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Thread: Current and future event guidelines

  1. #1
    The Vlada Vlada's Avatar
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    Current and future event guidelines

    Current and future event guidelines

    July 25th, 2013
    The SWGEmu Staff

    Current and future event guidelines - 07/25/13

    First and foremost i would like to apologize to our community, our dedicated supporters, testers and players for the events that transpired during player requested event on the night of July 24th. Following the outdated guidelines created years ago for server where a database wipe was an every day thing, our Event Coordinators have created a situation where a small group of players gained an unfair advantage over everyone else. EC's in question can not be blamed though, they only followed the guidelines that were in effect. It is our leadership team that has dropped the ball on this one, we should have payed more attention, recognized the changes that happened and adjusted those guidelines accordingly.

    Since all our teams EC, CSR, QA and Dev went through quite a few incarnations as did their team leaders, the only constant was CR aka current Mod team, and because of that most of that responsibility should be mine. We should have seen the change and acted accordingly. I should have seen it. It is because of that that i have offered my resignation to our project Founders and if they think i should step down i will gladly remove myself from team lead role or from SWEmu staff.

    Once again, i will ask you not to make any more threads on this matter, and not to point fingers. If you have something to say you can say it in this thread, it will remain open as long as we can keep the constructive discussion going.

    Please note that this is just a first draft, a work in progress and it is subject to change...

    Player requested events request form and guidelines:

    SWGEmu Player Event Request Form

    To request a player event, please fill out this form and email it to events@swgemu.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible and let you know if an Event Coordinator is available to help you with your event!

    1. Forum Name:
    2. Character Name:
    3. Guild (if applicable):
    4. Event Date (make sure this is at least one week in advance):
    5. Event Time (please give us a start time and general end time):
    6. Event Location(s):
    7. Is there a specific Event Coordinator you would like to request?

    Event Information
    • Please give us a brief description of your event idea. Keep in mind that we can create any in-game props that are not buildings with interiors, as well as spawn creatures that are implemented in the game only.
    • Please give us a detailed timeline for your event, including set-up time:
    • Will your event be open to the public? If no, who will be attending?
    • Any other information you can give us about the event?
    • Are there any questions you have as to what we can do/implement for your event?


    1. For these kind of event we cannot give

    • badges
    • item or cash rewards (unless supplied by the requester)

    For these kind of event we cannot:

    • Spawn attachable MOB's or NPC's
    • Buff or resurrect participants
    • Teleport participants
    • Stop other players or guilds from participating

    3. For these kind of event we can:
    • Spawn objects and none attackable NPC's and MOB's
    • Send system messages
    • Keep order
    4. Player Requested PvP guidelines can be found here.

    Staff sponsored events:

    1. Need to be announced in advance
    2. Announcement posted on our forums, Facebook page, G+ page and twitter
    3. Everyone is welcome to attend
    4. System messages need to be broadcasted server wide, every 15 to 30 minutes at least 2 hours before beginning of the event
    5. EC's can spawn attackable MOB's and NPC's
    6. EC's can give badges to those that attended
    7. Buffs can be provided
    8. Credits or items can not be handed out as awards unless community members provide them

    ~The SWGEmu Staff

  2. #2
    Addicted novak64's Avatar
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    Shut up Vlada this is not your fault. You are one of the only stable things here. Thanks for feeling the way you do but the EMU and EMU Team need you here.
    Spacely's Sprockets
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  3. #3
    Junior Member Gooroc's Avatar
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    Long live vlada

    This isn't vladas fault ... This isn't Cali's fault... This isn't revs fault... This prob isn't < c >s fault this is the fault of the trollers on the forums that instead of saying "hey looks like the policy needs an update". Decided to start a "basalisk will come to a screeching halt because there is a dev conspiracy to destroy the WORLD" thread.
    Last edited by Gooroc; 07-26-2013 at 07:32 AM.

  4. #4
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    It was a screw up but don't leave over it, you rectified it for us and we need you!

    Vote Vlada 2013!

