Quote Originally Posted by Kraythunt View Post
I played SWG from september 03' after my dad managed to sneakily order a copy from america (to the UK) up until just after the NGE, I popped back every few months just to check up on the game, and I played for the last 6 months of it, until its death...I always prefered pre-CU/pre-NGE, and I heard something about a group of people making the EMU a while back and I was so excited for it, though I never really heard about it again until summer last year when I managed to start playing it, its been an amazing time and I cant wait for it to be 'complete' or ready for official servers, I've never once played a game with playability such as SWG, I could spend hours alone, or hours inside a cantina talking with people...building and designing player cities or my own personal houses...its just so amazing! I'm just so thankful to the people who put in hours and hours in order to sort all the code out so that I can play!!

There are a lot of MMO's out there and this one is very basic as things go. But...... It pulls together all the aspects of a great game. I love crafting and searching for resources. What really draws me to it is building my own house and decorating it in game. Silly I know but no game yet has pulled off a great MMO and then given you to option to relax.... zoom to your house and just have some friends over to chat with.... Allows you to still play but take it back a notch to enjoy the social aspect of things. WOW really dropped the ball on player housing... All they would have had to do was upgrade the crafting system and zone off some areas for people to build in. That would have been amazing.... O well. I plan on donating money in the future towards server fee's. I would gladly donate every payday once they have a stable server. May I recommend a discrete area in the forums telling us what you need per month and what so far has been collected. I don't want this to die for lack of money. I am sure there are many diehard members who can easily afford to drop money towards the cause.