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Native Languages: Basic
Average Height: 1.5 to 1.7 meters

The predominant species in the galaxy, humans can be found in virtually all walks of life and on most habitable worlds. All humans are bipedal, intelligent beings. They speak Basic, which has become the galaxy's official language. Humans are generally considered adaptable, curious, innovative, resilient, and ambitious.

Humanity's incredible diversity is perhaps its greatest strength. No two humans look or behave exactly alike, and humans represent many of history's greatest heroes (along with its most despicable villains). Humanity is also credited with discovering hyperspace travel, founding the first galactic governments, and colonizing hundreds of treacherous worlds . Humans dominate the current political landscape, comprising most of the Galactic Empire.

Unlike many other species, humans do not have an identifiable planet of origin. Some scholars believe that humans first appeared on Coruscant, which is now the Imperial capital, but this theory has never been substantiated. Regardless, humans have settled in nearly every corner of the galaxy. Because humans are so widespread, they are often categorized by homeworld. Thus, humans born on Corellia are widely known as Corellians while the humans found on Naboo are often called simply "the Naboo." On some worlds, humanity gave rise to genetic off-shots which are referred to as "near-humans."

Innate Abilities
  • +5% Experience (ALL)
  • +15 Artisan Experimentation
  • +10 Leadership