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Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 879
Registered: 09-05-2003

PA: Intergalactic Planetary - Planetary Intergalactic
Server: Tempest

Reply 1 of 24

Viewed 5433 times

Motivation and Process

My original goal in SWG was to be a Master Rifleman/Master Chef. As part of that goal, I took Novice Scout so I could harvest my own animal resources, and then I picked up the Hunting tree so I could harvest animal resources more efficiently.

Sadly, I eventually reached the point that many Novice Chefs reach: The realization that the Chef profession is immensely broken, and doesn't seem slated for any Dev Luv(tm) any time in the near future. Chefs only do one thing: Buff stats. Unfortunately, they do it worse than any other profession in the game that can also buff stats. And the other stat-buffing classes get other skills besides just stat-buffing. So it was with heavy heart that I surrendered Entrees I, Mixology II, Mixology I, and Novice Chef.

However, by the time I'd reached this decision, I'd already started selling animal resources to interested buyers. And I'd realized that hunting critters was something I actively enjoyed. So I figured I'd try to make a going concern of it. To this end, I achieved Master Scout and Novice Ranger, this time with an eye on the Tracking skill tree, again to harvest more efficiently.

But as I went along on my daily hunting activities, I discovered that I had a lot of random piles of meat, hide, and bone. "Wouldn't it be great," I wondered "if there was some sort of list or database I could look at to see what these various piles of animal-based resources could be used for? That way I'd know who my target market was."

So I did some looking. And found a nice little database of schematics at Unfortunately, it didn't have a "reverse" function. You could look up schematics and find out what resources they needed, but you couldn't pull up a resource and find out all the schematics it could be used in.

So I sat down and decided to make one.

(Well, I decided to make a list, at any rate. I lack the skills to make a searchable database and put it on the web.)

I began going through all the schematics on one at a time, and slowly compiled a list of which resources could be used in which schematics. And eventually I had a nice big list. And I heaved a sigh of relief, thinking my job was done.

But as I looked over the list, certain glaring omissions revealed themselves to me. "Where are all the Medic, Doctor, Combat Medic, and Bio-Engineer schematics?" I asked. There was ONE Medic schematic on the whole list. This seemed wrong. And then I noticed that the Chef schematics weren't fully fleshed out. And there were some camps and traps missing from the Ranger and Scout sections. And all the Camo Kits were missing.

So I dug around a little bit more and discovered a much more comprehensive list of schematics at This had all of the schematics that were missing from

It also had a "Resource look-up" section, where you could specify a resource and have it spit out all the recipes which use that resource.

I sighed. All the work I'd already done was redundant. Here was the tool I wanted all along.

Only it wasn't.

Turns out, the tool has some flaws. If you select "Fish Meat," for example, you will get no results. If you search on "Seafood," you will get a bunch of hits, but the database doesn't seem to recognize "Fish Meat" as "Seafood." Nor does it recognize Fish Meat as "Meat." Or "Creature Food." Or "Organic."

Also, the tool is not Scout/Ranger specific. It tracks non-animal resources as well as animal resources. So there's a lot of poking around you have to do to get past all the "Agrinium Aluminum" and "Tatooinian Tubers" and so on.

Finally, the list I was working on could be printed out, an advantage the resource look-up tool on SWGCraft doesn't have.

Make no mistake: The SWGCraft resource look-up tool is a nice tool. It's very handy for a lot of stuff, and the three things I mention above could be fixed in future versions of the tool. But there seemed to be enough reason to continue on with my work.

So I did.

And as I worked on the list, again I was confronted with the fact that some schematics were still missing, namely the Pet Stimpacks and Vitality Medpacks from the Bio-Engineer profession. But with the help of, I was able to fill in those blanks as well.

And finally, the list was done. Sorta. The results are below. Hope you find it useful.

Caveats and Notes

  • The schematic data for the list below comes from the websites mentioned above:,, and The first two sites in that list generate their schematics from user input, and as such the data is subject to any errors put in by the initial submitters. I caught several of them (one of the Scout Traps lists 100 hides instead of the correct number of 10 hides, for example), but others may have escaped my notice.

  • Additionally, since I'm human, and therefore fallible, I may have made some mistakes myself in transposing the information, either due to typos, or due to misreadings, or what-have-you. Take the following info with however large a grain of salt you feel it warrants. Mistake corrections are cheerfully solicited.

  • Some entries are missing entirely, due to their absence from the source material. Neither the Camo Kit: Lok nor the Camo Kit: Endor were available at either SWGCenter or SWGCraft. Again, omission corrections are also cheerfully solicited.

  • The list below is presented in order of "Most Specific" to "Most Generic."

  • The "Seafood" entry below could mean Fish Meat, Mollusk Meat, or Crustacean Meat. However, given the fact that Mollusk and Crustacean Meat in the game is about as rare as a Klansman in Harlem, it effectively means "Fish Meat."

  • The "Creature Food" entry below means Meat OR Eggs (and could possibly mean Milk as well)

  • Many of the Bio-Engineer recipes call for "Creature Structural," which apparently means Bone OR "Horn." I've never seen any "Horn" resources in the game, so I just put all of those entries under "Bone."

  • Although I have included an "Organic" section, which can be filled by any animal-based resource, it's worth noting that Organic requirements can also be filled by Flora resources. And Flora resources are (A) easier to obtain in significant bulk; and (B) cheaper than animal-based resources, on the whole. Still, on the outside chance that you could sell off your animal-based resources for use as generic Organic material, the list is there.

  • While it may seem redundant to include Rangers and Scouts in the list of potential customers, not everyone who reads the list will be a Ranger or a Scout. As well, the Scouts and Rangers reading the list may not qualify for the higher-level stuff. And even a Ranger or a Scout may not want to do all his or her own hunting even if he/she qualifies.

Knowing Your Customers

Architects - All of the animal-based resources used by Architects go towards making furniture. Furniture can't be experimented on (or, if it can, it produces no discernable effect). So the quality of the resources involved don't matter. Which means that this is a potential market for all that crap-quality hide you've got laying around.

The downside is that furniture doesn't seem to be in high demand. So the market for your hides in this instance will be quickly saturated. Your best bet for this market is to find a friendly Architect and cultivate a Relationship(tm) with him or her.

Armorsmiths - An Armorsmith should be one of your most consistent sources of income. If you haven't already developed a warm and tender Relationship(tm) with an Armorsmith or two, you're missing out on profit potential. Easily your biggest market for hides, especially specific types of hides.

