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  • Holllow's Brief Guide To Starting Out In Star Wars Galaxies
    By: Holllow, Posted at: Thu, Feb 3rd 10:10 PM 2005
    Rated 5.00 by 7 people

    Holllow's Brief Guide To Starting Out In Star Wars Galaxies

    Choosing A Profession & Gaining the Novice

    OK, here's how it works. When you first start out in SWG you should have picked a profession during the introduction. So upon starting the game you should have Novice in that profession. You can also train in any other profession you would like but you only have 250 skill points to learn professions and every time you learn something new it takes some skill points to learn them (Click CONTROL+S to see a list of your current Skills or click the ALL PROFESSIONS tab on top of the Skills menu to see all the skills you can learn). If you are looking for fighting missions you need to train in either Brawler Novice or Marksman Novice. You can find NPC (Non-Playing Character) trainers by holding your Control key and pressing V. Your planetary map menu will pop up. On the right is a list of things you can highlight to find where they are. When ever you highlight something on the right of the planetary map an icon will appear on the map showing where the thing you highlighted is located. There is a Yellow arrow on the map showing where you are on the planet. Click the little yellow box next to TRAINER, then click the yellow box next to Brawler Trainer or Marksman Trainer or whichever profession you wish to learn and keep clicking the trainer names until you see the green mark show up on the planet near where you are. When you find the trainer you want to go to right click their name and click Create Waypoint. Then you can right click the new blue triangle icon on the planet map and click Activate Waypoint or click CONTROL D and then click the Waypoints tab and the waypoint to the trainer will be in there. Right click it and then click Activate Waypoint or just double click it and it will turn on. Double click to turn it off. You're only allowed 100 waypoints in your data pad so don't keep any waypoints in there that you don't need or can find and create later like trainers. Bring up the Waypoint's radial menu and click DESTROY WAYPOINT to delete a waypoint from your data pad. Then click YES to confirm the destruction of the waypoint. Go to the waypoint by following the blue arrow on your screen and shown on your radar which is on the bottom left hand side of your screen, click on the trainer, then click on CONVERSE when his radial menu pops up. He will talk to you. You click I AM INTERESTED IN LEARNING A SKILL. The only skill you will be able to learn is the Novice until you gain experience to learn more. Click it, it will cost 100 credits to learn Novice in anything and then you will have the novice in that profession. When you have gained enough experience to get a new box in your professions you can be taught by a player who has the same box or from an NPC trainer. It is always better to find a player to train you because it doesn't cost you anything (Training from NPC trainers always costs money) and the player can gain Apprenticeship Points for teaching it to you. In order to master a profession you need to gain 300 Apprenticeship Points. Mastering a profession doesn't require experience, it requires Apprenticeship Points that you get by teaching other players the skills you have learned. If you see anyone asking for someone to teach them something that you already have, click on that player until their radial menu comes up, then click on Invite To Group. You must be grouped with someone to teach them anything. Once you have grouped with the person click on them again and then click TEACH in their radial menu and teach them what they have requested. You gain 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 Apprenticeship Points depending on what level of training you are teaching. The higher the level of tier you teach the more Apprenticeship Points you obtain. Tier 1 = 20 Apprenticeship Points. Tier 2 = 30 Apprenticeship Points, and so on to Master. Teaching someone Master in a profession will gain you 60 Apprenticeship Points. Get Apprenticeship Points whenever you can. Because usually obtaining your Apprenticeship Points to master a profession can be the hardest part about getting Master.

    Obtaining Missions For Experience & Credits

    Once you have your combat profession novice you need to find a mission terminal. You can goto your planatary map again CTRL+V and there is a section on Mission Terminals on the right side of the planetary map menu. Find a Mission terminal the same way you found the trainer. When you get to the missions terminal click on it and then click LIST MISSIONS from it's radial menu. A little mission menu will pop up with a list of missions and how much credits you get for doing them that you can go do to gain experience and credits. You can get 2 missions at one time but no more than 2 at a time. It's always best to get missions in the same direction so you don't have to travel too far between them and try to find missions that are not too far. The missions listed will also show how far they are by how many meters away they are. When you get your missions there will be orange arrows on your screen and on your radar on the bottom left hand corner of your screen. Follow the orange arrows to your missions until you find them. The arrows will dissappear from your screen when you are within 1000 meters of the waypoint but the arrow will still be on your radar. When you get close to the waypoint it will shift to another location which will be the exact location of your mission. The missions listed will depend on what weapon you have equipped at the time and how good you are with it. So equip your weapon (See Helper Droid Guide below to see about obtaining weapons) and then open the missions terminals menu. At first the missions will be low paying and low experience. As you gain more boxes in your chosen profession the missions will get harder and will reward more money. Some planets have harder missions than others. Dantooine, Dathomir, Yavin IV, and Lok are known as Elite planets and have very difficult missions with a lot of creatures that can kill a new player. I recomend Naboo or Corellia when just starting out.

