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  • Trivial Librarian
    Quest Name:Trivial Librarian
    Starting NPC:Theed Librarian
    Starting Planet: Naboo
    Starting City: Theed
    Credits Earned: 0
    Other Reward(s): Trivial Librarian Badge
    Submitted By:Darkflame
    Last Updated: Tue Aug 3 12:55:31 2004
    The Theed Librarian, located at: -5535, 4682 or nearby, asks you a multitude of questions. The name of the Librarian changes just as most NPC's. The listing of answers also changes with each try.

    Librarian says, "Hello, welcome to the library. If you'd like, we could play a game. I'll ask you trivia questions and you can answer them. All right?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "Who originally established the Free Trader Association of Naboo?"

    a) Shep Contopault.
    b) Queen Amidala.
    c) Nute Gunray.
    d) Darth Maul.

    Librarian says, "You got it! That's the right answer. Shall we do another?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "Corellian Clams are known for this property..."

    a) Being hard to open.
    b) Healing properties.
    c) Delicious flavor.
    d) Their blood is alcohol.

    Librarian says, "You definitely know your stuff. Try again?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "What single center of mass do both Talus and Tralus orbit around?"

    a) Tatooine.
    b) Corellia.
    c) Centerpoint Station.
    d) A black hole.

    Librarian says, "That's the correct answer. Very good job. Would you like another question?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "Approximately how many light years is Tatooine from the Galactic Core?"

    a) 43,000.
    b) 34,000.
    c) 3.
    d) 153,000.

    Librarian says, "You definitely know your stuff. Try again?"

    You say, "Yes"

    Librarian says, "Rori is a moon which orbits which planet?"

    a) Naboo.
    b) Corellia.
    c) Talus.
    d) Yavin.

    Librarian says, "That's the correct answer. Very good job. Would you like another question?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "How long is an average day on Dantooine?"

    a) 30 hours.
    b) 25 hours.
    c) 125 hours.
    d) 24 hours.

    Librarian says, "You definitely know your stuff. Try again?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "In what system is the planet Dathomir located?"

    a) Prindaar.
    b) Quelii.
    c) Xizor.
    d) Abraxis.

    Librarian says, "You definitely know your stuff. Try again?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "Where did the Trade Federation first test the automata of its vast droid army?"

    b) Lok.
    c) Kashyyk
    d) Rori.

    Librarian says, "Very good. You got it, Would you like another question?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "How many moons orbit the planet Endor?"

    a) 8.
    b) 9.
    c) None.
    d) 7.

    Librarian says, "You definitely know your stuff. Try again?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "How many inhabitable moons does Yavin have?"

    a) Eleven.
    b) Forty.
    c) Four.
    d) Three.

    Librarian says, "That's the correct answer. Very good job. Would you like another question?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "Who formed the Brotherhood of the Sith?"

    a) Darth Vader.
    b) Darth Bane.
    c) Jorus C'baoth.
    d) Exar Kun.

    Librarian says, "That's the correct answer. Very good job. Would you like another question?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "What company developed the original Victory Class Star Destroyers for the Old Republic?"

    a) The Min-Dal Company.
    b) Kuat Drive Yards.
    c) Grand Moff Tarkin.
    d) Rendili StarDrive.

    Librarian says, "That's the correct answer. Very good job. Would you like another question?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "The four suits of a standard Sabacc deck are:"

    a) Coins, Staves, Flasks, and Sabers.
    b) Coins, Cups, Staves, and Sabers.
    c) Swords, Staves, Cups, and Wands.
    d) Swords, Sabers, Scimitars, and Knives.

    Librarian says, "That's the correct answer. Very good job. Would you like another question?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "Which of the following in not considered a "standard" Sabacc card:"

    a) The Queen of Air and Darkness.
    b) The Sarlacc.
    c) Demise.
    d) The idiot.

    Librarian says, "Correct! You're very smart. Another question?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "What song, written and performed by the band Starburst, was rated Scarlet (artistically worthless and offensive) by the Imperial Board of Culture?"

    a) The Emperor's Hobby.
    b) Love in the Atmosphere.
    c) Only In Your Dreams.
    d) Time for Action.

    Librarian says, "That's the correct answer. Very good job. Would you like another question?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "What song, performed by the ensemble Plexo-33, was considered most popular song in the galaxy, prior to the clone wars?"

    a) Only In Your Dreams.
    b) Clones Need Love Too.
    c) Tatooine in G-Minor.
    d) 11011101 #2.

    Librarian says, "Very good. You got it. Would you like another question?"

    Librarian says, "What sport was named the "official" sport of the New Order, shortly before the Battle of Yavin?"

    a) Ringer.
    b) Wegsphere.
    c) Sabacc.
    d) Kel Tag.

    Librarian says, "You got it! That's the right answer. Shall we do another?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "What is the more common name of the Koensayr BTL Longprobe Starfighter?"

    a) X-wing.
    b) B-wing.
    c) Y-wing.
    d) Tie Fighter.

    Librarian says, "You definitely know your stuff. Try again?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "The T-I-E in TIE Fighters is most commonly believed to refer to what?"

    a) Turbo Injected Engines.
    b) Tertiary Invasion Equipment.
    c) Twin Ion Engines.
    d) Timed Insular Ejection.

    Librarian says, "Very good. You got it. Would you like another?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "The playwright Thalos Lorin, is best known for this drama:"

    a) The Trickery of Vosdia Nooma.
    b) Rodian Fever.
    c) Serpernt Rain.
    d) Unusually Bothan.

    Librarian says, "You got it! That's the right answer. Shall we do another?"

    You say, "Yes."

    Librarian says, "Well, you've answered all the questions I have. Perhaps if you come back another time we can play again. Who knows, perhaps I'll even have more questions for you then."

    You say, "Thank you for everything."

    Librarian says, "You're a smart one, you are."

    [Badge] You have received a new badge! (Trivial Librarian)

    Badge Received: Trivial Librarian
    Bio Badge Received: ...has answered all the trivia questions posed by the Theed Palace Librarian
    Send a correction for this quest
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    7 threads, 1 page(s) long 
       I'll see if it works Reply...
      Posted @ Tue, Mar 30th 12:26 PM 2004
      By: AoArulez
      4 posts
      Score: Default [1.66]

      Thanks so far for giving the answers - just need to see if it actually works. Prolly yes but you'll never know until you actually do :)                                                   

      It's not pink it's purple!
      AoA Maertzdorf-Intrepid Master Artisan/Brawler 4000, TKM, Medic 1009, Architect 4110, WS 0000

      AoA Avenger-Chimaera Entertainer 1023 Artisan 0001
      0 Replies
       sweet Reply...
      Posted @ Mon, Mar 22nd 4:36 PM 2004
      By: Zotro
      7 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      thanks worked like a charm  easy badge                                                                             

      0 Replies
       thnx Reply...
      Posted @ Sun, Mar 21st 7:35 PM 2004
      By: Oxid
      253 posts
      Score: Default [1.56]

      i didnt think neoe would post up the answers                                                                             

      I'm Back Biatch!
      0 Replies
       YaY Reply...
      Posted @ Sat, Mar 20th 4:28 PM 2004
      By: KillerSmurf
      2 posts
      Score: Decent [3.00]

      Cool Thanks =)                                                                             

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