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Musician FAQ, sort of: our Knowledge Base entries   [ Edited ]
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

4 ratings - 4.0 average

This thread is the closest thing we have to a general Musician FAQ right now.  If I can just find a couple of hours next week (not going to happen this week), I'll consolidate it into a more user-friendly, single-post FAQ.  For now, it's better than nothing.  These FAQ entries are based on the Knowledge Base entries I and others drafted for inclusion in SWG.  Those entries can be accessed from within the game itself: Open the Holocron, then click on Customer Service, then use the Knowledge Base interface.  In the alternative, you can access the same Knowledge Base from the web by going to this URL:



How can a Musician buff another player's stats?

A player with the Novice Musician skill can buff the secondary Mind stats -- that is, Focus and Willpower -- of a listener or group of listeners.   The extent of the buff depends on the Musician's skill in Musical Mind Enhancement, a skill found in the Musical Technique line of skill boxes.  A Mind Enhancement skill of 25 increases the recipient's Focus and Willpower stats by 25%; a Master Musician, with a Mind Enhancement skill of 100, doubles the recipient's Focus and Willpower stats for up to two hours.  Musicians do not buff the main Mind stat; Dancers do.

There are two ways to confer the buff.  The first way, the "active" or "/setperform" buff, involves the following steps: (1) Enter a cantina, theater, hotel, private house/guildhall, or camp.  The buff only works in these areas.  (2) Choose a relatively "advanced" instrument and song to maximize efficiency of the buff, and start playing music.  (3) Ask your listener to /listen to you -- to type /listen with you targeted, or to choose listen from the radial menu.  (4) Click on the listener to target them, and type /setperform.  If you're playing the ommni box or nalargon, instead type /setperform [listener name], since you must keep those two instruments targeted at all time to play them.  Either way, you should see a message indicating that you direct your message to the listener -- and the listener should see such a message from you.  (5) Play and flourish for at least 6 minutes; you may be able to shorten this time if you can cram in many flourishes.  You must flourish regularly to confer the buff.  (6) After that, instruct the listener to type /stoplisten or to choose "Stop Listen" from the radial menu.  At that point, the listener's Focus and Willpower stats should jump up, and the listener's HUD should include a music-note icon that indicates how long the buff will last.

The second buff method, the "passive" or "group" buff, works slightly differently.  It allows you to buff up to 19 listeners at once, if they are grouped with you.  In this case, (1) form a group with the listeners, (2) instruct them all to /listen to you, (3) simply start playing and flourishing an "advanced" song and instrument (without typing /setperform), and (4) instruct the audience to /stoplisten after around 6 minutes -- more if you're flourishing less regularly, less time if you can cram in lots of flourishes quickly. 

Currently you can't buff yourself with music. 

Players often ask how flourishing and song choice affect the buff.  Flourishing affects how fast you achieve maximum duration and maximum power of the /setperform buff.  Flourishes will not, however, increase the maximum duration or power of the buff.  In effect, flourishing cuts down the time you need to perform the targeted buff.  Likewise, song or instrument choice will affect the time at which you achieve maxium power and duration with the targeted buff.  If you play a higher song or instrument, the time required to buff is shorter.  "Lighting effects" (firejet, Colored Lights, etc.) do not currently affect the buff.  Currently, instrument quality does not, either.

Musicians also sometimes ask whether they can stop playing in mid-buff, for example to heal or to change instruments.  Stopping for a short time should not interfere with your buff.  The buff is triggered when the recipient stops listening, whether via radial, command-line, or walking out of range; it's not triggered by a cessation of the performance. The surest way to trigger the buff is for the listener to stay in the cantina while /listening, then to type /stoplisten or choose Stop Listen from the radial menu.  If the listener leaves the cantina and the buff isn't triggered automatically, the listener should try typing /stoplisten.  If the listener is a TKA, the listener should not meditate while typing /stoplisten; this may interfere with the buff.

