commando pr could the commando kill the bh faster                                                                

      server interpid
      0 Replies
       Stats Reply...
      Posted @ Sun, Feb 29th 11:14 PM 2004
      By: TzuMinh
      6 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      anyone know some good stats or attributes for a master bounty hunter? i need the perfect setup, like best of the best any ideas? i am human                                                   

      1 Reply
         RE: Stats Reply...
        Posted @ Sun, May 2nd 4:53 AM 2004
        By: SpiroTris
        6 posts
        Score: Decent [3.00]

        Put it all into mind and put the rest into action and health. Best combo if you hunt with doctorbuffs.                                                                

        0 Replies
       combat xp Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Jan 29th 8:48 AM 2004
      By: tncschopen
      2 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      ok i have found the stuff u guys say every helpfull but i also found that using granades give u combat xp also so try putting them in the mix.                                                   

      0 Replies
       Combat xp Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Dec 23rd 12:11 AM 2003
      By: vecterflame
      1 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      I'm having trouble getting the combat xp, wheres the best place to get it?                                                                

      0 Replies
       BH exp Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Nov 20th 1:32 PM 2003
      By: Zartaganan
      16 posts
      Score: Decent [2.68]

      Just signed on and BH experience has been increased to 2% of mission payout. (at least on the Novice BH missions)  Mission payout has remained the same though.                                                   

      Zartag Idah'man

      Working is the curse of the drinking class...
      0 Replies
       armor Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Nov 18th 10:07 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      anyone can give me  and idea of what is the best armor for a bh?
      i use composite 52%
      but i wana know if is something better?

      1 Reply
         RE: armor Reply...
        Posted @ Sun, May 2nd 4:54 AM 2004
        By: SpiroTris
        6 posts
        Score: Decent [3.00]

        Depends on which server you're playing on. I'm playing on eclipse and 80% kinetic 65% base resist composites aint unusual over here :) Can probably reach 75-80% base resist with some good effect slices.                                      

        0 Replies
       bh xp Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Nov 18th 3:17 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      just giving my bit of advice. im 3-4-4-4 in bh and i learned to get the best combat xp from the high traffic areas such as the imp base mentioned above, or the tusken fort north of mos espa.  also for investigation xp, make sure that you do not train at all until you get 10,000 investigation xp. this will let you train in 1 and 2 together and have 4k into 3. level 1 and 2 investigation are way too much a pain in the ass. 3 sucks too :(. well i hope i helped at least someone out there.

      slickle<IOC> scylla

      0 Replies
       sword for bh Reply...
      Posted @ Sun, Nov 16th 12:01 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      can a bh use a sword?

      1 Reply
         RE: sword for bh Reply...
        Posted @ Sun, Jan 4th 1:22 AM 2004
        By: Ualaa
        2 posts
        Score: Decent [3.00]

        Yes they can.. but without sword skills (Fencer/Swordsman etc) it won't be for much damage.  

        Bounty Hunter has Marksman (Rifle/Carbine/Pistol to level 4) plus Carbine, LLC and Pistol skill from Bounty Hunter... will do a lot more damage with these weapons.                         

        0 Replies
       trading faction for XP Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Nov 4th 3:00 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      and no there is no trainning for investigation....they have it that hard for a reason. That is cause BH is the most hardcore skill out there...So if you wanna be master get some patience...and if not go commando the second best PvP bad ass!!!!!

      Berkley <SWAT>
      expert BH                         

      0 Replies
       trading faction for XP Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Nov 4th 3:00 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      and no there is no trainning for investigation....they have it that hard for a reason. That is cause BH is the most hardcore skill out there...So if you wanna be master get some patience...and if not go commando the second best PvP bad ass!!!!!

      Berkley <SWAT>
      expert BH                         

      0 Replies
       Novice BH tips Reply...
      Posted @ Sun, Nov 2nd 4:24 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      Some tips for novice BH:

      By the time I reached bounty Hunter I had enough Pistoleer skills that any mission I got with my pistol equipped was damn near impossible. They've nerfed mark levels down twice since then, but they are still damned hard. This is a trick I found out rather quickly.

      Go to Coronet. There is an informant close enough to BH mission terminals that you can easily sort through until you find one that's within a few KM, if not the city. When selecting missions, have something equipped that you are not very proficient in (I started out being unarmed totally, yielding very easy marks and as I reached higher BH pistol levels started using carbines since I only had master marksman for them) This way you get a lower level mark, and can take them out using your higher level skills in your weapon of choice.

      If your mark is still red to you, there are two options. Obviously you can get a rock beetle and have it attack, soaking damage for you. It's very easy to do and yields some fast kills, especially once you pick up eyeshot. The second way is much harder depending on where your mark ends up in the wild. Use things to get in line of sight. If there are houses, stay near them. When you start to get hurt, duck behind it and heal. When you're good again step back out. The mark will not run at you unless you've been back there for 2-3 heals, and even then a supression fire will keep them from advancing further.

      I'm Kefae on Ahazi. Send me a tell if it helps :)

      Expert Bounty Hunter

      0 Replies
       Missions after Inv I Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Oct 30th 7:10 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      Okay, I've managed to find the informant (Investigation I) in Kaadara, Naboo(5067, 6781), but he seems to be of little use.

      I'll warn you in advance. Before you take another mission, get yourself a few Probe Bots and LOTS and LOTS of Seekers. What's the difference? Probes are launched into deep space and will find what planet your target is on. Seekers can only search the planet you're on.