    Your Helper Droid & How It Can Help You

    Your helper droid can be a useful tool as well. Click CTRL+D to bring up your data pad. Click the Data tab if it isn't on that tab already, click on your helper droid in the data pad, then click CALL or CALL DROID (can't remember which one). Your droid will show up next to you and you can get help from him. I suggest you tell your helper droid you want his help in learning how to work with whichever profession you have chosen by clicking on him and finding the option in the radial menu to help with Professions. The helper droid will help you with any profession not just combat. When you tell him you want help with Brawler he will ask you what part of brawler interests you. Or Marksman depending on what combat profession you want. When you pick the one you want he will place a weapon in your inventory for you to start with. Then he will tell you to go kill a creature on the outskirts of the city you are in. Go to the edge of the city you are in and find a creature. There are always small creatures on the outskirts of most game cities. Once you kill the creature the helper droid will tell you that you have gotten a reward put in your bank account and then he will tell you what you need to do next. It will involve using special attacks and commands you obtain for each profession. Do what he tells you to do and you will gain some more money. As you do the missions for the helper droid you also get a few more things in your inventory. You will get a Travel Voucher that you can use once to get one ticket to any planet or city. You will also gain a Cloning Voucher that you can use to add your cloning information to a specific cloning terminal like you did at the beginning tutorial introduction when you started the game. You don't have to Clone your information at a specific cloning terminal but it's good for like when you join a guild or have a house in a player city or near one you can clone your info at the cloning terminal there so when and if you die on that planet you can either clone at the closest cloning terminal or at the one you put your info into. And once you finish all of the missions for the droid (4 I think) you will get a Speederbike rental device to get you a speeder bike for a short time. You can only call this speeder bike 5 times and then it will dissappear. So you need to save up some money to buy yourself a vehicle before your rental speeder expires. To store your droid click on the droid, put your arrow on the DROID OPTIONS on his radial menu, then click STORE and he will be stored in your Data Pad until you call him again or complete another mission he has told you to do in which case he will show up on his own to tell you what to do next.

    JTL: A Guide On How To Use Space To Gain Credits, Your Own Ship For Travel & Space Missions While Helping Your New Character/Player Obtain The SWG Necessities