If you have trouble buffing a player, consider the following possibilties.  (1) Your listener forgot to /listen to you, or /listened to the wrong Musician, or forgot to type /stoplisten at the end of the show.  This happens more often than people realize.  (2) You typed /setperform more than once.  If you do so, the first target of /setperform will not get the buff.  (3) Your listener recently died, crashed to desktop, timed out, or suffered some other calamity, while the Musician buff was still active.  In this case, the buff timer may not always reset properly.  (4) You're in a player-city theater.  You can't buff on the "outdoor" portion of these.  (5) You forgot to flourish.  (6) You didn't play for long enough. (7) You stopped for a long time in mid-performance.  (8) Your listener ran out of range for a moment.  Even if he or she returns, the buff trigger may have been pulled, and you must re-buff.  (9) You are not a Novice Musician or higher, or your Musical Mind Enhancement skill is zero.  (10) You used a song or instrument that is too "low" while performing the targeted buff.  (11) The listener was meditating when they typed /stoplisten. 

If you've considered all these possibilities and are still having trouble, please submit a ticket to speak with a CSR on this issue.

Message Edited by NewJedi on 02-26-2004 09:27 AM

Message Edited by NewJedi on 02-26-2004 09:27 AM

Message Edited by NewJedi on 02-26-2004 09:28 AM

Message Edited by NewJedi on 03-01-2004 09:30 AM

Message Edited by NewJedi on 05-10-2004 07:46 PM

Message Edited by NewJedi on 05-10-2004 07:48 PM

Message Edited by NewJedi on 07-28-2004 11:44 PM

02-25-2004 03:53 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entry: Musician buffs
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

Here's a KB entry for the *recipients* of Music buffs.  Begin text:


How do I get a Musician's "buff" to Focus and Willpower?

Players with the Novice Musician skill have the ability to increase your Focus and Willpower stats.  More skilled Musicians confer a stronger buff, with Master Musicians conferring the best buff of all -- doubling your Focus and Willpower stats for  two hours.

To get the buff, find a skilled Musician in a cantina, theater, hotel, player house, player guildhall, or scout's camp.  Target the Musician with your mouse and either type /listen or choose Listen from the radial menu.  There are two types of buff: (1) the "/setperform" (also known as the "active" or "ungrouped") buff, which is applied more quickly; and (2) the "grouped" or "passive" buff, which can be applied to many people at once but takes longer to confer.

If you are the only person seeking a buff, then you should ask for the "/setperform" (i.e., "active" or "ungrouped") buff.  The Musician will "direct his/her performance to you" by typing /setperform; you should see a system message to that effect.  If you don't see that system message, inform the Musician.  If, on the other hand, you are part of a group being buffed by the Musician, then there is no need for the /setperform command, and all members of your group can /listen to the Musician and get the buff at the same time.  If you are getting the "/setperform" buff, you'll need to /listen for at least 6 minutes and quite possibly longer, depending on the skill of the Musician; if you're getting the passive "grouped" buff, you will need to listen a bit longer. 

Either way, once the Musician says the buff should be complete, type /stoplisten or choose Stop Listen from the radial menu.  This step is crucial: the buff will not be applied until you /stoplisten!  Once you /stoplisten, you should see your Focus and Willpower stats increase, and you should see a musical-note icon on your HUD bar; if you mouse over this icon, you'll see how much buff time remains.

02-25-2004 03:54 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entry: Musician buffs
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

How does a Musician craft musical instruments?