Armorsmiths look for four things from their resources: Malleability, Overall Quality, Shock Resistance, and Unit Toughness. Opinions vary as to which is more important between Shock Resistance and Unit Toughness, but if you have resources with stats above 750 for all four characteristics, you've got some quality resources there that an Armorsmith would be very interested in.

Bio-Engineers - While they may appear on paper to be your biggest market for meat, there are some caveats worth noting.

Firstly, they can't mass-produce pets. So while the pets do call for a lot of meat on an individual basis, they won't be buying thousands of units from you for a factory run of Kaadu. Which means that the meat you sell 'em will probably last 'em a while.

Secondly, although they can mass-produce the tissues and additives for Chef and Tailor products, there is not much of a demand for either. So, again, any meat you sell them will probably last them a while.

However, this is your biggest market for fish meat, and it's the reason why giving Scouts and Rangers some way to increase the amount of fish they can harvest per fish should be included with any Scout or Ranger "State of the Profession" from the correspondents.

Bio-Engineers are also the only market for Eggs.

Bio-Engineers need high Potential Energy and Overall Quality.

Chefs - Could potentially be a good market for meat (and occasionally bone and hide) if the class ever gets fixed. However, at the moment, Chefs have very few incentives to make meat-based dishes. Some Chefs make Vercupti, which requires Insect Meat, but most just stick with Tatooine Sunburns.

Note: As of this writing, there is nary a Chef recipe which calls for eggs. So quit bugging the Chefs and trying to sell them your egg stacks.

In theory, Chefs need high Flavor, Potential Energy, and Overall Quality stats. In actual practice, Chef Experimentation is broken and the quality of the final result does not (as of this writing) reflect the quality of input ingredients. High Flavor stats, in particular, are completely wasted. But, if they ever fix the Chef profession, keep your eye peeled for high Flavor, PE, and OQ items for your friendly neighborhood Chef.

Combat Medics - This is a great market for Insect Meat...I think. Certainly, all of their Disease Delivery Units require Insect Meat. However, I seem to recall hearing that the ability of a Combat Medic to cause disease is non-functional in the game. If so, they won't be making Disease Delivery Units, and you won't be selling 'em your Insect Meat.

Combat Medics are also on the lookout for high Potential Energy and Overall Quality.

Doctors - Your primary market for Avian Meat. Will also be interested in Herbivore Meat. Like Armorsmiths, a Doctor will be a consistent source of income if you develop a Relationship(tm) with one.

Like the other medical professions, high PE and OQ are the stats to look for.

Medics - Medics need a lot of generic Organics, and so will probably chase more after Flora resources than Animal resources. However, they're a prime market for Herbivore meat.

If you guessed that they look for high PE and OQ, you guessed correctly.

Rangers - Not really a big market here, since Rangers will be able to harvest everything they need themselves, and since most of 'em don't bother with large factory runs. But you never know...

Scouts - See previous entry. Everything that applies to Rangers also applies to Scouts in this regard. But, again, you never know...

Smugglers - Not much of a market here, either. But hey, anything's possible...

Tailors - Not much of a market now, due to lack of repeat business and lack of factory runs. The upcoming Death Penalties may increase this market somewhat.

Resource quality is currently irrelevant for Tailor products, so, like Architects, this is the place to dump all your crap-quality hides. And, like Architects, this will be a quickly saturated market.


Volsted Gridban
4/4/4/0 Ranger, Master Rifleman,
Surveyor of planetary resources. Purveyor of animal resources.
Author of Volsted's Weapon Analysis Guide, Volsted's Power Fishing Guide,
and Volsted's Animal Resource Guide

Draining MMORPG combat mechanics through the Mighty Sieve of Mathematics since 1999
11-05-2003 12:05 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 879
Registered: 09-05-2003

PA: Intergalactic Planetary - Planetary Intergalactic
Server: Tempest

Reply 2 of 24

Viewed 5422 times

Resource List

Corellian Animal Bone

Ranger - Camo Kit: Corellia - 10 units

Corellian Bristley Hide

Ranger - Camo Kit: Corellia - 30 units

Corellian Insect Meat

Ranger - Camo Kit: Corellia - 20 units

Dantooine Herbivore Meat

Ranger - Camo Kit: Dantooine - 20 units

Dantooine Scaley Hide

Ranger - Camo Kit: Dantooine - 35 units

Dathomirian Animal Bone

Ranger - Camo Kit: Dathomir - 25 units

Dathomirian Carnivore Meat

Ranger - Camo Kit: Dathomire - 30 units

Dathomirian Insect Meat

Bio-Engineer - Pet Stimpack C - 18 units

Dathomirian Leathery Hide

Architect - Loveseat IV - 250 units
Ranger - Camo Kit: Dathomir - 40 units

Endorian Wooly Hide

Architect - Couch III - 250 units

Lokian Leathery Hide

Armorsmith - Padded Armor Belt - 10 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Boots - 40 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Chest Plate - 80 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Gloves - 25 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Helmet - 60 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Left Bicep - 40 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Left Bracer - 40 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Leggings - 60 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Right Bicep - 40 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Right Bracer - 40 units

Nabooian Avian Bone

Ranger - Camo Kit: Naboo - 10 units

Nabooian Herbivore Meat

Ranger - Camo Kit: Naboo - 20 units

Nabooian Scaley Hide

Ranger - Camo Kit: Naboo - 30 units
Tailor - Thermal Boots - 20 units

Rori Animal Bone

Armorsmith - Advanced Bone Armor Segment - 20 units
Ranger - Camo Kit: Rori - 15 units

Rori Carnivore Meat

Ranger - Camo Kit: Rori - 25 units

Rori Leathery Hide

Ranger - Camo Kit: Rori - 30 units

Talusian Avian Bone

Ranger - Camo Kit: Talus - 15 units

Talusian Avian Meat

Ranger - Camo Kit: Talus - 25 units

Talusian Leathery Hide

Ranger - Camo Kit: Talus - 30 units

Tatooinian Avian Bone

Ranger - Camo Kit: Tatooine - 10 units

Tatooinian Herbivore Meat

Ranger - Camo Kit: Tatooine - 20 units

Tatooinian Scaley Hide

Ranger - Camo Kit: Tatooine - 30 units

Tatooinian Wooly Hide

Tailor - High Quality Boots - 20 units

Yavinian Animal Bone

Ranger - Camo Kit: Yavin - 20 units

Yavinian Carnivore Meat

Ranger - Camo Kit: Yavin - 30 units

Yavinian Scaley Hide

Ranger - Camo Kit: Yavin - 35 units

Yavinian Wooly Hide

Armorsmith - Advanced Padded Armor Segment - 25 units

Avian Bone

Armorsmith - Tantel Armor Boots - 20 units
Armorsmith - Tantel Armor Chest Plate - 40 units
Armorsmith - Tantel Armor Helmet - 30 units
Bio-Engineer - Scent Neutralization - 15 units

