**NOTE: SOE has screwed up loot since CU, so if you want good loot go kill krayts, aa'kuans, or grind BH and do npc missions **
Welcome to Emotemaster's Ultimate Loot Guide that is sure to be much longer than my fingers want it to be. (Sorry about some of it being double-spaced! Stupid forums ). Please let me know if you spot an error, one of my pleas for help, or if you don't see a MOB or NPC (That you know drops good loot) on my list!
There are going to be 2 sections:
I. What you need
II. What to kill, and where to find it
Now, sit back, relax, and please do not stand up until the house lights come on.
Part One: What you need
First of all, you need to have a template, if you don't already have one. I personally suggest swordsman, because you have a high damage output, good defense, and almost nothing in the game is 100% resist to you. TKM and fencer are about tied for last place in this guide, but if you can't live without them, you can try (Tons of kinetic and stun resist on high level MOBs, not to mention low to horrid damage output). On that note, it will be extremely dificult to solo anything besides gun-toting NPCs without a tank.
I'm not going to go into template advice in this post, mainly because there are an average of 5,432,093 posts about templates on every combat profession forum. So hop over there and do a quick search or browse a little bit. However, I have two suggestions. Master Brawler. Not only do you get intimidate 2 and warcry 2, but you also get very valuable Speed and Accuracy mods. Medic. So you can use stims. Very handy. I'll let you decide how much you want to getThis is all I'm going to say on the subject of templates at this time...
You will need various supplies if you even dream about succeding in your quest of becoming a Loot **self-edit**
The absolutely most required you can't fight a durni without them have a R in front of it.
R 4 Piece Suit [Helmet, Chestplate, Gloves, Boots] of 80%+ Kinetic Composite Armor (If you can get good Base resists, that's good for NS and other NPCs)
R Crate of Vasarian Brandy, Preferably 400+ for over 45 minutes
R Weapon
RF A little patience
R Vehicle (preferably Swoop, get a few if you can just in case one gets destroyed)
R Enough Credits for buffs
R Crates of Stimpacks (highest you can use)
* Canapes and Systeak
* Uberest weapon ever seen in the game
All right.. You're ready to start huntin'!
Part Two: What to kill, and where to find it
This section is a list organized by type of MOB (e.g. Krayt Dragons, Nym's Minions, NightSisters). Pretty much everything drops crap weapons and loot kit parts, so I'm not going to put those in.
Location: Talus
How to find them: Cave POI south of Nashal, usually camped if you're on a populated server. They have missions. 2-3k and 8-10k (Must be in a solo group for the higher level missions!). Also spawn randomly all over the map.
Dificulty Level: Easy.
Types: Follower, Defender, Champion, and a few others I'm sure some kind soul reading this post will contribute the others
- Various attachments (clothing and armor). Maxes at about +6 mod
- Aa'kuan clothing. All Aa'kuan clothing has 'Resistance' mods. (Disease resist, poison resist, etc).
- Aa'kuan ring. +5 defense versus ranged.
Location: Yavin
How to find it: 'Boss' of the Geonosian Biological Experimentation Laboratory. (-6494 -418). 2 hour respawn timer. Often Camped. Check out this guide.
Dificulty Level: Medium-Challenging
Types: N/A
- Acklay Bones (Used in powerhammers, gaffi sticks, and stun batons, any bones over 150 are really good)
- Acklay Hide (Pretty much trash)
- Interwoven Bone Armor Schematic (Pretty much trash)
- Interwoven RIS Armor Schematic (Used to create RIS armor)
- Acklay Venom (Used for Grenades)
- Nothing (I suggest the ussage of /cry emote at this time)
Axkva Min:
Location: Dathomir
How to find it: Axkva Min, Queen of the Nightsisters, can be found in the cave at the Nightsister Stronghold waypoint. 24 hour spawn timer (?)
Dificulty Level: Challenging
Types: N/A
- Attachments (Max at +25)
- Nightsister Energy Lance Schematic
- Nightsister Vibro Motors (Required component for NSEL, and can be used in all other vibro-weapons)
- Crystals (?)
- Lances (?)
Belladonna League:
Location: Corellia
How to find them: Missions (6-7k - Must be in a solo group for missions!). Random Spawns.