Musicians and Entertainers can craft musical instruments with a "Weapon, Droid, and General Crafting Tool."  This tool can be crafted by artisans, and it's usually available for purchase on the Bazaar. 
To craft an instrument, click on the crafting tool and select Start Crafting, or put the crafting tool on a hotkey bar and select that hotkey.  Select the instrument you would like to make; the interface will tell you what raw materials you need.  (You can also see what materials are needed by consulting your list of schematics in your datapad.)  If you have the correct materials, double-click on the appropriate resource slots in the crafting interface, or drag the resources into the appropriate slot.  Then click next and follow the remaining prompts until you've finished.  It is possible to fail, in which case you will lose the resources you loaded; in this case, you will have to start again. 
Currently, it is not necessary to experiment on instrument quality, since that factor currently doesn't affect the performance or longevity of the instrument, though it's possible it might have some such effect in the future.  To experiment on quality, start your crafting session in close proximity to a Weapon, Droid and General Crafting Station.  Then follow the on-screen prompts to experiment on improving your instrument's quality.
You might consider crafting a number of instruments and selling your extras on the Bazaar.  The more advanced instruments often command a fairly high price, since only the most skilled Musicians can craft them.
02-26-2004 09:26 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entry: Musician buffs   [ Edited ]
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

Why should a Musician flourish?
To gain Musician experience, a Musician must "flourish" regularly.  A flourish is a brief variation on the main melody of a song.  Not only does flourishing gain you experience; it also adds variety to your performance: it sounds different, and your avatar will perform a different animation when flourishing.  Flourishing does have a cost: you must expend Action points every time you flourish. 
You can find pre-made hotkeys for flourishing in the "actions" menu (default key: CTL-A).  Each song has eight different flourishes.  Drag each of the eight flourish hotkeys to one of your hotkey bars to make flourishing easier.  You can also flourish from the command line by typing /flourish 1 (or /flo 1), /flourish 2, etc.
If you are performing in a band, you also have the option of a /bandflourish.  This will induce all members of your band to perform the same flourish at the same time, and to perform the same animation too.  This can make a band look more organized and professional.  The downside of /bandflourishing is that only the /bandflourisher gets Musical XP, and all members of the band still suffer an Action cost for the /bandflourish.
You should also consider other techniques for adding variety to your performance.  The /pause command permits you to stop playing for a brief moment, allowing you to "give the floor" to a soloist or other performer, to set up a band "call and response," or to develop other advanced performance routines.  At higher skill levels, you will also acquire "lighting effects" that add a visual component to your show.  And you can use /recite, /carol, and /rap to add flavor to your vocal patter.
How do I use a Music droid?
You need to be a Novice Musician or higher to use the droid.  You also need a Music droid with at least one "playback" module.  An R3 droid is ideal because it comes with six total modules, which means you could get, say, five "effects" modules and one "playback" module.  If you have one or more playback modules, you can record one "track" per module.  To record a track, first group with the droid.  Then radial-click the droid and choose 'access playback module.'  Then select an open track and click 'record/play.'  Then begin playing whatever song/instrument you want recorded.  You can only record a song/instrument you already know.  E.g., play Folk with Fizzz to get that track on your droid.  No need to flourish while you record.  In 30 seconds you should see a message that the droid has finished recording.  Next, equip a different instrument for yourself.  Then radial-click the droid, select 'access playback module,' select the recorded track, and click 'record/play.'  This time the droid will perform instead of record.  You can then /startmusic to join in the tune, or in some cases use /startband, depending on whether others are in your group.
Once you and the droid are both playing, you can /bandflo (/b) and the droid will flourish along with you.  You can also /bandflo fizzz, I think.  /b 3 Fizzz will bandflo only those bandmembers with a fizzz, and you can even abbreviate the instrument name.  You can also /pausemusic to give the droid a solo.  Also, your droid can do its visual-effects while all this is going on.  All told, it's quite a party.  Have fun!

Message Edited by NewJedi on 08-02-2004 01:28 PM

02-26-2004 09:28 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entry: Musician buffs
Posts: 44
Registered: 01-30-2004

Server: Starsider

Looking good Btw.. with the quickbuff method the time to buff can be shortened to 3 minutes and 10 seconds.. unless it gets nerfed. There's also /sing to add flavour to your performance.

The lighting effects are /firejet, /colorlights, /dazzle, /ventriloquism, /spotlight. With Ventriloquism being a rather disappointing "special" as it is barely visible.

You may want to add that while the Mandoviol can only be made by a Musician, it can only be played by a Master Entertainer (bad as it may be). Also the Ceremonial song can only be played by a Master Entertainer but not by a Musician.