Bristley Hide

Armorsmith - Tantel Armor Boots - 30 units
Armorsmith - Tantel Armor Chest Plate - 65 units
Armorsmith - Tantel Armor Helmet - 45 units
Chef - Ormachek - 10 units
Tailor - Pilot's Jacket - 70 units
Tailor - Reinforced Pullover - 70 units

Leathery Hide

Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Boots - 20 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Chest Plate - 40 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Gloves - 15 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Helmet - 30 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Left Bicep - 20 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Left Bracer - 20 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Leggings - 30 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Right Bicep - 20 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Right Bracer - 20 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Boots - 30 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Gloves - 20 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Helmet - 40 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Jacket - 50 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Left Bracer - 30 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Pants - 40 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Right Bracer - 30 units
Chef - Deneelin Fizz Pudding - 10 units
Chef - Terratta - 20 units

Scaley Hide

Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Boots - 20 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Chest Plate - 40 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Gloves - 15 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Helmet - 30 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Left Bicep - 20 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Left Bracer - 20 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Leggings - 30 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Right Bicep - 20 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Right Bracer - 20 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Belt - 10 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Boots - 40 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Chest Plate - 80 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Gloves - 25 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Helmet - 60 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Left Bicep - 40 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Left Bracer - 40 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Leggings - 60 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Right Bicep - 40 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Right Bracer - 40 units
Bio-Engineer - Myoflex Cloth Treatment - 15 units
Bio-Engineer - Enhanced Myoflex Treatment - 15 units
Chef - Garrmorl - 30 units

Wooly Hide

Architect - Couch II - 200 units
Architect - Large Bed - 250 units
Architect - Small Bed - 150 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Boots - 10 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Chest Plate - 20 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Gloves - 5 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Helmet - 15 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Left Bicep - 10 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Left Bracer - 10 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Leggings - 15 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Right Bicep - 10 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Right Bracer - 10 units
Armorsmith - Composite Armor Boots - 20 units
Armorsmith - Composite Armor Chest Plate - 40 units
Armorsmith - Composite Armor Gloves - 10 units
Armorsmith - Composite Armor Helmet - 30 units
Armorsmith - Composite Armor Left Bicep - 20 units
Armorsmith - Composite Armor Left Bracer - 20 units
Armorsmith - Composite Armor Leggings - 30 units
Armorsmith - Composite Armor Right Bicep - 20 units
Armorsmith - Composite Armor Right Bracer - 20 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Belt - 17 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Boots - 45 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Chest Plate - 110 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Gloves - 20 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Helmet - 75 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Left Bicep - 45 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Left Bracer - 45 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Leggings - 75 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Right Bicep - 45 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Right Bracer - 45 units
Armorsmith - Padded Armor Segment - 15 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Boots - 15 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Gloves - 10 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Helmet - 20 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Jacket - 30 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Left Bracer - 15 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Pants - 20 units
Armorsmith - Ubese Armor Right Bracer - 15 units
Chef/Artisan - Jawa Beer - 15 units
Chef - Bantha Blaster - 15 units
Tailor/Artisan - Wrapped Boots - 10 units
Tailor - Decorative Vest - 20 units
Tailor - Flared Jacket - 25 units
Tailor - Low-cut Top - 30 units
Tailor - Metal Bikini - 50 units
Tailor - Paneled Boots - 20 units
Tailor - Revealing Bikini - 50 units
Tailor - Revealing Top - 30 units
Tailor - Suit Jacket - 25 units
Tailor - Vested Jacket - 25 units
Tailor - Wooly Jacket - 10 units
Tailor - Workman's Belt - 5 units


Volsted Gridban
4/4/4/0 Ranger, Master Rifleman,
Surveyor of planetary resources. Purveyor of animal resources.
Author of Volsted's Weapon Analysis Guide, Volsted's Power Fishing Guide,
and Volsted's Animal Resource Guide

Draining MMORPG combat mechanics through the Mighty Sieve of Mathematics since 1999
11-05-2003 12:06 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 879
Registered: 09-05-2003

PA: Intergalactic Planetary - Planetary Intergalactic
Server: Tempest

Reply 3 of 24

Viewed 5423 times

Avian Meat

Chef - Patot Panak - 20 units
Chef - Ramorrean Capanata - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Systemic Cognitive Reformat - 25 units
Doctor - Enhance Constitution Medpack B - 18 units
Doctor - Enhance Constitution Medpack C - 20 units
Doctor - Enhance Constitution Medpack D - 22 units
Doctor - Enhance Health Medpack B - 22 units
Doctor - Enhance Health Medpack C - 26 units
Doctor - Enhance Health Medpack D - 28 units
Doctor - Enhance Quickness Medpack B - 18 units
Doctor - Enhance Quickness Medpack C - 20 units
Doctor - Enhance Quickness Medpack D - 22 units
Doctor - Enhance Stamina Medpack B - 18 units
Doctor - Enhance Stamina Medpack C - 20 units
Doctor - Enhance Stamina Medpack D - 22 units
Doctor - Enhance Strength Medpack B - 18 units
Doctor - Enhance Strength Medpack C - 20 units
Doctor - Enhance Strength Medpack D - 22 units

Carnivore Meat

Bio-Engineer - Bio-Strength Formula - 15 units
Bio-Engineer - Enhanced Bio-Strength - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Fear Release - 10 units
Chef - Bivoli Tempari - 20 units
Chef - Xermaauc - 30 units

Domesticated Meat

Bio-Engineer - Cognitive Enhancer - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Systemic Cognitive Reformat - 25 units
Chef - Glazed Glucose Pate - 10 units

Fish Meat

Bio-Engineer - Pet Stimpack D - 24 units

Herbivore Meat

Bio-Engineer - Bio-Strength Formula - 15 units
Bio-Engineer - Confidence Cloth - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Enhanced Bio-Strength - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Fear Release - 25 units
Chef/Artisan - Dustcrepe - 10 units
Chef - Scrimpi - 20 units
Chef - Terratta - 20 units
Chef - Xermaauc - 30 units
Medic - Advanced Chemical Release Duration Mechanism - 16 units

