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  • Ultimate guide to harvesting minerals efficiently
    By: Jukskei Boomkweker, Posted at: Wed, Sep 3rd 12:53 PM 2003, Last Edited: Thu, Aug 12th 8:26 AM 2004
    Rated 2.00 by 12 people

    Some notes before we start.

    1. The numbers used were tested on Personal harvesters.

    2. This guide is geared towards exclusive use of nuclear energy as a power source so make sure your planet has it.

    3. This method will only work for mineral harvesters.

    Concept : Use one harvester to mine for energy and at some point switch to a mineral.

    Why use one harvester ?

    One less harvester to maintain, meaning a saved lot. Less running between power and mineral harvesters,
    therefore more efficient use of time and energy.

    But when do you switch from power to mineral ? How much power do I need ? This is what I will discuss.

    First off, maintenane cost is 30cr per hour and power cost is 25 units per hour. Now let's look at cost.

    I build my own harvesters so I calculated an estimated cost at 4 credits per unit. This means 1000cr for your harvester. You will also need some initial radioactives to start your harvester. 200 units will give you 8 hours of initial operation. That is another 800cr. Initial cost so far 1800cr for your harvester and power.

    The next step is to find the highest concentration of radioactives.
    Once you find this spot look for another mineral at the exact same spot that you would like to mine. For example :

    Found Power 69% Asa radioactive
    Found Resource 45% Sibelch.

    The next thing to decide is how long do we want to stay on this resource. This is a bit of a gamble and I usually calculate to a max of 7 days.
    It all depends on when the resource shift took place. Let's decide to mine here for 3 days.

    Now to calculate the time we need to spend on the power source. For 3 days we will consume 1800 units of power. This means we have to spend 27% of the 3 days mining for power and 73% of the time mining the resource. How do I know this ?
    Resources harvested per density is 28.8. Therefore 28.8 * 69 density = 1987.2. Now remember we added 200 units to start running. So what we need to do is calculate down to a break even power value. The closest happen to be 27% which leaves us with 10 extra power units.

    Here's the formula : Power harvested = (power density*28.8)*((time on power/100)*planned days running)

    Power harvested = (69*28.8)*((27/100)*3)
    Power harvested = 1609.6

    Break even power = (Power harvested - Power consumed over period of 3 days)+initial power

    Break even power = (1609.6 - 1800)+200
    Break even power = 9.6 units (10 units)

    That's is all great but how do I know how much maintenance to pay to harvest my power? Well we need to calculate the 27% percent as time.

    Time in hours to harvest power = (time on power/100)*(planned days running*24)
    Time in hours to harvest power = (27/100)*(3*24)
    Time in hours to harvest power = 19.44
    Maintenance credits to mine the power = 19.44*30
    Maintenance credits to mine the power = 583

    Since we are spending 27% of our time on power we are going to spend 73% of our time on the resource. We now repeat the whole process for the 45% density resource that we plan on mining.

    Resources harvested = (45*28.8)*((73/100)*3)
    Resources harvested = 2838.34
    Time in hours to harvest resource = 52.56
    Maintenance credits to mine the resource = 1577

    Ok, now we have all the numbers we need. How do we operate the harvester?

    1. Drop the deed
    2. Add 200 units of power.
    3. Pay 583 credits maintenance and start mining the 69% radioactive power.
    4. After 8 hours your 200 initial units power will be up. Take the mined power out of the hopper and add it back in as power.
    5. Come back now and then and keep adding power from the hopper until your 583 maintenance credits run out.

    After running out of the 583 maintenance credits, your harvester is now fully stocked with enough power to run the remaining 73% of the time mining the resource.

    6. Switch to the 45% Sibelch.
    7. Pay 1577 maintenance credits

    The harvester will now mine the resource for the remainder of the 3 days.

    Calculate your Resource cost as follow :

    Harvester Cost + Start power cost + maintenance cost for resource + maintenance cost for power

    1000 + 800 + 1577 + 583 = 3960 credits.

    Cost in Credits per unit = 3960/ 2838 resources harvested
    Cost in Credits per unit = 1.40 (rounded)

    Using the above method your cost price per unit was 1.39 credits.

    Let's look at some numbers using this method. The following table represent the Cost per unit to mine the resource and the number of days you planned to do it.

    2.59 1 Day
    1.67 2 Days
    1.40 3 Days
    1.24 4 Days
    1.11 5 Days
    1.05 6 Days
    1.01 7 Days

    As you can see 1 Day is a lot more expensive since you had to add the 200 units of initial power.

    Notes :

    1. Remember to stay on the number of days you planned initially. Don't decide to switch to a 5 day plan while mining.
    2. Destroy the harvester after it's mining cycle.
    3. Resource shifts will not affect you too badly if you are still mining the power and have not switched to the resource cycle.
    Just find another resource, do the maintenance calculation and switch to that one.