You did not mention the band commands anywhere as far as I can see... /startband song, /changeband song, /bandflourish 1-8, /stopband. These are excellent for coordinated performances, though the /startband command is somewhat bugged as the initiator of that command does not actually "start" playing him-/herself. While he/she does produce music, the game currently does not realize this properly and flourishes dont work for that person, but do work for all others in the band.

You may also wish to add that moving even one step will end your playing, so if you want to play uninterrupted, you must not move These FAQ entries will soon need additions regarding the new droids (as unwanted as they may be by most of the musician/dancer/entertainer community).

I am sure I missed some things, but maybe someone else can add more info.

Meister Capo

Master Musician

Residence on Naboo, Vagabond's Rest

02-27-2004 02:33 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 1125
Registered: 06-26-2003

PA: SAS (Stormtrooper Alliance Squadron)
Server: Starsider

How about one for "How do I get Music xp?"
In order to get music experience for advancing along the Musicianship (Entertainer), Musical Knowledge or Musical Techniques (Musician) skill lines, you have to flourish while playing an instrument. You get more experience if you:
  1. Flourish two times, back-to-back, within one 10 second timeframe
  2. Are grouped with other actively performing entertainers (either dancers or musicians)
  3. There are other players listening to you, or listening to/watching someone in your group
  4. Another player has you targetted and types /clap, /cheer or /applaud.
To get the highest amount of experience, play either the highest level song you know or the most advanced instrument you have a certification for. The order in which you flourish does not matter. For every timepart (in 10 second increments) after you flourish, you get decreasing amounts of experience until it reaches 0. E.g., if you flourish twice, one right after the other, and get 8 Music xp, 10 seconds later you'll get 7 Music xp, 10 seconds after that you'll get 6 Music xp, etc.
Also, "How do I play the Ommni Box?" and "How do I play the Narlagon?"
In order to play the Ommni Box or Narlagon, you must have the instrument in your inventory or in an open droid's storage compartment. Radial off of it and select the Use command. Target it while it is on the floor and either type /startmusic [songname] or radial off of it to Play Instrument, selecting the song from the list that comes up. If you are in a group that is already playing a song, you can just type /startmusic and you will join in on the current song. You must keep the Ommni Box or Narlagon targetted at all times to continue playing it. If you un-target it, either by targetting nothing or by targetting anything else at all, you will stop playing as if you had done the /stopmusic command. You cannot play an Ommni Box or Narlagon on the balcony of a player house or the stage of a player-city theater. You can play the Ommni Boxes or Narlagons that are permanent  world objects, usually near Entertainer trainers.
Aside from questions about buffs, those are the most common things I see asked.

Message Edited by Echinacea on 02-27-2004 09:34 AM

Col. Tarot v Starsider Force Sensitive Master Entertainer, Master Musician & Master SwordsWoman

02-27-2004 06:03 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment
SWG Petty Officer
Posts: 148
Registered: 07-18-2003

PA: Anarchy Squad
Server: Scylla

New Jedi wrote:

Players often ask how flourishing and song choice affect the buff. Flourishing affects how fast you achieve maximum duration and maximum power of the /setperform buff. Flourishes will not, however, increase the maximum duration or power of the buff.

End quote

One problem in this is that flourishes dont help you reach "max power" flourishing 3 times will increase it by the same percent as flourishing 500 times. The only effect that flourishes is you need to do so many to reach the two hour time maximum. YOu can buff for less than two hours which i think is a common mis conception. You can make the buff last only 20 minutes by only flourishing around 10 times.


02-27-2004 07:23 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entry: Musician buffs
Squadron Leader
Posts: 1857
Registered: 06-26-2003

PA: Famous Fat Wookie Band
Server: Ahazi

NewJedi wrote:

Here's a KB entry for the *recipients* of Music buffs.  Begin text:


How do I get a Musician's "buff" to Focus and Willpower?

