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Ships: M22-T Krayt

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Hutt "Krayt"
MandalMotors M22-T Gunship

Over time, the Hutt crime organization established itself as the dominant mercenary faction in known space. To maintain loyalty, Jabba the Hutt commissioned the M22-T Gunship from MandalMotors as a gift for his most powerful lieutenants. Jabba’s under-bosses in remote systems represent a consistent risk to the Hutt empire – they often fight amongst themselves and contemplate large-scale mutinies. With this vessel, his remote commanders could afford to release, fire or kill vast swaths of employees while remaining profitable.

Ship Specifications

Ship Type: Heavy Fighter
Faction: Privateer
Pilot skill required: Master Pilot
Availability: Craftable
Crew: Pilot, Gunner
Mass Range: 210, 000
Weapon Mounts: Projectile weapon x4
Ordnance x1
Flight Control Upgrades: Flight Computer
Customizations: Trim and Body Colors, Textures

Ship Customizations

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