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Novice Rifleman FAQ (*READ THIS FIRST*)If it does not answer read the Rifleman FAQ   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2560
Registered: 08-11-2003

PA: Eclipse ITC-IM : TestCentre New Unity
Server: None Chosen

20 ratings - 4.4 average

Please go through the entire thread - info that is not
as important is also in following messages ^_^
1) what to hunt:
generally people will tell you to go to dantooine and hunt quenkers (not savage ones!!!)
they give great xp and pay out well if you do missions while doing it.
myself I took my time and hunted many things
pickets on lok, Quenkers, (Snorbals, Bolle Bulls, Rancors (in a newb group - no solo grouping
before you have a few columns of speed!)) I found snakes on lok are easy 1-2 shot kills (and if
prone they can never aggro fast enough to avoid being killed ^_^)  Tortons are also perrenial
favorites. Talus and Rori are good places to level as well. make sure you stay at the 55+ m
mark and shoot while prone - make sure it doesn't have more then 10-15k ham and more then
light armor if you plan to solo at novice rifleman. (unless you are a scout and can run like the wind ^_^)
Telling someone what to hunt is actually a very hard job- it depends on your play style and
what you want to gain from it. Money? XP? Loot? are you already an elite combat prof? are
 you a master marksmen? it helps with the speed and accuracy at the bottem end and even
more at the top of the rifleman profession.
Finally if you are grinding - it is best to group with something... a pet, a droid , a person?
all give you a bonus to your exp you get per kill
2) what to hunt with:
PVE:  e11, laser rifle, t-12, dxr6-b, berserker, spraystick, sg82 = a huge variety of
damage types - do an examine and see what armor level a creature has and what
 it is susceptible to. AP IS YOUR FRIEND HERE! a 25% damage bonus per level
over the armor of the creature you are shooting at will help immensely!
generally you will probably use a laser rifle, e11, and the dxr6-b until you get some
speed and then the T-21 comes to the fore as the best all around rifle.
PVP:  Jawa, dxr-6, and T-21
jawa = stun damage and ignores much of the armor
dxr-6 = accurate and high damaging as well as no Shield Gen stops it damage
T-21 = all out damage!
3) Charging creatures:
Strategy #1 is to take the creature out quickly (while using cover, maskscent, etc)
so that it's dead before it knows what hit it and never has the chance to charge you.
Strategy #2 is to team up with another player or creature who can absorb the creature's
attacks while you snipe at it from a distance.
Strategy #3 if you have scout use traps that slow down creatures
Strategy #4 *IMPORTANT!* threaten and warning shot in the Marksmen 0004 column!
warning shot can be used to drive creatures away - use peace immediately after
you see the attack stick. If you can do that three or more times the creature seems
to slow down as long as you do not hit it with another warning shot. Over all the
best method if you can not kill a creature without being detected
night4554 Tools of the unbuffed, unarmored player:

= Warning Shot
= Suppression Fire
= Phenacine Dart
= Adhesive Mesh
= Any Knockdown (Novice Pistoleer and x/x/x/1 gets you a Melee Knockdown)
= Warcry (From Brawler)
= Burstrun
= Line of Sight (for ranged opponents)
= Take Cover, Mask Scent (note you cannot Peace while under Cover)
= Conceal Shot
= Nearby Vehicle
= Pet Tank (Guard or Kill Command)
= Droid Tank (Guard or Kill Command)
= Neutron or Muon Spice (for really hairy situations)
*edited at the request of night4554*
3) buffs and armor:
First off, yes, do slice armor! If you can afford to get a full encumberance-sliced set, that
could be a worthwhile investment. Second, are your Mind stats maxed out? What
species are you? A Human with 800 encumberance composite armor can eat 2 Ahrisa
and drink 2 Brandys and spam specials for at least half an hour(up to 40-45 minutes)
if they have their Mind stats set to the optimal 1100/1100/800. Wearing any sort of
Composite, Ubese, or Padded armor will affect your HAM greatly, forcing you to also
 invest in food and drink. Every Rifleman should have Brandy, Ahrisa, and Muon.
Canape, Citrus Snow Cakes, and Vercupti are also nice to have available. 

Ahrisa adds 400+ to Focus for ~45 minutes at 33 filling. Canape adds 700+ to Focus and Willpower.