Players with the Novice Musician skill have the ability to increase your Focus and Willpower stats.  More skilled Musicians confer a stronger buff, with Master Musicians conferring the best buff of all -- doubling your Focus and Willpower stats for  two hours.

To get the buff, find a skilled Musician in a cantina, theater, hotel, player house, player guildhall, or scout's camp.  Target the Musician with your mouse and either type /listen or choose Listen from the radial menu.  There are two types of buff: (1) the "/setperform" (also known as the "active" or "ungrouped") buff, which is applied more quickly; and (2) the "grouped" or "passive" buff, which can be applied to many people at once but takes longer to confer.

If you are the only person seeking a buff, then you should ask for the "/setperform" (i.e., "active" or "ungrouped") buff.  The Musician will "direct his/her performance to you" by typing /setperform; you should see a system message to that effect.  If you don't see that system message, inform the Musician.  If, on the other hand, you are part of a group being buffed by the Musician, then there is no need for the /setperform command, and all members of your group can /listen to the Musician and get the buff at the same time.  If you are getting the "/setperform" buff, you'll need to /listen for at least 6 minutes and quite possibly longer, depending on the skill of the Musician; if you're getting the passive "grouped" buff, you will need to listen a bit longer. 

Either way, once the Musician says the buff should be complete, type /stoplisten or choose Stop Listen from the radial menu.  This step is crucial: the buff will not be applied until you /stoplisten!  Once you /stoplisten, you should see your Focus and Willpower stats increase, and you should see a musical-note icon on your HUD bar; if you mouse over this icon, you'll see how much buff time remains.

NJ, I would reword this.  Add all your stuff about how to /listen ect.  Then add that they will not see the increase till after stoplisten right away.   Further note, that some musicians have SEA's which may buff more then 100%.  State that buffs can take from 30 seconds to 8 minutes depending on the skill of the musician.  This is an acurate statement, and allow's for musicians who don't want to do the fast buff to not be expected to while informing the customer that some musicians can/ will do it that quickly.  It should promote people to search out the "right musician for them" as well as cut the fat from your discription I should think. 


Master musician, Master entertainer of Mos Oasis
Find FFWB Here! A SWG History
The Lies Continue

02-28-2004 06:51 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entry: Musician buffs   [ Edited ]
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

Mastermeister: Actually, I do mention /bandflourish, but you're right, I didn't mention /change or /start or the related commands.  I just wasn't sure how much detail to go into; the existing KB entries on Entertainer cover many of the basics of entertaining already.  But it may be that a newb who picks up a slitherhorn will do searches under "Musician" rather than "Entertainer," so overlap seems okay to me.  If the devs and CSR's don't object, I'll add that stuff.  I'll also ask the CSRs about the mando; that's already documented in-game, in the skill tree, but that may not be an obstacle to including info in the KB.  It's not entirely clear to me whether the KB is supposed to deal only with FAQs or whether it's supposed to be a more comprehensive index -- and, if the latter, how it's supposed to relate to the existing CTL-H Holocron entries, which cover some of these topics already.

Echinacea: That sounds fine to me.  I'll see about getting both entries included.  Again, I'm just not sure how much detail the CSRs and devs want in the KB.  I wish more of it were in the CTL-H Holocron rather than the KB, myself.

DroppingEnglish: Yes, I know that even one flourish confers maximum "power."  A couple of nights ago, in fact, I inadvertently did just that -- conferred a 20 minute full buff.  But the relevant dev has always insisted to me that flourishing is supposed to affect "how fast one achieves maximum power and duration"; that's the language he gave me for my FAQ, and that's the language I've used since, even though I've never buffed less than 100% as a Master Musician. All of which again makes me wonder whether the buff is in fact working as intended.  I'll consult with that dev again about what precise language he wants.

Sweatyclimber and everyone who posted about the 3-minute or shorter buff: I am not encouraging people to spread the word about this because I'm pretty sure it's not intended -- certainly the 45-second version isn't.  I'm certainly not going to include it in the KB without some explicit dev authorization to do so.  Other Correspondents and I have asked the devs for guidance on whether the insta-buff behavior is intended so that we can either encourage its use or prepare people for a nerf.  (I'm pretty sure the devs already know about it, so don't blame me if they do nerf it!)  So far we've had no dev reply.  TH is on vacation...