Insect Meat

Bio-Engineer - Active Biosensors - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Passive Biosensors - 25 units
Chef - Vercupti of Agazza Boleruuee - 20 units
Combat Medic - Action Area Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Action Area Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Action Area Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Action Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Action Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Action Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Constitution Area Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Constitution Area Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Constitution Area Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Constitution Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Constitution Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Constitution Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Focus Area Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Focus Area Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Focus Area Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Focus Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Focus Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Focus Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Health Area Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Health Area Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Health Area Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Health Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Health Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Health Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Mind Area Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Mind Area Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Mind Area Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Mind Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Mind Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Mind Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Quickness Area Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Quickness Area Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Quickness Area Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Quickness Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Quickness Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Quickness Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Stamina Area Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Stamina Area Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Stamina Area Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Stamina Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Stamina Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Stamina Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Strength Area Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Strength Area Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Strength Area Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Strength Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Strength Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Strength Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Willpower Area Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Willpower Area Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Willpower Area Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units
Combat Medic - Willpower Disease Delivery Unit A - 15 units
Combat Medic - Willpower Disease Delivery Unit B - 15 units
Combat Medic - Willpower Disease Delivery Unit C - 15 units

Reptilian Meat

Bio-Engineer - Active Tranquilizers - 10 units
Bio-Engineer - Devaronian Alipedene - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Refined Alipedene - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Visual Camoflauge - 20 units
Chef - Gruuvan Shaal - 20 units

Wild Meat

Bio-Engineer - Active Biosensors - 10 units
Bio-Engineer - Cognitive Enhancer - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Personaphene - 15 units
Bio-Engineer - Systemic Cognitive Reformat - 25 units


Bio-Engineer - Broad-Spectrum Nutrients - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Macrosodial Pentamate - 15 units
Bio-Engineer - Personaphene - 15 units


Volsted Gridban
4/4/4/0 Ranger, Master Rifleman,
Surveyor of planetary resources. Purveyor of animal resources.
Author of Volsted's Weapon Analysis Guide, Volsted's Power Fishing Guide,
and Volsted's Animal Resource Guide

Draining MMORPG combat mechanics through the Mighty Sieve of Mathematics since 1999
11-05-2003 12:07 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 879
Registered: 09-05-2003

PA: Intergalactic Planetary - Planetary Intergalactic
Server: Tempest

Reply 4 of 24

Viewed 5421 times


Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Boots - 29 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Chest Plate - 54 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Gloves - 24 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Helmet - 44 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Left Bicep - 29 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Left Bracer - 29 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Leggings - 44 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Right Bicep - 29 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Right Bracer - 29 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Segment - 14 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Boots - 50 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Chest Plate - 100 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Gloves - 30 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Helmet - 75 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Left Bicep - 50 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Left Bracer - 50 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Leggings - 75 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Right Bicep - 50 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Right Bracer - 50 units
Armorsmith - Chitin Armor Segment - 15 units
Bio-Engineer - Active Tranquilizers - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Passive Tranquilizers - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Personaphene - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Tensile Resistance - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Toughened Fibers - 25 units
Chef/Artisan - Carmelized Pkneb - 20 units
Chef - Cho-nor-Hoola - 20 units
Chef - Garrmorl - 30 units
Chef - Vayerbok - 25 units
Ranger - High Quality Camp Kit - 15 units
Ranger - High Tech Field Base Kit - 35 units
Ranger - Field Base Kit - 20 units
Ranger - Flash Bomb - 20 units
Ranger - Sonic Pulse - 15 units
Scout - Adhesive Mesh - 15 units
Scout - Basic Camp Kit - 2 units
Scout - Glow Juice Trap - 2 units
Scout - Glow Wire Trap - 7 units
Scout - Improved Camp Kit - 12 units
Scout - Lecepanine Dart - 3 units
Scout - Multiperson Camp Kit - 4 units
Scout - Noise Maker Trap - 5 units
Scout - Phecnacine Dart - 7 units
Scout - Sharp Bone Spur - 4 units
Scout - Stink Bomb - 10 units
Scout - Wire Mesh Trap - 3 units
Smuggler - Giggledust - 5 units
Smuggler - Sedative H4b - 10 units
Tailor - Heavy Shoulder Pad - 15 units
Tailor - Twi'lek Bone Crest - 20 units
Tailor - Wookiee Shoulder Pad - 40 units