If I recall, it has near 33 filling as well with a duration of about 10 minutes. I prefer Ahrisa to Canape,

but Canape can be better in tighter situations. In the worst situations(basically just the DWB),

Muon Gold(spice) is good to have. +500 to Mind/Focus/Willpower for 10 minutes with the

opposite effect for 3 minutes afterwards.

4) the learning curve:
rifleman is slow at first due to the speed of your general attacks, this will change ^_^
1st) you can single draw as a rifleman - attack at traget at 55+m and if it does
aggro before it dies only it should chase you (this does fail time to time)
2) Conceal shot allows you to attack much bigger things then you really should ^_^
great xp but slow and beware of random bleeds left by conceal shot - they will get you killed
3) speed and accuracy are what you should go after when learning rifle first - I
prefer speed (but only if you have the Combat experience from another profession) 
other prefer accuracy - play around a bit - if you have a highly accurrate rifle go 003x, if
you laser rifle or t-21 is fast 4-5 secs maybe go accuracy 400x
*edit* For a good discussion on what to do first check this thread out
4) AOE's will be your life blood!
5) we do not have a knockdown per say - but we do have an AOE which inflicts
dizzy on NPCs and if you have master marksmen you should have suprresion fire
 which forces a posture change down - when they stand again is when they get
doing the flopping fish impression ^_^  waste93 expansion Also you may want to
change the KD section to reflect that it is only a voluntary posture change that causes
the flopping fish. Also that Dizzy only works on NPCs. Along with the flopping fish effect.
5) Rifle speed:
Rifle is slow until you master- this is a no dabble profession- at master you should be
almost 2x as fast as you are currently
as for skill order you might want to try to get 0103 or 0033 or some such . the three
column in the last 2 gives an AOE which are very nice the 0100 column gives
conceal shot which is a shot you can shot pretty much indefinitely at ranges
of +50m and never draw aggro (unless you miss a few times or land a bleed )
You might want to consider switching to a faster laser rifle  it may not be ap3 but
 is can have a huge upper damage range and is considerably faster. Also check
out DXR6-b's they are faster then t-21's and substantially more accurate in all
range bands.  both should help you low level specials get faster.
you could also try 4000 for the accuracy which is always in demand Waste93
pointed this out to me ^_^ I prefered the AOE's but if you are not already uber
with the armor and you don't hunt with a Meatshield (ie: your tk friend :-p) it may
be better to go with accuracy - see following reason
waste93 expansion:Not sure if I agree with your idea of which branch to go up
first. Going up to FlushingShot2 works great if you have someone or something
 to tank. But without that you are in trouble as it will aggro MOBs which are
frequently melee to a range your AoE won't work and your accuracy is horrible.
6) PVP and you
PVP is not really something a Novice rifleman should participate
in as your speed will be slow and your accuracy will be bad. If you
are still intent on it as you climb the speed and accuracy trees you will find that
 pvp becomes more and more viable. Once you hit master you literally will double
 your damage output and at that point you should be good to go.
1) higher accuracy = avoids defences better so you hit more often
2) stun is a fair damage type for pvp - but it has been getting less and less so
since the advent of stun armor and stun shield gens and foods such as synthsteak
3) Foods are a necessitty currently as are buffs and stun armor and shield
4) Flushing 2 creates a stun affect which can lower defences and help you hit
more often harder.
5) currently headshot2/3 are our best attacks, this is changing and it maybe
that raw damage output will soon supersed this so ss2 (master level- again
pvp is not something novices really should be doing)  might be better.
6) the DXR-6 and the t-21 are also viable PVP weapons, the High accuracy of
the DXR-6b helps as does the Heavy armor piercing of the T-21
7) Instead of Max damage powerups go for 30%+ min damage powerups and
some other stat such as + accuracy if you can , this helps avoid Mitigation issues
8) Sniper shot is useful but not as useful as you might imagine
9) get disease/poison innoculations now...
Armor Piercing:
AP means Armor Piercing. When you look at a weapon it will say None, Light,
Medium, or Heavy. Those translate to AP0, AP1, AP2, and AP3.

  For each level that the AP is above the AR (Armor Level) of the target you get a 25% cummalative bonus to damage. So AP3 vs AR0 (3steps) is 195% damage. AP3 vs AP1 or AP2 vs AR0 (2steps) means 156% damage. AP3 vs AR2, AP2 vs AR1, or AP1 vs AR0 (1step) means 125% damage. If even then it's 100% damage.