Sweatyclimber, I will try to incorporate your other suggestions.

Thanks, everyone, for those comments.  More are welcome.


Message Edited by NewJedi on 02-28-2004 05:15 PM

Message Edited by NewJedi on 02-28-2004 05:15 PM

Message Edited by NewJedi on 02-28-2004 05:16 PM

02-28-2004 04:47 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entry: Musician buffs
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

Incidentally, once we're done putting together these KB entries, I think I'll consolidate them into a second FAQ for this forum.  The forum administrators have always discouraged me from having too many stickie'd threads, but I think they'll acquiesce in two sticki'ed FAQ threads.  I think.
02-28-2004 05:02 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entry: Musician buffs
SWG Petty Officer
Posts: 72
Registered: 06-28-2003

I am new to this profession.  I have a second account that I am using for a utility account, and working to master doctor and master musician, against the day I open my FSCS (and my TKM will like him too until that day).  I would like to see in the KB a full listing of commands, and what they actually do.  I have searched some of the FAQ and other things here, but I have not found a list to speak of.  I guess this list would almost be a small dictionary for the Musician class.

One thing I was not clear on after reading these wonderful posts.  You talked about the number of flourishes used while buffing and such, but can you clarify this please?  If I put 500 flourishes in a macro and did them back to back with no pause in between, would this give them the max duration in a shorter time (even with a weak overall buff?) 

It will take some time to get my second account up to master musician, but when I do, I will see if I can give some more accurate times for the "In Group" buff timer, at least for master.  It will not be hard to do back to back, since I am working doctor, I can buff, get killed, and revive.  Or maybe this is something the DEV could tell you, and let you verify?

03-06-2004 04:23 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

I have asked the devs for precise data on buffing times, but they haven't given me any; instead they've simpy told me what factors do and do not affect the speed at which one buffs.  Until the new "buff HUD" appeared, there was no reliable way to test buff speed, because the recipient never knew precisely how long the buff would last.  On TC, I did play a game with some other Correspondents in which I'd send them a tell every two minutes asking "Is the buff still up"?  Now that the buff icon is on the HUD, at least we know how long the buff lasts.  But it's STILL a pain to test precisely how long you need to buff, because the buffee can't "undo" the buff once it's applied and thus can't be rebuffed, which means you need a new vicitm, which introduces a new variable.  So far I've found that I can buff to max solo in less than six minutes flourishing normally, and in less than 8 minutes in a group.  I've been reluctant to test it on groups, though; if you mess it up and give the group a less-than-two-hour buff, that's a lot of people you've inconvenienced.

I do think it's a good idea to add a Knowledge Base entry about our "slash" commands like /change, /startband, /startmusic, /stopband, and /stopmusic.  Once I've finalized these entries, I'll reorganize this thread into a more general Musician FAQ.

As for the number of flourishes you need, yes, you can speed up the process with a macro that dispenses with the normal /pauses between flourishes.  In fact, you can speed it up so radically that at some point it becomes an exploit, in my view.  I'm still awaiting official dev guidance on whether that practice is a violation of the Terms of Service.  Until I get any such guidance, I myself continue to buff while flourishing normally.  Flourishes were designed to be performed with pauses in between them; to eliminate the pauses in effect eliminates the aural effect of the flourishes, while nonetheless delivering them to the server.  I don't think the devs intended the buff to work that way.