    This short guide will explain how to take a brand new character and obtain the necessities in SWG life by solely doing Space Missions and Bazaar Sales.The best way I have found to start a new character since JTL has come out is first you need to buy Jump To Lightspeed expanssion pack and install it, of course lol. Then find a Freelance Pilot trainer and train in Freelance Pilot. I say Freelance because in order to train for Rebel or Imperial you have to gain 200 faction points and join either the Rebellion or the Empire first before you can become a Rebel or Imperial pilot and that takes combat profession skills to do. Converse with the Freelance Pilot trainer till you get your starter ship and your first mission. I recomend going to Corellia to train in freelance pilot and get your starter ship because the starter ship can only be used on the planet you train on and in the space sector of the planet you train on. A starter ship cannot hyperdrive or travel to another planet. And Corellia is the center planet in the galactic map so that would be the best place to train and do your space missions, I think. Go to the Starport and find the Starship Terminal, bring up the menu from the Starship Terminal and click LAUNCH INTO SPACE. You will wind up in your starter ship in space. There will be a Holocron Space Flight Trainer in the cockpit with you to help you understand how to fly and how to engage in combat while in space. Do the tutorial and learn what you need to know about space combat. Then go to the waypoint in space and do the missions you were sent into space to do. Each ship you destroy you will loot credits and usually you loot a ship component too. Do all of the missions for the Freelance Trainer and gain Freelance Pilot 1/1/1/1. After completeing all of the missions for the trainer he/she will give you a Mercenary Bandolier to use as a back pack to carry your items. It is a reward for completing the missions. Goto your inventory CTRL+I, click on the Bandolier and click EQUIP. This will put the Bandolier on your body and now you can take items from your inventory, click on them and hold the mouse button down, and drag them to the bandolier in your inventory and drop them. This will place them in your bandolier and free up room in your inventory. The Bandolier holds 50 items like a back pack does. By the time you are done gaining the first tier in Freelance Pilot you should have almost a full inventory of ship components and a decent amount of credits on a credit chip in your inventory also and some in your bank for completeing the missions. Click the Credit Chip in your inventory (CTRL+I) and then click TRANSFER CREDITS TO BANK from it's radial menu and it will put the credits in your bank account immediately. Now if you have enough money from the missions and the looted credits go to the Bazaar which is usually near the Banking terminals and find Ship Components on the left, click the little yellow box next to Ship Components and then click Ship Chassis in the list. If there are ship chassis on the bazaar on your galaxy find one just like your starter ship which will be a Scyk Light Fighter or if there is one for a "Dunelizard" Medium Fighter get that one. Purchase the ship chassis. Then open your planetary map CTRL+V, find Ship Chassis on the right, click the yellow box and then click the yellow box for Chassis Brooker and create a waypoint to the Ship Chassis Brooker on your planet. Go to him and converse with him. His top option will be BUY A SHIP. Click it and he will offer to take your chassis blueprints and build your ship chassis for you for 10,000 credits. If you don't have the 10k credits I will explain how to get the 10k in a moment. After you get the chassis built it will show up in your inventory. Goto your inventory CTRL+I and right click on the Ship and then click GENERATE VEHICLE. This will place it in your Data pad with your other vehicles. Now you go to the Starship Terminal, open it, click on MANAGE and the MANAGE MENU will pop up. Your ship chassis will be shown on the right and the components you can add to the ship will be on the left. Start at the top which will be REACTOR, click the yellow box next to REACTOR and the reactor components you looted while in space should be listed. Click each one, check the specs on the right till you find the one with the most energy level and then click LOAD and it will load it onto your ship. Do the same thing for all of the components and your ship will be built. Now you can travel anywhere in the galaxy without paying for a shuttle ticket by clicking the TRAVEL option in the Starship Terminal menu or if the planet you want to go to is not able to be traveled to, Launch Into Space, click H to access your hyperdrive map and travel to the planet that way.

    Now to gain some credits take the rest of your ship components you didn't use on your ship and go to the Bazaar. Open the Bazaar menu and click the MY SALES tab at the top. There will be a button at the bottom of the MY SALES section that says SELL AN ITEM. Click it and a menu will pop up with your inventory listed. Put all of the ship components you don't need up for sale on the Bazaar for 6,000. First click the component in the SELL AN ITEM menu and it will appear in the bottom slot. Then click in the AMOUNT section at the top of the SELL AN ITEM menu and type in 6000 then click SELL ITEM. It will remove the item from your inventory and put it on the Bazaar for sale. Do this with as many components you can until you reach your maximum amount of sales allowed (25 sales are maximum on the Bazaar). When someone buys an item you are selling you will get an email telling you who bought it, what it was and how much it was purchased for. I did this and in one night I made 60,000 credits selling 10 of the components. And I continue to make money this way on my new character I just started recently as I work on his ground combat professions and other professions.

    I hope this little Guide has helped you a little in your beginning journey into the Star Wars Galaxies universe. You can always click CONTROL+H to bring up your HOLOCRON which is the in game manual to answer any questions you may have on how to do things. Use it. It will help you a lot in learning how to do things within the game. You can also look for players with (HELPER) above their name and send them a tell by typing /tell THEIR NAME and then your message and ask them for help. Other plyers will usually help too if you ask even if they don't have (HELPER) above their name.

    Good luck, and may the force be with you.


    Holllow Stone
    TKM ~ Marksman ~ Explorer (Scout 4/-/-/-)
    Medic 2/2/4/- ~ Grenadier (Commando 1/-/-/-)
    Novice Politician
    Rebel Pilot 4/4/3/3
    Rebel Rank: Colonel
    FSS Unlocked 4/6
    Human (Male, Albino)
    Bloodfin Galaxy

    SWG: Starting: Holllow's Brief Guide To Starting Out In Star Wars Galaxies, by Holllow
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