  If the target is vulnerable to the damage type then the the target is considered AR0 and the weapon loses any AP bonus. It basically becomes AP0.

  For each level that the armor is greater than the AP, you lose 50% damage. So 1step is 50%, 2steps 25%, and 3steps 12.5%.

  So which AP is better? Usually the higher the AP the better off you are. But it will depend on the targets resists. It is possible that a weapon with a lower AP is better because the target may have lower resists to it. Also the lower AP could be better if the target is vulnerable to the higher AP damage type since you lose the AP bonus in that case.  Waste93

Armor Attachments and Clothing Attachments:
  •    + numbers help our skills, - numbers reduce our skills (you want positive ones ^_^)
  •    Rifle Speed is the most sought after as it can literally double your damage output (+7 rifle speed is all we need to cap as master rifleman)
  •    Rifle Crawl is broken so the attachments do nothing as of now
  •    Never put the same type of mod into the same piece of clothing as you will just lose the second one and it will be lost forever
Max Range:
All attacks have a max range of 64m (no we can not do 300m sniper kill shots on players)
with thanks to all those who have been asking these questions lately and the the amazingly knowledgeable community who has been answering ^_^

please feel free to add to this and edit it all ^_^ but as we have had some many of these questions in the last week here is my attempt at a neophyte guide

Message Edited by Ackehece on 02-16-2005 03:54 AM

Newb Rifleman FAQ ---- Basic Rifle Templates FAQ ---

fRiflewomen are all about Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

07-23-2004 09:30 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2560
Registered: 08-11-2003

PA: Eclipse ITC-IM : TestCentre New Unity
Server: None Chosen

8 ratings - 4.5 average

Tibits of Info that may or may not help you ^_^
if you are a master marksmen or have the 0004 column of marksmen
AIM!!!! use the /aim function when you are at low levels and using things such as conceal shot
you can stack them 
means you will miss much less while out there all by yourself on your belly
looking at the evil snorbal that wants to powder your bones!
/prone+/aim+/any rifle shot will hit much more often and if you are at a long range
you can get many shots off of any type without getting aggroed instantly

Max range for any player attack is 64m. No attack by a player can reach outside the 64m range

(excluding an old CM bug(fixed), Lag(+/-10m), and Turrets (80m))

what does cover do?
Cover gives a defensive mod against a ranged attacker, it does not add to you success or failure of a /concealshot.
Beam Rifle?
there is no certification for this weapon - it was never intended to be a rifleman weapon,
it was originally a commando weapon before launch but it was not removed from the
weaponsmiths creation certifications so we see them pop up once and a while
*********************TEMP ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT (at least till bug is fixed)***********************'
AOE Bug Temp Fix
If you get trapped by an AOE that no longer does damage to the
lair you are attacking and everything else you
 must break out of the loop. there are a few ways to escape the
dreaded AOE bug. The most effective way is:
1) get outta the range of the lair !!!!! (off radar if you can even!)
2) kill the targets aggro'd on you (or Break aggro) (click on nothing to
see what you are currently fighting)
3) go through a peace sequence
4) get within range of the lair and shoot again
Rifleman Trainer Locations

Mos Eisely
3551, -4710 or
3426, -4917

1274, 2687

None listed

-5215, -2373

587, -2870

Yavin 4
None listed

None listed

None listed

None listed


many trainers can be found in player cities (these vary galaxy to galaxy)

Message Edited by Ackehece on 09-30-2004 03:05 PM

Message Edited by Ackehece on 10-18-2004 12:58 PM

Message Edited by Ackehece on 10-18-2004 01:00 PM

Newb Rifleman FAQ ---- Basic Rifle Templates FAQ ---

fRiflewomen are all about Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

07-23-2004 09:37 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2560
Registered: 08-11-2003

PA: Eclipse ITC-IM : TestCentre New Unity
Server: None Chosen

7 ratings - 4.0 average

Rifleman FAQ - if you need to know the speed of an attack what the special effect of a special is or what type of damage a rifle does... check here!
Rifleman Defence Block - what does it do and how effective it is?
What order of skills should I learn once I hit novice rifleman? (This is very subjective and really depends on playstyle)
Not realy a newb issue (as newbs should not pvp as novice rifleman) but some hints on what food to eat before going and shooting up the town in PVP
Newb Tips (general!)
can I solo as a rifleman alone?
Finding High Quality Weapons
Weapons we think we can use but we can not
Speed Tapes?
Cover/Conceal shot?
Defenses from other skills
HAM lesson
Different tapes and armor attachements that help
AOE Bug TEmp fix
Race Maximums for stats
Food Buffs
Creating usage of Macros
Slicing Myths and Mysterys
Creating Clickly links in forums
Require Speed to Cap Rifle Specials

Message Edited by Ackehece on 09-29-2004 09:06 AM

Newb Rifleman FAQ ---- Basic Rifle Templates FAQ ---

fRiflewomen are all about Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

07-24-2004 03:51 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
SWG Crewman
Posts: 116
Registered: 10-07-2003

Server: Wanderhome

Wow, Great info. I cant think of anything to add!

