Pistoleers Guide


The Road To Pistoleer:

Pistoleer is a great profession to master when you’re also looking to master another profession. Since the path for obtaining Pistoleer is so short, it leaves you with plenty of points to spend on another class of your choice, whether it is creatures, crafting, or even another combat class. I highly recommend Pistoleer to any of those who enjoy a good fast-attacking combat profession.

Creating Your Pistoleer:

Any race may become a Pistoleer, but it’s probably best to stick to a good combat suited race. I would recommend the Trandoshans; their natural regeneration ability really helps keep your down-time a little lower then any other race. You might want to start as a Marksman for the HAM bar stats, but you can start as any Basic Profession you may also wish to be.

Pistoleer HAM Bar:

Of course it all really depends on your second profession choice to what stats you may like to have more of, but for a great combat Pistoleer these are the basic HAM Bar stats you need. This is just to let you get a basic idea of what you will be needing as a Pistoleer, the numbers are all up to you, its your character.

Health: High
Constitution: Semi-High
Strength: Semi-Low

Action: Very High
Quickness: Very High
Stamina: Very High

Mind: Semi-Low
Focus: Low
Willpower: Low

Your main HAM Bar you should work on is your green bar, or referred to as the Action Bar. Almost all Pistoleer special combat abilities require the use of your action pool, and with a low action pool, you get not very efficient Pistoleer.

The second bar you want to work on is your red bar, or referred to as your Health Bar. As a combat class you need to be able to take some damage from monsters, as well as regenerate it back for less down-time.

You’re blue bar, or Mind Bar doesn’t really need too much attention unless your secondary profession involves crafting or healing. You just want to keep your Mind Pool with some points so you can take some blows to the head.

Requirements For Pistoleer:

So your all trained up in Marksman and your ready to go get some exp. Well you might want to think about picking up a better weapon first. The CDEF Pistol is really a very weak weapon. You might want to think about talking to a Weapon Crafter to buy one that is a step up. D18 Pistols can normally be inexpensive, and not too bad against monsters. Now with you’re new pistol in hand your ready to start earning the skills required for Pistoleer. All you need to do is fight monsters with your pistol to earn yourself Pistol Experience; this experience can be used to purchase skills from either a Marksman Trainer, or another player who has already learned the skill. You’ll also gain another type of experience, Combat Experience. Use this to raise the Ranged Support Line of Marksman and improve your Pistoleer’s General Aiming.


Intermediate Pistol Skill: 1,000 Pistol Experience
+10 Pistol Accuracy
+5 Pistol Speed
Body Shot 1 – Your brand new very useful attack
DL44 Pistol
DL44 Metal Pistol

Advanced Pistol Skill: 5,000 Pistol Experience
+10 Pistol Accuracy
+5 Pistol Speed
Dive Shot – not to great
Kip Up Shot – not to great
Dive Shot – not to great
DH17 Pistol
Scout Blaster

Expert Pistol Skill: 15,000 Pistol Experience
+10 Pistol Accuracy
+5 Pistol Speed
Body Shot 2 – Your next very useful attack, quite powerful
Power5 Pistol
Striker Pistol

Advanced Pistol Skill: 70,000 Pistol Experience
+10 Pistol Accuracy
+5 Pistol Speed
+2 Ranged Defense
Health Shot 1 – Very useful damage over time attack causing your opponent to bleed
FWG5 Pistol
SR Combat Pistol
Tangle Pistol

Training Pistoleer:

You have your skills, your pistol certified, now its time to train Novice Pistoleer. First thing you need to do is find a Pistoleer Trainer and have 5,000 credits handy to learn Novice. If you have not found one yet, you can find one on Tatooine in Mos Eisley. Use your map to look for the alley with a lot of trainers in it.

After learning Novice Pistoleer you find yourself with some new skills and a brand new title of Novice Gunfighter.

Novice Pistoleer: 125,000 Pistol Experience
+5 Pistol Accuracy
+5 Pistol Speed
Health Shot 2 – Very, very nice upgrade to the damage over time attack Health Shot 1
DX2 Pistol Certification – your last certification

Pistoleer Skill Tree Branches:

The four branches for mastering Pistoleer are the following:
-Pistol Tactics
-Pistol Marksmanship
-Pistol Stances & Grips
-Pistol Special Abilities – Uses Combat Experience

Pistol Tactics – Mastering this tree gives your Pistoleer some nice upgrades in the Point Blank Ability Line, as well as a very powerful area effect attack at Pistol Tactics Specialization.

Pistol Marksmanship – Mastering this tree further raises your Pistol Speed, Accuracy, Aiming, and Aiming While Moving.

Pistol Stances & Grips – Mastering this tree provides your Pistoleer with some very nice defensive boosts, as well as a very powerful pistol attack at Pistol Stances & Grips Specialization.

Pistol Special Abilities – This is your only tree that does not use Pistol Experience, instead it uses Combat Experience to raise your Pistoleer’s Defense, Speed, as well as some very useful defensive attacks.

But What Will I Do First?:

Of course we want to master all of them, but which one first? Well it depends what it is you’re after, monsters, or players. If you are looking for some great PvP combat, then you might want to go with the Pistol Tactics, and Stances & Grips lines first. If you’re looking to adventure the planets and kill higher-level monsters, I would suggest Marksmanship first. Or you could always raise them each up together.

Combat With Your Pistoleer:

Pistoleer’s can pump out great amounts of damage if the proper skills are used. They have no problem with hunting all on their own. I would recommend investing in a combat droid if you are really anxious to get fast exp, they can help take your down-time to almost nothing.

Droid Combat:

Fighting with your droid is pretty simple, and a droid + Pistoleer can make a great combo. Your droid can take quite a bit, so it’s best to go to one of the harder planets such as Lok, or Yavin 4. When you find yourself a nice lair of aggressive monsters, preferably even conned, get yourself situated near by. When you’re ready to make a pull, simply walk to about 50m from the target with your droid on follow. Then take a few steps back, and position yourself behind your droid. Now you can start things off.

-Pet Attack Command
-Health Shot
-Body Shot (Repeat)

The monster will agro your droid first, and he will sit tight and tank it for you while your drop it fast. With this method the only real down-time you have is regenerating your action bar.

Non – Droid Combat:

A Pistoleer can still be just as successful without a droid, but if your not fighting with a droid, its probably best you stick to non-aggressive monsters. A great way to make good exp without a droid is pretty simple with a little practice; it involves using your warning shot line of attacks.

With this method you want to make sure you get pretty close to your target, because on occasion they will make a break for it, and you may need to chase them. Get to about 40m away from the target and either kneel or go prone. Now use this line of abilities for an efficient death, it can even be used on non-aggressive yellow or red cons.

-Warning Shot: Makes it so target is unwilling to move towards you.
-Health Shot
-Body Shot
-Body Shot
-Warning Shot
-Body Shot
-Body Shot
-Warning Shot

With this combination of attacks the target will stamp around the area, not actually moving towards you. If he gets really scared, he may just start running, but that’s not a problem, just follow him down and continue the attacks while he dies.

That about raps it up for Pistoleer.
Good hunting on your master Pistoleer.

Sazrak Dark-Tide