    Jukskei Boomkweker(CTO)
    Bombardier Industries - "We kill it, You clean it"
    Visit Ricochet Ranch at 5820,4843 Doaba Guerfel (Corellia)

    SWG: Crafting: Ultimate guide to harvesting minerals efficiently, by Jukskei Boomkweker
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    13 threads, 1 page(s) long 
       guide Reply...
      Posted @ Sat, Jan 24th 12:02 PM 2004
      By: GorntheTrando
      4 posts
      Score: Excellent [4.50]

      Whether the guide is useful or not, I think we can be a bit nicer to someone who took the time to share information.                                                                

      0 Replies
       Quick and easy mining calculator Reply...
      Posted @ Sun, Sep 14th 6:43 PM 2003
      By: northanger
      15 posts
      Score: Default [1.66]

      This guide is crap; the tool at this link is all you need to balance your harvesting operation:


      1 Reply
         RE: Quick and easy mining calculator Reply...
        Posted @ Mon, Oct 20th 2:42 PM 2003
        By: Nekojin
        1087 posts
        Score: Good [3.55]

        Northanger's link is a dead link, thereby making his own post, as he puts it, "crap."                                                                

        My Mains over the years (dozens of alts not mentioned, and some games forgotten):
        Celone Greenedge, Ranger, EQ (Retired)
        Aerik, RDM/???, FFXI (Retired)
        Jandu Balo, Scout/Surveyor, SWG (Retired)
        Edifice Wrecks, Stone/Stone Tanker, CoH (Retired)
        Dahlia, Lv. 59 Forsaken Mage, Lightning's Blade PvP, WoW
        0 Replies
       from the Author Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 9:15 PM 2003
      By: Jukskei
      2 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      As the autohor, I have no idea who decided to poach this from the SWG site and post it here. It was not with my consent. Here's the original thread :


      Again, this is only for starting out and should NOT be attempted for large mining operations.

      Here's a quote from the my reply to the original thread "Firstly, I do not recommend this method for large mining operations or serious miners. There are more efficient ways to mine on a large scale."


      0 Replies
       Harvester Efficiency Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 9:10 PM 2003
      By: Jukskei
      2 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      Friends, as author of this article I would like to emphasize that the information in this guide is NOT for large mining operations. If you can afford a wind/solar/fusion harvester use that.

      I quote from my reply to this post "Firstly, I do not recommend this method for large mining operations or serious miners". This is a way to start your mining operation and not efficient to mine on a large scale.

      I have no idea who decided to post this article from the SWG boards here without reference to the original, it was not with my consent.

      Here is the original thread :


      I do still recommend using this method for starting out. I have even updated my spreadsheet to reflect changes to harvester power efficiency after potential energy is taken into account.

      0 Replies
       Bootstrapping (take 2) Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 4:46 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      Woops.  Forgot that new posts float to the top. I was agreeing with the analysis that said wind harvesters are better.                                                   

      0 Replies
       Bootstrapping using harvesters Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 4:44 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      I agree with the above.  Do four or five artisan surveying missions worth 600 each and you have the cash to buy a wind harvester and money to . If you can't find one on the bazaar for 1000 or under, there's a bug in the system or something because there is always one there. Drop your harvester on a 30+ percent, go do some more missions and pick up two personal mineral harvesters and drop them after your wind harvesters been up for 24 hours. Choose copper (high conductivity), steel (high OQ), or ore (doesn't matter) and get a decent concentration (70+). Split your resources into 700 unit chunks and put them on the bazaar for 3000 credits. Come back 24 hours later and you've got 9,000 credits. Do that for a week and you've got several medium mineral harvesters out and you're cranking 20,000 credits a day with some resources to spare for your own crafting.

      Once I learned this technique I used it with a new character on another server and he had made 100,000 cr in the first week of his existance. Which was good enough for me =) The hardest part was dodging Tusken Raiders who seemed to like hanging around good resource spots.

      0 Replies
       Jeez Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 3:52 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      This "guide" should be taken off the website.  Some poor newbie who needs some information is going to accidentally stumble upon this disaster and make a mess of his/her harvesting, time and cash flow. Keep the reply posts, ditch the "guide".                         

      0 Replies
       Guide Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 3:24 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      I am a resource broker, people have stated there own ideas in comments and they are all good. The guide is bad and please do not follow it.                                                   

      0 Replies
       bad guide Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 9:30 AM 2003
      By: FatCat
      1 posts
      Score: Excellent [4.50]

      What I find to be "really bad" about this guide is the statement "Less running between power and mineral harvesters, therefore more efficient use of time and energy." By only putting in 200 power to start you have to come back in 8 hours to refuel, then about 12 hours later you have to come back and swap it over to mine the resource you want. Sorry but those of us that live in the real world and have jobs can't play 24/7.