Architect - Couch I - 80 units
Architect - Divan - 120 units
Architect - Large Couch - 150 units
Architect - Loveseat I - 70 units
Architect - Loveseat II - 140 units
Architect - Loveseat II - 250 units
Architect - Ottoman - 150 units
Architect - Reclining Chair - 120 units
Architect - Small Couch - 100 units
Architect - Sofa Chair - 200 units
Architect - Upholstered Chair - 150 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Boots - 35 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Chest Plate - 105 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Gloves - 25 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Helmet - 70 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Left Bicep - 35 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Left Bracer - 20 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Leggings - 70 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Right Bicep - 35 units
Armorsmith/Artisan - Bone Armor Right Bracer - 20 units
Armorsmith - Mabari Armorweave Belt - 4 units
Armorsmith - Mabari Armorweave Boots - 15 units
Armorsmith - Mabari Armorweave Chest Plate - 40 units
Armorsmith - Mabari Armorweave Gloves - 10 units
Armorsmith - Mabari Armorweave Helmet - 30 units
Armorsmith - Mabari Armorweave Pants - 30 units
Armorsmith - Tantel Armor Boots - 20 units
Armorsmith - Tantel Armor Chest Plate - 40 units
Armorsmith - Tantel Armor Helmet - 30 units
Bio-Engineer - Tensile Resistance - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Toughened Fibers - 25 units
Chef/Artisan - Exo-protein Wafers - 7 units
Chef/Artisan - K-18 Rations - 5 units
Chef/Artisan - Kanali Wafers - 20 units
Chef/Artisan - Teltier Noodles - 20 units
Chef/Artisan - Travel Biscuits - 8 units
Chef - Synthsteak - 5 units
Ranger - High Quality Camp Kit - 30 units
Ranger - High Tech Field Base Kit - 50 units
Ranger - Field Base Kit - 45 units
Ranger - Sonic Pulse - 15 units
Scout - Basic Camp Kit - 4 units
Scout - Glow Wire Trap - 10 units
Scout - Improved Camp Kit - 30 units
Scout - Lecepanine Dart - 4 units
Scout - Multiperson Camp Kit - 8 units
Scout - Noise Maker Trap - 10 units
Scout - Phecnacine Dart - 10 units
Scout - Sharp Bone Spur - 4 units
Scout - Wire Mesh Trap - 3 units
Tailor/Artisan - Casual Shoes - 5 units
Tailor/Artisan - Hide Boots - 20 units
Tailor/Artisan - Leather Gloves - 10 units
Tailor/Artisan - Maiden's Dress - 30 units
Tailor/Artisan - Plain Short Robe - 5 units
Tailor/Artisan - Simple Waist Wrap - 15 units
Tailor/Artisan - Tree-Dweller's Hood - 5 units
Tailor/Artisan - Travel Pack - 5 units
Tailor/Artisan - Weighted Wookiee Hood - 25 units
Tailor/Artisan - Weighted Wookiee Pullover - 35 units
Tailor/Artisan - Wookie Arm Wraps - 10 units
Tailor - Belted Jacket - 25 units
Tailor - Belted Vest - 45 units
Tailor - Black Leather Belt - 25 units
Tailor - Bounty Hunter Pack - 10 units
Tailor - Bristle Hide Belt - 20 units
Tailor - Cloak - 50 units
Tailor - Cloaked Dress - 20 units
Tailor - Cold Weather Gloves - 20 units
Tailor - Crested Vest - 45 units
Tailor - Decorated Skirt - 25 units
Tailor - Decorative Waist Wrap - 40 units
Tailor - Dignified Belt - 25 units
Tailor - Doctor's Dress - 25 units
Tailor - Double Robe - 50 units
Tailor - Dress Robe - 30 units
Tailor - Dress Shirt - 10 units
Tailor - Dress Shoes - 10 units
Tailor - Dress Slippers - 10 units
Tailor - Dress Uniform Jacket - 30 units
Tailor - Elegant Gown - 25 units
Tailor - Exotic Leotard - 60 units
Tailor - Exquisite Gown - 40 units
Tailor - Fancy Belt - 25 units
Tailor - Formal Gown - 25 units
Tailor - Formal Shirt - 10 units
Tailor - Grand Ball Gown - 60 units
Tailor - Grand Healer's Robe - 60 units
Tailor - Heavy Gloves - 20 units
Tailor - Heavy Shoulder Pad - 15 units
Tailor - Leather Belt - 20 units
Tailor - Leather Work Gloves - 15 units
Tailor - Light Bustier - 30 units
Tailor - Long Formal Jacket - 30 units
Tailor - Long Leather Gloves - 30 units
Tailor - Long Uniform Gloves - 20 units
Tailor - Long Vest - 45 units
Tailor - Longsleeve Gown - 25 units
Tailor - Loose Dress - 30 units
Tailor - Luxurious Gown - 40 units
Tailor - Military Travel Pack - 20 units
Tailor - Noble Skirt - 20 units
Tailor - Patterned Slip Dress - 40 units
Tailor - Patterned Wookie Gloves - 25 units
Tailor - Plain Shirt - 10 units
Tailor - Refined Skirt - 20 units
Tailor - Ribbed Pants (for HER pleasure!) - 15 units
Tailor - Robe - 20 units
Tailor - Robe of Honor - 80 units
Tailor - Sandals - 10 units
Tailor - Scout Jacket - 25 units
Tailor - Short Vest - 45 units
Tailor - Simplified Belt - 25 units
Tailor - Small Bustier - 20 units
Tailor - Sneakers - 10 units
Tailor - Spec-Ops Pack - 10 units
Tailor - Sports Bustier - 30 units
Tailor - Standard Boots - 30 units
Tailor - Strap Belt - 20 units
Tailor - Striped Pants - 15 units
Tailor - Sturdy Boots - 20 units
Tailor - Suit Belt - 25 units
Tailor - Swoop Helmet - 20 units
Tailor - Tight Jacket - 25 units
Tailor - Tipless Gloves - 20 units
Tailor - Tech Pack - 10 units
Tailor - Thin Pleated Skirt - 20 units
Tailor - Uniform Boots - 20 units
Tailor - Widebuckle Belt - 25 units
Tailor - Women's Shoes - 10 units
Tailor - Wookiee Battle Padding - 20 units
Tailor - Wookiee Padded Gloves - 25 units
Tailor - Wookiee Sage's Hood - 25 units


Chef/Artisan - Aitha - 4 units
Chef/Artisan - Carmelized Pkneb - 20 units
Chef/Artisan - Crispic - 10 units
Chef/Artisan - Exo-protein Wafers - 8 units
Chef/Artisan - K-18 Rations - 15 units
Chef - Almond-Kwevu Crisp Munchies - 2 units
Chef - Blood Chowder - 15 units
Chef - Blue Milk - 5 units
Chef - Braised Canron - 40 units
Chef - Fire Stew - 10 units
Chef - Ormacheck - 10 units
Chef - Trimpian - 10 units
Scout - Stink Bomb - 5 units
Smuggler - Gunjack - 15 units
Smuggler - Scramjet - 10 units
Smuggler - Thruster Head - 5 units


Bio-Engineer - Enhanced Myoflex Treatment - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Enhanced Bio-Strength - 20 units

Milk (lol rofl etc)

Bio-Engineer - Active Tranquilizers - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Macrosodial Pentamate - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Macrosodial Tetramate - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Passive Tranquilizers - 25 units
Chef/Artisan - Jaar - 15 units
Chef - Bantha Butter - 20 units
Chef - Blue Milk - 10 units
Chef - Cho-nor-Hoola - 20 units
Chef - Para Roll - 20 units
Chef - Smuggler's Delight - 40 units
Chef - Terratta - 40 units
Chef - Tranna Nougat Cream - 20 units

Domesticated Milk (BWAHAHA, etc)

Chef - Deneelin Fizz Pudding - 10 units

Creature Food

Bio-Engineer - Active Biosensors - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Active Tranquilizers - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Angler - 60 units
Bio-Engineer - Bantha - 55 units
Bio-Engineer - Bearded Jax - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Bol - 50 units
Bio-Engineer - Bolle Bol - 50 units
Bio-Engineer - Bolma - 55 units
Bio-Engineer - Blurrg - 40 units
Bio-Engineer - Brackaset - 60 units
Bio-Engineer - Broad-Spectrum Nutrients - 15 units
Bio-Engineer - Carrion Spat - 60 units
Bio-Engineer - Choku - 50 units
Bio-Engineer - Confidence Cloth - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Constrictor Cloth - 30 units
Bio-Engineer - Dalyrake - 65 units
Bio-Engineer - Dewback - 55 units
Bio-Engineer - Enhanced Myoflex Treatment - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Eopie - 35 units
Bio-Engineer - Falumpaset - 60 units
Bio-Engineer - Fambaa - 85 units
Bio-Engineer - Fear Release - 25 units
Bio-Engineer - Gualama - 45 units
Bio-Engineer - Guf Drolg - 70 units
Bio-Engineer - Gurrcat - 50 units
Bio-Engineer - Gurreck - 70 units
Bio-Engineer - Kaadu - 35 units
Bio-Engineer - Kahmurra - 50 units
Bio-Engineer - Kimogila - 90 units
Bio-Engineer - Krahbu - 45 units
Bio-Engineer - Kusak - 50 units
Bio-Engineer - Micronutrient Supplement - 15 units
Bio-Engineer - Myoflex Cloth Treatment - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Narglatch - 65 units
Bio-Engineer - Passive Biosensors - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Passive Tranquilizers - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Personaphene - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Pugoris - 55 units
Bio-Engineer - Rancor - 80 units
Bio-Engineer - Razor Cat - 45 units
Bio-Engineer - Ronto - 65 units
Bio-Engineer - Scent Camoflauge - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Scent Neutralization - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Snorbal - 55 units
Bio-Engineer - Tensile Resistance - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Torton - 100 units
Bio-Engineer - Toughened Fibers - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Tybis - 40 units
Bio-Engineer - Veermok - 85 units
Bio-Engineer - Visual Camoflauge - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Zucca Boar - 45 units


