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19.6. Advanced User Commands

Here is a list of most of the commands for advanced users. You can bring up a complete list of special commands in game by typing "//". Note, many commands need a target, for example /invite Holocron.

/addpower - adds power to selected structure.
/afk - sets you character to "Away from keyboard" so others know you are not currently available.
/afkmessage - displays (or changes if you add text after) the messages that will appear to others when you are in the AFK state.
/afktime - displays (or changes if you add number after) how long before you automatically go to AFK state when not interacting with game.
/alarmclock (minutes) (message) - The text message will display for you after the selected time passed. Example, "/alarmclock 60 Walk the dog" will remind you to walk your dog in an hour
/anon - set your character to anonymous for the purpose of searches.
/applyDisease - used by Combat Medics to spread disease
/applyPoison - used by Combat Medics to poison enemies
/areatrack - special skill used by Rangers to locate beings nearby
/bandflourish - syncronizes flourishes of everyone in the group (however does not grant the xp of normal flourishes).
/bandleader - transfers Band Leader status to indicated player.
/burstrun - activates short duration extra run speed at the cost of Health and Action pool. There is a waiting time before this special ability can be used again.
/chat - Displays all chat room commands
/chat join [planet].chat - Joins the chat room for the entire planet you are on, such as Tatooine.
/consider - Displays difficulty rating of creature or NPCs compared to the your skill with your weapon in hand
/cureDisease - used by Doctors to cure diseases with medicine
/curePoison - used by Doctors to cure posions with medicine
/decline - used to turn down an invitation to join a group
/denyService - prevents target from getting entertainment healing from you for duration of your current session.
/disband - (group leader only) disbands current target or entire group if no target is named
/emote - displays whatever text you follow it with as an action of your character. For example, if your name is Laine and you type "/emote loves Tatooine." then "Laine loves Tatooine." will be seen by everyone in your area.
/find - brings up list of commonly searched for locations. Selecting a location will create a waypoint to the nearest one of that type
/firstAid - used by Medics to stop bleeding
/flourish - plays indicated musical or dance flourish. For example, /flourish 4
/follow - autofollows your target. Use /stopfollow to cease following
/forage - allows scouts to forage for food
/gallop - used to make your mount go faster similar to burst run
/group autoloot - displays status of autoloot (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group autoloot credits - displays status of autoloot of credits (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group autoloot items - displays status of autoloot of items (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group autosplit - displays status of autosplit (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group info - displays names of group members, current options, etc.
/group leader - displays group leader's full name
/group menu - (group leader only) displays a menu for toggling options on and off
/group notify - displays status of each notify option (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group notify credits - (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group notify death - (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group notify harvest - (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group notify incapacitation - (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group notify items - (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
/group options - (group leader only) displays a menu for toggling options on and off
/groupchat - sends message to group channel
/groupsay - sends message to group channel
/gsay - sends message to group channel
/gtell - sends message to group channel
/guild - sends message to guild channel
/guildremove - remove target or self from your current guild
/guildstatus - tells you what guild your current target is in, and their title in the guild, if any.
/harvest - allows scouts to harvest creature corpses for organic resources
/healdamage - (skill required) heals damage on your target or yourself if no target selected
/healwound - (skill required) displays list of wounds you can heal on your target or yourself if no target selected
/helper - set your character to "Newbie Helper" for the purpose of searches.
/invite - invites target player into your group (only group leaders can invite additional people into an existing group)
/join - joins group or band if you have been invited
/kneel - changes stance to kneeling
/lfg - sets your character to "Looking for group" for purpose of searches.
/listen - actively listens to target musician
/logout - logs your character off the server. You should be in a hotel, house or campsite for a safe logout, otherwise your character will be at the mercy of the world for 3 additional minutes.
/loot - loots targeted corpse
/makeleader - (group leader only) transfers leadership to target group member
/mailSave - saves your game mail on your client (your computer) instead of the server.
/maskScent - allows scouts to approach creatures unnoticed
/medicalForage - allows medics to forage for medical ingredients
/mood none - returns your default mood to neutral
/moods - displays list of moods
/notepad - allows modifications to a text file that gets saved as "notes.txt" in the user's base profile directory
/peace - Ends combat with your target
/prone - changes stance to prone
/retell (/rt) - sends tell to the last person you sent a tell to
/reply (/r) - sends a tell to the last person to send a tell to you (also /ttell)
/roleplay (/r) - set your character to "Role Player" for the purpose of searches.
/sample - used by artisans to take a resource sample after surveying
/say - puts your message in a chat bubble and in the spatial chat window. List of other spatial chat commands
/sing - chat bubble that is unique to entertainers
/social - displays list of socials (pre-packaged emotes) 
/stand - changes stance to standing
/startdance - (skill required) begins the dance style that you indicate. For example, /startdance basic
/stopfollow - ends autofollow command.
/stoplistening - you will no longer actively listen to a musician.
/stopwatching - you will no longer actively watch to a dancer.
/startmusic - (skill and instrument required) begins playing song that you indicate. For example, /startmusic rock
/survey - used by artisans to survey for resources
/tell (/t) - sends an instant message to the player indicated. You can send the message to multiple people by separating their names with a comma
/tellpet - sends a command privately to your pet.
/tip - automatically tranfers a number of credits to your target. Use /tip [name] [#] to specifiy the amount given. You can also do /tip [name] [#] bank, to send money directly to their bank, however there is a 5% transfer fee to do this.
/unconsent - disallows a target player to move your corpse if you have already given them permission with /consent
/watch - actively watches targeted performer
! - repeat last command
!abc - repeat the last thing you said that started with abc
^a^b - repeat the last thing you said, replacing A with B.

"This is a lon test"
would result in:
"This is a long test" 

% You can now put variables in your text in order to automatically insert words and names. For example, you can emote : looks at %NT in disgust, then waves %OT away. and get Fred looks at a bantha in disgust, then waves it away. The available variables are:
  • %TU - your full name (first and last)
  • %TT - your current look at target target's full name
  • %NU - your first name
  • %NT - your target's short version name (first only)
  • %SU - personal subjective pronoun: he/she/it for the speaker
  • %ST - he/she/it for the target
  • %OU - personal objective pronoun: him/her/it for the speaker
  • %OT - him/her/it for your target
  • %PU - possessive: his/her/its for the speaker
  • %PT - his/her/its for your target
  • %RU - your species
  • %RT - your target's species


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