      You want a good guide? Drop a wind harvester on 40% (power cost is .5 cr/unit from this) and get 2880 power per day. Drop 4 harvesters on a near by resource of 60% or better (put 600 power in each). You can make one run a day with power to spare. Add another wind harv and you can make the run every 2 days. Resources cost less than .6 cr/unit. Put your wind harv down a day early and you don't have to buy initial power.

      Jhreg Morganti
      Helix Inc, Lowca

      Edited, Thu Sep  4 09:18:27 2003

      0 Replies
       What a bad "ultimate" guide Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 6:31 AM 2003
      By: Maketas
      2 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      Here are the truth math magic for medium harvesters:

      I will suppose that we dont harvest our own energy, and that we buy it at a 2:1 rate, and that i place the medium harvester in a 90% spot (easy thing if you search for it for half an hour):

      Cost to reclaim the deed: 3000
      Cost to maintain/hour: 60
      Cost of energy/hour: 100
      Minerals harvested/hour: 220

      Minerals harvested per day: 5400

      Total cost of harvesting for one day: 6840
      Total cost for two days: 10680
      Total cost for three days: 14520
      Total cost for seven days: 29880

      Cost per unit (one day): 1.27
      Cost per unit (two days): 1.01
      Cost per unit (three days): 0.896
      Cost per unit (seven days): 0.79

      And this cost can be reduced if you harvest your own nuclear energy...

      This "ultimate" guide is just a really bad guide.

      The Grand Layouter
      1 Reply
         RE: What a bad Reply...
        Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 7:33 AM 2003
        By: neopatch
        2 posts
        Score: Decent [3.00]

        With the data from previous post and with my personnal experience of medium harvester I can push this a bit further ...

        With one solar generator I can power up 5 medium harvester.

        So for a 5 med + 1 solar combination you got

        Cost to reclaim the deed: 6 * 3000 = 18000
        Cost to maintain/hour: 6 * 60 = 360
        Cost to maintain/day: 6 * 1440 = 8640
        Cost of energy/hour: 0 (self produced)
        Minerals harvested/hour: 5 * 220 = 1100

        Minerals harvested per day: 5 * 5400 = 27000

        Total cost of harvesting for one day: 26640
        Total cost for two days: 35280
        Total cost for three days: 43920
        Total cost for seven days: 78480

        Cost per unit (one day): 0.99
        Cost per unit (two days):  0.65
        Cost per unit (three days): 0.54
        Cost per unit (seven days): 0.42

        In short, even for one day you are under the 1c/unit cost. And if you keep you harvester shifted at the start of each ressource shift you got a cost under 0.5c/unit !!! And that's just with a medium harvester. Imagine what the cost is when you use heavy harvester and Fusion reactor.

        And yes people selling ressources at 10c/unit are making a wooping 2000% benefit :)

        Akanassi, Weaponsmith on Eclipse

        0 Replies
       How to get a 4:1 ratio Reply...
      Posted @ Thu, Sep 4th 2:38 AM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      A little math magic here... If you can find a wind concentration of ~35%, you can power 4 personals or 2 mediums.

      5 (harvest rate) x 35% (concentration) = 1.7 (resources/minute) x 1440 (minutes in a day) = 2448 resource units per day                                      

      0 Replies
       Vesuvius Reply...
      Posted @ Wed, Sep 3rd 9:36 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [1.50]

      Yes harvesting nuclear energy, or any energy other than mineral, is much easier and cheaper.  You may say this this and that but time wise and everything makes generators cheaper and better. You make more money with an easier effort. Good job on the calculations but really use wind energy.                         

      0 Replies
       A few suggestions Reply...
      Posted @ Wed, Sep 3rd 8:50 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      I've tried your idea before, and trust me, it's MUCH easier to spend just a little more(about 500-900cr for wind harvester, then another 1000-1500cr for mainenance, which gets you 33.3 hours-50 hours). Wind Harvesters don't use energy to power, which makes all the energy go to your harvester. Taking in consideration you want to mine a metal/ore/crystal resource more, this will save you a lot of time, even with a small "wind enriched" land, let's say 20%, can get you over 2K in one day, which is enough to power one of my personal mineral harvesters for about 2 or 3 days. Yes, it DOES cost a little more, but for resource gathering, your production would increase alot considering one harvester.

      Two things you forgot to mention, you can use a chemical extractor to extract liquid petro fuel, which is considered an energy source i think. Not entirely sure, but i've seen it on bazaar and its considered energy(liquid). The other thing would be that the skill of the artisan's experimentation makes a factor on how well a harvester harvests.

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