Dificulty Level: Easy.
Types: Help? Please?
- Posters (Including Victory, No Divison, and Trandoshan Wanted)
Black Sun:
Location: Endor, Yavin, and Dathomir.
How to find them: [Yavin] Hit the Con button on your radar, equip your weapon, and cruise around the North-West corner of the map until you see some reds. I never really hunt them on endor and dath, sorry (This method won't work because there are other Red con mobs on those planets). Also check out Rodav's Guide . ***NOTE*** The black sun npcs at DWB and the broken spawn near the Ewok Village on Endor do NOT drop black sun armor!
Dificulty Level: Medium.
Types: Henchman, Thug, Guard, and Assassin.
- Black Sun Armor (Helmet, Chestplate, Bracers, Biceps, Belt, Gloves, Leggings, Boots)
- Jetpack Parts
Crazed Geonosian:
Location: Yavin
How to find them: A few rooms in the Geonosian Bio Lab (-6494 -418) have static spawns of these guys, just sit there and kill 'em when they pop up every few minutes. Check out this guide.
Dificulty Level: Easy-Medium
Types: N/A
- Collectables (Small ball, tech kit, etc)
- Power Cubes (Red, Yellow, Green, and White [The white are worthless])
- Sword cores and Reinforced sword cores (90% of these are crap)
- Geonosian Sonic Blaster
Dark Jedi:
Location: Dantooine
How to find them: Random spawns all over the planet
Difficulty level: Challenging
Types: Dark Jedi Master, Dark Jedi Knight
- CAs and AAs (Up to +25)
- Flawless Crystals
- Exceptional Weapons
- Mystical Orb
- Stims (Mind healing ones..)
Location: Endor
How to find them: Random spawns, POI
Dificulty Level:Easy
Types: Don't know
- Donkuwah Knives
- Donkuwah Poison (used in CM poisons)
Faction NPCs:
Location: All Planets
How to find them: POI bases, static battlefield on Corellia (WP?), Crackdown spawns *Rebel Only*, Random spawns on all planets. You must be Combatant or Special forces to attack these NPCs.
Dificulty Level: Easy-Hard
Types: Too many to list. Look for NPCs with 'Rebel' or 'Imperial' in their name.
- Attachments
- Weapons
- Holocrons
Location: Endor
How to find them: Spawns in the NE corner of the map, in the desert area of endor
Dificulty Level: Medium-Challenging
Types: N/A
- Gorax Bone shards (Used in the ranged weapons that don't accept Krayt Tissues)
Gurk King:
Location: Lok
How to find them: Two static spawns at the 'Gurk Temples'. WPs are 700 -3300 and -3762 -3467. Also spawn as 'boss' [they will spawn at the very end, when the lair is about to be destroyed] mobs on wild gurk lairs.
Dificulty Level: Easy-Medium
Types: N/A
- Gurk King Hide (RIS component)
Location: Dantooine
How to find them: MIssions, POI
Dificulty Level: Easy
Types: Hunter, Rockshaper, Loreweaver, Clan Leader .. etc
- Janta blood (doc crafting enhancement)
- Janta Hide (Armor component)
- DoT Knives/Staffs
Kimigola ('Kimo'):
Location: Lok
How to find them: POI (Kimigola Town). Also random spawns all over the planet.
Dificulty Level: Medium-Hard
Types: Kimigola Hatchling Kimigola, Dune Kimigola, Giant Kimigola, Enraged Dune Kimigola, Giant Dune Kimigola (This last type is the only type you should bother killing, the others don't drop the Giant Dune Kimo Scales)
- Kimigola Scales (worthless)
- Giant Dune Kimigola Scales (Component for RIS armor)
Krayt Dragon:
Location: Tatooine
How to find them: Your server most likely has a city close to the Krayt Dragon Graveyard.. Shuttle there, and bike around between the town and the POI. Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to find one (Unless the devs nerf the spawns again )
Dificulty Level: Challenging
Types: (listed in order of dificulty) Krayt Juvenile, Canyon Krayt, Giant Canyon Krayt, Adolescent Krayt (Not a typo ), Grand Krayt, Ancient Krayt.