Slave to the Holo No More

07-25-2004 11:32 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Posts: 42
Registered: 05-26-2004

PA: Dark Forces
Server: Gorath

You really did your homework on this one, Ackehece. It's helping me out already. Thanks for compiling the guide, and thanks to all who contributed.

Lincoln Osis

MasterRifleman/Bounty Hunter/PistoleerMaster Marksman

07-25-2004 12:13 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2560
Registered: 08-11-2003

PA: Eclipse ITC-IM : TestCentre New Unity
Server: None Chosen

1 rating - 5.0 average

the following is a public service announcement:


******************AS PEOPLE HAVE TROUBLES READING******************************


good news for you Accuracy does not cap. Accuracy can be raised with skills (master rifle/master marksmen) + the inherent accuracy of the rifle you use (variable but the dxr6b is usually in the 125+ accuracy camp) + snow cake + /aim + Squadleader + 25points in SEAs + dead eye + positional modifier (prone) + accuracy powerups

  1. 170 rifle accuracy (rifleman skill)
  2. + 50% accuracy (dead eye)(i think is this added first before other mods -but if it comes after it will have a greater affect) 
  3. + 125-175 rifle based accuracy for dxr6b at ideal range +45-60m (depends on weaponsmith)
  4. + 25 snowcake
  5. + 50-150 (/aim command stacking)
  6. +25 SL
  7. + 25 sea  
  8. + 30% of inherent rifle based accuracy (Powerup)
  9.  + 60 prone      (calculated by

Message Edited by Ackehece on 02-16-2005 03:51 AM

Newb Rifleman FAQ ---- Basic Rifle Templates FAQ ---

fRiflewomen are all about Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

07-25-2004 01:45 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
SWG Petty Officer
Posts: 62
Registered: 07-31-2003

Server: Starsider

I recently began work on Rifleman, this info is a great help.


Xavior Silva

07-25-2004 06:39 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2211
Registered: 07-28-2003


Oh wow, I'm included! hehe =D

I would suggest taking this out:

"I fight unbuffed, unarmored 98% of the time (and usually just put some crappy 300cred brandy in my stomach) and I use the above tactics (except burstrun [never needed it] and warcry [don't have it])"

And somehting I didn't add is /wookieeroar

/wookieeroar is an innate ability (to Wookiees) able to be used every 5 minutes. It does a cone AoE Intimate cutting an enemy's damage in half. Not good to be used if there's 5 creatures next to the one you're attacking, cause it will aggro them all, but definetly something to keep in mind.

Niiight the Wookiee on Starsider - One of Three Jetpack Crafters
Niiightingale Weaponry - /way 3050 3720 - Revenance, Lok
Check out my "Rarer Loot" Vendor at Zlatworks! (-374 -5492 Corellia outside Coronet)

07-25-2004 07:31 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
SWG Petty Officer
Posts: 140
Registered: 06-27-2003

Server: Starsider

Do people not understand that quenkers are the fastest way to level up?
Quenkers, then Savage Quenkers, Huurton Huntresses and Huurton Stalkers

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want Creature Mounts, Faster! "So be it, Jedi." --Emperor to Luke

07-25-2004 07:39 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2560
Registered: 08-11-2003

PA: Eclipse ITC-IM : TestCentre New Unity
Server: None Chosen

1 rating - 5.0 average

GrekoMoobybah wrote:
Do people not understand that quenkers are the fastest way to level up?
Quenkers, then Savage Quenkers, Huurton Huntresses and Huurton Stalkers

Quenkers are fast - but they are boring ^_^ sometimes doing other things that has nearly the same risk/reward ratio is fun to try. No need to super grind anymore as Holo's are out of game. I say take you time and do what you find is fun I did mention quenkers as the most popular - but they are not the only thing you can hunt.