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Don't let the idiots get to u, it isn't your fault

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    Current and future event guidelines

    July 25th, 2013
    The SWGEmu Staff

    Current and future event guidelines - 07/25/13

    It is because of that that i have offered my resignation to our project Founders and if they think i should step down i will gladly remove myself from team lead role or from SWEmu staff.

    ~The SWGEmu Staff[/B]
    The updated 'Guidelines' look great. Nice work.

    However, while i for one appreciate your contrite tone and altruistic need to 'take one for the team', I believe it would be a great mistake if the EMU accepted your "resignation" .

    Vlada: your presence is very valuable and appreciated. Don't leave. You've come to far now imo. And there is no need to "step down" ...imho.


  7. #7
    Dedicated Mininolan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novak64 View Post
    Shut up Vlada this is not your fault. You are one of the only stable things here. Thanks for feeling the way you do but the EMU and EMU Team need you here.

    QFE....don't let the masses get you down

    I do think this calls for a return of the angry cat avatar

    Also like TA said the other day......1% of the community have the balls to put up with all of our *****ing and moaning enough to stay on staff. You have stuck with us through thick and thin

    Just a few hours ago one of the newer staff guys was telling me on vent that you were one of the most helpful and friendly bros he has ever met
    Last edited by Mininolan; 07-26-2013 at 07:49 AM.

    Drop off at Zopopolis Mall Mini-Nolan's Antiquities -5625 6144

  8. #8
    Junior Member delznope's Avatar
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    This post and these guide-lines are exactly what was needed. Your resignation is not.
    Vendor at 600 -600 Corellia.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Arulius's Avatar
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    Wow, Vlada don't quit on us. It was an oversight that nobody saw coming. It's out in the open now and I'm sure the ones who had a problem with it are pleased with the outcome. You stepped up to the plate, don't strike out now.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
    Since all our teams EC, CSR, QA and Dev went through quite a few incarnations as did their team leaders, the only constant was CR aka current Mod team, and because of that most of that responsibility should be mine. We should have seen the change and acted accordingly. I should have seen it. It is because of that that i have offered my resignation to our project Founders and if they think i should step down i will gladly remove myself from team lead role or from SWEmu staff.
    i personally greatly appreciate the acknowledgement that this is an outdated policy issue and attempts to create a more timely policy. this is a wonderful response to what has occurred.

    i completely understand how policies can remain stagnant and overlooked in a changing system. i do not agree that you have full responsibility to have seen this. i think everyone working within the system had the ability to see this and therefor had some small small responsibility to for see... but no one had reason to look for it. i think the real issue over all of this is less about the fact that this situation came up and more about the response to it. i do not see your position as the only one constant as grounds for your leaving the project.

    there will always be responsibility to share around in situations like this... but the reality is, no one can predict everything when it comes to human behavior. i've said it before in the threads on this. we are testing the code of the game here... but we are also testing the policies and how the community interacts with the game. we found a bug. it lead to an exploit. the outrage comes with the way that was handled when it came to light. the attitude that led to blame the people who object to a broken system instead of acknowledge and fix it. this attitude seems to still be in place with some of the SWGEmu staff. this is not your fault, Vlada. your resignation will not effect that.

  11. #11
    Senior Member ubernoobOWNZ's Avatar
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    on a serious note....quitting is for losers, your not a loser are you vlada?

  12. #12
    Senior Member roodypooh's Avatar
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    I think vlada should resign just so he don't have to deal with the bs anymore.. dude deserves a break....

    Taking down Emu interns faster than clinton

  13. #13
    Junior Member Diir_eckt's Avatar
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    Vlada, your offer to resign over this is a concession I can honestly say no one expected or wanted. Pump the brakes please!

  14. #14
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    Oh frikkin HELLLLLLL no you don't....sorry Vlada, but you ain't getting away that easily matey.

    No Vlada = No SWG Forums

    Just cause we love givin you sheet, doesn't mean we don't like ya!! sorta...

  15. #15
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