      Launch the Probe first. The probe will direct you to the right planet...AS SOON AS you get to a new planet, launch a seeker. Odds are that by the time you reach the planet, he's already moved. Watch the screen carefully, when you see that the seeker has lost track of the target, launch another.

      I know this sounds like a waste of droids, Every time you see a message saying the seeker has lost track of your target, you need to launch another seeker. I know this sounds like a horrible waste, but try running on the WP after getting that message and see what happens...

      0 Replies
       Help please Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Oct 27th 11:26 AM 2003
      By: PillsburyNinja, Eater of Souls
      7 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

         Can anyone give me some tips for playing my BH, mainly taking down your marks? Just made novice BH and have done 2 missions so far. Was on my third mission and came up on this guy. Note that I do understand that these are red cons and at no point did I think that they would go down easy. Anyway, popped some spice that put me up to 1800 health and went prone. Popped him with a mind shot and two head shots and moved in with my pistol drawn. Hit him with Health 1 and 2 and he opened fire, he took me down in TWO shots, 1800 health gone. Anyway, I am looking for some tips for taking down my marks a little easier. I am now experimenting with different techniques and sure I will get better at it, just looking for some advice on how others did it. Also, please tell me that the BH xp gets better, because a measly 59 BH xp in my view is not worth the effort of taking on high level red cons.

      0 Replies
       Lightning Single 1 range Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Oct 20th 6:34 AM 2003
      By: halfnocturnal
      5 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      One thing I wish I had known before becoming a bounty hunter is that lightning single 1 only works within 15m of the target. Maybe it was nerfed after this guide was completed. But I noticed that with a fast enough light lightning cannon (not called heavy lightning rifle) I do as much damage shooting normally as I do from using lightning single 1 repeatedly, because the normal attacks go a lot faster. They don't cost action, can be used at any range within 64m, and aren't as frustrating when they miss. So it could be more benficial to not use lightning single 1 at all. But it is pretty funny using it to kill a lone rogue bantha in one hit.

      Ackef, Valcyn
      1 Reply
         RE: Lightning Single 1 range Reply...
        Posted @ Tue, Nov 11th 8:00 AM 2003
        By: Anonymous
        Score: Default [2.00]

        try using overchargeshot 2 it does just as much damage and im pretty sure it can be used at any range, the only downside is it makes your weapons condition go down almost each time you use it.                                                   

        0 Replies
       a quick ? Reply...
      Posted @ Fri, Oct 17th 4:31 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      ok, i just got investigation 1 and am using droids, but with the seekers it keeps saing that mark is not found on this plant.  how do i find out what planet he/she is on?                                                   

      0 Replies
       Combat XP Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Sep 22nd 7:51 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      Remember that in the time it takes to travel to Endor, Dathomir, or Dantooine and kill these godly beasts, you can easily just walk around Corellia, Naboo, Tatooine, or wherever and just kill everything.  50 to 100 combay xp per kill adds up FAST. I got my combat xp in one day doing it that way. Don't forget to clone in the nearest city.             

      0 Replies
       informants Reply...
      Posted @ Sat, Sep 20th 7:28 AM 2003
      By: anglades
      2 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      I have found that spy-net operatives will give you the coordinates for marks, I am not sure if this takes away from bounty hunter xp but still earned 59 points on my first successful bounty hunting mission.

      Anglades Decius
      <Wake of Chaotica>
      Proud Member of the Imperial Army                         

      0 Replies
       shot order Reply...
      Posted @ Fri, Sep 19th 2:23 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      here is my combo....non ch and prenerf bot attack.fire kd. fire bleed. healthshot2. healthshot 1. ls2 ls2 ls2 ls2 ls2.

      or sometimes its pets attack. ls2 ls2 ls2 ls2.

      or even.....ls2 ...eng game....i luv one hit killz                                      

      0 Replies
       getting XP Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Sep 15th 12:20 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      COmbat xp is easy to get if you know the big game areas.  The ones mentioned are indeed good, do those if you like. What I have seen a nd experienced, I must say GO TO DANTOOINE and group up with people at the imperial outpost (even if you're a reb, just be covert and everything will be fine). There are tons of people there, and the mobs are insane and great xp is to be had.


      0 Replies
       invest Reply...
      Posted @ Fri, Sep 12th 6:54 AM 2003
      By: archan
      25 posts
      Score: Default [1.89]

      You cannot turn in faction pts for bountyhunter exp.  I went to the faction recruite (rebel) and it was not an option. Worked for carbine, pistol squad leader, etc, but there was no option for BH. Not sure if you need to be a higher rank in the faction to unlock it. If anyone has been able to do the 2:1 faction exp post it, but I am pretty sure they took that option out.            

      0 Replies
       Armor Reply...
      Posted @ Wed, Sep 10th 9:27 PM 2003
      By: JiveMs
      11 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      Is it possible to get the mandolarian armor that jango aswell and boba used in the movies?                                                                

      1 Reply
         RE: Armor Reply...
        Posted @ Fri, Mar 5th 9:12 PM 2004
        By: jangosbounty
        67 posts
        Score: Decent [2.96]

        yes it kicks a$$. i think only a few know how to get it because my friends have seen screen shots of it, but people dont talk of it much.

        Edited, Fri Mar  5 21:13:21 2004                                      

        "magic bong plants give me cosmic powers!!!"

        it has been proven that 99% of forum threads degrade into mosh pits of irrelevant comments...
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