Newb Rifleman FAQ ---- Basic Rifle Templates FAQ ---

fRiflewomen are all about Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

07-25-2004 08:00 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 3930
Registered: 09-11-2003

PA: Outriders
Server: Eclipse

I'm levelling right now(not Rifleman, but it'll work just as well) at Imperial bases. I guess Rebel ones work if you're Imperial We have 4 of them just outside our city mainly for guild members who need FP. However, I can get a few thousand FP per hour and 2k-3k XP per NPC. Just get buffed, put on some energy/kinetic armor, and have fun. May want to go around the AT-STs though Chances are that just outside one of the cities on your server there is a similar setup. By the time I get from the first one to the last, the first one is full again! Also, they do drop lots and lots of loot- mostly junky weapons, but you can get parts of the new loot kits too. I'd say I pick up about one per hour. I find it much more fun than running missions(which I rarely ever do, it's sooo boring). You may not get as many credits as running missions, but you do get the FP.
Edit: If this appeals to you, I'd recommend waiting until Novice Rifleman before trying it

Message Edited by XaverriJade7 on 07-25-2004 11:33 PM

Kezia Sunshade
RIS Certified - Master Armorsmith - 12 Exp. Pts
Vendor locations:
Outland, Naboo (7013, 3646) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor & Imperial Prototype PSGs
Elexis' Hard Wars Cafe in Paradox, Lok (1330, -305) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor
07-25-2004 08:32 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Posts: 172
Registered: 06-30-2004

Server: Infinity

very good (/bump free) finally you got round to making it. and you left lots of option open everything got there macro set up yet to up the url of this thread in any n00b questions?

Spawner - Infinity

[Master Medic] 4444

[Master Doctor] 4444

[Master Rifleman] 4444

07-26-2004 04:41 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2560
Registered: 08-11-2003

PA: Eclipse ITC-IM : TestCentre New Unity
Server: None Chosen

shameless micro bump ^_^

/wookieeroar is an innate ability (to Wookiees) able to be used every 5 minutes. It does a cone AoE Intimate cutting an enemy's damage in half. Not good to be used if there's 5 creatures next to the one you're attacking, cause it will aggro them all, but definetly something to keep in mind.


it was not really a rifleman ability but if a wookiee reads the thread now you post has added this to the mix for them ^_^ is why i did not add it to the FAQ

Message Edited by Ackehece on 07-26-2004 11:23 AM

Newb Rifleman FAQ ---- Basic Rifle Templates FAQ ---

fRiflewomen are all about Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

07-26-2004 10:17 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2560
Registered: 08-11-2003

PA: Eclipse ITC-IM : TestCentre New Unity
Server: None Chosen

bump... silly people never do searchs for things like this  >_<

Newb Rifleman FAQ ---- Basic Rifle Templates FAQ ---

fRiflewomen are all about Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

07-27-2004 12:52 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Community Veteran
Posts: 933
Registered: 07-20-2004

PA: Gaia
Server: Eclipse

great post I'm just 2k Xp away from novice rifleman and once I get that 2k I'll def be following your guide

"Jedi they're order is a fading light in the dark. corrupt and arrogant.They must be punished."

07-28-2004 08:36 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Community Veteran
Posts: 167
Registered: 07-07-2004

PA: Lethe-es Defenders
Server: Bria

waste93 expansion Also you may want to change the KD section to reflect that it is only a voluntary posture change that causes the flopping fish. Also that Dizzy only works on NPCs. Along with the flopping fish effect.
This is clearly untrue.  I have been using Supression Shot and Dizzy to KD/Dizzy 4-legged animals for the entire duration I've been playing this game (about a month).  If you're going to tell me it doesn't work, then why does it stop dire cats, torturs, and sharnaffs right in their tracks, go to a crouch position (if they have one, if not just their icon changes to kneeling) and make them unable to stand up and chase me for a good 15 seconds?  The ones w/ crouching animations looking like their twitiching between standing and crouching, the rest just stand there.

¤~Sefi Ar'Lya
Master Ranger | Master Rifleman
Lethe-es, Corellia

Ranger isn't a profession, it's a lifestyle.
Lethe-es Defenders FOREVER!