03-06-2004 06:15 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician   [ Edited ]
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

What specific commands are available to Musicians?
Here are some commands you can try as a Musician:
/bandflourish [flourishnumber] or /bandflo [flourishnumber].  This command will cause all members of your band to perform the same flourish at the same time, giving your performance a more organized and musical character.  The downside is that each member of the band incurs an Action cost for a /bandflo, and only the original /bandflourisher gets experience.  There is no built-in hotkey for this command, but it's a good idea to make a series of 8 /bandflo hotkeys for ease of use. 
/changebandmusic [songname] or /change [songname].  This command will allow you to switch songs instantly without stopping between songs. 
/coloredlights.  This command fires off a lighting effect.  There is a built-in hotkey for this command in your action menu (default hotkey CTL A).  Lighting effects have no effect on healing or buffing rates, and they cost you Action points, but they do add flare to your performance. 
/dazzle.  This command also fires off a lighting effect; again, there is a built-in hotkey for it.
/firejet.  This command also fires off a lighting effect; again, there is a built-in hotkey for it.
/flourish [flourishnumber].  This command will cause you to perform one of 8 musical variations, depending on which flourish number you specify.  You can gain Musician experience only if you flourish, so do so frequently!  There is a built-in hotkey for all 8 flourishes.
/pickup [with nalargon or ommni box targeted].  If you have administrative rights in the structure in which you're performing, you can pick up your nalargon or ommni box with this command-line command.  Or you can use the radial menu.
/setperform [targetname] or /setp [targetname].  This command initiates the "active buff."  Target a buff recipient; start playing and flourishing normally; instruct the recipient to /listen; then type /setp with the recipient targeted (or, if you're playing the nalargon or ommni box, type /setp [playername].  For more details on buffing, see the separate Knowledge Base entry entitled "How can a Musician buff other players."
/startmusic [songname].  This command causes you -- and only you -- to start playing.  If the rest of your band is already performing, this command will automatically make you join in the current song.  If the rest of the band is not performing, this command will cause you to start playing the song you specified.  If you failed to specify a song, the game will prompt you to choose one with a popup box.   In your action menu (default CTL A), you'll find a built in Musician hotkey for /startmusic.  When you /startmusic, you'll play a "start" flourish -- really your ninth flourish.  Don't confuse this command with /start (short for /startband), which causes your entire band to start playing. 
/start [songname] or /startband [songname].  This command causes your entire band to start playing the designated song.  Don't confuse it with /startmusic, which causes only you to start playing.
/stopmusic.  This command causes you, and only you, to stop playing.  You will perform a "stop flourish" -- really your tenth flourish, along with the eight regular flourishes and the "start" flourish.  Don't confuse this command with /stop or /stopband.  This command has a built-in hotkey in your action menu (default hotkey CTL A).
/stop or /stopband.  This command causes your entire band to stop performing.  The band will perform a "stop flourish," which is a pleasing musical finish.
/ventriloquism [playername].  This command will display a lighting effect over a targeted player.  Again, there's a built-in hotkey for this command in your action menu (default CTL-A), but the hotkey won't easily work if you're playing the nalargon or ommni box, since you must keep those instruments targeted at all times.

Message Edited by NewJedi on 03-06-2004 06:37 AM

03-06-2004 06:34 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician
SWG Crewman
Posts: 46
Registered: 09-09-2003

PA: Order of the Rose (OtR)
Server: Ahazi

You should probably mention that each effect has 3 versions. ie /firejet 1, /firejet 2 and /firejet 3.

Shaherizade (OtR)

Dancing and public relations

03-19-2004 04:39 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

Good idea.  Thanks.
03-20-2004 08:25 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

In a few days, I plan to un-sticky this thread and replace it with a generalized "Musician FAQ," on which I've already started work.  So if anyone has further comments on these KB entries, please make them now. 
03-20-2004 08:45 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment
Posts: 2177
Registered: 06-28-2003

PA: FFWB and WLP(clicky is FFWB)

How can I start my own band?

Starting your own band can be fun and rewarding, but it takes time and patience. There are some steps you must take before you really hit the big time:

1. Get in touch with Entertainers: A good way to start a band is to make other entertainer friends. Hang out in non-afk places you know. Help newer people with learning the basics and what not. Once you get some good friends (at least 5 or 6), you can start preparing a band

2. Thinking up a name and a style: Thinking up a name for a band can be difficult, but think about who is in your band. try to make it catchy and possible amusing. A style can help as well, like band uniforms, key players on certin instruments, personal effects, etc.