Bio-Engineer - Bio-Strength Formula - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Broad-Spectrum Nutrients - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Cognitive Enhancer - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Devaronian Alipedene - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Enhanced Bio-Strength - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Macrosodial Pentamate - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Macrosodial Tetramate - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Micronutrient Supplement - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Pet Stimpack A - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Refined Alipedene - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Systemic Cognitive Reformat - 20 units
Bio-Engineer - Vitality Medpack A - 20 units
Chef/Artisan - Bofa Treat - 3 units
Chef/Artisan - Spiced Tea - 2 units
Chef - Bivoli Tempari - 5 units
Chef - Charde - 5 units
Chef - Cho-nor-Hoola - 5 units
Chef - Karkan Ribenes - 35 units
Chef - Protato - 5 units
Chef - Ramorrean Capanata - 30 units
Chef - Stewed Gwouch - 30 units
Chef - T'ssolok - 15 units
Chef - Veghash - 5 units
Chef - Vegeparsine - 10 units
Combat Medic - Area Stimpack A - 38 units
Combat Medic - Area Stimpack B - 48 units
Combat Medic - Area Stimpack C - 56 units
Combat Medic - Ranged Stimpack A - 30 units
Combat Medic - Ranged Stimpack B - 32 units
Combat Medic - Ranged Stimpack C - 40 units
Combat Medic - Ranged Stimpack D - 48 units
Combat Medic - Ranged Stimpack E - 78 units
Doctor - Action Wound Medpack C - 22 units
Doctor - Action Wound Medpack D - 36 units
Doctor - Action Wound Medpack E - 42 units
Doctor - Blinded State Medpack A - 30 units
Doctor - Constitution Wound Medpack C - 22 units
Doctor - Constitution Wound Medpack D - 36 units
Doctor - Constitution Wound Medpack E - 42 units
Doctor - Cure Disease Medpack A - 12 units
Doctor - Cure Disease Medpack B - 18 units
Doctor - Cure Disease Medpack C - 24 units
Doctor - Cure Poison Medpack A - 12 units
Doctor - Cure Poison Medpack B - 12 units
Doctor - Cure Poison Medpack C - 12 units
Doctor - Dizzy State Medpack A - 30 units
Doctor - Enhance Action Medpack A - 37 units
Doctor - Enhance Action Medpack B - 40 units
Doctor - Enhance Action Medpack C - 56 units
Doctor - Enhance Action Medpack D - 58 units
Doctor - Enhance Constitution Medpack A - 35 units
Doctor - Enhance Constitution Medpack B - 20 units
Doctor - Enhance Constitution Medpack C - 32 units
Doctor - Enhance Constitution Medpack D - 38 units
Doctor - Enhance Health Medpack A - 40 units
Doctor - Enhance Health Medpack B - 20 units
Doctor - Enhance Health Medpack C - 36 units
Doctor - Enhance Health Medpack D - 22 units
Doctor - Enhance Quickness Medpack A - 35 units
Doctor - Enhance Quickness Medpack B - 20 units
Doctor - Enhance Quickness Medpack C - 32 units
Doctor - Enhance Quickness Medpack D - 38 units
Doctor - Enhance Stamina Medpack A - 35 units
Doctor - Enhance Stamina Medpack B - 20 units
Doctor - Enhance Stamina Medpack C - 32 units
Doctor - Enhance Stamina Medpack D - 38 units
Doctor - Enhance Strength Medpack A - 35 units
Doctor - Enhance Strength Medpack B - 20 units
Doctor - Enhance Strength Medpack C - 32 units
Doctor - Enhance Strength Medpack D - 38 units
Doctor - Health Wound Medpack C - 22 units
Doctor - Health Wound Medpack D - 36 units
Doctor - Health Wound Medpack E - 42 units
Doctor - Intimindated State Medpack A - 30 units
Doctor - Quickness Wound Medpack C - 22 units
Doctor - Quickness Wound Medpack D - 36 units
Doctor - Quickness Wound Medpack E - 42 units
Doctor - Resuscitation Kit - 40 units
Doctor - Small Stimpack E - 32 units
Doctor - Stamina Wound Medpack C - 22 units
Doctor - Stamina Wound Medpack D - 36 units
Doctor - Stamina Wound Medpack E - 42 units
Doctor - Strength Wound Medpack C - 22 units
Doctor - Strength Wound Medpack D - 36 units
Doctor - Strength Wound Medpack E - 42 units
Doctor - Stun State Medpack A - 30 units
Medic - Action Wound Medpack A - 8 units
Medic - Action Wound Medpack B - 36 units
Medic - Chemical Release Duration Mechanism - 8 units
Medic - Constitution Wound Medpack A - 8 units
Medic - Constitution Wound Medpack B - 36 units
Medic - Health Wound Medpack A - 8 units
Medic - Health Wound Medpack B - 36 units
Medic - Liquid Suspension - 6 units
Medic - Quickness Wound Medpack A - 8 units
Medic - Quickness Wound Medpack B - 36 units
Medic - Small Stimpack A - 8 units
Medic - Small Stimpack B - 32 units
Medic - Small Stimpack C - 34 units
Medic - Small Stimpack D - 44 units
Medic - Solid Delivery Shell - 8 units
Medic - Stamina Wound Medpack A - 8 units
Medic - Stamina Wound Medpack B - 36 units
Medic - Strength Wound Medpack A - 8 units
Medic - Strength Wound Medpack B - 36 units
Scout - Glow Juice Trap - 6 units
Scout - Glow Wire Trap - 3 units
Smuggler - Giggledust - 10 units
Smuggler - Grey Gabaki - 5 units
Smuggler - Shadowpaw - 25 units
Smuggler - Sedative H4b - 10 units


Volsted Gridban
4/4/4/0 Ranger, Master Rifleman,
Surveyor of planetary resources. Purveyor of animal resources.
Author of Volsted's Weapon Analysis Guide, Volsted's Power Fishing Guide,
and Volsted's Animal Resource Guide

Draining MMORPG combat mechanics through the Mighty Sieve of Mathematics since 1999
11-05-2003 12:08 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 807
Registered: 08-20-2003

PA: Eropagnis
Server: Flurry

Reply 5 of 24

Viewed 5404 times


As an Armorsmith, I look out for all kinds of hides, but particularly:

- Wooly Hide of any kind
- Leathery Hide of any kind
- Yavinian Wooly Hide
- Lokian Leathery Hide

These are the hides necessary for making Composite, Ubese and Padded.