07-28-2004 03:23 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Squadron Leader
Posts: 3930
Registered: 09-11-2003

PA: Outriders
Server: Eclipse

Giolon wrote:
waste93 expansion Also you may want to change the KD section to reflect that it is only a voluntary posture change that causes the flopping fish. Also that Dizzy only works on NPCs. Along with the flopping fish effect.
This is clearly untrue.  I have been using Supression Shot and Dizzy to KD/Dizzy 4-legged animals for the entire duration I've been playing this game (about a month).  If you're going to tell me it doesn't work, then why does it stop dire cats, torturs, and sharnaffs right in their tracks, go to a crouch position (if they have one, if not just their icon changes to kneeling) and make them unable to stand up and chase me for a good 15 seconds? 
I cannot believe this is less than exaggeration. I have used SuppressionFire on creatures before, but they go to a crouch position and 'stand' back up as soon as they can. In my experience, this has been 5 seconds or less. Always. Dizzy has never had any effect I have seen on creatures. Note that I have been playing for nearly a year. I would be amazed(pleasently ) if you are correct, but I hold a lot of skepticism for these words.
 The ones w/ crouching animations looking like their twitiching between standing and crouching, the rest just stand there. Would love to see this, but again, I never have

Kezia Sunshade
RIS Certified - Master Armorsmith - 12 Exp. Pts
Vendor locations:
Outland, Naboo (7013, 3646) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor & Imperial Prototype PSGs
Elexis' Hard Wars Cafe in Paradox, Lok (1330, -305) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor
07-28-2004 04:27 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4836
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

Giolon wrote:
waste93 expansion Also you may want to change the KD section to reflect that it is only a voluntary posture change that causes the flopping fish. Also that Dizzy only works on NPCs. Along with the flopping fish effect.
This is clearly untrue.  I have been using Supression Shot and Dizzy to KD/Dizzy 4-legged animals for the entire duration I've been playing this game (about a month).  If you're going to tell me it doesn't work, then why does it stop dire cats, torturs, and sharnaffs right in their tracks, go to a crouch position (if they have one, if not just their icon changes to kneeling) and make them unable to stand up and chase me for a good 15 seconds?  The ones w/ crouching animations looking like their twitiching between standing and crouching, the rest just stand there.

  Please reread what was actually stated. KD attacks have no effect on creature MOB's. Dizzy has no effect on creature MOB's. Because of that you can not get a creature MOB to do the flopping fish syndrome. Nothing was stated about SuppresionFire. SuppressionFire is a posture down attack which will effect creature MOB's sligthly. It will cause them to pause. However if you have a Dizzy on the creature have you ever seen it fall over when changes posture? Nope. Because it can't. What you are seeing isn't the KD/Dizzy effect, what you are seeing is the pause between the MOB getting up from it's lowered posture.

  I would suggest you also check the Ranger and Scout boards. One of their sore points is that they both have traps that cause Dizzy yet Dizzy has no effect on creatures.

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-28-2004 05:35 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Community Veteran
Posts: 2745
Registered: 07-06-2004

This a very helpful thread to me, as I'm just beginning to level up through rifleman from novice. To those who find quenkers redundant and boring, something else you may try that I do to break the monotony of hunting the same thing are "sweeps". Just run around in the wild, rifling everything you see. Make sure to be buffed and armored, if you can. Have some brandy, stims(if you have medical skills to heal yourself). This can be much more fun than just running back and forth to mission terminals, which can get tedious. You would be surprised how fast the XP builds up, becuase the creatures respawn quickly. If you have scout skills, forage the resources(meat, bone, hide)then take it back to the city and sell it. I've done this several times and it has been more profitable than 3 hours of quenker and huurton missions, many times. The leveling has gone well, also.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers."
-William Shakespeare

Rifleman+Doctor+Teras Kasi+Pilot+Aspiring CH

07-28-2004 05:37 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
SWG Petty Officer
Posts: 13
Registered: 07-15-2003

Great Post-> Great Info
07-29-2004 12:03 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Community Advisor
Posts: 339
Registered: 04-27-2004

PA: Di-Nocturnal Dwarfers
Server: Chimaera

/takecover is love,  Three free shots on target  without nasty return fire or being charged .
But for those of us whove foolishly take ranged support, you do that really irritating tumble thing & you have to wait 10 seconds before you can attack.
Make a new macro:-
Using the same icon
& thatll solve your tumbling woes
Once you finally do take said cover, Im a huge fan of
/headshot 1 (or 2);
/headshot 1 (or 2);
/headshot 1 (or 2)
Rareley if ever miss.