3. Starting the Band Guild: This might be one of the more difficult steps. Buying and managing a PA hall can take a lot of money. Different ways of making money are buffs, gigs, and concerts. Once you get enough, it is time to buy a PA hall and start getting famous.

4. Getting Noticed: There are many ways of getting your band famous. Have events and sign up for weddings and other events. A good place to start is on the forums, and possible have a mailing list to send to people. Different events could be concerts, gabmling tourneys, RP events, or Holiday related parties. Some good money comes out of wedding gigs. You can also get some big money and fame at bigtime parties, and events.

5. Getting Members: Bands are greater when you have lots of members. Have different people in the band search out new members on each planet and city.

6. Other Ideas: There are other things your band could do. You could have a tour of different hot spots. You could create your own big shot city for your beloved bandmates and groupies(yes you may actually have groupies ). Just try different things, and maybe your band will hit the big top

-Rynn Lightcloud- Swordsman, Teräs Käsi, Medic-Starsider -Accain- Musician, Entertainer, Rifleman-Ahazi

04-09-2004 02:28 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

Nice, SinnAsyr.  Would you like me to submit that to the CSRs as a KB entry?

OK, I have to get around to converting this thread to a FAQ.  But first the top-five list.

04-09-2004 06:05 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment
Posts: 2177
Registered: 06-28-2003

PA: FFWB and WLP(clicky is FFWB)

Well ya thats why I took time out to write it

-Rynn Lightcloud- Swordsman, Teräs Käsi, Medic-Starsider -Accain- Musician, Entertainer, Rifleman-Ahazi

04-10-2004 06:43 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

OK, I figured.  Off to submit it to the CSRs, then. 
04-11-2004 08:10 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment   [ Edited ]
SWG Petty Officer
Posts: 161
Registered: 06-28-2003

"The devs and CSRs have asked me to help them draft entries for the Knowledge Base, which can be found in the CTL-H Holocron interface in-game." - NewJedi

This is just flat out rediculous. The devs and CSRs should have enough knowledge of the game. If they can't write their own help files, how do they plan on reworking something more complex? *slaps forhead* pfft... I'd tell the devs and csrs to make a character and go up musician.

Message Edited by DarinW on 04-11-2004 10:25 PM

04-11-2004 08:22 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

Heh, it is pretty disconcerting that we players are helping document their game.  But I actually don't mind.  It gives us a chance to put a small stamp on a major MMORPG, and that's kind of cool.
04-12-2004 08:13 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment
Posts: 2177
Registered: 06-28-2003

PA: FFWB and WLP(clicky is FFWB)

NewJedi wrote:
Heh, it is pretty disconcerting that we players are helping document their game.  But I actually don't mind.  It gives us a chance to put a small stamp on a major MMORPG, and that's kind of cool.

They should reward us somehow though. Ya know?

-Rynn Lightcloud- Swordsman, Teräs Käsi, Medic-Starsider -Accain- Musician, Entertainer, Rifleman-Ahazi

04-13-2004 10:04 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment
Blue Glowie
Posts: 3230
Registered: 06-26-2003

SinnAsyr wrote:

They should reward us somehow though. Ya know?

Heh, they most certainly won't do that, not after the litigation in the "guide" cases, which raise the possibility that game companies might have to pay players for their time.  SOE will doubtless say that our contribution to the KB is its own reward.
I haven't heard back yet from the CSRs on your contribution.  I'll check on it now.
04-14-2004 07:51 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Draft Knowledge Base entries for Musician: please comment
Posts: 2177
Registered: 06-28-2003

PA: FFWB and WLP(clicky is FFWB)

We could send it to SWG Resource Center, they give you money for this kinda stuff

-Rynn Lightcloud- Swordsman, Teräs Käsi, Medic-Starsider -Accain- Musician, Entertainer, Rifleman-Ahazi

04-16-2004 05:48 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator
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