Personally, I only look for OQ SR MA. UT matters but I don't really care.

Also, do understand one thing how stats work in armor.
Resists % determined by --> OQ and SR at a 50-50
HAM/encumberence cost --> OQ and MA at a 50-50


- 1000 OQ + 1000 SR + 100 MA = Uber resists % with horrible HAM costs.

- 1000 OQ + 100 SR + 100 = Horrible resists % + horrible HAM costs.

- 1000 OQ + 100 SR + 1000 MA = Horrible resists % + Excellent HAM costs.

- 100 OQ + 1000 SR + 1000 MA = horrible resist % + horrible HAM costs.

The most powerful combination:
High 900s of OQ + SR + MA + UT = this will yield the best stats for armor.

Of course stats like the above are rare. I have a personal preference for OQ + SR.
If nothing if available, I choose OQ + MA.

See, so it does not matter if one of the stats is really high, but the other sucked. It needs to be balance. If you add up 2 stats = 1600, that's usually pretty good.

Xrande Schinzo
-XS- Armory and Weapon Powerup - Master Armorsmith + Artisan

Eropagnis ERPN Mega-Mart - Shop till you drop!
-4076 -1821 Arrakis City, Dantooine (Near Imp Post) - Flurry server
12-18-2006 04:01 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 1237
Registered: 07-15-2003

PA: TorchLight Crafters
Server: Bria

Reply 6 of 24

Viewed 5401 times

VolstedGridban wrote:
Chefs - Could potentially be a good market for meat (and occasionally bone and hide) if the class ever gets fixed. However, at the moment, Chefs have very few incentives to make meat-based dishes. Some Chefs make Vercupti, which requires Insect Meat, but most just stick with Tatooine Sunburns.

Note: As of this writing, there is nary a Chef recipe which calls for eggs. So quit bugging the Chefs and trying to sell them your egg stacks.

In theory, Chefs need high Flavor, Potential Energy, and Overall Quality stats. In actual practice, Chef Experimentation is broken and the quality of the final result does not (as of this writing) reflect the quality of input ingredients. High Flavor stats, in particular, are completely wasted. But, if they ever fix the Chef profession, keep your eye peeled for high Flavor, PE, and OQ items for your friendly neighborhood Chef. 

First off, yes we do not need eggs.  Though we can use them when our recipe calls for just 'meat' they would have to be in a big stack.

About expermentation, you are correct about it being weird.  But we still do need flavor.  The recpies say 33 flavor, 33 PE, 33 OQ.  But each one seems to do its own thing.  OQ seems to purely effect the amount in a stack.  While PE seems more to do with the power of the buff.  But flavor is a little bit weird.  It doesn't do what it says it does.  It seems to have a general effect (1 or 2  percent on all stats).  And DR seems to do the same thing.  So basicly we need every stat to be high because of the screwness in food.
Also meat with say 1000/1000/10/10 is not nearly as good as meat that is say 500/500/500/500 so well rounded meat is generaly better then extremes meat.

Also the two most important meats to a master chef are domestic meat(which seems to be really rare....?) and insect meat.

Lastley we chefs prefer big stacks of meat to run in factoys.

Hope this helps.

Game Name: Potillan Gondas
Profession: Master Chef, Rifleman, and TKA
My store: -1411 -5623 in the TLC mall, part of the city of Da'Vinci on the planet Tatooine.
2km west of AH and 3km south of Bestine

11-05-2003 04:50 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 949
Registered: 08-11-2003

Server: Bria

Reply 7 of 24

Viewed 5375 times

Doctors - Your primary market for Avian Meat. Will also be interested in Herbivore Meat. Like Armorsmiths, a Doctor will be a consistent source of income if you develop a Relationship(tm) with one.

Like the other medical professions, high PE and OQ are the stats to look for.

Note that docs are going to care about Decay Resistance in avian meat, too.  That stat is used for duration of the enhance packs that avian meat is required for.  Not quite as important as OQ and PE, but still a factor.

SlimJim Iap'kre

Quality Stim shop selling 400+ stim B's and 600+ stim C's
In Mos Nihil, Tatooine at 275, 5365
and in Sanctuary, Corellia at -1591, -4626
11-05-2003 08:47 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 5885
Registered: 09-19-2003


Reply 8 of 24

Viewed 5375 times

Secondly, although they can mass-produce the tissues and additives for Chef and Tailor products, there is not much of a demand for either. So, again, any meat you sell them will probably last them a while.

Not exactly true.. we have a Bioengineer in our guild. He can't crank the tissues out fast enough for our guild tailor. Seems stat clothing is all the rage. The moment she puts it up for sale , its gone. People are getting multiple sets too.. I personally have a set for running to harvestors (mask/camo) vs one for general fighting (bleed/some def vs stun, and melee def) vs my hangoutinthemedcenter +75 med suit. Result? While I'm out smacking down critters for hides, I'm also killing other mobs on the way for meat for them.

And yes, it isn't possible for you to harvest too many hides I have a stockpile of 100k of the best leathery I've seen in a while. I can go through that inside a WEEK. Armorsmiths are definitely going to be your best customers!

Newmoon Tirgwystraff
Resident of Mr. Ploppy's Turtle-Flavored Ice Cream Kingdom
" English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammer. "
11-05-2003 09:00 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 808
Registered: 08-09-2003

PA: Rabid Dogs of Hell
Server: Gorath

Reply 9 of 24

Viewed 5374 times

VolstedGridban wrote:

Combat Medics - This is a great market for Insect Meat...I think. Certainly, all of their Disease Delivery Units require Insect Meat. However, I seem to recall hearing that the ability of a Combat Medic to cause disease is non-functional in the game. If so, they won't be making Disease Delivery Units, and you won't be selling 'em your Insect Meat.

Combat Medics are also on the lookout for high Potential Energy and Overall Quality.