Star Wars - Published 1977 written by George Lucas (Allegedley) ISBN 0-7221-5669-3
' "Your father's lightsabre," Kenobi told him. "At one time they were widely used. Still are in certain galactic quarters.'

Explanation for only Jedi PCs using them is .....?

07-29-2004 04:39 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Community Advocate
Posts: 360
Registered: 01-13-2004

Server: Bria

Sorry to be blunt, but this is a stupid way to grind rifleman.      If you get buffs and 80% comp armor. All you have to do is stand right next to your savage quenker lair and use your point blank area attack. when you are shooting a lair you never miss!    so as long as you are able to absorb the hits you can just stand there and kill everything at once. Once you have a few boxes, move up to baz nitches on dathomir. If you are in a solo group of 15+, you will get 21 baz **edit** per mission at 4k+ xp a kill. Thats over 84k per mission.Trust me, I have grinded rifleman twice. Once with shotting teh creatures, once with the lair.

Official Reverand of the Empire
Ministering to Rebels Since 1/9/03
Down with jedi!

07-29-2004 06:43 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2560
Registered: 08-11-2003

PA: Eclipse ITC-IM : TestCentre New Unity
Server: None Chosen

ZazCOF wrote:
Sorry to be blunt, but this is a stupid way to grind rifleman.      If you get buffs and 80% comp armor. All you have to do is stand right next to your savage quenker lair and use your point blank area attack. when you are shooting a lair you never miss!    so as long as you are able to absorb the hits you can just stand there and kill everything at once. Once you have a few boxes, move up to baz nitches on dathomir. If you are in a solo group of 15+, you will get 21 baz **edit** per mission at 4k+ xp a kill. Thats over 84k per mission.Trust me, I have grinded rifleman twice. Once with shotting teh creatures, once with the lair.

well this method does work it only works for those who are willing to spend lots of money well leveling and is not really effective for new rifleman. The 80%+ composite is good to have and point blank area is a good attack but as we said before not everyone wants to grind quenkers till their fingers bleed. This is yet another good alternative method for leveling. 

As you pointed out... you need to ABSORB THE HITS with this idea.. not something that rifleman is really designed to do  - teachs bad habits at the beginning of their career. Rifleman is a ranged profession and the novices do need to learn ranged tactics... if they use this method to much they will learn a bad habit that will get them killed when hunting higher level spawns. All in all a fast method, just not a good habit forming method of rifleman training

Newb Rifleman FAQ ---- Basic Rifle Templates FAQ ---

fRiflewomen are all about Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

07-29-2004 08:33 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
Squadron Leader
Posts: 3930
Registered: 09-11-2003

PA: Outriders
Server: Eclipse

Bump for Azarken

Kezia Sunshade
RIS Certified - Master Armorsmith - 12 Exp. Pts
Vendor locations:
Outland, Naboo (7013, 3646) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor & Imperial Prototype PSGs
Elexis' Hard Wars Cafe in Paradox, Lok (1330, -305) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor
07-30-2004 02:07 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: FOr the starting Rifleman *NEWBS READ THIS!*
SWG Crewman
Posts: 87
Registered: 09-12-2003

Server: None Chosen

That's not so true Ackehece.  I've never done Rifleman before, and I used the same strategy as I did when I was grinding TKA.
Purchase 80% Kinetic Resistance Comp Armor, get a doctor buff, buy some Canape & Brandy (Or just a Musician Buff).  And well, since 3/0/0/0 Marksman, I've been killing nothing but Quenkers on Dantooine.  Make sure you don't join a solo group.  Just get the 5100 credit Quenkers missions.  You get 2 quenkers per spawn, but the beauty of those Quenkers is the fact that their HAM isn't as high as other quenkers and you get 2500 Rifle XP and 250 combat XP per kill.  And with the armor and buffs, even if they start to agro you, it doesn't matter, their dealt damage is so low, your armor and buffs will always keep you healthy.
At the beginning it took about 1-2 minutes to kill 1 quenker if they agro me (This was only because I missed 2 out of 3 shots).  But as you progress.
Oh and I only did Mindshot... nothing else.  Spam it constantly.  If it takes more than 1 minute to kill a Quenker, then it doesn't matter.  The time it will take you to kill a harder creature that gives 3500 xp will only take you 1-2 minutes for 2500 xp from the Quenker.
Anyways, this is what I'm doing right now.  It's awfully fast.
07-30-2004 12:33 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator
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