- Composite Scale Segments (Worthless)
- Krayt Dragon Scales (Worthless)
- Krayt Dragon Tissues (Used in ranged weapons, really good tissues are 150+ dmg)
- Krayt Pearls (Premium drop off Giants and Flawless drop off Ancients)
- Exceptional Weapons and Armor (Super rare drop)
- Nothing (really good reason to cry, especially if you're solo)
Lord Nyax:
Location: Corellia
How to find it: Static Spawn at Lord Nyax Corellia POI (1392 -304). Often camped. 20 minute spawn timer.
Dificulty Level: Medium
Types: N/A
- Grenades
- Attachments (Max at +19?)
- LLCs (DoT and high damage)
Location: Yavin
How to find them: A room in the Geonosian Bio Lab (-6494 -418) has static spawns of these guys, just sit there and kill 'em when they pop up every few minutes. Check out this guide.
Dificulty Level: Easy-Medium
Types: N/A
- Collectables (Small ball, tech kit, etc)
- Power Cubes (Red, Yellow, Green, and White [The white are worthless])
- Sword cores and Reinforced sword cores (90% of these are crap)
- Geonosian Sonic Blaster Schematic
- Tenloss DXR-6B Tenloss Disruptor Rifle
Location: Naboo
How to find them: He's got his own POI.. lucky guy. I'd like my own POI..
Dificulty Level: Easy
Types: N/A
- Composite Armor (often worthless)
- Power hammers (rarely good, sometimes have DoTs)
Location: Dathomir
How to find them: Nightsister Force Labor Camp, Nightsister vs SMC Battlefield, Nightsister Stronghold, (POIs) between Nightsister Stronghold and Imperial Prison. Random spawns all over Dathomir. If you're a pikeman, I suggest SMCs... They have their own POI and also spawn all over the place. They have lower electric and kinetic resists than regular NS, and the same loot.
Dificulty Level: Medium-Challenging
Types: Slaves, Sentries, Initiates, Outcasts, Stalkers, Sentinels, Rangers, Spellweavers, Protectors, Elders
- Nightsister Layers (Used in armor)
- Nightsister Shards (Used to lower armor encumberence)
- Crystals (Elders drop premium and flawless [rumor], all others drop fair-quality)
- Lances (High damage, DoT)
- Attachments (Max at +25)
- Random Worthless Resources (1 unit dath carn, 1 unit of milk, you get the idea)
- Exceptional Weapons (Extremely rare)
- Heavy Leather and Heavy Duty Clasps (Used in tailor and DE[?], pretty much worthless)
Nym's Minions:
Location: Lok
How to find them: Missions (10k+?), Nym's Stronghold, random spawns all over the planet. Be sure to loot the Droidekas and animals too!
Dificulty Level: Easy-Medium
Types: Surveyor, Guard, Elite Guard, Kussak, Droideka
- Nym's Vibro Motors (Used in VKs and all other vibro weapons)
- Bubble Tank Schematic (It's really cool lookin'!)
Peko Peko Albatross:
Location: Naboo
How to find them: Northern hemisphere of Naboo.. Just bike around until you find one.
Dificulty Level: Medium-Hard
Types: N/A
- Peko Peko Albatross Feather (RIS component, NOT REQUIRED)
Woolimander Harrower:
Location: Yavin
How to find them: Go to the woolimander palace POI (Near the center of the map, Imperial Stronghold is the closest starport). They're at the end of the right wing of the palace.
Dificulty Level: Easy-Medium
Types: N/A
- Woolimander Harrower Bone Fragments (RIS armor component)
If there are any questions you have, MOBs and NPCs you'd like me to include, or see any errors in this post, PLEASE reply to this post or send me a PM. I hope you've found this guide useful!
Version 1.2 - Fixed some stuff, added info about SMCs and Belladonna NPCs
Version 1.3 - added Gorax, Janta, Donkuwatu, and DJK/DJM. Added dificulty rating to Gurk King.
Message Edited by Emotemaster on 03-11-2005 01:56 PM
Message Edited by Emotemaster on 03-11-2005 03:22 PM
Message Edited by Emotemaster on 03-22-2005 05:37 PM Message Edited by Emotemaster on 08-14-2005 04:20 PM