Doctors - Your primary market for Avian Meat. Will also be interested in Herbivore Meat. Like Armorsmiths, a Doctor will be a consistent source of income if you develop a Relationship(tm) with one.

 disease should be fixed for us next patch.  After this coming patch we most likely will be on the look out for insect meat. 

I cant stress enough how much avian meat and herbivore meat are always in demand for us docs.  Go get it !

Mahzrim (Gorath) Master of all but: Rifleman and Fencer

No more jedi grind for me!

11-05-2003 09:11 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 2834
Registered: 06-28-2003

PA: Shadow Hunters
Server: Chilastra

Reply 10 of 24

Viewed 5362 times

Medics usually need at least stacks of 816 of herb meat so they can make a crate. Maybe novice medics can use smaller stacks but as a doctor I usually delete a stack if it is smaller than 800

Layne - Last Day 2/27/04 -
First Day 5/11/05
Radioactive power 1 cr/u Contact Layne or Fenriz in game for delivery (Vendor or person)
11-06-2003 02:23 AM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 879
Registered: 09-05-2003

PA: Intergalactic Planetary - Planetary Intergalactic
Server: Tempest

Reply 11 of 24

Viewed 5355 times

After posting this Guide, I went into the forums of the various crafting classes mentioned in the Guide and invited them to come critique my conclusions. I did this because, although my conclusions made sense to me, they're based on posts I've read and things I've heard, and not on any intimate knowledge of the classes. So inviting the crafting classes here to add their insight could only improve this Guide and make it more useful for us Wilderness types.

I posted this Guide in the Scout and Ranger forums, because not everybody who reads the Scout forums will read the Ranger forums (and vice versa). And when I invited the crafters to come critique the post, I pointed some of 'em here, to the Scout forum, and I pointed others to the post in the Ranger forum.

Some of the comments that have been posted to the Guide in the Ranger forum are extremely interesting, and worthwhile reading for any Ranger who doesn't normally bother checking the threads in the Scout forum. There are comments there from Tailors, Bio-Engineers, Doctors, and Combat Medics. Included among the comments are:

  • Contrary to what I assumed, Tailors do seem to do a lot of repeat business, especially with the Bio-Engineer additives

  • Bio-Engineers need Flavor as well as PE and OQ, and apparenty do a brisk business in tissues and additives

  • The importantce of Herbivore meat for medical types cannot be over-stressed

These are just a few of the comments. There are more, and they're worth reading. Check them out, won't you?

Volsted Gridban
4/4/4/0 Ranger, Master Rifleman,
Surveyor of planetary resources. Purveyor of animal resources.
Author of Volsted's Weapon Analysis Guide, Volsted's Power Fishing Guide,
and Volsted's Animal Resource Guide

Draining MMORPG combat mechanics through the Mighty Sieve of Mathematics since 1999
11-06-2003 04:49 AM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 879
Registered: 09-05-2003

PA: Intergalactic Planetary - Planetary Intergalactic
Server: Tempest

Reply 12 of 24

Viewed 5355 times

VolstedGridban wrote:
...and worthwhile reading for any Ranger who doesn't normally bother checking the threads in the Scout forum.

This should, of course, read "any Scout who doesn't normally bother checking the threads in the Ranger forum."

I blame lack of coffee. It's early in the morning.

Volsted Gridban
4/4/4/0 Ranger, Master Rifleman,
Surveyor of planetary resources. Purveyor of animal resources.
Author of Volsted's Weapon Analysis Guide, Volsted's Power Fishing Guide,
and Volsted's Animal Resource Guide

Draining MMORPG combat mechanics through the Mighty Sieve of Mathematics since 1999
11-06-2003 04:51 AM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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SWG Chief Petty Officer
Posts: 267
Registered: 07-02-2003

Reply 13 of 24

Viewed 5342 times

What a great list

This is information based on my experience.

The really important resource to find for Doctors (with their pack crafting in mind) is Herbivore Meat, not Avian meat. This is because the schematics for Advanced Chemical Release requires Herb Meat, and more importantly, the Schematics for many high end packs (especially our Enhance Ds) require ACRs from a factory.

As herb meat is only found by harvesting corpses, if you accumulate 500-5,000 units of above average P.E. with a High O.Q. youre going to have a very happy customer.

Avian Meat, while very important, can be used individually in each Enhance Pack (Tho a stack of 5k Avian Meat with good stats would be useful too - just not as important)

One more note on Organics in General.

Dont discount Medics and Doctors as potential customers if you find some 900+ OQ and fairly high UT Hides or Bone. If combined with A High OQ Inorganic with the P.E. stat, these can make for some excellent results.

This is a great resource list, but as a Doctor - I would LOVE to have tons of the same type of Herbivore Meat above all else.

11-06-2003 05:51 AM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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SWG Chief Petty Officer
Posts: 389
Registered: 09-09-2003

Server: Starsider

Reply 14 of 24

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A truly excellent post.

Yes, herbivore meat is definitely necessary in large quantities.  However avian meat is hard to come by, only because fewer larger creatures have it (therefore lower harvest) and scouts/ranger types should bear this in mind.  I know because I experience it as both provider and user.  Absolutely stellar avian meat was found on Sunrunner a few weeks ago that there were many requests of 5k+ stacks from docs.  Unfortunately the only things that drop avian meat on Naboo are kaadu, pekos and nuna.  This is definitely not fun hunting these and their harvests are abyssmal.

On the other hand, herbivore meat can be found on very large creatures, especially on challenging planets like Endor.  Bordoks are quite fun to hunt.  That said, I can easily supply upwards of 6k units of herb meat without bother.  But 500 units of avian meat, killing low-level mobs on starter planets for weak harvests is pain.

As a combat oriented doctor that makes my own buffs, I can't seem to ever find enough avian meat.

At this time, carnivore meat is very easy to come by.  Which is good news for chefs.  This is due to the popularity of kalimurth missions on Dathomir, wherein a single mission can yield close to 1k units of carnie meat.

Just some things to consider since the high payout creature lair missions switch planets on an apparently seasonal cycle.


Voltaire [MBE]
Volterra [12pt-MD]
-?- [Jedi]
11-06-2003 03:23 PM  

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Re: Volsted's Field Guide to Crafters (aka "How To Spot a Potential Customer From 80m Away")
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Posts: 1534
Registered: 09-08-2003

PA: Black
Server: Infinity

Reply 15 of 24

Viewed 4434 times

Has anyone put together a list of what animals drop what type of resource? Could you point me to it please if so?

[Black] Style is everything - so is winning [Black] Black Guildhalll: Dantooine Agro Outpost 2052 -6412, Infinity Merchant Tent: Corellia 308 -6012, Infinity
12-17-2003 10:32 PM  

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